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印度博主Wandering Maniac:中国世界级公共交通的惊人现实,探索深圳地铁本文译自Youtube,原标题:SURPRISING REALITY OF CHINA'S WORLDCLASS PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION
I live and work in China. Chinese people are the most honest, hardworking and friendly people in the whole world. They also don’t discriminate foreigners like western countries. I love this country and i spent my best moments here.我在中国生活和工作。中国人民是世界上最诚实、最勤劳、最友好的人民。他们也不像西方国家那样歧视外国人。我爱这个国家,我在这里度过了我最美好的时光。
This is also one of the reasons why the United States is madly attacking China in public opinion. China's achievements in economy, politics, military affairs, and culture are all very remarkable.这也是美国在舆论上疯狂攻击中国的原因之一。中国在经济、政治、军事、文化等方面都取得了令人瞩目的成就。
China's public transportation system mainly includes railways, expressways, subways and buses, all of which are basically state-owned enterprises. These state-owned enterprises are not just there to make money. Instead, the central government and various local governments have to provide huge subsidies to these companies every year to ensure the normal operation and maintenance of these public transport systems and to keep fares at a reasonable level. This is the biggest difference between the Chinese government and other countries. In addition, the development of China's public transportation system is also very forward-looking, considering the status of the transportation system in the next 10 to 30 years in general.中国的公共交通系统主要包括铁路、高速公路、地铁和公共汽车,这些基本上都是由国有企业经营的。这些国有企业不仅仅是为了赚钱,相反,中|央|政|府和各地方政府每年都要向这些公司提供巨额补贴以确保这些公共交通系统的正常运营和维护并将票价保持在合理水平。这是中国|政|府与其他国家最大的不同。此外,考虑到未来10至30年交通系统的总体状况,中国公共交通系统的发展也非常具有前瞻性。
This is an eye opener for us as an Indian. Even I want to travel to china after seeing your videos. I liked China as tourist destination. I wish China would be good neighbor country to us这让我们印度人大开眼界。看到你的视频后,我甚至想去中国旅游。我希望中国作为我的旅游目的地,我希望中国能成为我们的好邻居。
The vlog is great. Chinese are really good in making infrastructures, like their flagship Belt and road initiative which gives them more softpower diplomacy in developing countries. After all, people's life matters above cheap politics and worthless elections. I've seen many country politicians, YouTube channels, analysts and people criticising and hating China on their narratives. But their government and country as a whole never pay attentions to criticisms and solves the problems with limited resources and forging ahead.视频日志很棒。中国人在基础设施建设方面做得很好,比如它们的旗舰项目“一带一路”倡议,该倡议为它们在发展中国家提供了更多的软实力外交。毕竟,人民的生命高于廉价的政治和毫无价值的选举。虽然我看到许多国家的政治家、YouTube频道、分析人士和人们在他们的叙述中批评和憎|恨|中国,但中国的政|府和整个国家从不理会这些批评,而是以有限的资源和进取的精神解决问题。
Shenzhen is actually on a different level. It's already gearing up smoothly for the 22nd century!! You can very well understand why so many people, especially Americans hate China. It's because they simply cannot match China's monstrous economic development. It's beyond anyone!The face recognition entry/exit will only work if you register for it.I recommend you visit Chongqing, Chengdu (another city with incredible metro stations), Gansu province and Urumqi, among the other recommendations that you may already have. Please also visit a tier 3/4 city like Yichang, so you can see how even smaller cities in China are so weel developed.深圳实际上处于一个不同的层次,它已经为22世纪做好了准备!!你可以很好地理解为什么那么多人(尤其是美国人)讨厌中国,这是因为他们根本无法与中国惊人的经济发展相媲美,这(即中国的经济发展)是所有人都无法想象的!
