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英国博主用中国社保卡愚弄3位反华的“中国专家”,背后真相引人深思本文译自Youtube,原标题:I fooled 3 'China Experts'. And that should worry you.
Yesterday, 3 prominent 'China Experts' were duped into believing that a social security card was a 'WuMao' card; despite the fact that almost every adult in the country owns one.
It states, clearly, exactly what the card on the back.
And yet, the most amplified voices on Chinese geopolitics in the west fell for it. And this should concern you.
近日,一位现今定居在中国苏州的英国视频博主柯特·麦卡德尔(Curt McArdle)玩了波“钓鱼”,向一个反华账号发了张自己的社保卡照片,并称那是一张“好评返现卡”,发表夸奖中国的言论可以用此卡获得中国政府的资助。尽管卡面上有着大大的中文字“社会保障卡”,这个反华账号仍是“垂直上钩”,兴奋地声称掌握了“中国雇佣外国博主发帖宣传”的证据。而这条内容还“钓”来了三条“大鱼”,所谓的“中国专家”英国反华政客裴伦德、美国共和党海外事务组织副主席俞怀松和康奈尔大学讲师马格努斯·菲斯克乔都转发了谣言内容,并借此继续污蔑中国,没成想最终成了一出集体翻车。这出成功的恶作剧让柯特笑了一整天,但也表示这事让他心里很不舒服,感叹这些对中国人民的生活一无所知,连简单的中文字都看不懂的所谓“中国专家”,却可以信口雌黄地污蔑中国,甚至成为西方主流权威媒体的座上客,大肆传播他们荒谬的论点。借此,柯特呼吁外国网友以后看到这些著名的“中国专家”再发表任何有关中国的“高见”时要保持清醒和思考,“这些所谓的‘中国专家’连简单的中文都看不懂,你怎么敢把他们说的话当回事?”brilliant prank, and it also exposes the level of ignorance in the anti-China echo chamber精彩的恶作剧,这也暴露了反|华附和者们的无知程度。
Curt, your brilliant prank was the best thing I've seen on social media in a while.楼主,你的这个精彩的恶作剧是我最近在社交媒体上看到的最棒的事情。
I find it terribly sad honestly. I never lived in the mainland for more than a month, I lived in Taiwan for a year, so I never honestly (without reading) would have recognized at first what the card was. But you have to have a lot of hate and be terribly unwilling to find facts to accept the "prank" which honestly worked as an exposure. I recently graduated from East Asian Studies and Geopolitics of Asia and have been working very hard for the last six years to become an expert i China, Japan, and Korea. ANd it is very upsetting when I can't for the life of me even find an entry-level job in the world and these people get paid immeasurable quantities of money to spread hate. They are basically, what they accuse you to be from the other side.老实说,我觉得很难过。我从来没有在中国大陆生活超过一个多月,但我在台湾生活过一年,所以一开始我根本不知道那张卡是什么。但是有些人心怀仇恨,并且非常不愿意接受这个起到了曝光作用的“恶作剧”。我最近毕业于东亚研究和亚洲地缘政治学,在过去的六年里,我一直在努力成为中国、日本和韩国方面的专家。当我终其一生都找不到一份入门级的工作,而这些人却拿着无法估量的钱来传播仇恨时,我感到非常沮丧。他们基本上只会指责你是另一边的人。
It's easy for you to find a job at some prestigious outlet: You just need to start posting baseless anti-China content. You'll be highly rewarded. All it will cost you is your integrity and your conscience.你很容易就可以在某个著名的网站上找到工作:你只需要开始发布毫无根据的反|华内容就行了。你会得到很高的回报,而你所付出的所有代价就是你的正直和良心。
@Johnny Bevo thanks mate, yeah it is truely dicouraging, even more when I graduated just after the pandemic, and thus Internships and relevance experience is there just in spirit...Truly appreciate the message@Johnny Bevo:谢谢你,伙计,是的,这确实令人沮丧,尤其是在我刚从大流行中毕业,缺乏实习以及相关经验时.......
