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本文译自Youtube,原标题:Deadly Crowd Stampede Kills At Least 149 At Halloween Celebrations In Seoul
综合韩联社、央视新闻、新华社等消息,10月29日晚,韩国首尔龙山区梨泰院洞一带有数万人为庆祝万圣节而聚集并发生大规模踩踏事故。据韩国消防部门30日最新消息,踩踏事故已造成151人死亡,82人受伤。韩联社报道称,首尔市政府30日表示已收到约270份与此事相关的失踪报告。此外有传闻称,事故系因大批人员为看明星而一下子冲上去,或部分人员食用含有毒品成分的糖果所致。但截至目前,具体事故原因尚未查清。警方称,并未接到此次事故与毒品有关的报告。据目击者描述,29日晚约有10万人在梨泰院洞一带参加节日聚会。踩踏事件发生在某酒店旁狭窄下行的胡同内,现场人山人海、摩肩接踵。前方有人跌倒后,后方人流跟进,导致严重踩踏。29日正值周末,据韩国警方统计,有超过10万人来到这里聚会。据韩国警方和消防部门介绍,29日22时15分左右,消防部门第一次接到报警,称梨泰院站附近一条小巷里有人被困,需要救援。消防员赶到现场之后发现有数十人都已经处于心脏骤停的状态,立即对他们实施心肺复苏术进行救援。29日22时43分,消防部门发布了应对第一阶段命令,23点13分发布了应对第二阶段命令,23点50分发布了应对第三阶段命令。韩国消防厅表示,为了处理事故,共派出了500多名消防员和1100多名警察。除了首尔本地的救护车以外,还从周边地区调配了数十台救护车、消防车赶往现场救援,来自首尔多家医院的医护人员也赶往现场救助,并在事故现场附近搭建了临时急救所,对伤者进行急救。消防部门指出,事故伤亡者大多数为20多岁的年轻人。据韩国消防部门30日最新消息,踩踏事故已造成151人死亡,82人受伤。这次事故是自2014年“世越号”客轮沉没事件发生后,在韩国发生的伤亡人数最多的事故。What was supposed to be a night of Halloween festivities suddenly turned into a horrifying scene. So far, 149 people are dead, and more than 150 injured in what authorities are describing as a stampede. Dozens of ambulances and emergency rushed to the scene as bystanders began administering CPR to people on the ground. The country’s president appealed for disaster teams to work quickly to identify the dead.原本应该是万圣节庆祝活动的夜晚突然变成了恐怖的一幕。到目前为止,当局称踩踏事件已造成 149 人死亡,超过 150 人受伤。当旁观者开始对躺在地上的人进行心肺复苏时,数十辆救护车和急救车赶到了现场。该国总统呼吁灾难小组迅速开展工作以查明死者身份。
This is terrifying. I can’t imagine the fear these people felt in their last moments. rip ���
Yea but covid is still big in Korea it's insane that they would go out and do this是的,新冠肺炎在韩国仍然很严重,他们跑出去瞎掺和真是疯了。
When I was a kid I snuck into a concert and I was really underage and short someone stepped on my ankle and I fell, before I knew it someone big dived and picked me up, before I could get trampled. I'm sure I was dead if I did, I got up and the stranger who picked me up smiled and disapeared into the crowd. I always thought he was an angel.当我还是个孩子的时候,我偷偷溜进了一场音乐会。当时我还没有成年,个子很矮,有人踩了我的脚踝使我摔倒了,在我被别人踩踏之前有人伸出双臂把我拉了起来。如果没有人帮助我肯定已经死了。我站了起来,拉我的陌生人微笑着消失在了人群中。我一直觉得他是个天使。
I had a friend who was there and left around 11pm, but she said it was already bad by then. Apaprently they closed some of the subway exits close to the area which would have allowed some relief from the crowd. She also said that everyone's phones were having issues around that time also. It will be interesting to see if any of it is confirmed and if it played a role in the disaster.我有一个朋友就在那里,直到晚上11点左右才离开,她说那时的情况已经很糟糕了。显然,他们关闭了靠近该地区的一些有助于缓解人群压力的地铁出口。她还表示,当时每个人的手机都出了问题。看看是否有任何一个情况被证实以及它是否在灾难中发挥了作用将很有趣。
I'm so sorry to hear this, our thoughts and prayers are with you, our Korean brothers and sisters. I served in South Korea and they are among the most caring, warm, and loving people you'd ever meet. ���How horrible to hear this news.听到这个消息我很难过,我们的思念和祈祷与你们(我们的韩国兄弟姐妹们)同在。我曾在韩国服役,他们是我见过的最体贴、最温暖、最有爱心的人之一。
Can't even imagine what those people felt in their last moments. So many people around you yet no one could help as you take your last breathe我甚至无法想象这些人在最后时刻的感受。你周围有这么多人,但当你到最后一刻时,没有人能帮你。
I remember being in Jr. High School and hearing about people getting hurt in large crowds at music festivals. That is why I never went to one. Large outdoor concerts with thousands of people drunk and high are dangerous. This reminds me of the dangers of large crowds. Halloween night, this will probably appear in movie theatres in the future.我记得在Jr.高中时就曾听说过人们在音乐节上的人群中受伤,这就是为什么我从来没有去过(任何音乐节)。大型户外音乐节上会有数千醉醺醺的,很危险的人,这会提醒我人群众多的危险。万圣节之夜在未来可能只会出现在电影院里。
