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Don't forget they just launch the Type 076. Looking forward to your video on that. The last 2 days has been insane, and adding that they just tested the MD-22, revealed the CH-7, and the HQ-19, the PLA is getting a lot of new toys this year and it is going to change the balance of power in the region.别忘了他们刚刚下水了076型(无人机航母),期待您的视频。再加上他们刚刚测试了MD-22、CH-7和HQ-19,过去的两天太疯狂了,解放军今年又有了很多新玩具,这将改变该地区的力量平衡。
The Pentagon was brightly lit at 5 a.m., and a traffic jam occurred at a nearby burger restaurant.凌晨5点,五角大楼灯火通明,一家汉堡店附近发生了交通堵塞。
The whole world buys Chinese products, allowing China to collect a huge tax revenue, which can fuel China ambitions (R&D). But the US dollar is increasingly expensive compared to other currencies (no one can buy US products). To fund research, the US has to print more and more money...全世界都在购买中国产品,这让中国获得了巨额税收,而税收又可以助长中国的雄心壮志(研发)。与其他货币相比,美元越来越贵(没有人能买到美国产品)。为了资助研究,美国不得不印越来越多的钞票......
i thought the j20 looked advance and hi tech, when flying with this new aircraft the j20 looks conventional, this new aircraft looks futuristic and out of this world, it flies effortlessly我以为歼20看起来很先进、很高科技,但这架新飞机试飞时,歼20看起来很传统,而这架新飞机看起来很未来、很超凡脱俗,飞行起来毫不费力。
It's a stealth bomber drone. No pilot is inside the plane. It can be controlled by the second pilot inside the new two-seater J-20S.这是一架隐形无人轰炸机,飞机内部没有飞行员,它可以由新型双座型歼-20S内的第二名飞行员控制。
@captives6479 its manned as it has a huge cockpit. It can be remotely controlled but it is not meant to be a drone. They are developing the loyal wingmen drone to go with this new 6th gen systems.@captives6479 它有人驾驶,因为它有一个巨大的驾驶舱。虽然它可以被远程控制,但它并不是无人机。他们正在开发“忠诚僚机”无人机以配合新的第六代战机。
To those who claim that the two newly unveiled fighter jets are not sixth-generation, you may not be familiar with China's traditional approach. If there isn’t a more advanced generation of fighter jets available, advanced jets would not be sold to foreign countries. Since China has already agreed to sell the fifth-generation J-35 to Pakistan, it is evident that China already possesses more advanced sixth-generation fighter jets.写给那些声称新亮相的两款战斗机不是第六代战斗机的人,你们可能并不熟悉中国的传统做法。如果没有更先进一代的战斗机,中国不会向外国出售先进的战斗机。既然中国已经同意向巴基斯坦出售第五代歼-35战斗机,可见中国已经拥有了更先进的第六代战斗机。
nonsense, only USA sets the bench mark which generation jets are rated asJust because it's a tailess-delta, doesn't mean it's an actual 6th gen.We know nothing about the engines, stealth capabilities, power generation, radars, weapons, computing power etc etc.For all we know (very likely is) this is simply a flight demonstrator, without any of the features that actually make something 6th gen. So don't presume they're going to be dominating the skies with them anytime soon.一派胡言,只有美国才有评定喷气式战斗机属于哪一代的标准。
@FreeSpeech-z6j brother I'm American and you realize you sound like you're mega coping.Our greatest modern planes were disasters, so what authority do we have to judge others lmao. Most of our planes were intentionally over priced because our military doesn't get audited.兄弟,我是美国人,你知道你听起来像是在自我防卫吗?
