

字号: A-AA+ 2023-02-13 18:07:15

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本文译自Youtube,原标题:Chinese granny punched in the face in US, as Congress holds hearing on Asian hate crimes

2021年3月17日,一名华裔老奶奶在旧金山市中心街头被一名男子拳打脚踢后反击。这名76岁的受害者说,她本能地用木棍击打袭击者来自卫。当地警方说,嫌疑人Steven Jenkins早些时候在该地区袭击了另一名亚洲人。早些时候的受害者是来自越南的83岁的Ngoc Pham,他的鼻子和脖子都有伤口和瘀伤以及骨折。最近一系列针对亚裔美国人的袭击发生在美国国会就亚特兰大温泉浴场枪击案举行听证会之际,这起枪击案造成了8人死亡,其中包括6名亚裔妇女,在纽约举行的守夜仪式上,她们也将被铭记。



当局表示,经过短暂的追捕后,一名被确认为21岁的罗伯特·亚伦·朗(Robert Aaron Long)的白人嫌疑人,在亚特兰大以南约150英里的克里斯普县被抓获。警方公布了一张该嫌疑人在其中一家按摩店外的一辆现代图森车附近的监控图像,并说他是所有三起枪击案的嫌疑人。

亚裔美国人基督教合作组织负责人,韩裔美国人雷蒙德·张(Raymond Chang)表示,当他得知嫌疑人是南部浸信会的成员时,他很失望,但并不感到惊讶。


Violence to human is evil thing. And to old people is evilest thing ever.


 @Brian Bedford  is just stating the facts. He is not being racist. He is only presenting the truth. He didn't deny that there are racist Americans in the states, he is just saying that there is a hypocrisy within this Asian movement, where the Asians themselves have committed such racist acts too. As a Malaysian, I totally agree with you. I think that education play a huge role into this.

@Brian Bedford只是在陈述事实,他不是种族主义者,他只是在陈述真相。他没有否认在美国有种族主义的美国人,他只是说在这个亚洲运动(Asian movement)中存在一种虚伪,因为亚洲人自己也犯下了这种种族主义行为。作为一个马来西亚人,我完全同意你的看法,我认为教育在这方面起着巨大的作用。

Brian Bedford
 @Bob  Thank you understand what i am saying. Its hypocritical to say ''stop anti-asian hate'' as most Asian Americans are of Chinese decent. They are the biggest group over there. Even Malaysia there is quite some racism and ethnocentrism from Chinese to Malays and Indians but also vice versa. One needs to speak of the racism within Asians to other groups before you can expect the respect and solidarity of others.


Brian Bedford
 @N1ght白夜暗灯  Oh so is that so...i see. So Asian americans expect the whole world to understand their plight and fight in the USA which by day 1 was a racist/white supremacist country which ''Asians'' knew by looking how they treated Native and Black Americans. Even Japanese and Chinese ....yet they didnt care. But now that Europeans, Americans, Australians, Canadians are all showing their anti-Asian hate....Asians want global solidarity. But if racist Asians commit hate and spew hate then all of a sudden its ''Asian community in the US have to respond to what's happening in other countries?''....Majority of Asian americans are Chinese and many sure listen to Chinese music, Chinese films, Chinese series, are active on Chinese social media ( weibo and wechat). But the moment it comes out how other groups are disrespected and mistreated...then you dont want to claim your Chinese and Asianess in that context. Fine another example i can share with people in how types like you think.

@N1ght白夜暗灯 是的,我明白了。因此,亚裔美国人希望全世界都了解他们的困境并帮助他们在美国的抗争。美国是一个种族主义/白人至上主义的国家,“亚洲人”通过观察他们如何对待土著和黑人而知道了这一点。但现在,欧洲人、美国人、澳大利亚人、加拿大人都在表达他们对亚洲人的仇恨……所以亚洲人希望全世界能团结起来。



 @Brian Bedford  "Majority of Asian americans are Chinese and many sure listen to Chinese music, Chinese films, Chinese series, are active on Chinese social media ( weibo and wechat)"
Uhhh, so if we are bilingual, we suppose to ignore all the entertainments and strictly focus on American music, films, series and must only use FB or Twitter? I also enjoy spanish and french music/movies, is that not allowed?  
"But the moment it comes out how other groups are disrespected and mistreated...then you dont want to claim your Chinese and Asianess in that context."
How is this making any sense? Other groups in the US attacking elderly Chinese-Americans and I have to say "o great job, because we Chinese are doing the same overseas"
I served USAF and Worked in international trading companies, every time people needed me to translate I do it free of charge. Because I'm proud to be multi-cultured. Claiming or representing my Chinese is to help those who does not have the same background and do my best to resolve confusions and conflicts.

@Brian Bedford “大多数亚裔美国人都是中国人,很多人肯定听中国音乐、看中国电影、看中国电视剧,活跃在中国的社交媒体(微博和微信)上。”









 @Brian Bedford  all the hate crimes in the world are done by racist like you. Don't confuse this fact by bringing up fake info racist.

@Brian Bedford 世界上所有的仇恨犯罪都是你这样的种族主义者干的,不要提出虚假的种族主义信息并与这个事实混为一谈。

 @Brian Bedford  it is funny how people like you deny racism on Asians and come on this thread and downplay racism. You are to blame for the racism in the world so stop shifting the blame.  Some day karma is coming for you!

@Brian Bedford 有趣的是,像你这样的人否认针对亚洲人的种族主义,并以此为借口淡化种族主义。世界上的种族主义应该归咎于你,所以不要推卸责任。总有一天,业力会报在你身上!

 @Bob  listen troll. This is a fact people like you commit racism on people of colour then downplay or shift the blame. Lol. Bob or Brian or same trolls using cancel culture. Get a life trolls. Nobody believes your lies.

