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印度博主Travel with AK:探索中朝俄三国交界处:你不会相信这个地方存在
本文译自Youtube,原标题:You Won’t believe this place exist | China, North korea & Russia Tripoint
Even in such a remote area the road is wide and clean... modern city
China is three times the size of India, and if you only follow other people's travel guides, you will miss out on a lot of beauty���中国是印度的三倍大,如果你只遵循别人的旅行指南,你会错过很多美景。
You are doing a wonderful job with your videos. Just dont be opinionated about people or stereotype people. Your are s travel vlogger. You should show a new place without being sarcastic about the people of any place. Rest you are doing a good job. Just a suggestion. No offence.你的视频做得很好,只是不要对人太固执或持刻板印象。你是一个旅行博主,你应该展示一个新的地方,而不是讽刺任何地方的人。休息一下吧,你做得很好,这只是一个建议,我没有恶意。
Why most of the travel vloggers are in China , looks like China Tourism PR Strategy ���������为什么大多数旅游博主都跑中国去了?看起来像是中国的公关策略啊。[笑哭][笑哭][笑哭]
If these countries don't exist ,the world will have plenty of peaceful spaces to live in.如果这些国家不存在,这个世界将有很多和平的生活空间。
If these countries don't exist ,the world will be a wild and evil world.如果这些国家不存在,这个世界将是一个狂野而邪恶的世界。
You are an amazing travel blogger, and you went to a place that Chinese people think is dangerous.你是一个了不起的旅游博主,你去了一个中国人都认为危险的地方。
Security is good everywhere in China, much better than in IndiaIt seems that you like to look at many things and move them around in their orderly fashion. Sure if you buy some of them, the owner wouldn't mind and be very happy, but if you don't buy any, they have to put them back, they may not be amused, though they just keep quiet until you leave their store. You see that?你似乎喜欢看很多东西并以有序的方式移动它们。当然,如果你买了一些,店主不会介意,甚至会很高兴,但如果你不买,他们必须把它们放回去。尽管直到你离开商店他们都没有说什么,但他们可能不会觉得有趣。明白了吗?
The border is clean, town looks prosperous and people are friendly. I don’t see secret service or police following you or anybody interfering your video taping.边境干净,城镇繁荣,人民友好。我没有看到特勤局或警察跟踪你或有人干扰你的拍摄。
once russia china had border problems but they decided to solve it and move on for better future. india china unfortunately still stuck with border problem and no idea when it will solve infact it keeps getting worst with passing time !!曾经俄罗斯和中国存在边界问题,但它们决定解决这个问题并为更美好的未来而前进。不幸的是印度和中国仍然无法摆脱边境问题,不知道什么时候才能解决。事实上,随着时间的推移,情况越来越糟!!
Dear Indian friends, pls accept my sincere congratulations from the bottom of my heart. Early July 2023, Indian government announced that "India Now Has World's Second Largest Road Network; Gadkari Says" in Hindustan Times youtube channel. It also stated "India beats China in largest road network".亲爱的印度朋友们,请接受我发自内心的衷心祝贺。2023年7月初,印度政府在《印度斯坦时报》Youtube频道上宣布“印度现在拥有世界第二大公路网”,它还表示“印度在最大的公路网方面击败了中国”。
I'm convinced. When this guy arrived in my hometown of Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, he didn't take any pictures and turned around and went back.Did India's youtuber visit China without a plan? Everyone is walking around without planning a route, wasting time and money.我确信这家伙到过我的家乡黑龙江哈尔滨,但他什么都没拍,转身就回去了。印度的Youtuber是不是没有做计划就访问了中国?他们每个人都在没有规划路线的情况下四处乱跑,简直是浪费时间和金钱。
He just said in video he has no idea about this place he looked on internet and was not able to find any information not by any indian vlogger or international vlogger他在视频中也说了他不了解这个地方,他在互联网上看了一下,但找不到任何印度博主或国际博主以外的信息。
Indians should pay attention to their image when going abroad, especially some bloggers, you represent the image of the country, if your quality is too low, we will not welcome you, don’t just focus on making videos to make money印度人在出国时要注意自己的形象,尤其是一些博主,你代表的是你们国家的形象,如果你的素质太低,我们不会欢迎你,不要只想着制作视频赚钱。
try not to bargain in foreign countryWhen you visit foreign countriesyour behaviour will leave the first impression about Indian peopleI am In Taiwan and I sell second hand water boiler for 500 and an Indian guy contact me many time until I make discount to 400 Taiwan dollar...When we both agree and I deliver to him he make bargain again...Those boiler when new it cost around 3000 and he want to bargain 300...我在台湾,我的二手热水器卖500新台币,一个印度人联系我很多次,直到我打折到400新台币...我们都同意了这个价格,但当我把热水器交付给他时,他又开始讨价还价了...那些热水器如果全新要3000新台币左右,他竟想还价到300...
1. 网址:www.skyfall.ink
2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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关键字:印度人看中国,印度人来中国,印度人在中国,印度人看中国城市,印度人看中国高铁,印度人看中国地铁,印度人看中国商场 专题:其他责任编辑:管理员