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牙买加女外教:科学与机器人VS 100种性别,这就是中国孩子从小具有竞争力的原因!
本文译自Youtube,原标题:This is why the Chinese are ahead|| 中国孩子从小具有竞争力的原因!
You are right. The Chinese are not trying to take over the world or rule anyone. But in this way, I meant that Chinese people will be ahead in STEM.你是对的。中国人并没有试图接管世界或统治任何人。这样一来,我的意思是中国人将在STEM领域处于领先地位。
@Sabrina_inchina you are the ambassador between the east and west, yes , China as a old civilization, we have never to interfere with the value of other countries , we learn from others, also like share ours with the world, this is why the slogan of tian an men square: long live the whole world work together!你是东西方之间的大使,是的,作为一个古老的文明,我们从不干涉其他国家的价值观,我们向它人学习,也喜欢与世界分享我们的价值,这就是为什么TAM广场的口号是:世界人民大团结万岁!
I could not agree more. I am disgusted what our children are being exposed to and taught in the West. I'm moving to China soon and I'm honestly scared I'm going to love it.我非常同意。我很反感我们的孩子在西方所接触到的东西,我很快就要搬到中国了,我真的很害怕我会爱上它。
Great perspective. And its not just US vs China too, so many developimg countries can take a page from China's playbook, improve and move ahead too. Everyone deserve a chance at better lives.很好的视角。不仅是美国VS中国,许多发展中国家也可以借鉴中国的做法,改进并前进。每个人都应该有机会过上更好的生活。
When I was little about 30years ago, we believed that children in America were happy and lucky because of Disney and blabla, and children in China were unfortunate because we should study and study. However 30 years later I recognize that children in China are really happy and lucky in fact. They learn science , grow in the safest country around the world. And they live in rich families where they can get everything they want, just compared to my childhood when we were so poor. So that is why China has the more bright future. Thank you sister.大约30年前,当我还小的时候,我们觉得美国的孩子因为拥有迪士尼和blabla而快乐和幸运,而中国的孩子则因为需要不断学习而不幸。然而,30年后,我意识到中国的孩子们真的很快乐,也很幸运,因为他们学习了科学,在世界上最安全的国家长大。与我贫穷的童年相比,他们生活在富裕的家庭里,在那里他们可以得到他们想要的一切,这就是为什么中国有更光明的未来的原因。谢谢你,妹子。
In China, respected professionals are scientists, engineers, teachers... whereas in u.s respected professionals are lawyers, bankers, plastic surgeons在中国,受人尊敬的专业人士是科学家、工程师、教师......而在美国,受人尊敬的专业人士是律师、银行家、整形外科医生。
China has exhibited an incredible ability to adopt and adapt to innovations in practically every domain, and at a speed and scale that is unmatched elsewhere on earth.This phenomenon is an embodiment that China is a forward looking and progressive nation.In fact, since the beginning of the much touted “Reform and Opening-up” four decades ago, China has been enthusiastically embracing, learning and assimilating the best of what the West has to offer into its formidable 4,000-year old civilisation and cultural heritage.This phenomenon also goes to show that China does not (as what the Western propagandists would like us to believe) oppress its citizens’ pursuit of liberty, freedom, and happiness. China has every reason to be confident and proud of its own socioeconomic and sociopolitical system — that it is highly desirable and competitive.中国在几乎所有领域都表现出了令人难以置信的采纳和适应创新的能力,其速度和规模在世界其他地方都是无与伦比的。
One day..any of these kids will become world greatest scientist or influential leaders..this is how you raise your children..总有一天...这些孩子中的每一个都将成为世界上最伟大的科学家或有影响力的领导人...这就是他们养育孩子的方式...
I am teaching a Florida based Chinese kid maths online. His mom told me he found the third year maths materials in the US too easy. So after some thoughts and discussions, we decided to teach this ten-year-old boy using GRE and GMAT materials, because the primary school maths exercise books used in Chinese schools are too difficult for him.....我在网上教一个佛罗里达州的中国孩子数学。他妈妈告诉我,她觉得美国三年级的数学材料太简单了。因此,经过一番思考和讨论,我们决定用GRE和GMAT材料来教这个十岁的男孩,因为中国学校使用的小学数学练习册对他来说太难了...
