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印度博主:探访桂林2500年历史的古村落,被印度网友质疑拿了中国的钱本文译自Youtube,原标题:ANCIENT VILLAGE TOUR OF CHINA ������ | 2500 YEARS OLD VILLAGE ���
Namaste ��� Greetings to all our Chinese friends out there, no matter how our governments build relations with each other but we as a simple human being will always be there to support each other. Its so nice to see such good Chinese people out there, they are so polite and helping, communication has no language向我们所有的中国朋友致以问候,无论我们的政府之间的相互关系如何,我们作为一个普通人将永远相互支持。很高兴看到这么好的中国人,他们很有礼貌,乐于助人,不需要语言就可以交流。
In Chinese or east Asian, people are taught to be polite to each other, it is something like a virtues, a tradition even if the person do not like you.But in south Asian society, people might view the other pary is weaker or lower castes. But it's not the case of east Asian society, they are taught to be polite even if the persons is strangers.在中国或东亚,人们被教导要礼貌相待,这有点像一种美德,一种传统,即使你不喜欢对方。
Do you guys see anything odd with the fact that many of the travel youtubers are uploading China Series Vlogs at the same time?? Because I feeling strange that something is black about this whole thing, maybe Chinese Government had made this whole plan and funded them? Nevertheless it can’t cloud the love the Chinese People are giving to our yters. But I’m seriously having doubts about this!!你们看到这么多旅拍YouTuber同时上传中国系列视频的事实难道就不觉得有什么奇怪的吗??我就觉得很奇怪,这整件事情背后一定有黑幕,也许是中国政府制定了整个计划并资助了他们?不过,这并不能掩盖中国人民对我们印度Youtuber的爱。但我真的对此心存疑虑!!
It is because China just opened up visitor visas after 4 years and these bloggers probably have already visited all other countries in the past few years. If government sponsors these, they'd pick English speaking Vlogs that have a much wider audience.这是因为中国在4年后刚刚开放了旅游签证,而这些Youtuber在过去几年里可能已经访问过所有其他国家。如果政府需要赞助,它们会选择受众更广泛的讲英语的博主。
@y2kfei170 dont you think it's more than that? you can see there are so many chinese people who are commenting, but, a very big but, yt is banned in China, normally not accessible by chinese population, even hardly vpn works there, dont you think that these percieved and alleged chinese people are "intentionally" commenting?你不觉得不止这些吗?你可以看到这里有这么多中国人在发表评论,但是一个很大的问题是Youtube在中国是被禁止的,通常中国人是无法访问的,甚至VPN在那里也几乎不起作用,你不觉得这些被我看见和指控的中国人是“有意图地”在发表评论吗?
I love how most of the people of China's treats you no racism or any kind of misbehaviour i have seen till now they are very polite and have good helping nature我喜欢大多数中国人对待你的方式——到目前为止,我没有看到任何种族主义或任何不当的行为——他们非常有礼貌,乐于助人。
One should always distinquish the difference between Politician and normal civilians.US and China politicians don‘t see eyes to eyes, but on civilian level there is a very strong tie.Same apply to China and Taiwan relationships, over a million Taiwanese permently live in China with no fear, almost 350 000 Chinese has married to Taiwanese and live in Taiwan. The inter marriage children are more the half million.Same apply to China - Japanese as well.So, once again, one should separete the Politics and civilian lives.人们应该始终区分政治家和普通平民之间的区别。
@merrick6484 Are Taiwan Province people and China people alien? They are basically Han people, so many of them marry because they have the same culture, customs and blood ties. Do you see how many people in China marry Indians?台湾省人和中国人是外人吗?他们基本上都是汉族人,所以他们中的许多人结婚是因为他们有着相同的文化、习俗和血缘关系。你见过几个嫁给印度人的中国人?
