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印度博主Travel with AK:探索中亚第一大都市-新疆乌鲁木齐第一印象本文译自Youtube,原标题:How is Life of Muslims in China ������ | First Impression of Urumqi, Xinjiang | UYGHUR PEOPLE
Urumqi is the most prosperous and developed city in Central Asia, even more prosperous than the capitals of Central Asian countries.乌鲁木齐是中亚最繁荣、最发达的城市,甚至比中亚国家的首都还要繁荣。
The Central Asian countries were the Soviet Union, the Russians brought modernity with them. If they have always been independent, today they are still very poor and uneducated peoples like Afghanistan, and xinjiang too.中亚国家以前都是苏联的加盟共和国,俄罗斯人给它们带来了现代性。如果它们一直是独立的,那么今天它们仍然将是非常贫穷和没有受过教育的国家,就像阿富汗一样。XJ也是如此。
@Mali-pg5rv Do you know that Xinjiang's per capita GDP is close to 20000 US dollars? Due to policies (only ethnic minorities can have grasslands, pastures, and collect medicinal herbs), the per capita GDP of ethnic minorities is close to 30000 US dollars. In terms of infrastructure construction, Xinjiang surpasses most European and American countries.你知道XJ的人均国内生产总值接近2万美元吗?由于政策原因(只有少数民族才能拥有草原、牧场和采集草药),少数民族的人均GDP接近3万美元。在基础设施建设方面,XJ超过了大多数欧美国家。
@user-bc4nt2oo6x “ In terms of infrastructure construction, Xinjiang surpasses most European and American countries.”Cannot agree more. I was shocked by the train network encircle the whole Taklamakan Desert... That was really insane.“在基础设施建设方面,XJ超过了大多数欧美国家。”不能同意更多。我被环绕整个塔克拉玛干沙漠的铁路网震惊了...那真是太疯狂了。
Urumqi is clean, the buildings are tall, and the city has several subways. The city looks very modern乌鲁木齐很干净,建筑物很高,城市里有好几条地铁。这座城市看起来很现代化。
Start watching the channel right after his entry to China. His subscribers were < 40k. Great stuffs! On a side note, a lot of comments were dragging into the topic of Democracy. Let me share a joke for fun, and THINK about: Before the old farmer died, he asked his son, "The pigs complain about poor feed, the cows complain about heavy labor, and the chickens complain about dirty nests. What should we do?" The son replied, "Provide good feed, assign lighter tasks, and clean the chicken coop." Shaking his head, the farmer said, "Don't do anything. Give them a vote and let them choose between you or your wife taking care of them. Let them think that they are in charge of this household."从他一进入中国我就开始观看这个频道,当时他的订阅人数不足4万。顺便说一句,很多评论都牵涉到了民|主这个话题。让我分享一个有趣的笑话,大家思考一下:老农民临终前问儿子:“猪抱怨饲料不好,牛抱怨劳动繁重,鸡抱怨窝脏。我们要怎么办?”儿子回答:“提供好的饲料,分配更轻松的任务,打扫鸡舍。”农民摇着头说,“什么都不要做。给他们一个投票权,让它们在你和你妻子照顾它们之间做出选择。让它们觉得这个家是它们在做主。”
I don't know the Western media report on Xinjiang is truth or propaganda.But after seeing this video , I found this city is way more developed, cleaner and well disciplined then my Delhi.但看了这段视频后,我发现这座城市比我的德里更发达、更清洁、更有纪律。
With peace and the right government policies, you can forment economic development.With that you can have prosperity.China brought peace and prosperity to Xinjiang by being tough on violence and lots of social programs to help the deficient people.中国通过严厉打击暴力和许多帮助贫困人口的社会项目为XJ带来了和平与繁荣。
Listen carefully Indians!China has $3.5 trillion dollars worth of forex reserves. Plus China has $2 trillion dollars worth of loans to BRI countries. On top of that, China has $3 trillion dollars worth of assets globally like mineral rights, ports, start-ups, stocks, sovereign wealth funds etc. Add to that, China recorded $880 billion dollars worth of trade surplus last year alone. While India only got $500 plus billion forex reserves and India wants to counter China? This is not even a David vs. Goliath kinda thing, this is an ant taking on a T-rex中国拥有价值3.5万亿美元的外汇储备。此外,中国向“一带一路”倡议国家提供了价值2万亿美元的贷款。除此之外,中国在全球拥有价值3万亿美元的资产,如采矿权、港口、初创企业、股票、主权财富基金等。此外,仅去年一年,中国就录得价值8800亿美元的贸易顺差。而印度只有5000多亿美元的外汇储备,印度却想与中国对抗?这甚至不是大卫与歌利亚的对决(译注:圣经故事),这是蚂蚁与霸王龙的较量。
Woman taxi driver drove you around at night and obviously she didn't have to worry about her safety. That tells you something about Xinjiang, about China.女出租车司机晚上开车送你到处走,显然她不必担心自己的安全,这告诉了你一些关于XJ和中国的事情。
