

字号: A-AA+ 2023-08-24 22:15:28
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本文译自Youtube,原标题:Wagner boss Prigozhin listed as passenger on crashed plane in Russia - BBC News


imagine being a pilot and seeing Prigozhin step onto your plane.... Feel Sorry for the pilot and other passengers in that plane!!!


Sorry, nyet.
That plane belonged to Prigozhin, the pilot was one of his men.
The 10 on board were all awful people if only by being his entourage.



This was like being on death row for two months.
Not knowing when or how it was gonna happen but knowing that it WOULD happen.
Almost feels like a torturous way to deal with him - he'd have been best taking his own life as soon as he gave up the mutiny, he was definitely a dead man walking!




Height is height, this man was warned to stay away from anything 6ft above the ground. My condolences.���

高度就是高度,这名男子曾被警告远离任何距地面 6 英尺的东西。请节哀顺变。

Who could have predicted this? UNBELIEVABLE? How fast would you have gotten off a plane once you saw this guy was also a passenger?


You would not be allowed on to this plane if mass murderer Prigozhin was on board because the remainder of the people possibly excluding the pilot would have been similar brutal people


The only surprise here is that he lived this long.


Yep. He was insane for flying in a private jet around Russia, specifically St Pteresburg and Moscow. The absolute madman!!! Did he not fear Russian air defense would turn on him!? Really should have kept his boots on dry land.


That is the inevitable outcome of compromising with a tyrant, especially after you attempted to overthrow him.


That's the only thing I don't get. Why would he think he could settle? How could he not take it all the way. I'm guessing bro was already out in checkmate when the "deal" was made.


I predicted his death months ago after he was sent to a hospital ,I thought he could be poisoned or shot in the dark, unexpectedly a crash, a precise crash. Anyone official in that nation who opposes the state conflict could be the target. Its not just a conflict anymore, it has become the bids for unlimited power.The state conflict did not just bring destruction but also revealed the darkness in mens heart.


The old saying had commanded it..." If you shoot at a king, you should never miss him, cuz he will never miss you on his turn.."


Funniest part is even if it actually was a genuine accident there's not one person on the planet who'll believe the official accident report!


Prigozhin had a good life for the last 2 and a half month. I didn't expect him to live so much btw.


Dimitri Utkin who actually started Wagner originally was also on the plane as were some other Wagner commanders, Wagner telegram channels are claiming it was shot down by Russian air defence. Strange he felt safe enough to travel over Russia. I wonder if the real details will ever be known.


Well, it's really hard to believe anything that comes out of Russia. It's hard for me to believe that He is really dead. I don't think I would believe it even if I seen the body. I think he had body doubles ���


I do wonder what Prigozhin was thinking when he left Moscow. Maybe he though Putin wouldn't burn a former ally, that their history would stay Putin's hand. If he fully expected Putin to kill him eventually then he never would have called off the Wagner mutiny.


May be he was not on the plane. He just wanted to test what sort of plot is coming against him. May be many flight tickets were booked on the sameday and he would have got away in one of them, which nobody knows. May be he purposely even got a boarding pass and would have backed out last minute.Till there is solid evidence we cannot say


The overwhelming amоunt of approving and cheering соmments by ordinary Russians in response to videos about the atrocities committed against civilians and prisoners of war in Ukraine were equally as shocking to Ukrainians as the war itself.
We somehow became accustomed to the war, but the realization of who we have been living alongside all this time without even knowing it is still horrifying.
Those sаvаgеs referred to themselves as our brоthеrs.
Just imagine what they would do to you, who they саІІ their enemies, if given the chance.
Engaging in negotiations with Russia is lіkе negotiating with ЕbоІа vіrus. That's why any peace agreement lacking a clear victory for Ukraine is nothing but a temporary сеаsеfire.






Condolences to the Embraer family and the nation of Brazil for their loss.
My thoughts are also with the plants, worms and bugs in the ground that suffered an horrific death in this tragedy.



This is why you don't stop when you go after the King. Prigozhin had his chance.  From the moment he turned his columns around, his life wasn't worth a drink of water.


I'm actually amazed he even returned back to Russia (several times). This time, to discuss food supply to some kindergardens or whatever. Surprisingly inconsiderate decision. So maybe he just got retired because he knew what was coming :)


The woman recording knows everything.she was waiting for action.there is no way on earth watching aircraft falling from sky while she doesn't show any reaction of shocked or surprised, she was recording showing a mission completed.


Maybe some montage. There is definitely no way you would be witnessing a plane crash with camera ready and calm narrative voice as of a cricket match. ���


Millions of innocents were killed by his orders.  A professional mercenary, a military tactician, has immense credibility with his handlers.  His political hunger leads to untrustworthy mutiny against his handlers, leading to his fall. Most of the global dictators and merceries end with spiral fall from the air.
May his soul rest in peace.



Seems like Prigozhin was the only person on the planet who didn't see this coming.


Prigoshin was told after his attempted coup to stay exiled in Belorussia; he decided he would not heed that advice, and his betrayal has been avenged




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