They are also the same people like us...they know how to give respect to guests...we indians only see fake news circulating all over media and then we make wrong thoughs about china..他们也是和我们一样的人…他们知道如何尊重客人...我们印度人只看到了在媒体上流传的假新闻,然后我们就对中国发表了错误的看法。
china really developed country of the world. may god bless u all. u all r great . that can b seen by looking at your places. india will take another 50 more yrs. Lekhraj中国在世界上是一个真正的发达国家。愿上帝保佑你们,你们所有人都很棒。看你所在的位置就知道了,印度还需要50年时间才能赶上。
NO!China is still an undeveloped country, and some of its 1.4 billion people have not lived a rich life. Even if it is not a developed country, China still has too many shortcomings. communist party needs to do more for the people to help the people of the whole country live a rich life.不!中国仍然是一个不发达国家,其14亿人口中的一些人还没有过上富裕的生活。中国还有太多的不足之处,GC党需要为人民做更多的事情以帮助全国人民过上富裕的生活。
India can't become like China even in next 200 years until and unless Govt takes some strict actions and makes some hard policies like they did.即使在未来200年内,印度也不可能变得像中国一样,除非政府采取一些严格的行动,制定一些像中国那样的强硬政策。
China is on High Speed train travelling at 350 km/ hour, India is travelling at 120 km/ hour, the gap will get wider and wider.中国乘坐时速350公里的高速列车疾驰,印度以时速120公里的速度行驶,二者的差距将越来越大。
One thing in China I noticed that is very different, and tbf, very advanced than India is the social equality and mobility (also physically). For example,Laddies can do anything anytime anywhere legally without fearing any safety concern, harassment, etc.In any given place, touristic or not, while you think people are local, they actually are from all over China.People are friendly and nice, buying/selling stuff is honest, not bcz your skin or accent is different, so I'll add a zero on the price tag.In short, China is a harmonious society❤我注意到在中国有一件事与印度非常不同,而且比印度更先进,那就是社会平等和流动性(包括肉体上的)。例如:
@chandraprakashchourase8959China has once again reached its ancient glory. Oldest civilization and confucian and tao culture. It's a miracle to touch the development level of western countries.中国又一次达到了其古老的辉煌。它们拥有最古老的文明与儒道文化。它们能达到西方国家的发展水平真是一个奇迹。
Ancient town is wonderful, neat and clean, Chinese people are helping unknown persons like Pratik, no discrimination against Indians, boarder issues don’t matter here.古镇很棒,整洁干净,中国人正在帮助像UP主这样不知名的人,那里没有对印度人的歧视,边界问题在这里无关紧要。
It's not polite to ask a stranger's name in China, but what is your last name is ok in china?And it's not polite to ask people for your names. You should ask: may I know your name instead of what's your name在中国问陌生人的名字是不礼貌的,但你可以问“你贵姓”?
Gosh i really want to travel to china ��� the country looks amazing hope one day i will visit our neighbour country and wear the traditional dresses especially hanfu dress i really like hanfu . hope i visit this beautiful country one day and meet the people.天哪,我真的很想去中国旅行。这个国家看起来很神奇,希望有一天我能访问我们的邻国,穿上传统的衣服,尤其是汉服,我真的很喜欢汉服。希望有一天我能访问这个美丽的国家,与中国人民碰面。
I always thought that Chinese people are racist to Indians due the continuous hectic situations in India-China Border ,but now my thoughts are totally changed .Most of the Chinese people are nice to Indians and also respect us.Lots of love(to Chinese people ) from India .Thank you Pratik Bhai for these beutiful vlogs that can change our mind ......我一直以为由于中印边境持续紧张的局势,中国人对印度人存在种族主义,但现在我的想法完全改变了。大多数中国人对印度人很好,也尊重我们,作为印度人,我对中国人民致以爱意。感谢你们这些有趣的视频博主发布的可以改变我们的想法的视频......
Comparing with other countries in the world, I can absolutely say that China is less racism than any other country in the world because of the educations from childhood. You can visit China to feel by yourself. I heard there is a caste tradition in India which is almost a gulf in personal communication in India and is very cruel in reality, sometimes the marriages between different castes are absolutely prohibited by girls' or boys' parents, this is terrible and horrible!与世界上其他国家相比,我可以肯定地说由于从小受到的教育,中国的种族主义比世界上任何其他国家都少,你可以去中国感受一下。我听说印度有一个种姓传统,这在印度的个人交流中几乎是一个鸿沟,而且在现实中非常残酷,有时不同种姓之间的婚姻会被女孩或男孩的父母绝对禁止,这太可怕了!
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