Uigur region which is considered to be the least developed in China is 10 times better than the most developed city in India which is Mumbai. India is competing only with Pakistan and Bangladesh���������XJ被认为是中国最不发达的地区,却比印度最发达的城市孟买好10倍。印度只配与巴基斯坦和孟加拉国竞争。[笑哭][笑哭][笑哭]
There is always a dispute about Xinjiang Province in western worldThis video proved it is highly developed and China is not exploiting their peopleAll these western, countries eastern countries, South countries envy towards China's development and world biggest hub in manufacturing, export, infrastructure这段视频证明了那里是高度发达的,契丹没有剥削他们的人民。所有这些西方国家、东方国家、南方国家都羡慕中国的发展及其世界上最大的制造业、出口、基础设施中心。
22:17, A lady Taxi Driver.May I just bring it to your attention that we just witnessef a nice looking Uhghur lady perform as a Taxi Driver in Xijiang.Few points to take notes:1. She can read in order to pass the test and get herself the Drivers Licence.2. Her Muslim family and Children are comfortable for her to have a job and perform a task, and even to drive a young male/ foreighner back to his hotel in the middle of night.Advancement in China is not limited to infrastructure, but also the opennese of the mind set.3. She is safe and trust that no crime will happen in Xijiang China, that when she perform the job as a taxi driver to dropped off a young man back to his hotel. She is confident and happy and drive quite fast on the road.���请允许我提醒您注意,我们刚刚在XJ看到一位长相漂亮的维族女出租车司机。2.她的MSL家庭和孩子对她拥有一份工作、完成一项任务,甚至在半夜开车送一位年轻男性/外国人回酒店都很放心。这说明中国的进步不仅限于基础设施,还包括开放的心态。3.她很安全,她相信在XJ不会发生犯罪事件,当她完成出租车司机的工作,把一个年轻人送回他的酒店时,她感到自信快乐,在路上开得很快。[笑哭]
He travelling all the way to Harbin in the northeastern China but showed nothing about the exotic amazing city with all the Russian food, churches and buildings, and now he travel 5000 km away to the northwestern Xinjiang.������ Amazing!���他一路前往中国东北部的哈尔滨,但没有展示这座拥有俄罗斯美食、教堂和建筑的充满异国情调的城市,现在他又前往5000公里外的西北部的XJ。牛A
There are so many Uighur women on the streets in Xinjiang, and they wear fashionable and beautiful clothes with bright colors. I thought Uyghur women would cover themselves in black hijabs, which is the case in many Muslim countries, and there are very few women on the streets in these countries. China is impressive.XJ的大街上有很多维族妇女,她们穿着时髦漂亮,颜色鲜艳的衣服。我还以为维族妇女会戴上黑色的头巾,因为在许多MSL国家都是如此,而在这些国家很少有妇女会走上街头。中国令人印象深刻。
Women in China are happier and freer Can do any type of jobs they want, taxis drivers, mechanic, business, etc, etc....not control by some egoistic men like in south Asia.中国的女性更快乐、更自由。她们可以做自己想做的任何类型的工作,包括出租车司机、机械师、生意人等……而不是像南亚那样被一些唯我独尊的男人控制。
I think they do look Chinese because Chinese has no particular look. Plus if you mean they look less East Asian then also it's not true. They look mostly Mongoloid with a tint of Aryan.我认为他们看起来确实是中国人的样子,因为中国人并没有特别的外表。另外,如果你的意思是他们看起来不像东亚人,那也不是真的,因为他们看起来更像带有雅利安人血统的蒙古人。
I might be mistaken, but I find it strange how Indian vloggers are currently going to China and always showing positive things. It doesn't seem normal to me. I think China may have invested in them to ensure they only portray good things. What's more suspicious is that all of these vloggers follow a similar travel route. They start by highlighting China's progress in Beijing and then go to the controversial city of Xinjiang to prove that everything is fine there. It just feels like there's something shady going on.我可能错了,但我觉得奇怪的是印度的博主们目前是怎么去中国并一直展示(中国的)积极的一面的?这在我看来并不正常,我认为中国可能付了钱给他们以确保他们只描绘美好的事物。更令人怀疑的是所有这些博主都遵循类似的旅行路线,他们首先强调了中国在北京取得的进展,然后前往有争议的XJ并证明那里一切都很棒。感觉背后好像有什么见不得人的事情。
And your susoecious point is easy to explain. China just opened its border after years, Indian bloggers found vlogs about China could rapidly increase their subscribers and earn more, so more and more go to China.你的疑问很容易得到解释。封闭几年之后,中国刚刚开放边境,印度博主们发现关于中国的视频就是流量密码,可以让他们赚更多的钱,所以越来越多的人去了中国。
1. 网址:www.skyfall.ink
2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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关键字:印度网红,印度博主来中国,印度人看中国,印度人看中国城市,印度人看中国高铁,印度人看中国地铁,印度博主拍中国 专题:其他责任编辑:管理员