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印度博主:深圳-世界上最发达的城市,这就是宗教国家和无神论国家的区别,印度恐错过了最后一班车本文译自Youtube,原标题:Most Developed City on the Planet?������ | Shenzhen, China ������
China, a land of immense beauty and cultural diversity, is truly a paradise for Indian travelers. It is a warm and friendly place, offering a wealth of geographical and cultural richness. A visit to China is an essential experience that every Indian must embark upon in their lifetime. So, come to China and indulge in a comfortable and delightful travel experience.中国风景秀丽、文化多元,是印度游客真正的天堂。这是一个热情友好的地方,拥有丰富的地理和丰富的文化。访问中国是每个印度人一生都必须经历的重要经历。所以,来中国享受一次舒适愉快的旅行吧。
Thank you for showing more people globally, how it is to go outside on a sunny day with bright sky in China���many people tend to make videos when it's dark, cloudy or smoky, some of them even use a filter like that, just to fit the expectations when it's about China���I know there are days with bad weather and polluted air, but China doesn't only have bad weathers and air pollution���感谢您向全世界更多的人展示在中国阳光明媚的日子里出门是怎样的感觉。许多人只是为了满足人们对中国的预期而倾向于在阴天、多云或烟雾弥漫的时候制作视频,有些人甚至使用这样的滤镜 [笑哭]。我知道虽然有时会遇到坏天气和空气污染,但中国并不是只有坏天气和空气污染。
Indians ������ are proud of their Indian-origin CEOs working for foreign Multinational Corporation.Chinese ������ are proud of their 145 Multinational Corporation on the Fortune500 listA tale of 2 very distinct people with totally different mindsets���Countries with the highest number of companies on the Fortune500 list 2022:*Mostly state owned monopolies and not private companies印度人为自己的印度裔CEO为外国跨国公司打工而感到自豪。
Yes here in india only hindus think themselves a Global teacher, what ever structures in the world they see, they claim it has been built by thier ancestors, and principles of architecture, medical, robotics, computer , plane, science behind these thing are first invented by hindus only, i have seen on social meadia that one of hindus even claiming the the great Wall of China was built by thier one of god Vishnu. Even Modi's follower claim that Iran, pakistan, half of china, Myanmar, Thailand, malesia, Afghanistan, shrilanka, to be thier's, all this land once belong to hindus king.没错,在印度,只有印度教徒认为自己是全世界的老师,世界上任何他们所看到的建筑他们都声称它是由他们的祖先建造的,而这些东西背后涉及到的建筑学、医学、机器人、计算机、飞机和科学原理最初都是印度人发明的。我在社交媒体上看到一个印度人甚至声称中国的长城是由他们的神毗湿奴建造的。就连莫迪的追随者也声称伊朗、巴基斯坦、半个中国、缅甸、泰国、马来西亚、阿富汗、斯里兰卡都是他们的,因为这片土地曾经属于印度的国王。
This is difference between religious country vs atheist country, that's why we always say religion is the biggest problem on earth, Japan, south korea , china, Taiwan, singapore, ...etc these countries in Asia, are liberal and no religion country, you can say atheist country, other side in south Asia, india, srilanka, bangladesh, Nepal, pakistan these countries are most religious and conservative country这就是宗教国家和无神论国家的区别,这就是为什么我们总是说宗教是地球上最大的问题的原因。日本、韩国、中国大陆、台湾地区、新加坡...等等,这些亚洲国家和地区都是自由无宗教的,你可以说它们是无神论的国家和地区。而另一边的南亚,印度,斯里兰卡,孟加拉国,尼泊尔,巴基斯坦这些国家都是最虔诚和保守的国家。
Sorry to disappoint y'all Indians but listen here carefully. China enjoyed almost 40 years of nonstop, uninterrupted, continuous progress through industrialization and export led growth in an era of globalisation and free trade. Only now is India longing to follow China's footsteps, at a time of protectionism and AI assisted automation in manufacturing?India missed the train and it's the last train!Something for you Indians to think about: half of India's population is under 20 years of age. THEY NEED JOBS and not Modi's false promises很抱歉让你们这些印度人失望了,但是听仔细了。在全球化和自由贸易的时代,中国经历了近40年不间断的、持续的工业化和出口导向型增长。在保护主义回潮和人工智能辅助制造业自动化的时代,印度现在才记起来追随中国的脚步?