Well China upstaged Santa with this insane looking super jet, better be careful if thinking of carrying nuke's, over to US to follow this 6th gen, great job China and congrats.好吧,中国用这款看起来很疯狂的超级喷气式飞机抢了圣诞老人的风头。如果想携带核弹,最好小心点,美国也要跟上这架第六代喷气式飞机,中国干得漂亮,祝贺你们。
No wonder Elon Musk commented F35 is a waste to the US.I wouldn’t be worried about this at all. All china demonstrated so far is that they can create a a modern flying wing designed aircraft…which America did in 1989. China has not demonstrated that its radars are powerful, that it is maneuverable, that it can communicate and integrate with many different systems or that it can support it beyond its own effective range. This seems like a very specific aircraft that will need a ton of support to get operationally relevant for anything more than a niche mission or only a very small amount of missions.我一点也不担心这个。到目前为止,中国所展示的只是他们能够制造出现代飞翼设计的飞机......美国在1989年就做到了。中国并未证明其雷达功能强大、机动性好、可与多种不同系统进行通信和集成,也没有证明其可在自身有效航程之外提供支持。这似乎是一种需要大量的支持才能在作战中发挥重要作用的非常特殊的飞机,而不仅仅是用于执行小众任务或极少量的任务。
The F-35 has shown itself to be a marvelous strike and command aircraft. Which is only getting better as the system matures. Its reduction rate is also skyrocketing making it even more formidable. Elen is not wrong but he is very premature. Maned combat aircraft wont be a waste for decades to come. Probably after the F-35 is past its survive life and retired.F-35已经证明自己是一款出色的攻击和指挥飞机。随着系统的成熟,它的性能只会越来越好。其趴窝率也在急剧下降,这使其更加强大。埃隆的观点没有错,但为时过早。在未来几十年内,有人驾驶战斗机都不会是一种浪费,这可能发生在F-35过了使用寿命并退役之后。
He is still wrong, the things he said about the ability to negate the stealth of the F-35 with low-light cameras is a complete lie. You can find the claim being debunked by multiple sources here on youtube and on articles online, which explain the claim with some good insight.他还是错了,他所说的用低光摄像机可以破坏F-35的隐身性能完全是谎言。你可以在Youtube和网上的文章中找到多个对这一说法进行驳斥的来源,这些文章对这一说法进行了深入的解释。
The gen6 Chengdu design has an apparent limitation … landing during high crosswinds without a rudder. During landing approach, the aircraft’s nose will be pointed up wind from the flight path. This is because with a 20 km/hr crosswind while headed down the glide slope at 200 km/hr, it must fly 20 meters upwind for every 200 meters. This means the nose is pointed 5 degrees off center from the runway. As soon as the plane touches down, the wheels are pointed in the wrong direction by 5 degrees which creates problems. Normally the rudder would be used to create 5 degrees of yaw so the nose is pointed in the same direction as the runway. To compensate for no rudder, the gen6 Chengdu can idle one side engine and power the other side to create yaw, plus a little bit of yaw from the flaps, But this will require a lot of testing to prove reliability especially considering wind gusts.成都六代机的设计存在一个明显的局限性......在没有方向舵的情况下在强侧风中着陆。在着陆过程中,飞机的机头将指向飞行路径的上风处。这是因为当飞机以200公里/小时的速度沿滑翔斜坡向下飞行时,如果遇到20公里/小时的侧风,则每飞行200米就必须逆风飞行20米。这意味着机头偏离跑道中心5度,飞机一着陆,机轮就会指向错误的方向5度,从而产生问题。通常情况下,方向舵会产生5度的偏航,使机头指向与跑道相同的方向。为了弥补没有方向舵的问题,成都的六代机可以让一侧发动机空转,另一侧发动机提供动力以产生偏航,再加上襟翼产生的一点偏航,但这需要大量的测试来证明其可靠性。
As a avid follower of the PLA/PLAN/PLAA, IMHO this is the new 5th Gen fighter bomber JH-XX. This program has been development since ~2017.The 2 new aircraft that were just spotted are most likely from different companies. They will probably under go a government competition with the winner being the new JH-XX. Not unlike the entrants from AVIC and Chengdu for the first 5G aircraft, in which the J20 won out. US had the same with the YF-23 and F22.It is possible the JH-XX program skipped 5th gen and went to 5+,5++I doubt the first 6th gen would be a fighter/bomber. Priority would be given to a air superiority fighter first.谢谢!
