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特朗普集会遭遇暗杀大难不死,美国选民群情激奋,特朗普提前锁定2024年美国大选?本文译自Youtube,原标题:Shots fired at Trump rallyThis is not America anymore.But everyone loves their guns so much here, it seems like America to me但这里的每个人都非常爱枪,在我看来这里就和美国一样。
The scream of the woman seconds after....It's like no one was really able to take in what was happening, but she apparently knew exactly what happened, maybe because she was by the other people who were hit.几秒钟后响起了女人的尖叫声......似乎没有人能够真正了解到底发生了什么,但她显然清楚地知道发生了什么,这也许是因为她和其他人也被击中了。
The only country to legalize guns to public and continually have numerous horrendous violent acts happen美国是唯一一个将公众持枪合法化却不断发生大量骇人听闻的暴力行为的国家。
Same happened with Imran Khan in Pakistan, but loved to see both Khan and Trump waved their hands towards their supporters. God bless and protect both of them.同样的情况也发生在巴基斯坦的伊姆兰-汗身上,但我喜欢看到伊姆兰-汗和特朗普都向他们的支持者挥手致意。愿上帝保佑他们。
That’s the dude you want dealing with Putin, not the guy who needs his wife to escort him off the stage so he doesn’t get lost这才是你想要的和普京打交道的人,而不是那个需要妻子护送他下台才不会迷路的人。
It's sad to see that this still happens after jfk even at the age of 16. I Hate that our country's like this, something everyone should know, no matter what you think, no person, whether it's biden or Trump or someone you hate no one deserves to die, A human life was lost today and may God give him peace not just for him but for his loved ones.It's sad to see that our country born in 1776 that we fought for has turned into this nightmare, where people are judged by who they are and what they have done or what they wear or how they talk. Life is cruel, but only you can make it better, May God bless you在肯尼迪遇刺后,这样的事情仍在发生,这让人感到悲哀。我讨厌我们的国家变成这样,每个人都应该知道,不管你怎么想,没有人(不管是拜登、特朗普还是你讨厌的人)应该死。今天,一个人的生命逝去了,愿上帝不仅赐予他安宁,也赐予他所爱的人安宁。
I wonder if in the future say like 70 years from now people in school will learn about this assination attempt and if the fist in the air is gonna become iconic我不知道在未来(比如70年后)学校里的人会不会了解到这次暗杀行动以及握拳的动作会不会成为标志性动作。
Joe Biden declared that he and his vice-president Trump are sorry for what happened to president Putin乔-拜登宣布,他和他的副总统特朗普对普京总统的遭遇感到遗憾。
They crossed the line ... that is evil. Prayers for our nation and President Trump他们越界了......这太邪恶了。为我们的国家和特朗普总统祈祷。
No matter how much you dislike either of these candidates. This debate is not worth killing each other over. We need to be better as united citizens of one country无论你多么不喜欢这两位总统候选人中的任何一位,这场辩论都不值得自相残杀。作为一个国家的团结的公民,我们需要做得更好。
YALL JUST HANDED HIM THE PRESIDENCY TRUMP 2024I AM NOW DEFINITELY VOTING FOR TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT. Regardless who they pick to run against him.不管他们推出谁与他竞选,我现在肯定会投票支持特朗普当总统。
I don’t think people realize within how many millimeters this country came to being rocked to its very core.我认为人们没有意识到这个国家的核心受到了多大的震动。
Scary thought for sure! Half the country loves this guy , it would’ve been the perfect excuse for civil war这确实很可怕!因为全国一半的人都喜欢这家伙,这本来是内战的绝佳借口。
Republican, democrat or independent, regardless what political party you are this is never okay. You don't do that to people.不管是共和党人、民主党人还是独立选民,不管你是哪个政党的,这样做都是不对的。你不能这样对待人。
