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英国博主:满是无人驾驶巴士/出租车/环卫车/送餐车的广州生物岛,它安全吗?本文译自Youtube,原标题:China Built an Island Full of Autonomous Vehicles (Is it Safe?)
the pace of developing in China is just amazing . i go back to China about every 3years, each time i am always shocked of how different to last visit , how advance it has become, how many new things not just invented but has become norm in lifes . it is just unbelievable to me as a Chinese living aboard.中国的发展速度的确惊人。我大约每三年回一次中国,每次我都会震惊于与上次访问的不同,包括它变得多么先进,有多少新事物不仅发明了,而且已经成为生活中的常态。作为一个生活在国外的中国人,这简直让我难以置信。
Wow absolutely amazing ! I'd never imagine what used to be Hollywood sci fi movies is actally a reality in Guangzhou ! America does the talking, China does the doing! Thanks so much Stu!❤���哇,太神奇了!我从来没有想过过去的好莱坞科幻电影在广州变成了现实!美国负责说,中国负责把它变成现实!非常感谢!❤���
Thanks for showing us this remarkable place! How do you input your destination on the robobus? Or are there fixed stops?谢谢你带我们参观这个非凡的地方!你怎么在无人驾驶巴士上输入你的目的地?还是说它有固定的停靠站?
There are fixed bus routes. Just like when you take a normal bus.
that's a stunning island, i wasn't aware they built a island for bio tech. everything looks in order and amazing, i hope to visit some day when i get back to China.那是一个令人惊叹的岛屿,我不知道他们为发展生物技术竟然建造了一个岛屿。一切看起来都很有序,令人惊叹,我希望有一天我回到中国时能去参观。
China now has autonomous subways, autonomous buses, and autonomous taxis. China is still relatively advanced in artificial intelligence technology, and there is also a robot restaurant in Shunde, Guangdong, where all cooking and services are completed by robots.中国现在有了自动驾驶地铁、自动驾驶公交车和自动驾驶出租车。中国在人工智能技术方面仍然相对先进,它们在广东顺德也有一家机器人餐厅,那里的所有烹饪和服务都由机器人完成。
@internationaldailytv6179Right and wrong. China is not relatively but very advanced in AI, probably ahead of the US already or in different areas of AI.对也不对。中国在人工智能方面虽然不是相对领先,但非常先进,它可能已经或在人工智能的不同领域领先于美国。
@mikeliu-te3vk I really want to go to Shunde. Not sure whether I'd visit the restaurant, because there's so many amazing places to get food in Shunde. I'd want to try all the authentic food first before eating food made by a robot.我真的很想去顺德,但我不确定是否会去这家餐厅,因为顺德有很多令人惊叹的美食之地。在吃机器人做的食物之前,我想先尝尝所有正宗的食物。
Wow, Excellent work done by Chinese in such short time, we can imagine this kind of life style will be promoted in all Chinese cities in nearly future.哇,中国人在这么短的时间内完成了出色的工作,我们可以想象这种生活方式在不久的将来会在中国所有的城市推广。
Wow. Total 8 spinning lidars on one bus. It's about $4,000 a lidar. So $32,000 worth of lidars on one autonomous bus. Lidar is going to be a huge industry in the future...哇!一辆公共汽车上总共有8个旋转的激光雷达,一台激光雷达大约价值4000美元,一辆自动驾驶公交车需要价值3.2万美元的激光雷达。激光雷达将在未来成为一个巨大的产业...