Nice work for exposing the hacks. In a future vid would be great to see you travel to Xinjiang, stay with some Uighurs and speak with them to get an idea of the actual situation. Many of them speak good Mandarin so you should be able to communicate freely and maybe show the truth without political bias.干得漂亮。在未来的视频中能看到你去XJ旅游,与一些W族人呆在一起并与他们交谈以了解实际情况那太好了。他们中的许多人普通话说得很好,所以你应该能够与他们自由地交流,也许你可以在没有政治偏见的情况下展示真相。
@Curt Explores China XJ has stricter COVID measures than rest of China. Early last year, quite a few cities got confirmed cases and I believe quite a few health officials got fired later. My in-laws, living in Urumqi, get tested twice a week. So be prepared for that. Otherwise, other security measures seem to have relaxed a bit. However, I don't know if Chinese New Year month is a good time to visit XJ. I've been there a few times during CNY, not only cold as hell, also a lotta closed stores and retaurants. However, this year maybe different, as local governments are encouraging people to stay where they are, instead of going home for the holidays.@楼主,XJ相比中国其他地区有更严格的新冠病毒检测措施。去年年初,XJ不少城市出现了确诊病例,我相信有不少卫生官员后来被解雇了。我的岳父母生活在乌鲁木齐,他们每周都要接受两次核酸测试,所以你要做好准备。除此之外,其他的安全措施似乎已经有所放松。然而,我不知道农历新年是否是访问XJ的好时机,因为我在春节期间去过那里几次,不仅冷得要命,而且很多商店和酒店都关门了。然而,今年的情况可能会有所不同,因为地方政府鼓励人们留在原地过年,而不是回家度假。
Yeah, I've got people who don't speak any Chinese at all telling me that they know the truth about China and that I should "wake up" to reality. Seeing is no longer believing. Now, believing is seeing.是的,有一些根本不会说中文的人告诉我,他们知道中国的真相,我应该“醒来”面对现实。眼见为实。现在,所信即所见。
Thank you so much for speaking out, especially in such a smart way.Well, I guess we all know why the world is getting more and more crazy now.Sadly I don't really think they gonna stop, but, it's great to see more and more people standing up to speak out the truth.非常感谢你的直言不讳,尤其是以如此巧妙的方式。
Saw your prank on another YT channel and came over, well done mate! Good publicity. With more pranks like this, those western “China experts” will slowly lose their credibility.我是在另一个Youtube频道看到你的恶作剧后过来的,干得好,伙计!这样的恶作剧越多,那些西方的“中国专家”就会慢慢失去信誉。
I am living in Australia and we Chinese know much more than western people know China.I deeply feel ONLY facts, nothing else, should be the first step to build our opinion.Sadly those funny so called China expert are really funny .I hope more and more western people like you moving to China to report the Fact, no matter good news or bad news.You are on Chinese news website now.我生活在澳大利亚,我们华人比西方人更了解中国。
Your simple trick owned them and showed us their true colours. Haha. Enjoy your stay in China I so wish i was there right now!你用简单伎俩就暴露了他们,并向我们展示了他们的真实面目,哈哈。祝你在中国过得愉快,我真希望我现在就在那里!
Thanks for the great prank.Wonder can they be seen an expert without knowing such a simple part of Chinese people's life or even reading Chinese...谢谢你的恶作剧。我想知道他们在不了解中国人生活中的这么简单的一部分,甚至不不懂中文的情况下是如何被视为专家的。
Well, it has been like this for a long time, I know there are real talents in the west, but when it’s relevant to China, they can be so ignorant and arrogant. Thank you for being fair and see the truth.很长一段时间以来都是这样,我知道西方有真正的人才,但当涉及到中国时,他们竟然会如此的无知和傲慢。谢谢你的公正和告知真相。
The funniest was Solomon Yue..he's Chinese who couldn't read and understand Chinese? LOL.Thanks for the laugh Curt.最有趣的是Solomon·岳....他是个不懂中文的华人?哈哈,谢谢你的笑料。
This stuff is too funny hahahahaha. I have always thought they are playing dumb to push rhetorics, it turns out they are actually dumb, my bad.这太好笑了哈哈哈。我一直以为他们在装傻,但结果证明他们是真的很蠢,我错了。
Good prank, but to be fair, don't think it's reasonable to expect even the China "experts" to understand the Chinese on the card. Too high an expectation. These days one does not need to have much knowledge about China to be a China "expert" as long as you say the "right" things.这是一个很好的恶作剧,但公平地说,不要认为期望中国“专家”也能理解卡上的中文是合理的。这个期望值太高了。如今,只要你说的是“正确的话”,你不需要对中国有太多的了解,就可以成为一名中国“专家”。
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