I'm impressed how naturally they understand your English. Japan (where I live) has been teaching their population English since 1945 and still nobody can understand you unless you dumb it down and speak deliberately with a heavy Japanese accent.他们能够很自然地理解你说的英语,这给我留下了深刻的印象。自1945年以来,日本(我生活的地方)一直在教他们的人民学习英语,但仍然没有人能听懂你的话,除非你压低声音,故意用浓重的日本口音说话。
Children are the future. Education is always number 1 priority in Chinese family. China was poor. It takes time to get better and better. For political reasons, western media always want to put down China as if China can't produce good scientists, artists etc. Nowadays the Chinese kids are so polite, well behaved and well rounded in so many different fields. I learned that from someone who was building housing in Africa. It was part of giving a helping hand to an old friend that helped in time of great needs. It was African nations that helped China entered into UN. This is more what we like to see instead of the colonial imperialism Anglo Saxon culture that just talk about peace but doing the exact opposite.孩子是未来。在中国家庭中,教育始终是第一要务。中国很穷,变得更好需要时间。出于政治原因,西方媒体总是想贬低中国,就好像中国培养不出优秀的科学家、艺术家一样。如今,中国的孩子都很有礼貌、举止得体,他们在很多不同的领域内全面发展。
As Michio Kaku quipped, a major reason why the US has been ahead is because of the H1B visa: the world was sending the US its best. Over 50% of the patents at Qualcomm, Intel and Nvidia have a Chinese or Asian inventor on the listing (according to Justia, an online legal database). As we see in this video, China and other countries are educating their kids well, and the US has been the chief beneficiary. Now, these scientists are staying home.正如Michio Kaku打趣的那样,美国一直领先的一个主要原因是H1B签证:世界向美国输送了最优秀的人才。根据在线法律数据库Justia的数据,高通、英特尔和英伟达超过50%的专利名单上都有中国或亚洲发明人的名字。正如我们在这段视频中看到的那样,中国和其他国家正在很好地教育他们的孩子,而美国是主要的受益者。现在,这些科学家都留在了自己的国家。
Such a dilemma. I'm Hong Kong Chinese grew up in Toronto. obviously toronto is not one of the most violent high crime cities in North America but it's definitely far from being safe like China is now. We have about a little less than a hundred murders a year here in Toronto.I do envy kids back home in China where they can grow up in an innocent safe harmonious society. But the problem is if they ever travel or study abroad they're Innocence and lack of awareness could be very dangerous. Could get them mugged, raped or worst yet killed in North America.我是在多伦多长大的香港华人。很明显,多伦多不是北美最暴力的高犯罪率城市之一,那里每年发生的谋杀案不到一百起,但它绝对不像中国现在这样安全。
It’s great to see China been invested in children’s education but there is a down side to all of this, compare to western children, Chinese children are taught by parents to place competition above everything, including character. Children in the west are more innocent, naive, and honest. chinese children from the get go learn how to climb that social ladder and learning 心眼儿, how to even back stab each other when needed. You can see that in the result of when foreigners come to China or repatriated Chinese ethnics, they are like blank slates very honest and true with everybody and easily tricked by the locals.很高兴看到中国在儿童教育上进行投资,但这一切也有不利的一面,即与西方儿童相比,中国儿童的父母教导他们把竞争置于一切之上(包括品格)。西方的孩子更天真,更诚实,而中国的孩子从一开始就学习如何攀登社会的阶梯并学习如何耍心眼儿, 如何在需要的时候互相背后捅刀子。你可以看到当外国人来到中国或海外华人返回中国时,他们就像一张白纸,对每个人都非常诚实,以至于他们很容易被当地人欺骗。
interesting topic! i remember back in the 90s and 2000s, chinese children were always compared with children from the us/jp/eu by all medias in china, and all the medias believed that chinese children having lower overall quality and were less competitive, and told a lot of stories to prove that right. if im not wrong, back then all chinese believed it.有趣的话题!我记得在上世纪90年代和21世纪初,中国所有的媒体总是把中国的孩子与美国/日本/欧盟的孩子进行比较,所有的媒体都认为中国孩子的整体素质较低,竞争力较弱,它们还讲了很多故事来证明这一点。如果我记得没错的话,那时候所有的中国人都相信这一点。
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2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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