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嫦娥6号完成月球暗面采样任务并返回,美国阿波罗计划登月遭质疑本文译自Youtube,原标题:Amazing Chang'e 6 moon landing video released据路透社6月4日报道,中国国家航天局4日宣布,中国嫦娥六号上升器已从月球背面升空,开始返回地球的旅程。上升器成功离开月球意味着中国距离成为第一个从月背采回样本的国家更近了一步,月背是月球永远背对地球的一面。据介绍,与之前从月球正面采样的嫦娥五号相比,嫦娥六号面临额外的技术挑战:要在与地球地面测控站没有直接通信的情况下运行。嫦娥六号依赖今年早些时候入轨的中继星鹊桥二号进行通信。中国国家航天局4日上午说,上升器目前处于预定环月轨道,将与另一个航天器会合。随后,这些样本将被转移到一个返回器,返回器将飞回地球,预计将于6月25日前后在中国内蒙古地区着陆。报道说,目前,世界各地科学家都在关注这些月球样本返回地球的情况,他们希望嫦娥六号采集的土壤能够帮助回答有关太阳系起源的问题。此项探测任务也在中国国内得到密切关注。上个月,成千上万名游客蜂拥到海南岛的不同地点观看嫦娥六号发射。嫦娥六号完成月球表面采样后在地上留下一个小坑,这个小坑的图像4日在中国社交平台上疯传。此前中国媒体说,它形似“中”字,意指中国。美国世界政治评论网站6月3日发表文章,称“中国登月让新一轮太空竞赛升温”。嫦娥六号探测器2日着陆月背,标志着中国航天事业又取得一项成就。过去10多年来,中国航天事业取得了令人瞩目的进步,正在迅速缩小与其他航天大国的差距。2019年,中国成为第一个实现探测器在月球背面软着陆的国家。2021年,中国将自己的载人空间站核心舱送上太空。文章指出,这些成就都是中国在没有国际援助的情况下取得的,因此更加引人注目。中国的目标是,在2030年前将自己的航天员送上月球。中国还计划从火星采回样本,而这也是前所未有的。文章还说,中国在太空探索计划上的快速进步和未来雄心令华盛顿感到紧张。中国已经确立了自己作为一个有能力的太空大国和其他国家潜在合作伙伴的地位,直接挑战了美国长期以来的太空霸主地位。“新太空竞赛”显然也是多极的。在意识到太空带来的潜在经济机会后,超级大国、中等大国——例如印度和海湾国家——以及私营企业都参与其中。文章认为,虽然尽管私营部门在发射服务和卫星等低轨道技术领域正迅速占据主导地位,但中国嫦娥六号探测器的月背着陆凸显出中国仍是太空探索领域的主导者。Never underestimate Chinas ambitions, and above all, never underestimate China's prowess...Upon the landing of the samples, China should NOT ! share her findings with any unfriendly nations....永远不要低估中国的雄心,最重要的是永远不要低估中国的实力......
荣耀归于上帝 !
Change4 already landed on the far side of the moon many years ago. Change6 is the second. The difference is Change6's mission is not just landing but also returning samples to earth just like what Change5 has done on the near sdie of the moon.嫦娥4号多年前就已经登上了月球的另一面,嫦娥6号是第二个(登上了月球另一面的着陆器)。不同的是嫦娥6号的任务不仅仅是登月,它还要像嫦娥5号在月球近端所做的那样将样本送回地球。
Congratulation to China for successful landing on far side of moon. Very exciting day for all human race for this amazing feat of human ingenuity and achievement. I for one am hoping to see human habitat on the moon in my life time before I go.祝贺中国成功登陆月球远端。这是人类智慧和成就的惊人壮举,也是全人类激动人心的一天。我希望有生之年能在月球上看到人类的居住区。
The Moon ground looks quite different from what we have seen in NASA video when Armstrong and his mates landed on the Moon back fifty years ago. Off course, you can argue Chang’e landed on the far side of the Moon.月球地面看起来与我们在NASA的视频中看到的阿姆斯特朗和他的伙伴们五十年前登陆月球时的样子大相径庭。当然,你也可以说嫦娥6号是在月球远端着陆的。
India has NEVER landed on the far side of the moon, in fact, China is the only nation that has achieved that, and China has already landed 3 probes on the moon before this mission (Chang'e 3, 4, & 5)印度从未登陆过月球背面。事实上,中国是唯一实现过这一目标的国家,而且在这次任务之前,中国已经在月球上着陆过3个探测器(嫦娥3号、4号和5号)。
China has a six times larger economy and industrial base compared to India, and its space program is proportionally larger in scale and better funded as well. So, with its far more limited resources and modest budget, I find it remarkable that India managed to land its spacecraft on the moon at all.中国的经济和工业实力是印度的6倍,其太空计划的规模和资金也相应更大。因此,在资源和预算都有限得多的情况下,印度能成功地将航天器送上月球,我觉得非常了不起。
