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Machine Eye:为什么中国被称为“基建狂魔”?它甚至让美国工程师起了鸡皮疙瘩本文译自Youtube,原标题:Why Is China Known As The "Infrastructure Maniac"? It Even Gives American Engineers Goosebumps
In the US, from personal experience in Colorado, it takes 5 years to add ONE lane to a 50 mile freeway stretch (more profit from the tax payers the longer it takes) while China can build 5 WHOLE cities in 5 years. Worse yet, the US extra freeway lane is a PAY lane.在美国,根据我在科罗拉多州的个人经验,在50英里的高速公路上增加一条车道需要5年时间(所需的时间越长,从纳税人的税款中得到的利润就越多),而中国可以在5年内建造5个完整的城市。更糟糕的是美国新增的高速公路车道都是收费车道。
I personally think it's a choice that the two nations have made. US of A and its people have decided to invest in destructive weaponry while China and its people have chosen the constructive path.我个人认为这是两国各自做出的选择。美国及其人民决定投资于破坏性武器,而中国及其人民选择了建设性的道路。
The US decided to spend all of its public infrastructure funds on making the lives of car owners better. It is rich, but that is a bottomless pit. China split what they have between building more roads and actual public transport. People say China's rail companies are losing billions every year. But think of it like an investment and an expense. You don't expect spending on building roads to be profitable. Some of that money should be diverted to public transport.美国决定将其所有建设公共基础设施的资金用于改善车主的生活,虽然它很富有,但那是一个无底洞。而中国将现有资金用于建设更多道路和真正的公共交通。虽然人们说中国的铁路公司每年都在亏损数十亿美元,但你可以把它看作是一项投资和一项支出,您不会指望修建道路的支出会有利可图,因为其中一部分资金本就应该转用于公共交通上。
China started late because there was nothing. She is trying to catchup so everything is new. US started early so everything is old. Building new and useful infra structure is good but we need to maintain it. This applies both to China and US.中国起步晚是因为它什么都没有。她正在努力追赶,所以一切都是新的。而美国起步早,所以一切都很老旧。建设新的、有用的基础设施固然很好,但我们需要维护它,这对中国和美国都适用。
re the terrible state of US infrastructure. It's worth remembering that the USA is the world's leading democracy. So it must be that the people have demanded that their infrastructure be allowed to fall apart and be dangerous. I assume because it makes travelling more exciting. The people want the drive to the shops to be like a thrilling fairground ride.关于美国基础设施的糟糕状况,值得记住的是美国是世界领先的民|主国家。因此,一定是美国人民要求允许他们的基础设施分崩离析,变得危险。我想是因为这样可以让旅行变得更令人兴奋,人们希望开车去商店就像在游乐场一样惊险刺激。
The biggest difference between Chinese path to modernization and the United States is that it does not need colonialism, but leads everyone to Common prosperity.中国和美国的现代化道路的最大区别在于中国的现代化道路不需要殖民主义,而是带领大家走向共同繁荣。
i just rode a brand new 2023 subway line in usa, it was bumpy, noisy (loud squeaky metal sound), sharp turns... almost like roller coaster!我刚刚在美国乘坐过一条全新的2023年开通的地铁线路,颠簸、嘈杂(巨大的吱吱金属声)、急转弯.....几乎就像在坐过山车!
US need to hire railroad workers from China again to finish the hi-speed rail in California guarantee to finish within 10 months not 10 or 15 years in the hands of American workers.美国需要再次从中国雇佣铁路工人来完成加州高铁,我可以保证他们会在10个月内完工,而不是在美国工人手中的10年或15年。
China has used in building in around 3 years more concrete then the USA in over a hundred years. The most of 50 tallest buildings are in china. china is building new solar of 200 Giga Watt in a year, thats more then in the whole EU exist.中国在三年内用于建筑的混凝土数量比美国在一百多年中使用的还要多,全球50座最高的建筑大多数都在中国。中国每年新建的新太阳能发电量高达200GW,这比整个欧盟都要多。
Money/profit rules America. There isn't any money to be made building public infrastructure. In China the public sector industries pay USD500b/year building and maintaining its state-of-the -art infrastructure. This amount is still much less than what US spends of its overseas military operations for reasons known only to its Administration.金钱/利润统治着美国,建设公共基础设施赚不到钱。而在中国,公共部门每年要支付5000亿美元来建设和维护其最先进的基础设施,这一数额仍然远低于美国在海外军事行动上的支出,原因只有美国政府知道。