作为解放军/解放军海军/解放军空军的忠实追随者,我认为这是新型的第五代战斗轰炸机 JH-XX,该项目自~2017年开始研发。
刚刚试飞的两架新飞机很可能来自不同的公司,它们很可能将参加政府竞赛,胜者将是新型 JH-XX。这与中航工业和成都飞机设计所参加首款五代战机的竞争(其中歼20胜出)并无不同,美国的YF-23和F-22也是如此。
Finally someone with a brain. If you look up what makes planes different generations it's easy to see neither plane China put out recently are 6th gen. Both are firmly described 5th gen planes. This plane is using 30 year old stealth tech. It's to big to be a fighter and to small to be a bomber, it's a strike craft. Also notice China had to put a third engine on it. This is because China is terrible at making jet engines and couldn't fly this without it. That adds an extra third of complexity and fuel.终于有人有脑子了。如果你查查是什么让飞机分成了不同的世代,就不难发现中国最近推出的飞机都不是第六代战机,这两款飞机都被明确描述为第五代飞机。这架飞机使用的是30年前的隐形技术。它大得不像战斗机,小得不像轰炸机,它是一种攻击机。另外请注意,中国不得不为它装上第三台发动机,这是因为中国制造喷气发动机的技术很糟糕,没有它就无法飞行,而这又增加了三分之一的复杂性和燃料消耗。
Thanks for your support. I think it's more likely the Chengdu aircraft is the J-XD, but wouldn't rule out the JH. We will have to see. The two aircraft are indeed different companies, and I suppose it's possible one is the JH-XX.感谢您的支持。我认为成都的飞机更有可能是J-XD,但也不排除是JH,我们将拭目以待。这两架飞机确实是不同公司的,我想有可能其中一架是JH-XX。
@EurasiaNaval 这个更有可能是六代机,他的设计者杨伟在大约一两年前的新闻发布会上透露过下一代战斗机的各项指标,和目前看到的较为符合,背部的进气口,第三个发动机应该是变循环发动机,主要用于太空中的动力作用。
Immagine being an american, going to bed one day thinking your airforce is untouchable then waking up to realise you're a generation behind.The coping and seething about these new planes is epic.想象一下,作为一个美国人,有一天上床睡觉时还以为自己的空军是不可撼动的,醒来后才发现自己已经落后了一代。
sixth generation is a powerful with conventional jet engines and hypersonic engines. so it is reaching into low orbit space and speed. china was shocked when America and nato attack iraq, with stealth jet. if stealth is that i can hit you, you can't hit me first. china is way a head of America and the west now. in many way. so now it is semi space fighters is 6th generation第六代战机配备了强大的传统喷气发动机和高超音速发动机。因此,它能够进入低轨道空间并实现高速飞行。当美国和北约用隐形飞机攻击伊拉克时,中国很震惊,因为隐形意味着我能打到你,你无法先打到我。中国现在在很多方面都领先于美国和西方。
the beauty of having three powerful WS-15 style jet engines in a flying wing style fighter/bomber would be that it would be able to carry huge payload like fuel and lots of missiles stealthily in it's massive weapons bay which J-20 wouldn't be able to. Then it can push well into the supersonic regime to give boost to the range of it's long range missiles at high altitude. After delivering it's payload it can return/evade easily by returning to base at super cruise stealth without using the afterburners!Or even escape the approaching missiles through shear full thrust high machs dash on the way home.A perfect fighter to assert dominance in the South China Sea在飞翼式战斗机/轰炸机上安装三个强大的WS-15型喷气式发动机的好处是它可以在巨大的武器舱内隐蔽地携带巨大的有效载荷(如燃料和大量导弹),而这是歼-20无法做到的。然后,它能以超音速飞行以提高远程导弹在高空的射程。在投放有效载荷后,它可以在不使用加力燃烧器的情况下以超巡航隐身状态返回基地,从而轻松返航/躲避!
Speculation that it has two jet engines with two inline intakes (from the front duct) and a RamJet with air intake duct on the top of the plane.If true this will be a fast bird据猜测,它有两个带有直列进气口(从前面的导管)的喷气式发动机和一个进气口位于飞机顶部的冲压喷气发动机。
6th generation fighters are designed to be stealth and cruise at stratosphere level at high speed being less affected by gravity and maneuver using thrust vector. Yes, the middle air intake is definitely for ramjet. This will be first intercontinental fighter bomber第六代战斗机的设计目的是隐身和在受重力影响较小的平流层高速巡航,并利用推力矢量进行机动。是的,中间的进气口肯定是用于冲压发动机的,它将是第一架洲际战斗轰炸机。
1. 网址:www.skyfall.ink
2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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关键字:六代机,中国试飞六代机,中国研制六代机,六代机试飞 专题:军事责任编辑:管理员