@vineethg6259 Yes, the rocket engine was made by the Russians, the deep space exploration was done by the Americans, and the lunar orbit data monitoring was done by the Americans. The Indians only launched a rocket with a small payload, because it was not powerful enough and the aircraft was short of fuel, so it could only fly to the moon after 52 circles around the earth's orbit. It only takes two weeks for China and the United States to go to the moon, while it takes six months for India. In addition, a low-cost manually controlled lander was produced by India itself, which of course did not cost much. I really don't know what is comparable between China and India? The two are not on the same track at all. Can we stop talking about this? India can think of itself as great, but that is only compared to some other countries, but for the aviation authorities of China, the United States, Russia, and even Japan, they really have no impressive missions.@vineethg6259 是的,印度的火箭发动机是俄罗斯人制造的,深空探测是美国人完成的,月球轨道数据监测也是美国人完成的。印度人只发射了一枚有效载荷很小的火箭(由于功率不够,引擎燃料不足,所以它只能绕地球轨道52圈后再飞向月球)。中美两国登月只需两周,而印度则需要半年。此外,印度还自行生产了一种手动控制着陆器,当然成本也不高。我真不知道印度和中国有什么可比性?两者根本不在一个层次上。能不能不说这个了?印度可以自认为很伟大,但那只是和其他一些国家相比,而对于中国、美国、俄罗斯甚至日本的航天部门来说,他们确实没有什么执行过什么令人印象深刻的任务。
@vineethg6259 If India does not have enough funds, its people's per capita GDP is very poor, and it has even been ranked high among the hungry countries in the United Nations survey for a long time, then it may first need to solve the corruption problem and improve people's living standards, as well as domestic infrastructure, rather than forcing itself to participate in space games while complaining about its lack of funds.@vineethg6259 如果印度缺乏足够的资金,其人民的人均GDP很低,在联合国的调查中甚至长期在饥饿国家中排名靠前,那么它可能首先需要解决腐败问题,提高人民生活水平以及改善国内的基础设施,而不是一边抱怨资金不足,一边强迫自己参加太空游戏。
@felipefrutoramirezsj5342Why does the U.S. always think in terms of competition? Why not cooperate with China? Why treat China's success as a threat? / Trying to keep its status as number one will just hasten its demise. Empires come and go. Sic transit gloria mundi.为什么美国总是从竞争的角度考虑问题?为什么不与中国合作呢?为什么要把中国的成功视为威胁?试图保持第一的地位只会加速它的灭亡。帝国来来去去,尘世繁华,转眼即逝。
I wanted to see the actual landing. I have no doubt it did as described. Interesting to land on far side of moon for samples. Chinese technical innovation & prowess is evident here just as its accomplishments with technology abound on earth. I salute the cautious determination for human flight in 2030.我想看看真正的着陆,我毫不怀疑它确实如视频描述的那样。在月球远端着陆并采集样本很有意思。就像它在地球上的技术成就一样,中国的技术创新和实力在这里显而易见。我对中国在2030年实现载人登月的谨慎决心表示敬意。
A question for everyone: did the Americans actually land on the moon or not? Why can't the Americans do it now?问大家一个问题:美国人到底有没有登上过月球?为什么美国人现在做不到了?
more important ,as it has proven how difficult it is to accomplish in today's technology.They land & look at the Apollo landing place ,seen no sign of landing ever exist there . How can they achieved that 50-60 years ago with 6x landing live broadcasting ... all the stuff they brought with people ,moon car & broadcasting,life support, equipment would has exceed what the rocket can be carried at the time !更重要的是它证明了在当今技术条件下实现这一目标有多么困难,而在50-60年前,他们是如何实现6次登月并进行现场直播的......他们带来的人员、月球车、广播天线、生命支持设备等所有东西都超过了当时火箭所能携带的能力!