@bombaybhai6435 Congress ruled India more than 50 years but it could not devolop like china ... Congress also fooled people of India with basic devolopment and infrastructure just like current bjp govt is fooling us ...Indian politics needs to be changed whatever the party is rulingCongress boasts a lot about devolopment and infrastructure but India didn't even achieve the level of Vietnam ... Bjp also promised to modify India but it is also failing .We dumb Indians are fooled by sweet fancy words of leader but we never realised the how world is progressing..We Indians love to live in fantasy ...This is very heartbreaking although India is wonderfully shining in space race and IT field . Let's hope for the better future....���国大党统治了印度50多年,但它未能让印度像中国那样发展...国大党还在基本的发展和基础设施方面愚弄了印度人民,就像现任印度人民党政府愚弄我们一样......无论哪个党执政,印度的政治都需要改变。
The main difference between China and India:When China plans something, the world would know about it once it has been completed.When India plans something, the whole world would know about it even before it starts ���中国和印度的主要区别在于:
当印度计划某件事时,甚至在它开始之前全世界都会知道 [笑哭]。
the world came to know about the collapse of two bridges in India, not in a positive way.全世界都知道了印度两座桥梁的倒塌,但不是以积极的方式。
I have been to Shenzhen, a world class city. When i arrived there I suddenly felt that i am in Abu Dhabi. It also has beautiful beaches. By the way my favorite Chinese city is Xiamen ��� which is romantic city我去过深圳,那是一个世界级的城市。当我到达那里时,我突然觉得我好像身在阿布扎比,它还有美丽的海滩。顺便说一下,我最喜欢的中国城市是厦门,那是个浪漫的城市。
Fact is that, his video editing style is maximum information. So he edits the video in a style where he has mostly explained the things. A continuous video makesbit feel like chatter and chinese troll him for that. We appreciate your hardwork brother keep it up ♥️������事实是他的视频编辑风格是信息最大化。因此,他以一种最大化解释事情的方式在编辑视频。所以一个长时间的视频让人感觉他像是在喋喋不休,中国人因此对他进行了抨击。我们感谢你的辛勤工作,兄弟请继续加油。
Deng Xiaoping's strategy:1. Attract foreign factories3. Adopt their technologiesResults: China is today the world's 2nd largest economy, largest trading nation, 130 countries have China as their largest trading partner, 90% of all cranes in the world are in China and the list goes on and on and onResults: After several years, DENY EVERYTHING, never admit to the old talk, talk new ones so people will forget the old ones邓的战略:
IMHO the headings should be, China’s strategy, and, India’s strategy. And in India’s case, instead of “blame Congress”, it should be “blame Opposition”, because the opposition’s only strategy is just pure obstruction, always. The “Opposition” is always so loud that almost all of the ruling party’s energy goes into shouting them down. Thus resulting in so much talk talk talk在我看来,标题应该是“中国的战略”,和,“印度的战略”。在印度的情况下,与其“指责国会”,不如“指责反对党”,因为反对党的唯一策略始终是纯粹的阻挠。“反对党”的声音总是如此之大,以至于执政党几乎把所有的精力都花在了压制它们身上。因此产生了如此多的空谈。
shenzhen is close to, but not THE most developed city. As shenzhen has 349 skyscrapers but Dubai has 395, making Dubai the most developed深圳虽然接近但不它是世界上最发达的城市。深圳有349座摩天大楼,而迪拜有395座,这使得迪拜成了世界上最发达的城市。
@kaltes9766 shenzhen is not a country it is a city. It is not the most developed city in the world but it is close to being. also it is not the city with highest gdp, hdi, or population but it is a major trading hub, widely regarded as the silicon valley of china. This is also where the world-famous DJI is based深圳不是一个国家,而是一座城市。虽然它不是世界上最发达的城市,但它即将成为世界上最发达的城市。虽然它也不是GDP、人类发展指数或人口数量最高的城市,但它是一个主要的贸易中心,它被广泛认为是中国的硅谷,它也是世界著名的无人机公司大疆的总部所在地。
@stevennotthe2997 whether it is a city or country, my point is the number of skyscrapers are not a factor to be called developed nation. It is simply the heap of stones,concrete or steel. Local tech development is important. Shenzhen stands by itself but Dubai without foreigner can not.Shenzhen developed by its people mind and hard working but Dubai is by its money only.无论是城市还是国家,我的观点是摩天大楼的数量都不是被称为发达国家的原因,因为它只是一堆石头、混凝土或钢材,当地的技术发展很重要。深圳靠的是自己,而迪拜没有外国人不行。深圳靠的是自己的头脑和勤奋,而迪拜靠的是自己的钱。
1. 网址:www.skyfall.ink
2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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关键字:印度网红,印度博主,印度人看中国,印度人游中国,印度人看中国高铁,印度人看中国城市,评论翻译,油管评论 专题:其他责任编辑:管理员