

字号: A-AA+ 2023-06-21 16:08:51

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本文译自Youtube,原标题:France to Join BRICS? This Changes EVERYTHING!


据法国国际广播电台(RFI)、“政客新闻网”欧洲版当地时间6月20日报道,法国外交部长凯瑟琳·科隆纳(Catherine Colonna)19日晚间表示,马克龙希望成为首位受邀参加金砖国家领导人峰会的西方领导人,法方希望通过金砖机制和其他形式积极对话、了解彼此并解决问题,但能否参会仍需要相关国家作出决定。

与此同时,一同在场的南非外交部长纳勒迪·潘多尔(Naledi Pandor)也暗示,马克龙受邀参会的情况并非不可能发生,这将是当前金砖国家机制参与模式的创新,也可能会扩大金砖国家机制的全球影响力。她指出,此事最终决定权在今年金砖峰会主办国元首、南非总统拉马福萨手中,他近期也将前往法国出席有关活动,可能会同马克龙商讨此事。


France is latest country that wants in on BRICS. The BRICS alliance is gaining serious traction and the upcoming meeting in South Africa this summer will discuss the next phase, global expansion. Will France join China's powerful alliance? Which other countries are interesting in joining?



No more NATO, no more wars, no more USD


BRICS should not be open for colonial powers. Also no Nato country should be allowed.


French people should only voting for politicians that serve them.
Kick out those who just enriching themselves & serving the USA & EU masters


The BRICS's should be very carful with France, "I think France frist need to leave Africa alone before joining BRICS"


The whole world is fed up with imperialism and hegemony. BRICS offers opportunities for mutual interest


France is a military superpower. Germany is an economic superpower. BRICS is an economic alliance. If France was an economic superpower like Germany, it would create an impact. Still it is a big deal. I used to think France wants to be a mini USA and be content in that position. But France turns out to be ambitious. So it won't be impossible for France to be an economic powerhouse like Germany.


No NATO countries should be allowed in BRICS. At least not full membership.


It has to do with France losing their nuclear submarine contract with Australia after US intervention. The contract was awarded to UK even though Australia had already signed the contract with France. Though the French did received some compensation but this had caused an unhappiness with the French government and people as a whole especially when the contract was awarded to UK which the French consider their traditional arch enemy. Such action humiliated the French people even more.
On the other hand, France contemplating on joining BRICS may be a good thing for her but then again Russia may not agree especially when France is one of the EU countries that supplies weapons and support to Ukraine. It is a very sticky issue when France as an EU countries has an obligation to follow through the EU sanctions on Russia. One of BRICS functions is to circumvent and surpass any sanctions imposed by the US or the EU.
However, in politics enemy will not remain forever and everything is possible example the peace accord between Saudi and Iran.




If France is smart, it should jump off the sinking Anglo American ship and join the new multipolar prosperity. After all, France experienced plenty enough back-stabbings from its so called Anglo American allies. And just reflect how Macron was received in China in contrast to how Blinken was... China is kinda clever I have to say to have perhaps planted a seed of division between France and the Anglos, it really would be in France's better interests.


France pivoting east was accelerated after AUS and US colluded and backstabbed France on the nuclear submarine deal.


At last one country in Europe got it right. Even if he were not joining BRICS, the mere fact that France understood that France is a sovereignty, same status as America, it cannot be governed elsewhere. Viva the people of France Viva. Thank you for being independent of anybody. Remain a Global Super Power, not a colony. That is Leadership President Macron. You can even remain France without joining any BRICS. France can trade with any country it wants to, including not detaching from America. ���������������


France is the only country in the European Union that has its own military industrial system and the only country that has the opportunity to lead the European Union to independence. For decades, we have been saying that the EU is one polar of the world, but in fact, it is only economic. The most of countries in the European Union, including Germany, are militarily controlled by NATO (actually the United States), which is beneficial to the European Union in an era when the United States leads the whole world. However, with the Russian-Ukrainian war and the China-US conflict, the EU will be caught in the geopolitical conflict. If it cannot be self-reliant, the EU countries will become a pawn used by the United States to fight against Russia and China. For example, Nord Stream 2 , the whole world knows who blew it up, but no European country dares to say it.
In this regard, ASEAN countries have done a good job. They do not stand in line with the United States or China, and unite themselves to form a strong force. China and the United States want to win them over. They can get benefits from both China and the United States.If China or the United States want them to stand stand with them, they must pay enough price, not direct orders.



France would have to drop ALL sanctions leveled on everyone ... Can't see them doing that.


For the French people, if their application gets approved. It would be a guarantee of success, Sly Macron! This will make France the gateway of Chinese products to Europe, the opportunity Ukraine missed and Italy shunned.


America once forced Australia to abandon France nuclear deal.that's how America soured the relationship between itself and France. now France is becoming disobedient western partner


France to join Brics is like letting in undercover agents from G7 and NATO


Most comments think BRICS is some kind team against the west, when it is an alternative approach and all countries including the US should join and make mutually fair economic agreements with no single and small group having the ability to dictate to others


The BRICS mechanism aims to promote peace, security, development and cooperation.
Macron’s participation in the BRICS summit will have political consequences if he clashes with Vladimir Putin at the same meeting… Putin may not come because of an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court (ICC). Gradually, more and more countries will join the BRICS. Maybe one day USA will join too.



As a South African I want to see South Africa improve a lot more currently. I’m hopeful that BRICS will make a more fair economy and that they will also make the internet also more fair that different people from do countries can have more opportunities and influence and I hope South Africa will improve itself more before all of that. I really want every place in the world to be liveable and safe. But maybe that dream is almost impossible hehe


It makes totally sense because in the 1960s French President Charles de Gaulle proposed a similar concept of a "third way or third path" : an alternative international alliance, relation or group of interest different from the USSR or the US. Mr. Macron is trying to pursue this philosophy, for instance he famously said in 2019 "NATO is braindead". However US and its followers such as UK or Germany hindered this approach. Now, due to the conflict in Ukraine, NATO is back on the scene and stronger so one way out of this could be the BRICS precisely

这完全有道理,因为在20世纪60年代,法国总统戴高乐提出了一个类似的“第三条道路或第三条路径”的概念:一个不同于苏联或美国的替代国际联盟、关系或利益的集团。马克龙正试图追随这一理念,例如他在2019年曾说过一句著名的话“北约已经脑死亡”(NATO is braindead)。然而,美国及其追随者(如英国或德国)阻碍了这种做法。现在,由于乌克兰的冲突,北约又回来了并变得更加强大,因此解决这一问题的一个办法可能正是金砖国家组织。

This is not surprising. France has historically been a proud big power. They never like following other’s tail,
especially one who has many times stabbed their back !


The BRICS must never ever allow France to join it because of France's colonial past and neocolonial present that has devasted all former French colonies in Africa, the Caribbean and Asia. All western countries and NATO countries must not be allowed to join the BRICS because they have always worked against the development and progress of developing countries for the last 150 years.




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关键字:法国,法国参加金砖峰会,马克龙参加金砖峰会,法国加入金砖国家,马克龙加入金砖国家 专题:欧洲责任编辑:管理员