Of course NASA will want samples, but I don't think China is going to be too willing to give them up because of the way the US has behaved..NASA肯定会想要样本,但由于美国的行为方式,我不认为中国会愿意交出样本。
@straydog163 According to the current NASA head honcho, the 'dark side of the moon' is dark all around, and since no one could see anything, America is not interested with it@straydog163 据NASA现任掌门人说:“月球暗面”四周漆黑一片,因为没人能看到任何东西,所以美国对它不感兴趣。
The American NASA director recently (about two weeks ago) said the far side is always dark . The camera must be fitted with a night-vision gogglesNASA的负责人最近(大约两周前)说月球的远端一直都是漆黑一片,中国的相机肯定安装了夜视镜。
If this person really did say that, then he is totally unqualified for the position. Even a high school kid knows that is not true.如果这个人真的这么说了,那他就完全不适合这个职位,因为就连高中生都知道这不是真的。
@csking6377 Absolutely true. I saw the video in which he said that in a budget hearing in front of the Congressmen. He said: "I don't know why they go there (sound like China is stupid on going there) because the far side is always dark." Then I googled his background. He is a lawyer, not a scientists. But even a layman should know this.@csking6377 这绝对是真的,因为我看过他在预算听证会上当着国会议员的面说这句话的视频。他说“我不知道他们为什么要去那里(听起来好像中国去那里很傻),因为月球的远端一直都是漆黑一片”。然后我上网查了他的背景,他是一名律师而不是科学家。但即使是门外汉,也应该知道这一点。
bill nelson is an amazing guy, its good that he is the head of nasa ! hope he leads nasa forever so that China has more time to stay ahead in space industry.比尔-尼尔森(bill nelson)是个了不起的人,他能成为NASA的局长真是太棒了!希望他能永远领导NASA,这样中国就有更多的时间在航天事业上保持领先了。
The people in the command centre are all quite young - not like the aging commanders of NASA.Means more great endeavours is expected - especially when the country keeps churning out STEM graduates like no other countries.中国航天指挥中心的人都很年轻--不像NASA那些年迈的指挥官。
Congratulation to China. It is beneficial to mankind! I feel better things will continue come from China. Look at their engineers and scientists, most of them are extremely young, late 20s to early 30s. China has 20 times more engineers and scientists and they all work hard!祝贺中国,这对全人类有利!我觉得中国还会有更好的东西出现。看看他们的工程师和科学家就知道了,他们大多数都非常年轻,只有20多岁到30岁出头。中国的工程师和科学家比美国多20倍,而且他们都很努力!
@Anonymous------ But wait! We had lots of "moon rocks to give away in 70's. We proudly handed them all around then shut off any comments coming after their examination. Just like all the recordings, technical information on the three moon landings 1969, 1970 & 1971are now "lost."@Anonymous------ 但等等!在上世纪70年代,我们有很多“月球岩石”可以赠送。我们自豪地把它们分发给大家,然后在检查完它们之后就关闭了所有评论。就像所有的录音一样,1969、1970和1971年三次登月的技术资料现在都“丢失”了。
Believe me, there is no race on China side. They are just progress as their plan and road map laid out 10+ years ago. Whether others send people to the moon or not, by when, has nothing to do with them. If some did it, good for them. if no one do, fine. : ) Drop the cold war thinking, China is aiming for the space exploration for next 30, 50 80 years, not just land on the Moon for a political success : )相信我,中方没有把它看做比赛,他们只是在按照10多年前制定的计划和路线图前进。至于别人有没有把人送上月球,什么时候把人送上月球都与他们无关。如果有人做到了,对他们来说是件好事。请放下冷战思维,中国的目标是未来30 年、50年、80年的太空探索,而不仅仅是登上月球以获得政治上的成功 :)
Great footage of the actual landing phase of Chang’e 6. It went quite smooth without any trouble. Congratulations China with this very good landing on the far side of the moon.这是嫦娥六号实际着陆阶段的精彩镜头,着陆的过程非常顺利,没有出现任何问题。祝贺中国在月球远端顺利着陆。
Not good enough, the vid is lagging. In the 1960s, the US possessed far more advanced 6K technology (maybe 10k), allowing for exceptionally smooth live broadcasts. They were able to compress the Mega TB landing film into a 1.3KB file, which could be stored on a floppy disk alike device and returned to Earth.还不够好,视频有延迟。上世纪60年代,美国就拥有了更先进的6K(也许是10K)技术,他们可以进行异常流畅的现场直播。他们能够将兆兆级着陆影片压缩成1.3KB的文件并存储在类似软盘的设备上,然后带回地球。
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关键字:嫦娥6号,嫦娥6号返回,嫦娥6号采样 专题:科技责任编辑:管理员