Indians come to China to marvel at how good China's infrastructure is, how clean the streets are, and how developed high-speed railways are. But what's disappointing is that they rarely pay attention to details, such as why are so many beautiful girls walking safely on the street alone at night? They also rarely think about the reasons behind it and reflect to learn. Later on, I realized that the only people who could come to China for tourism were the high-caste elite class in India. They were vested interests in the current system in India, and they had no motivation to think about the reasons or change the current situation in India, truly considering the overall interests of the country and the poor in India. It's really a kind of sadness.印度人来到中国是为了惊叹中国的基础设施有多好,街道有多干净,高速铁路有多发达。但令人失望的是他们很少关注细节,比如为什么这么多漂亮的女孩晚上能够一个人安全地走在街上?他们也很少思考其背后的原因并反思以学习。后来,我意识到只有印度的高种姓精英阶层才能来中国旅游,由于他们是印度现行制度中的既得利益者,所以他们没有动力去思考原因或改变印度的现状以及真正考虑国家和印度穷人的整体利益。这真是一种悲哀。
True buddy, as per UNICEF report, 52% of lower caste students couldn't complete primary education due to caste based discrimination in Indian schools.Even USA and Canada have passed a law to protect the lower caste people amongst the Indian diaspora abroad due to rampant discrimination against them.兄弟,这是真的,根据联合国儿童基金会的报告,52%的低种姓学生由于印度学校基于种姓的歧视而无法完成小学教育。
One bitter truth about India which hits me hard after watching your video is, that even though if India manages to build such fantastic infrastructure, Indians as we know will destroy it by their nasty habits of spitting, breaking government properties and sleeping & sitting anywhere and everywhere, also the government is unable to maintain such projects, as all the money allocated for the maintainance, is either being eaten by corrupt governors or not allocated properly, until the project is maintained by a private company. We have a lot to learn from China.在看了你的视频后,我对印度的一个痛苦的事实感到非常震惊,即即使印度成功地建造了如此神奇的基础设施,据我所知我们印度人也会因为随地吐痰、破坏政府财产、随时随地睡觉和坐着的恶劣习惯而摧毁它,而且政府也会因为所有用于维护的资金要么被腐败的邦长贪墨,要么没有得到适当的分配无法维持这些项目,直到项目由一家私人公司维护。我们有很多东西要向中国学习。
Indeed, India has not been able to develop in the past 100 years. The middle and upper elite belong to the upper caste. If all are equal, their interests must be given to those of lower castes. How could such a thing that harms one's own interests happen? Impossible, this class leap is impossible事实上,印度在过去100年里一直未能发展。中上层精英属于上层种姓,如果所有人都是平等的,那么他们的利益就必须让渡给低种姓的人,这种损害自身利益的事情怎么会发生呢?不可能,这种阶级飞跃是不可能的。
What is stopping India from learning from China? Don't tell me it's pride because China learned from Japanese success even though they got invaded, humiliated, and slaughtered by Imperial Japan. China also learned from the Japanese trade war with the US and its eventual decline.是什么阻止了印度向中国学习?不要告诉我是由于骄傲,因为中国从日本的成功中吸取了教训,尽管它们曾经遭受过日本帝国的侵略、羞辱和屠杀。中国也从日本与美国的贸易战及其最终的衰落中吸取了教训。
China has the capability to build fast and efficient because metros are standardized as to railcar, number of carriages, station size.cities only need to determine type of railcar, number of carriages based on projected riders, routes, station size based on riders, and interior designs for stations.the huge station you were at is transfer hub with 2-3 levels where you can change train from A to B, C, D, or E based on where you want to go.中国有能力快速高效地建设地铁,因为(它们的)地铁在轨道列车、车厢数量和车站尺寸方面都是标准化的。
I hope one day we Indians will also have even better than this. From 2014, things have changed and since China took 20 years to develop so rapidly, I'm sure we in India will also see rapid change by 2034 - Finally Bullet train will also be available in India by then.我希望有一天我们印度人也能比这更好。从2014年开始,情况发生了变化,由于中国花了20年的时间才如此迅速地发展,我相信到2034年,我们印度也将看到快速的变化——到那时,子弹头列车也将在印度运营。
I don't understand 1 thing, why these youtubers who recently went or are in China is making video's like they haven't seen development of this kind in their entire life. These youtubers have already travelled in Europe, America and so many countries which are way ahead in development as compare to china, but they haven't had this high praise for those countries. So, what is this kind of hypocrisy or they also become a CCP bot during their travel in china. ������我不明白一件事,为什么这些最近去了中国或在中国的年轻人都在制作视频,就像他们一生都没有看到过这种发展一样。这些年轻人已经去过欧洲、美国和许多与中国相比发展领先的国家,但他们对这些国家的评价并没有那么高。那么,这种虚伪算什么呢?还是说他们在中国旅行时也变成了中|共的机器人。
While the infrastructure is good but u also have to acknowledge that there is no land accusation problem or environmental concern or people protest to stop such development at fast pace...So its the system u have to choose to live as society...I appreciate their development but as Indian in the society and democracy we live in we can't accept someone land to be forcefully taken by government for infrastructure push...& these chinese have mastered the art of IPR theft to build latest tech and they have huge population to mass produce anything...but as Indian either u steal others tech or develop ur own which takes time or build relationship & trust with countries so that they can share technology with u...So all these r kept in mind when u appreciate china's development...虽然(中国的)基础设施很棒,但你也必须承认,中国不存在土地起诉问题或环境问题,也不存在人们抗议以致很快停止此类开发的问题...因此,这是你必须选择并要在此生活的制度...虽然我很欣赏它们的发展,但作为生活在民|主社会中的印度人,我们无法接受政府强行征用某人的土地来推动基础设施建设…虽然这些中国人掌握了窃取知识产权的艺术来制造最新的技术,他们有大量的人口来大规模生产所有东西...但作为印度人,你要么窃取别人的技术,要么开发自己的技术,这需要时间,要么与各国建立关系和信任以便它们能够与你分享技术……所以,当你欣赏中国的发展时,请记住所有这些...
1. 网址:www.skyfall.ink
2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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