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印度博主:访问管理阿克赛钦的和田,遇到超级友好的女孩,惊讶于中国男女平等本文译自Youtube,原标题:Super Friendly Girls of the City Which Administer Aksai Chin
Heartwarming People, really Sweet. As an Indian, I'm really delighted for the Development China has achieved. You guys Deserve it for the all Hardwork you have done. Love to Zhōngguó暖心的人们,真的很甜。作为一名印度人,我为中国取得的发展感到高兴。你们做了这么多努力,这是应得的。爱中国。
This blog is excellent, big roads, big footpath, neat and clean city, multi story buildings, good hotels, no discrimination against anyone, greenery everywhere, such a small city is developed so nicely. Western media is giving wrong information about China’s Uyghur provinces. People of any religion look happy.这个视频很棒,宽阔的马路,宽阔的人行道,整洁的城市,多层建筑,不错的酒店,不歧视任何人,到处都是绿色植物。像这样的小城市也发展得很好,西方媒体对XJ的报道是错误的,这里所有宗教的人看起来都很快乐。
after watching this series of vlogs my perception regarding china has changed...i want to visit that beautiful country and meet its people在看完这一系列视频之后,我对中国的看法发生了变化...我想访问那个美丽的国家,与那里的人民见面。
This is a paid propaganda video look at the number of Chinese comments it looks like they are bots,and if everything was so good why don't he talk to random people这是一个付费的宣传视频,看看下面来自中国的评论的数量,它们看起来都像是机器人。如果一切都很棒,他为什么不和随机的人交谈呢?
Modern China made a great job, women have equality in education, job, payment and freedom, even in remote muslim area. I believe it's one of the most important human right, well done China.现代中国做得很好,妇女在教育、工作、报酬和自由方面与男性都是平等的,即使在偏远的MSL地区也是如此。我相信这是最重要的人|权之一,中国做得很棒。
Apart from all the hype of western media, this is beyond impressive and kudos to China. The ladies here reflect their self confidence unlike places like south Asia and middle east.撇开西方媒体的炒作不说,这对中国来说是令人印象深刻和值得赞赏的。与南亚和中东等地方不同,这里的女士们体现出了她们的自信。
Hi Tourvashu, I felt your China vlogs are also eye opener like Iran vlogs to common man. Generally we have been always told or seen in media that these part of China are underdevelope or their are lots of problems but in reality these provinces are too developed . People looks friendly, supportive . Keep doing good job and keep showing true reality of the world. Be safe.你好,Tourvashu,我觉得你的中国视频也像伊朗视频一样让普通人大开眼界。通常而言,我们总是被告知或在媒体上看到中国的这些地区发展不足,或者存在很多问题,但实际上这些省份太发达了,人们看起来很友好,愿意帮助他人。请继续,继续向我们展示世界的真实情况。
People are healthy wealthy educated living a good prosperous life in this par of China .what media shows is totally opposite to this basically I feel they are jealous to of China .love and respect from indian Buddhist to our Chinese Buddhist brothers.在中国的这个地方,人们健康、富有、受过教育,过着富裕的生活,而媒体的报道与此完全相反,基本上我觉得它们是在嫉妒中国。印度的佛教徒对中国佛教徒兄弟致以爱与敬意。
These videos by Indians traveling in China highlight how far advanced China is, 50 years ahead of India! So clean and people are so nice in China! Amazing!这些印度人在中国旅行的视频突出了中国有多先进,领先印度50年!这里太干净了,中国人太友好了!神奇!