Government’s want war, People don’t. Look at our media in the west & the phrases they used or headlines. I feel ashamed to be a citizen of America. It’s infuriating. I pray for trump and the family of that innocent bystander. Our country needs fundamental change. We need guidance and unity. We need trump in office. I feel this is eye opening not only for trump but our country. The world is with you trump政府想要战争,但人民不想,看看我们西方的媒体和他们使用的措辞或标题就知道了。作为美国公民,我感到羞愧。这令人愤怒。我为特朗普和那位无辜旁观者的家人祈祷。我们的国家需要根本性的变革,我们需要指导和团结,我们需要特朗普上台。我觉得这不仅让特朗普大开眼界,也让我们的国家大开眼界。世界与你同在,特朗普。
The fact these situations are still happening today makes me concerned how this country will be in the next few decades.如今,这些情况仍在发生,这让我对这个国家未来几十年的发展感到担忧。
I’m not fond of him, but he shouldn’t be assassinated. It’s a shame that some people are blaming the entire Democratic party for this虽然我不喜欢他,但他不应该被暗杀。有些人把这件事归咎于整个民主党,这实在令人遗憾。
@carcharodoncarcharias1321I am nearly 60 years old and i witness a radical downfall since this ego narcisist enters politically. Now it seems normal to bully and discredit everybody you dont like for no reason.我今年快60岁了,自从这个自恋狂进入政坛以来,我目睹了一场彻底的衰落。现在,无缘无故地欺负和诋毁所有你不喜欢的人似乎都很正常。
I typically vote democrat. But these people behind this are not my brethren. I am a vet who fought for democracy and what happened is the kind of thing that destroys democracy. I hope Trump supporters are aware that some of us, even if it is just a moderate subset, respect your positions on things, can acknowledge Trump’s many successes as president, and yet still choose to not support him. I hope this doesn’t lead to all sorts of bloodshed and talk of C*vil W*r (I imagine that phrase will be monitored by YouTube very closely right now). I am praying for him and his family and want to send respect your way as a supporter of the man and how this must be affecting you.我通常投民主党的票,但这些幕后黑手不是我的同胞。我是一名为民主而战的退伍军人,而现在发生的这一切正是对民主的摧残。我希望特朗普的支持者们能意识到我们中的一些人(哪怕只是温和派)尊重你们对事情的立场,承认特朗普作为总统所取得的诸多成就,但仍然选择不支持他。我希望这不会导致各种流血事件和“内战”的言论(我猜YouTube现在会对这句话进行严密监控)。我为他和他的家人祈祷并向你们表达敬意,因为你们是他的支持者,这件事对你们的影响一定很大。
An assassination attempt?!Is this how low we have gotten to as a country!My condolences to the victim's family who died in this rally.暗杀未遂!我们的国家已经堕落到这种地步了!我向在这次集会中丧生的受害者家属表示哀悼。
resorting to such base meanness, quietly encroaching on someone else’s life, is an indicator of total weakness, insignificance and cowardice诉诸如此卑劣的手段,悄无声息地侵犯他人的生命是彻底的软弱、渺小和懦弱的表现。
Someone looking to start another bloody civil war.We've been in one for years. It's just starting to penetrate into our thick skulls that it's even possible.我们已经处于这种状态好几年了,但我们才刚刚开始意识到这是有可能的。
You are strong man Mr. Trump, may god bless you and give you a speedy recovery.. Thank you for loving our country and your people.. nothing will defeat the read wave.. More than ever TRUMP 2024..您是坚强的人,特朗普先生,愿上帝保佑您早日康复。感谢您热爱我们的国家和人民。没有什么能够击败红潮...“特朗普2024”比以往任何时候都更强大。
Now a line that shouldn't have been crossed has been crossed.I see people saying "This is not America anymore" and someone directly under saying "This is the most American thing I've seen this year."我看到有人说“这不再是美国了”,而正下方有人说“这是我今年见过的最美国的东西”。
Surely you are aware that this is not a new thing in the land of the free…need I mention names of presidents who they cleaned up or attempted to clean up??你肯定知道在自由的国度里,这已经不是什么新鲜事儿了......还需要我提一提那些被他们清理过或试图清理过的总统的名字吗?
