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印度博主:中国的道路VS印度道路,结果令人震惊!印度公路里程超过中国位居世界第二?本文译自Youtube,原标题:China Road vs India Road - This is truly shocking... 中国路VS印度路 。。我震惊了
China is way ahead of the rest of the world not just on Roads and High Speed Rails -the Chinese People has developed into a zero prejudiced and pragmatic systemwhich makes progress and innovation a natural thing中国不仅在公路和高速铁路方面遥遥领先于世界其他国家,
Talking about infrastructure, I'm very sorry for the victims of the train accident until Odisha. RIP. I'm also sorry for the gigantic bridge collapsed in India.说到基础设施,我对之前奥迪萨邦火车事故的受害者感到非常抱歉。安息吧。我也为印度那座巨大的桥梁的倒塌而感到抱歉。
Both China and India are great countries with long histories. They both fell behind in modern times and were bullied by Western powers. Both have great ambitions for national rejuvenation in modern times. However, the caste system in Indian society has hindered its own development. Many so-called lower class people have no chance to show their strengths. Chinese people are equal and will be rewarded as long as they work hard. They also have a population of 1.4 billion. Many people in India are bound by the caste system. There are relatively few ordinary people who flex their muscles.中国和印度都是历史悠久的大国。它们在近代都落后了,都被西方列强欺负,两个国家都有实现民族复兴的雄心壮志。然而,印度社会的种姓制度阻碍了其自身的发展,许多所谓的下层人士没有机会展现自己的长处。中国人民是平等的,只要他们努力工作就能得到回报。虽然印度也拥有14亿人口,但印度的许多人受到了种姓制度的束缚,能够大展拳脚的普通人相对较少。
You are one of the most honest YouTubers around; frank, philosophical and your content is really good. Your message is clear; only those who are stupid or ignorance will not get your message, after all stupid people don’t like to be called stupid你是这一圈里最诚实的YouTuber之一;说话坦率,富有哲理,你的内容真的很棒。你的信息表达得很清楚,只有那些愚蠢或无知的人才听不懂你在说什么,毕竟愚蠢的人不喜欢别人说他蠢。
China or Chinese don't look down on India.In fact there's been long friendship between the two peoples since ancient times.中国或者中国人并没有看不起印度。
Telling the true fact will definitely courage more youngster mindset & to think and strike better goal for India. I worked in India for few years, and noticed most of the India media always love to twist the actual stories and always like to talk bad about China. Why not telling the true fact !讲述真实的事实肯定能鼓励更多年轻人思考并为印度实现更好的目标。我在印度工作过几年,我发现大多数印度媒体总是喜欢歪曲事实,总是喜欢说中国的坏话。为什么不说出真实的事实呢?
Whole Worlds knows china is on top on technology..
It depends on what technologies?
37 out of 44 critical technologies according to Australian research institute and also ranks No1 on number of patents granted to ahead of second placed US. Google it yourself.根据澳大利亚研究所的数据,在44项关键技术中,中国有37项在授予专利数量上排名第一,领先于排名第二的美国。
A few days ago, the Minister of Transport of India proudly said that India's road network has surpassed China and became the second largest road network in the world. I guess India's road network even includes non-paved rural roads and village roads.日前,印度交通部长自豪地表示印度的公路网已经超过中国位居世界第二。我猜印度的公路网甚至包括了未硬化的乡村公路和田间小道。
The difference between both country is the Govenment. One is democratic and the other is socialist. Socialist model with good leaders can move the country forward in a very short time. China learned from Socialist Singapore. These two country with steady goverment can implement objectives successfully without interruption from other political parties. In democratic model, they don't know if they can last a 4 years term. Even if they implement, the new Government can stop it project, letting it rot . That's the difference!两国的不同之处在于政府。一个是民|主的,一个是社会主义的。有优秀领|导人的社会主义模式可以在很短的时间内推动国家向前发展,中国向社会主义新加坡学习了很多东西,这两个政府稳定的国家能够在不受其他政党干扰的情况下成功地实现目标。而在民|主模式下,它们甚至不知道自己能否连任4年。即使它们实施了一些项目,新政府也可以阻止它并使之腐烂。这就是区别!
Please understand that any political system whether democracy or autocratic is only as good as those who are running the show. Despite being a fan of China after witnessing its spectacular transformation, I still have faith in democracy but like so many countries, India is not a democracy, but is an expert in using democracy as an excuse to cover up the massive failures of their incompetent n corrupt leaders任何政治制度,无论是民|主还是专|制,都取决于那些主持大局的人。尽管在目睹了中国的巨大转变后,我成了中国的粉丝,但我仍然对民|主抱有信心。但和许多国家一样,印度不是一个民|主国家,而是一个以民|主为借口掩盖其无能和腐败的领|导人的巨大失败的专家。
China has been building great infrastructures since the ancient time. For examples, the Great Wall of China, the Great Canal, plus many more. In fact, the first man-made highway was built China’s first emperor Qin Shihuang. The ancient highway still exists in China till today!中国自古以来就在建设庞大的基础设施。例如,中国的长城、大运河等等。事实上,中国的第一条人造公路是中国的第一位皇帝秦始皇修建的,这条古老的公路至今在中国仍然存在!