Its nice to see how nice Uighur people are even in far north west Xinjiang. Local people are lovely, hospitable and respectful.Love and respect for people of China ❤很高兴看到即使是在遥远的西北XJ,维族人也很友好。当地人可爱、好客、尊重他人。
As can be seen in this video, the Chinese have no animosity towards Indians. The Chinese media does not demonize India, unlike some Indian media that tries to incite hatred towards China everyday. Indian people should visit China and see for themselves. Then they can decide whether to believe their own eyes or the media. For the benefit of both peoples, the two neighbouring countries should work together.从这段视频中可以看出中国人对印度人没有敌意。不像一些印度媒体每天都在试图煽动对中国的仇恨,中国媒体并没有妖魔化印度。印度人民应该访问并亲眼看看中国,然后他们可以决定是相信自己的眼睛还是相信媒体。为了两国人民的利益,这两个邻国应该共同努力。
❤as a Indian i love my country ������But when i see the development no words came out from my mouth ���虽然作为一个印度人,我爱我的国家。
Everything is the complete opposite of what western media says about Xinjiang. People there look happy, friendly and many women are employed. The place looks developed too.一切都与西方媒体所说的完全相反。那里的人们看起来很快乐,很友好,而且很多妇女都有工作。这个地方看起来也很发达。
Before not watching video i used to hate to china but after seeing video i fall in love with Chinese people who are very honest and don't discriminate against people of other countries really china deserve for appreciate from Indian people在没有看视频之前,我曾经讨厌中国,但在看了视频之后,我爱上了中国人。他们非常诚实,不歧视其他国家的人,中国确实值得印度人民的赞赏。
After watching this vedio all I can say Chinese peoples are amazing ��� honest and friendly..I really appreciate Chinese peoples. Apart from this the Aksai chin area highly developed and well mentain most important things Peoples are happy being Chinese..India and the Chinese government should build a good relationship between two Countries..看完这段视频后,我只能说中国人民了不起。他们诚实友好...我真的很欣赏中国人民。除此之外,阿克赛钦地区高度发达,最重要的是那里的人民很高兴成为中国人...印度和中国的政府应该在两国之间建立良好的关系...
I don't think a Chinese man can travel alone to India so easily, freely, safe, convenience and feel so welcome by the Indians like Indian travelling in China. Indian can wander around anywhere in China freely doing video recording and speaking Hindi language loudly without problem or fear of police. I am sure if a Chinese will to do the same going around in India doing video recording he will be arrested immediately by police and accuse of spying.我不认为一个中国人能像印度人在中国旅行那样轻松、自由、安全、方便地独自前往印度并受到印度人的欢迎。印度人可以在中国的任何地方自由漫步,录制视频,大声说印地语,而不会遇到问题或担心警察。我确信如果一个中国人在印度四处拍摄,他会立即被警方逮捕并被指控从事间谍活动。
This episode truly reflects the complete freedom and equal status of Chinese women with menThis will make Indian women extremely envious ���这一集真实地反映了中国中国女性与男性一样拥有完全自由和平等的地位。
这会让印度女人羡慕不已的 [哈哈]
Lol . This didnt make me envious at all , its good to see women being themselves in any part of the world .We have hyper -feminist movements going on here right now , things will change .That blank perception you have about Indian women is from the Rural India .哈哈。我一点也不羡慕,很高兴看到世界任何地方的女性都能做自己。
I hope Modiji and his ministers watch all the videos on China and understand that people in Chin are very cordial with Indians regardless of their government. This century can become Asia's century if both countries collaborate in geopolitics of the world at the same time ok to compete in the business.我希望莫迪姬和他的部长们观看所有关于中国的视频并认识到无论他们的政府如何,中国人民对印度人非常友好。如果两国能够在世界地缘政治上合作,同时在商业领域进行竞争,那么本世纪将可以成为亚洲的世纪。
@indiandefenceandeconomics9804Since last few days lots of Indian youtuber exploring China and when I see how nice Chinese people they are very hospitable and friendly. This is changed my opinion for Chinese people before this I thought Chinese people are so bad they hate us but it's not true thanks to Chinese government for allow them let's people to people connect who knows we become best friends earlier history we both civilization very ancient and growth together without harming each other so let's a fress start for our friendship if it happens believe me world will be our because we both are great civilization最近几天以来,很多来自印度的Youtuber都在探索中国,我看到中国人非常友善,他们都非常热情友好。这让我对中国人的看法发生了变化,在此之前,我认为中国人很坏,他们讨厌我们,但这不是真的。感谢中国允许他们进行人与人之间的交流。我们在更早的历史上成为了最好的朋友,我们都是非常古老的文明,曾经在没有伤害彼此的情况下共同发展。所以,让我们的友谊重新开始吧。相信我,世界将是我们的,因为我们都是伟大的文明。
@vagabondsguide2blueplanet678China's infrastructure is praise worthy... Indias govt should learn from Chinese development, since both the countries started from the same situation 70 years ago中国的基础设施值得称赞...印度政府应该学习中国的发展,因为两国70年前都是从同一个起点开始的。
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关键字:印度网红,印度网红来中国,印度人来中国,印度人看中国,印度人看中国城市,印度人看中国高铁,印度人看中国地铁 专题:其他责任编辑:管理员