This is scary as hell that someone would do this. What has this world come to. Talk about a 3rd world country.这太可怕了,居然有人会这么做。这个世界怎么了?美国简直就是一个第三世界国家。
We’re sleep walking in to a civil war and most don’t even realize it我们正步入一场内战,而大多数人甚至没有意识到这一点。
The lord said not today for trump. Prayers for the man lost. Prepare for a civil war.上帝说今天不适合特朗普。为迷失的人祈祷。为内战做好准备吧。
Pretty sure that's what they want. They can ask the UN for help. Then bingo Chinese troops on US soil.我敢肯定这就是他们想要的。他们可以向联合国寻求帮助,然后中国军队就会出现在美国领土上。
Wether you like him or not, this is just wrong. 2 attendees were injured and 1 was even killed during this rally. This is why I ain’t EVER getting into politics, I don’t wanna be capped无论你是否喜欢他,这都是错误的。在这次集会中,2名与会者受伤,1人甚至因此丧生。这就是为什么我永远不会涉足政治的原因,我可不想被暗杀。
Every time that someone has mentioned this possibility, I answer, “If God be for him then who can be against him?” This is truly amazing that this was so close to changing the course of history. It can now be said that Donald J. Trump has literally spilled his blood for his country!每次有人提到这种可能性,我都会回答:“如果上帝支持他,那么谁能反对他呢?”这真的很令人惊讶,因为这差一点就能改变历史的进程。现在可以说唐纳德-J-特朗普真的为他的国家抛头颅洒热血了!
The "Joe Biden, youre fired" signs make this whole incident even more disturbing.“乔-拜登,你被解雇了!”的标语让整个事件更加令人不安。
Crazy world we live in. They should have him behind a shield at all Rallies. Just in case. Hope he recovers well我们生活在一个疯狂的世界。在所有集会上,他们都应该让他躲在盾牌后面以防万一。希望他恢复良好。
Its ironic that america gives lecture to whole world about peace,security,democracy,freedom of speech etc etc,america really should focus in its home now its high time,before another jfk occurs具有讽刺意味的是美国会向全世界宣讲和平、安全、民主、言论自由等等,美国现在确实应该把注意力集中在自己的国内了,现在是时候了,免得再发生另一次肯尼迪事件。
They way He raised his fist at the end is proof that hes the feirce and determined president this countey needs他在最后举起拳头的方式证明他是这个国家需要的坚定有力的总统。
Raising his fist in triumph after an attempted assassination has to be the most badass thing ever在遭遇暗杀后举起拳头庆祝胜利一定是有史以来最酷的事情。
I have a sickening feeling that things are about to get much much worse for the American people. It breaks my heart, but this is clear evidence that deranged individuals are starting to care less and less about repercussions.我有一种令人作呕的感觉,对美国人民来说,事情会变得更糟。这让我心碎,但这清楚地表明丧心病狂的人开始越来越不在乎后果了。
I grew up admiring America. Thinking it’ was the coolest country. Past couple of decades (I’m 50) that fascination has faded. I’m kind of glad I don’t live in this insanity.我从小就崇拜美国并认为它是最酷的国家。过去几十年(我已经50岁了),我对美国的迷恋逐渐消退,我有点庆幸自己没有生活在这个疯狂的国家。
As an Englishman who clearly has no right to discuss americas politics, but regardless of what people think about Trump. He’s got nuts like King Kong. No matter what you vote or believe for, this is terrifying that this man has tried to do to trump and that image trump punching his fist in the air is history forever more. Secret service need to do a better job. America is a frightening place man, wow作为一个显然无权讨论美国政治的英国人,无论人们如何看待特朗普,枪手就像金刚一样疯狂。不管你投什么票、信什么教,这个人想对特朗普做的事都太可怕了,特朗普向空中挥拳的画面将永远成为历史。特勤局需要做得更好。美国是个可怕的地方,哇哦。
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关键字:美国大选,特朗普遇刺,特朗普暗杀 专题:美国责任编辑:管理员