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月球上的“神秘小屋”?玉兔二号传回的照片引发推特网友热议12月3日,“我们的太空”公众号发布《艰难爬坡!玉兔迎来月背最大坡度 “玉兔二号驾驶日记”(28)》,介绍了玉兔二号月球车在2021年10月29日下午,如期开始了它第36个月昼的探险之旅(注:月球上一昼夜约等于地球上28天,一个月昼约为14天)。在这趟旅程中,玉兔二号驶出撞击坑包围的复杂地形,并且翻过了有史以来最大的陡坡。抵达新的休眠点后,玉兔二号对周围的天际线实施了环拍,而将环拍图片放大,发现北侧天际线处一个突兀的立方体物体像一个“神秘小屋”。经过测量,“神秘小屋”距离当下位置约80米,玉兔二号将前往“神秘小屋”一探究竟,预计经过两到三个月昼的行驶就可以到达目的地。不仅国内网友好奇,此事更是提起了国外网友的兴趣。推特上一个名为“Latest in space”天文资讯账号就发布推文,介绍了玉兔二号在月球发现“神秘小屋”的消息,截至北京时间12月6日晚间10点,该条推文获得了超过2800次转发、2500次引用以及1.6万个点赞。Latest in space@latestinspaceNEWS : Mysterious cube-shaped anomaly discovered on the moon's far side by Chinese roverThe rover will spend the next 2-3 months verifying it新闻:中国的月球车在月球背面发现神秘的立方体状异常物体,
@SkepticalSinik@macladone@latestinspaceI mean, yes, the photo is real. The photo of a rock formation that, due to lighting and angle, looks vaguely like something humans could have made. Pareidolia effect; we want to see something, so we do.我的意思是,是的,这张照片是真的。由于光线和角度的原因,这张岩石形成的照片看起来隐约像是人类制造的东西。
@sammyfartho@latestinspaceJust drive a bit closer rather than zoom in. Would take 10mins rather than 3 months.只要把车开近一点而不是放大就知道是什么了,这样做只需要10分钟而不是3个月。
@RealLifeRickS@latestinspaceCould be an alien spacecraft. I wouldn't approach it because we have no idea what it may do.这可能是外星飞船。我不会接近它,因为我们不知道它会做什么。
@ThomasBrooks007@latestinspaceLooks like the Arc de Triumph@Leecard0@latestinspace@LiftForever67With all those stars in the sky, how could anyone even contend that we are the only living beings in the entire fabric of space.天空中有那么多星星,怎么会有人认为我们是整个宇宙中唯一的生物呢?
Looks like a fun adventure, will be interesting what ever the result.Im glad they decided to investigate instead of just denying that it could be anything interesting.看起来像是一次有趣的冒险,无论结果如何都会很有趣。
@AlexisRoucourt@JustinList@latestinspace@photo_astro1Moon part of an ancient French Empire confirmed@NrRowley@AlexisRoucourt@JustinList'Ancient'? The First French Empire fell only 207 years ago, and the Seocnd 152 years, what the hell are you on?“古代”?第一法兰西帝国在207年前就垮台了,而第二法兰西帝国在152年前就垮台了,你脑子里到底在想什么?
With all the hard work that takes to put a spaceship on the moon, can't you take a decent camera to take pictures?把宇宙飞船送上月球需要付出很多艰苦的努力,难道你们就不能用一台像样的照相机来拍照吗?
@kaczjef303@ValueAnalyst@cokooness@latestinspacemy son asks the same questions about the Loch Ness monster. I hear Google Pixel has a good camera我儿子问了同样的关于尼斯湖水怪的问题,我听说谷歌Pixel手机的相机不错。
@4ColorCrack@cokooness@latestinspace1) they have to be more durable than regular cameras so they trade off performance for that2) it's not a photo but still shot of a video3) it's also sending that signal back to the earth. It's not recorded & picked up. People with dial up internet would say it's good1) 它们必须比普通相机更耐用,所以它们会在性能上进行取舍。
2) 这不是一张照片,而是来自一段视频。
3) 它在向地球发送信号,但还没有被记录和接收。使用拨号上网的人会说这张照片不错。
@NitroFusionLite@cokooness@latestinspaceits about reliability rather than quality. sure putting a nice 108MP camera on a rover is cool but will it stand the cold temperatures, lunar dust and vacuum environment?重要的是可靠性而不是照片质量。无疑,在月球车上安装一个1080 P的摄像头很酷,但它能经受住寒冷的温度、月球尘埃和真空环境吗?