I once travelled to D.C and was curious to use the subway, I was shocked! It was no different from the one I saw in Budapest! Make America big again guys! Stop wasting finances in Weapon complexes that have not brought any good to American people.有一次我去华盛顿,很好奇就乘坐了地铁,我感到很震惊!它和我在布达佩斯看到的没有什么不同!伙计们!让美国再次伟大起来,不要再把钱浪费在对美国人民没有任何好处的军工复合体上了。
China built the only construction that can be seen from space, so their engineering prowess is unsurpassed. The difference is that the US is a bank with a country. China is a country with a bank.中国建造了唯一可以从太空看到的建筑,因此它们的工程实力是无与伦比的。不同之处在于美国是一个拥有国家的银行,而中国是一个拥有银行的国家。
Why China Chinese people never give up hope as the long is learning experiences with High technology engineering field or infastruction engineering field or others , now China is looks forward future in 21 Century onwards for Young Generation people of China , never give up learning each day's is our knowledge skill technical support each other .为什么中国的中国人永远不会放弃希望?因为长期以来,中国都在学习高科技工程领域或基础设施工程领域或其他领域的经验。现在中国正在为其年青一代展望21世纪的未来,永不放弃每天的学习是我们在知识技能方面的相互支持。
Describing USA distances in kilometers rather than miles is silly, because it masks a major aspect of the whole problem. The USA's refusal -- almost unique on the entire planet -- to embrace the metric system is itself symptomatic and emblematic of America's technological-infrastructural backwardness and lethargy.用公里而不是英里来描述美国的距离是愚蠢的,因为它掩盖了整个问题的一个主要的方面,即美国拒绝接受公制——这在整个地球上几乎是独一无二的——这本身就是美国技术基础设施落后和疲软的症状和象征。
Does anyone know there are three airports in Beijing? Please travel to see the old one. New York airports may not as good as the newly-built one, but the way better than the old one. It is not fair to compare old infrastructures in US to the newly built in China. NY subway was built over one hundred years. It may be a bit rusty, but is still functioning properly today. The same cannot be said about Chinese infrastructures with poor quality.有人知道北京有三个机场吗?请去看看老的那个怎样了。虽然纽约的机场可能不如北京的新机场,但比北京的老机场要好得多。将美国的旧基础设施与中国新建的基础设施进行比较是不公平的。纽约地铁已经建成一百多年了,虽然它可能有点生锈,但今天仍然在正常工作,但低质量的中国基础设施的情况就不一样了。
i just rode a brand new 2023 subway line in usa, it was bumpy, noisy (loud squeaky metal sound), sharp turns... almost like roller coaster! you can break a leg if you walk while the train is moving and this 3 mile long line costs billions and years behind schedule.我刚刚在美国乘坐过一条全新的2023年开通的地铁线路,颠簸、嘈杂(巨大的吱吱金属声)、急转弯....几乎就像在坐过山车!如果你在行驶的列车里走动,你可能会摔断一条腿,而且这条3英里长的线路比计划晚开通了数年并超支了数十亿美元。
Of course the comparison would be not fair, but the Subway from New York shouldn't look like this, if they do proper maintenance. Even in Germany they fix the old crappy stations.无疑,这种比较是不公平的,但如果纽约地铁维护得当,它不应该是这个样子。即使在德国,它们也会修复那些老旧的车站。
@riaskolamulathilabdulla552It looks US is aeging. From 1930s to 1980s eventhough modern slavery exists and whites also part of workforce, those labors resembles the present Chinese workers. As you said, now things are changed and all are in easy going mood. Now only grip left is in Cyber Tech industries and Arms manufacturing. In that too you were loosing the pace but somehow recaptured the grip and in control.看起来美国正在陷入困境。从20世纪30年代到80年代,尽管存在现代奴隶制,但白人也是劳动力的一部分,他们与现在的中国工人很相似。正如你所说的,现在情况发生了变化,一切都变得轻松起来了,美国现在只剩下网络科技产业和武器制造业了。在这种情况下,虽然美国失去了速度,但不知何故,它重新掌握了控制权。
@kotikalapudisitharamamurty7090The saying of renowned English port laureate, Lord Tennyson,that Old order yielding place. to new,seems to be valid for times.if once Europe was leading in Engineering and other technologies,US took over thst honour,but now Chins of nations in the world took over the number one position of ever evolving engineering, 4:18 mostly on construction side,thereby leaving other developed nations in the lurch著名的英国港口桂冠得主Tennyson勋爵说过:“旧秩序正在让位给新秩序”。如果说曾经欧洲在工程和其他技术方面处于领先地位,后来美国接管了这一荣誉,那么现在在世界许多国家,中国拔得了工程领域的头筹。4分18秒处,主要在建筑方面,中国让其他发达国家陷入了困境。
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关键字:中国基建,外国人看中国基建,外国人看中国基础设施建设,中国为什么被称作基建狂魔,外国人看基建狂魔,外国人看中国,外国人看中国城市,外国人看中国大型工程,油管评论,油管翻译,评论翻译 专题:科技责任编辑:管理员