This is the reason why I don’t go to big events, this exact same reason. My condolences
That’s a very horrible and sad way to die , crazy how fragile we can be in a situation like that. This is why I’m scared of going in the front row at concerts这是一种非常可怕和令人悲伤的死亡方式,在这样的情况下,我们会是多么脆弱。这就是为什么我害怕在音乐会上坐在前排的原因。
I never knew how scary getting in crowds were until I got caught in one. No control, no escape, any little thing can trigger a stampede or fall.我从来都没有意识到在人群中有多可怕,直到我参加了一次(这样的活动)。没有控制,没有疏散,任何小事都可能引发踩踏或摔倒。
Now it's a real life Halloween. So heartbreaking!
Yup this is what Halloween is about, death, tragedy, and terror.
I read the title of a different video, thinking that there must have been a typo because there was no way so many could have died from one event, but I watched and saw I was wrong. This is a complete tragedy.我读了另一段视频的标题,我还以为多半是打错字了,因为不可能有这么多人死于同一事件,但在看了视频之后我发现我错了,这是一场彻底的悲剧。
This is what a complete lack of self control looks like. How could the attendees not see that they were overpacking the area.. It’s not surprising with how many narcissists have been encouraged to be selfish by social media and i’m sure this won’t be the last time something like this happens because everyone just HAS to have their selfie and insta story. Absolutely insidious and toxic behavior.这就是完全缺乏自我控制的样子,参与者怎么会看不到这个区域已经过度拥挤了?社交媒体鼓励自恋者变得自私并不奇怪,我相信这不会是最后一次发生这样的事情,因为每个人都想有自己的自拍和insta story,这绝对是危险和有毒的行为。
People never learn from past incidents. They think it will never happened to them and they can party away like there is no tomorrow. Always stay away from major events like New Year, Xmas, Halloween , major sports event, music festivities etc. Xmas & New Year are coming. There will be sadly likely more unnecessary death.人们从不从过去的事件中吸取教训。他们觉得这样的事永远不会发生在自己身上,他们可以像没有明天一样狂欢。永远远离新年、圣诞节、万圣节、大型体育活动、音乐庆典等重大活动。圣诞节和新年即将到来,可悲的是,可能会有更多不必要的死亡。
This is why I never attended any of the New Year's Eve celebrations in NYC. Sad to hear.这就是为什么我从来没有参加过纽约的任何跨年庆祝活动。听到这个消息很难过。
Itaewon is a weird district. First saw it when my relatives took me there on my first trip to Korea. It was really run down and a bit grimy.Over the last years, it’s been modernized and become a hot spot. Not a great infrastructure for holding a ton of people. Also, Korea has a lot of side streets / alleys. Unfortunately, this created a bad bottleneck. People flowing into a downsloped alley / side street which funneled into a bigger street that had a sidewalk packed with people.梨泰院是一个奇怪的地区,第一次看到它是在我第一次去韩国时,我的亲戚带我的去那里。它真的很破旧,还有点脏。
It was a steep downhill slope, and one or two people fell at the bottom and pushed and fell.那是一个陡峭的下坡,有一两个人在底部摔倒并发生了推挤和踩踏。
it starts with one person panicked and running and people see this and follow, becomes a snowball effect.if one just fires a gunshot thats what usually happens.它从一个人惊慌失措地奔跑开始,其他人看到时也会效仿,然后就变成了滚雪球效应。
For the lives lost, this must be devastated for their friends and families. I can't imagine the horror. But who signed off on this?110,000 people in one space, without proper crowd management? ������That's the population size of my country. When I try to picture what that looks like, I'm immediately terrified.这些失去的生命对他们的朋友和家人来说一定是毁灭性的,我无法想象那种恐怖。但是是谁批准了这样的活动?