@Bob 听着,喷子,这是一个事实,就是像你这样的人在对有色人种实行种族歧视,然后轻描淡写或转移责任。哈哈。没人相信你的谎言。

Tamir Tulga
 @Brian Bedford  ok mr every ones racist by yyour logic guess now all african americans should be held responsible for any crimes made by african warlords or gangs. Yes us asians too should be resposible for kim jon un or imperial japans evel schemes i guess. Plus hilter was white so do all white people have to take resposibilties?

@Brian Bedford 好吧,按照你的逻辑,每个人都是种族主义者。我猜现在所有的非裔美国人都应该为非洲军阀或黑帮犯下的任何罪行负责。是的,我想,亚洲人也应该为金正恩或日本帝国的计划负责。希特勒是白人,所以所有白人都要为此承担责任对吗?

Alden Original
i think its trump Who caused This massive hate crimes First if all Trump Blamed china for the virus calling It "Asian Flu" And Even Saying That "China Created the virus" Mulitple Times Which in turn Leads to many Americans Hating Asian Minorities And i cannot believe how trump would do this!���


They got him in a stretcher, but no one is helping her.


Sleepy Wun
I know right! He got special treatment. They just gave her an ice pack...


Denise C
When she said, ' He bullied me' in a crying tone, I wanted to protect her. It's so difficult to hear an innocent elderly person had to face that on the street. We are sending you lots of love from Canada. You were brave and you stood up for yourself. 多多保重!小心小心!


Zoila J Dayao
Hearing the grandmother cry as she is explaining herself is heartbreaking. Prayers to her and for a change with all the racial hate crimes


Valerie Dalton
I am so fed up hate crimes on others for looking different from one another. We all are the same, we all bleed red, we all have emotions, we all have struggles. Make it stop.


We need more people like this granny, not encouraging the hitting but for someone to stand up for themselves and not keep quiet in times like this. More often than not we were taught to just keep quiet and avoid conflict because thats just how society was. Change needs to happen.


“her scar might heal but the scar on her heart, the scar on her mentality, will not” i hope that the attackers in these crimes are held responsible for a hate crime


76 old woman fighting a young man with a stick? I have immense respect for her.


Shokhrukh Saidkarimov
So saddening that she is old enough, even barely can defend herself but some evil people will beat them not thinking that she is old like his grandma so saddening....������������������������������������


I dont know whats more embarassing;
physically attacking a grandma - losing to, beaten up by her in the process - or looking like a wannabe-Ed Sheeran.




ChRRy bL0SSm
This video fills me with so much rage. They put the attacker in a stretcher but gave her an ice pack.




Kyupid. art
Honestly, how someone could hate someone else just cause of their skin colour is mind boggling.
And the guy at the beginning got a stretcher and paramedics, while no one tried to help the old Asian woman. I feel awful for her and his other victim, I hope they recover physically and mentally. (And it was sooo super obvious that it was racially charged)
I don’t live in America, but seeing a rise in Asian hate crimes over there is truly heartbreaking. My heart goes out to all of you Asian-Americans, or just asians in general- stay safe, and you deserve better.






Jayvonty Hardison
“Investigators are looking in whether the attacks were racially motivated” bruh of course it was. Look at what’s going on and the violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. There’s no reason as to why this should be happening.



These cases are definitely racially motivated. Have you noticed that there are more cases of Americans attacking other races? If the attacks weren’t racially motivated, he could have just punched some other American elderly woman in the face. This attack was obviously due to his prejudice against asians


Respect to this lady, she proved that Kung Fu never ages, I'm also an old man, any youngster that lays a finger on me will end up on a stretcher, that's not because I'm strong but because I have culture and love, nothing beats the power of Love.
Another message for the Government: Shame on you for doing this to us.




decoraqueen a
A 21 year old boy beats up an 80 year old grandma. Such peak manliness and strength....


And he ended up in a stretcher. I really can't believe how strong this man is!


Jackson Gray
I know for us Asians this is a hard vid to watch because we're very respectful to elders


Not My gaming channel
Not only did he attack an old lady He also lost to the old lady HOW-


As someone who was raised to be open to all cultures, and happens to be white--I really feel a need to tell the World that there are plenty of us in the States who actively participate in cultural activities brought to this country by Asians.  We love it.  This is not pretending.  And, when I think about my understanding of the place that elders have in Asian culture, I realize that Asians have helped expand my perspective on honoring my Mother and Father.  So, I am sickened when I see racial violence against elders.


H chicken
The most tragic part is those medical people paid 99% of their attention to the aggressor and only gave the old lady an icepack, and that man was obviously playing victim with that "innocent" look.


Anonymous Brooks
That's what I noticed too, like why was that man carried out on a stretcher? He wasn't even that hurt. Yet the nearly 80 year old woman that he punched in the eye was giving an ice pack.


NavyFury 011
I'm asian and I have 18 rounds in my pistol, I hope that day never comes because I don't want the guilt of taking a life but if need be I will empty everything that I have.


Lizard Of Chaos
As a Singaporean Asian, I always feel a strong discrimination against our kind...
I’m disgusted by Americans even more after seeing this
I feel so bad for the old lady. Chinese are taught to respect elders and not beat them up.
This is really outrageous








Zihan Zheng
grandma claimed that she does not experienced any martial arts training, she just recalled how-to beat wild dog in her childhood memory. And if you guys are fans of some old Chinese (especially HongKong classic) action movies or Wuxiaworld.com (refer to martial heroes novel) you might feel familiar cause this is called DaGouBangFa a top tier martial art in the universe of martial heroes.




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关键字:海外华人,反亚裔犯罪,仇恨亚裔 专题:海外华人责任编辑:管理员