Sat, but its their alt accountIt's not. The camera's quality is pretty bad because cameras that would be able to take better pictures would also break WAY faster. Reliability >>> quality when it comes to space它不能。之所以这个相机的成像质量很差,是因为能够拍出更好照片的相机在月球上会更快地坏掉。当它们在太空中使用时,可靠性>>>图像品质。
Sat, but its their alt account@Somesimp1@cokooness@latestinspaceThey'd rather have a shitty camera who has a 0.1% chance of breaking down than a good camera with a 50% chance of breaking down.他们宁愿有一台有0.1%的概率坏掉的烂相机,也不愿有一台有50%的概率坏掉的好相机。
@a_sad_ponyfag@cokooness@latestinspacebecause cameras made for earth just dont work in space the same way因为为在地球使用而制造的相机和为在太空中使用的相机的工作方式不一样。
@_moonfox@cokooness@latestinspaceUhm, sir, these pictures are taken in places with entirely different weather conditions and then have to be transmitted back to fucking Earth, it's not Bluetooth.额,先生,这些照片是在环境完全不同的地方拍摄的,然后必须传输回TMD地球,它用的可不是蓝牙。
@Chromoprocess@latestinspaceIt is a place where heat turns ice to water
@mj_bitcoin@latestinspaceWe have 120 mega pixel mobile phone cameras, but no... they still use a toaster to make fotos...我们有1.2亿像素的手机摄像头,但不......它们仍然使用烤面包机来拍照.......
With the best phone camera, a small thing several miles away would be a few pixels. And the point of the rover is to make close-up photos, not scan the horizon. No reason for a super-long lens.在最好的手机摄像头上,几英里外的一个小东西也只是几个像素而已。月球车的目的是拍摄特写照片,而不是扫描地平线,所以它没有理由使用长焦镜头。
@LexLovesTech@latestinspaceFurther image enhancement has revealed more detail进一步的图像增强显示了更多细节:
@MichaelsRocks@latestinspaceSome structure from an ancient civilization on the moon?@maudoriamedina@latestinspace
Brandenburger Tor Germany
SIIMPLY HAAAVING A WONDERFU-I doubt it, those are formed by erosion, but theres no erosive forces on the moon. My theory is that it's a lander frame from some other space organization.我对这些是由侵蚀形成的说法表示怀疑,因为月球上没有侵蚀力。我的理论是,这是来自其他空间组织的着陆架。
@ihategravel2@latestinspaceOh sorry, I forgot to destroy it.@cryptograffiti@latestinspaceMy god it's a Nissan Cube我的天哪,这是一个日产立方体(Nissan Cube)。
@AGeeknologist@cryptograffiti@latestinspaceProbably lying on its side..
可能是侧卧的日产立方体(Nissan Cube)。
@s0kaich4n_@latestinspaceThat thing is called a desert well, my guys
Isn’t it as easy as just driving up to it to verify it? Does it take 2-3 months to travel!?!?!这难道不像开车去验证一下那么容易吗?需要2-3个月的时间来前进吗!?!?!
And analysing the stucture, and send the data… they don't have 4G data plans on the moon, it's going to be incredibly slow
There seems to be a lot of straight lines in this feature, that's very uncommon in nature, which is normally fractal based.Would be nice to estimate the size of this feature.这一特写中似乎有很多直线,这在自然界中非常罕见,因为直线通常是基于分形的(译注:fractal,分形,几何概念)。
Relax guys. It's just this handle of the moon@lapetiteclef1@latestinspaceChina should leave urgently or approach the unidentified cube with utmost precaution. Very likely this couple lives there now.中国应该赶紧离开,或者以最大的预防措施来接近这个不明的立方体,因为很可能这对夫妇现在就住里面。
@m7leicauser@latestinspace@Kryfold_SkyDo they have a comms satellite orbiting the moon to be able to send these photos back?他们是否有一颗环绕月球运行的通信卫星能够将这些照片发回?
@cabral_psyd@latestinspaceYou know how we can be confident that it's nothing especially noteworthy?The fact that the Chinese space program is in possession of the information, and that we're hearing anything about it at all.你知道我们为什么能确信没有什么特别值得注意的吗?
It's the dark side of the fucking moon. We're lucky the rover can see 5m in front of it, much less a horizon.这是TMD月亮的暗面。幸运的是,月球车可以看到前方5米,更不用说地平线了。
@MarkHubbard33@latestinspaceThis could be true: at least the linked page seems legit.But then, I don't think China would let this news out until they knew what it was.这可能是真的:至少链接页面看起来是合法的。
@mataversal@MarkHubbard33@latestinspaceThey probably already know what it is
@mataversal@MarkHubbard33@latestinspaceThey might have already known about this for months
@BenediktOrn@latestinspaceI'm gonna be so pissed if I don't get to see a close up. Is that really just 80 meters away?如果我看不到特写镜头,我会很生气的。那真的只有80米远吗?
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关键字:玉兔二号,月球神秘小屋 专题:科技责任编辑:管理员