Itaewon is usually already packed during normal days, I don't understand why people though it will be a good idea to get there during special event.People should try to avoid packed area, it's useless to die from stanpede. You are better off at home chilling on TV or call your friend to hang out at your appartment....梨泰院通常在平常的日子里就已经人满为患了,我不明白为什么人们会认为在特殊活动期间去那里会是个好主意。
I know I might sound stupid but how do you die from a stampede? People stepping on you?我知道我可能听起来很蠢,但你怎么会死于踩踏?人们踩在你身上吗?
In a crowd its a domino effect, people start falling on each other, once it starts. Then panic causes the crowd to disperse and run over each other.在人群中,这就是多米诺骨牌效应,人们会一个接一个摔倒。然后,恐慌会导致人群四散奔逃并相互踩踏。
Me too I was actually wondering is like how do they even know if those people were actually deceased like they could’ve just been knocked out unconscious or suffered some type of heart attack or something that just put them in some type of a coma state I mean you would have to have some type of internal injuries in order to beak completely considered deceased some doesn’t make sense here it’s almost makes me feel like invasion of the body snatchers or maybe some type of ploy to harvest organs . Sorry for my conspiracy theorist analogy but yeah it doesn’t seem to make sense but my condolences to the family and friends .我也百思不得其解。我其实在想,他们怎么知道这些人是否真的已经死了,比如他们可能只是晕过去了,或者心脏病发作,或者是其他导致他们处于某种昏迷状态的东西。我的意思是,你必须有某种类型的内伤才能被视为死亡。这里有些说不通,这几乎让我感觉像是天外魔花(invasion of the body snatchers,一部电影,又译作盗墓者,人体入侵者,天外夺命花等)或者是某种获取器官的诡计。很抱歉我的阴谋论类比,但是的,这似乎没有意义。我对(遇难者的)家人和朋友表示哀悼。
@Catchmyvib2 they get suffocated by the crowd that's how they die. and for those that fall, they get trampled by footsteps because the people in the crowd can't control where they go bc they crowd is so big. the trampling can break ribs, cause suffocation, etc.@Catchmyvib2 他们被人群踩踏窒息而死。对于那些跌倒的人来说,他们会被其他人踩踏,因为人太多了,身处人群中的人无法控制他们的走向,而踩踏会弄断肋骨并导致窒息等后果。
It just crazy people are still celebrating this demonic holiday. But my prayers goes out to the families that have lost loved ones.疯狂的人们仍然在庆祝这个恶魔般的节日,我为失去了亲人的家庭祈祷。
People: hey we survived Covid-19!!!! What should we do next ?!.!Friends: let's go to a Halloween stampede!!!!人们:嘿,我们从新冠肺炎中幸存下来了!!!!我们下一步应该做什么?!。!
This happened because they all rushed down the alley when they heard a celebrity was going to make an appearance at a bar. Celebrity worship has gotten out of hand.这是因为当他们听到一位名人要在酒吧露面时,他们都冲下了巷子。韩国的名人崇拜已经失控了。
South Korea is one of the safest country’s in the world so sad the world is becoming so evil韩国是世界上最安全的国家之一,世界变得如此邪恶真让人伤心。
Omg this is a tragic but I’m happy to see the amount of people who know how to do CPR. I’m sure the death toll would have been higher if not for them and the first responders well done citizens on Seoul. Many condolences to the families of those lost.天哪,这是一场悲剧,但我很高兴看到有这么多人知道如何做心肺复苏。我敢肯定,如果没有他们和首尔的急救人员,死亡人数会更高。向遇难者家属致以深切的哀悼。
People never learn from the lessons. Just a few weeks ago, a stampede in an Indonesian stadium killed over 100 people. Never be in an overcrowded spot, because any small disturbance will cause a disaster. Young people are too naive to realize the danger and should be educated about the danger. But why did the police and local authority not take any precaution to prevent any possible disaster? ���������人们从不从中吸取教训。就在几周前,印尼体育场发生的踩踏事件共造成100多人死亡。千万不要待在人满为患的地方,因为任何小的干扰都可能造成灾难。年轻人太天真,没有意识到危险,他们应该接受有关危险的教育,但为什么警察和地方当局没有采取任何预防措施来防止任何可能的灾难呢?���������
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关键字:韩国梨泰院踩踏 专题:朝鲜半岛责任编辑:管理员