And what was the point of building GreatWallOfChina? Mongol breached anyways... we all know what happened afterwards.There is no point wasting resources on disgusted stuff.中国修建长城的意义何在?无论如何,蒙古人还是攻破了它...我们都知道后来发生了什么。
@rishavcnx3413 Stupid, the Great Wall has a dual function of defense and economic blockade, fulfilling its mission in history.Better than India being invaded for thousands of years.愚蠢,长城兼具防御和经济封锁的双重功能,它履行了它在历史上的使命。
India uses a strange magic method to count the length of roads based on the number of lanes of each road. Say for a 4 lane road, India's length is 4 times the one of China as China is calculating based on the road itself.印度使用了一种奇怪的神奇方法,它根据每条道路的车道数来计算道路的长度。就4车道公路而言,印度的长度是中国的4倍,因为中国是根据公路本身来计算长度的。
It is not appropriate to compare India with China. The per capita GDP of India is even lower than Bangladesh. It is better compare India with Bangladesh. To my knowledge, the most urgent problems of India are hygiene and poverty. There is also a strange caste tradition in India which is difficult to understand by the rest of the world.将印度与中国进行比较是不合适的,因为印度的人均GDP甚至低于孟加拉国,最好将印度与孟加拉国进行比较。据我所知,印度最紧迫的问题是卫生和扶贫。印度还有一种奇怪的,世界其他地方很难理解的种姓传统。
I think you need to update yourself. India's GDP per capita is more than Bangladesh even after India's population is 9 times higher than Bangladesh.China also had similar GDP per capita 16 years ago. So, don't try to act too smart. China's GDP per capita is still 5.5 times lower than USA.我认为你需要更新自己的信息。尽管印度的人口是孟加拉国的9倍,但印度的人均GDP仍高于孟加拉国。
@ChinaSongsCollection I would agree with you. India has to choose its own development pathways. However, India's Indians have to learn to be more humble, less arrogant and more open-minded to learn from others, including from China. There are so much that can be learnt from China. Foremost, China at India's development stage today was not as ignorant and arrogant as most India's Indians now!! With this kind of attitude, India will not go too far!! Ignorance and arrogance, a deadly combination...我同意你的看法。印度必须选择自己的发展道路。然而,印度的印度人必须学会更加谦逊、不那么傲慢、更加开放地向包括中国在内的其他国家学习。我们可以从中国学到很多东西。最重要的是处在今天印度发展阶段的中国并没有像现在大多数印度的印度人那样无知和傲慢!!有了这种态度,印度走不了太远!!无知和傲慢,这是致命的结合...
I hope India and China will work together again. People's wages in China are going up, so their manufacturing wants to move out to lower wage countries. If India gets along with China they will surely move their jobs to India. I suspected the rich class in India want to keep wages low, so by keeping jobs out their labor cost will remain low for their business class.我希望印度和中国再次携手合作。中国人的工资正在上涨,所以他们的制造业希望转移到工资较低的国家。如果印度与中国相处融洽,他们肯定会把工作转移到印度。但我怀疑印度的富人阶层希望维持低工资,因此通过将工作机会排除在外,他们的商业阶层的劳动力成本将保持在较低的水平。
(IMF)’s GDP database shows that the world GDP crossed $100 trillion, in current US dollars, in 2022: it was for the first time ever. US and China have added GDP of $4.08 trillion and $3.76 trillion respectively in these three years. At the same time, India could add only $0.55 trillion. India’s GDP gap with the US and China widening uncomfortably. The truth is India is not catching up, but the GDP gap is only widening.(国际货币基金组织)的GDP数据库显示,2022年世界GDP以当前美元计算超过100万亿美元:这是有史以来第一次。美国和中国在这三年分别增加了4.08万亿美元和3.76万亿美元的GDP。与此同时,印度只增加了0.55万亿美元。印度与美国和中国的GDP差距正在令人不安地扩大。事实是印度没有追赶,其与中美两国GDP的差距只会扩大。
I keep telling people online that there is NO comparison between China and India. They just don't believe me. Some people would throw in comments like "India is 5 years behind China." or "India is just couple years behind China." And I just simply sigh ... there is NO comparison. They just don't get it.我一直在网上告诉人们,中国和印度之间没有可比性,但他们就是不相信我。有些人会说“印度落后中国5年”或者“印度只落后中国几年”。我只能叹息....这两者根本就没得比,但他们就是不明白。
India has about 25 more years to reach its international standards and construction capabilities. And in fairness, China has 3 decades' head start. India has an uphill battle to educate more of its citizens from all backgrounds. Colonization has left India broken and broke. However, Indians resilient have come a long way. Watch the difference in 5, 10, 15, 20 years. You will be doing videos in India highlighting how far it has come. Mother India shall once again shine under the Sun, as she once did before.印度还有大约25年的时间才能达到国际标准和建设能力。公平地说,中国领先印度30年。为了教育更多来自各种背景的印度公民,印度面临着一场艰苦的斗争。虽然殖民统治使得印度四分五裂,然而有韧性的印度人已经取得了很大的进步。观察5年、10年、15年、20年后的差异,你将可以在印度制作视频,看看它已经走了多远。印度母亲将再次像从前一样在阳光下大放光芒。
Just open google map on a large screen and compare the road network work. Amazing how much difference between India, USA, and China只需在大屏幕上打开谷歌地图并比较路网即可,你会发现印度、美国和中国之间的差异之大令人惊讶。
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关键字:印度人看中国,印度人看中国高铁,印度人看中国城市,印度人比较,印度人比较两国,印度人看中国商场 专题:其他责任编辑:管理员