I think if we every vehicle gets driverless, everything will get better, no traffic violation, no accidents. But only possible when everything is driverless.我认为如果我们每辆车都实现了无人驾驶,一切都会变得更好,届时将没有交通违法,没有事故,但这只有当一切都是无人驾驶的时候才有可能。
I would feel much secure if they can present a human face of the driver somewhere in the bus. Maybe I am too old.如果他们能在公交车上的某个地方展示司机的人脸,我会感到更安全。也许是我太老了。
saw this auto-bus from other youtuber, some say, if it's in the us, this type of auto-pilot vehicle will be full of homeless or doors/chairs/tyres will be stolen in few days������看到这辆其他youtuber也拍过的无人驾驶巴士,有人说如果在美国,几天后它就会挤满无家可归的人,或者门/椅子/轮胎会被盗 [笑哭]
may be this is the future transportation. no need people drive car. no more reckless people behind steering, no more puberty kids cause accident, no more woman who playing android when driving, no more angry Karen也许这就是未来的交通,不再需要人来开车,不再有鲁莽的人开车,不再有青春期的孩子肇事,不再有开车时玩手机的女人,不再有愤怒的大妈(译注:Karen,一个名字梗,代指喜欢抱怨、小题大做、不相信科学、处处不配合,歧视有色人种,总觉得自己是受害者,无理取闹,并且充分暴露自己无知荒唐的中年白人女性群体。Karen的极大特征是:中年白人女性,习惯白人特权,口头禅是“我要和你的经理说话”)。
As a Hakka-Indonesian, I used to hold Australia / Singapore in a very high regard. Both were also where I am very likely to send my kids for future education. After seeing this, I may very well have to adjust my plan and send them to Guangzhou / Shenzhen instead.Things seem to come full circle now. My great grandparent and grandparent left Guangdong to escape chaotic poverty-stricken China right around the demise of Qing dynasty. It is now time for my offspring to return and contribute to their true motherland, China. ���.My late grandparents would have been immensely proud and boastful of their Guangdong origin, had they still been alive today.作为一名印尼客家人,我曾经对澳大利亚/新加坡给予了很高的评价,这两个地方也是我很有可能送孩子去接受未来教育的地方。但看到你的视频之后,我很可能不得不调整我的计划把他们送到广州/深圳。
Thank you for showing us Biotech Island! It's good to know such an interesting place exists. Maybe in the future, everything will be done by robots, we humans will be freed to do what we like, not what we have to.感谢您带我们参观这个生物技术岛!很高兴知道有这么有趣的地方。也许在未来,一切都将由机器人完成,我们人类将可以自由地做我们喜欢而不是我们必须做的那些事情。
I'll picture a scenario: you put these autonomous whatever in a society where population generally display a reasonable amount of discipline, and it would work. Put them in a society where people are PROUD of breaking rules in the name of freedom, meanwhile making tiktok shorts vandalizing and getting millions of likes, then it's worth nothing.我会想象一个场景:你把这些拥有自主权的东西放在一个人们通常表现出合理纪律的社会里,它会起作用。而把它们放在一个人们对以自由的名义违反规则而自豪,同时拍摄搞破坏的tiktok短视频并能获得数百万个赞的社会里,它们就一文不值了。
You might be right. Look what happened to shared bicycles in Manchester, UK. They all ended up in the canal. So stupid.你也许是对的。看看英国曼彻斯特的共享单车发生了什么:它们最后都被扔进了运河里。这太愚蠢了。
You mean like vandalism in Britain where bikes for hire often ended up in canals and vandalised. Most schemes collapsed. Even run-of-the-mill bus shelters often get trashed.你的意思是就像英国的蓄意破坏一样,共享单车常常被扔进运河并遭到破坏。那里的大多数计划都失败了,即使是普通的公共汽车候车亭也经常遭到破坏。
In Britain, shared bicycles only work in very wealthy cities I believe. What a pity.我相信在英国共享单车只有在非常富裕的城市才能运转良好。真遗憾。
Peace brings prosperity and development... China is on the right track!You can brand China all you want but the bottom line the Chinese government works for the well-being of the citizens and the country.I have been to many big cities in China and I can count the homeless in one or two hands. In the US and UK...you need a calculator. Job well done China!和平带来繁荣与发展...中国正走在正确的道路上!
Most of the accident is between autonomous vehicles and man driven vehicles. This is because the brain in the autonomous vehicles cannot communicate with the human brain behind the wheel.But if you have an environment where all vehicles are autonomous, it will be computer talking to computer, they understand each other fully.So the answer to the title of this clip is they're safe.大部分事故发生在自动驾驶汽车和人工驾驶汽车之间,这是因为自动驾驶汽车的大脑无法与方向盘后面的人脑进行通信。
1. 网址:www.skyfall.ink
2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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关键字:中国无人驾驶,中国无人巴士,中国自动驾驶,中国电动汽车,外国人看中国无人驾驶,外国人看中国电动汽车,外国人看中国自动驾驶 专题:其他责任编辑:管理员