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网友热议黑人夫妇在中国感受到了相对于美国的优势:中国安全,而美国枪击频发,毒品横行本文译自Youtube,原标题:The Advantages Asian Countries Have Over America! | SHOCKING***
It is refreshing feeling to hear someone from the U.S. is telling the truth about the U.S. I could not agree with you more on what you have mentioned about what is going on in the U.S.. I was shocked by how advanced and modernized Chinese cities are once I landed at the Shanghai international airport and travelled many cities in China. That trip gave me deep positive impressions on China and other parts of Asia. Ever since I don’t watch mainstream media for news and information about China because 99% of the news and information regarding China is manipulated for political propaganda.听到来自美国的人讲述美国的真相真是令人耳目一新,我非常同意你所提到的关于美国正在发生的事情。当我在上海国际机场降落并在中国的许多城市旅行时,我对中国城市的先进和现代化感到震惊。那次访问给我对中国和亚洲其他地区留下了深刻的积极印象。从那以后,我就不再看主流媒体上与中国有关的新闻和信息了,因为那上面99%的关于中国的新闻和信息都是为了政治宣传而被操纵的。
Living in other countries really give people different perspective. For instance, while some Republicans keep spreading the narrative that it's people killing people not guns, they often ignore the fact that the difference of destructive impact between guns and other tools. For instance, a domestic terrorist launched an attack in a subway car in Tokyo with a knife a couple years ago and only a few people were injured but no one was dead. Imgaine how many people will die if he had a gun in an enclosed subway car.生活在其他国家确实会给人们带来不同的视角。例如,尽管一些共和党人一直在传播是人杀人而不是枪杀人的说法,但他们往往忽视了枪支和其他工具之间破坏性影响的差异这一事实。例如,几年前,一个内部恐怖分子持刀在东京地铁车厢发动袭击,结果只有少数人受伤,没有人死亡。想象一下如果他在封闭的地铁车厢里拿着枪会有多少人死亡。
Also most asian country view drug differently. While drug kinda common in America, people hanging out they usually do coke or smoke joint.. its actually uncommon for Asian. That's one of the reasons you feel safe because people are not high all the time. US government can stop blaming other race for being violent if its actually their policy of letting the capitalist running the show that causing the violence此外,大多数亚洲国家对毒品的看法也不同。虽然毒品在美国很常见,人们出去玩时通常会吸食可卡因或吸大麻,但这对亚洲人来说其实并不常见。这也是你感到安全的原因之一,因为人们并不总是处于兴奋状态。如果美国政府的政策实际上是让资本家运营导致暴力的节目,那么它们应该停止指责其他种族的暴力行为。
That’s photos of subway in USA is true?!��� I thought it was made up or something. I was planning on using subway every time I went on traveling. Got accustomed with the subway in China, Japan, Korea and Singapore, now Indonesia, we finally have a subway so… if the subway in USA like that, I have second thoughts of independent traveling there, it’s better with tour group then?那些美国地铁的照片是真的吗?!我还以为是编的或者什么的。我每次旅行都打算乘地铁,我已经习惯了中国、日本、韩国和新加坡的地铁,现在印尼也终于有了地铁了……所以如果美国的地铁是那样的,我会重新考虑去那里独自旅行,是不是跟团会更好一些?
I was in LA. The homeless are at every street corner. Then there's blocks and blocks of tent cities.So sad. I went to Beverly Hills and saw opulance. Golden faucets, golden door knobs. The wealth is not distributed fairly.我曾经在洛杉矶生活,无家可归者遍布每个街角。那里有一片又一片的帐篷城。
American are living in dystopia but they are like frogs that just doesn't know the water is boiling.Imagine if Americans were to see as many homeless people in the streets in China, they would be calling human rights violations left and right with all major US propaganda network media blasting against China, but since these homeless people are in USA, those same human rights activists turns blind out for their own people. The reason for this is because they are don't really care about human rights, they only care about whatever makes China looks bad so that Americans living in homelessness won't think about revolutionizing against those in whitehouse.美国人生活在反乌托邦中,他们就像温水中的青蛙一样,不知道水在沸腾。
Look likes you guys missed 1 BIGGEST ELEPHANT in the room. Asia government does not made of shareholder military industrial complex and big pharma. We are very modest and content that we do not goes around the world to create chaos, instigate war, regime change, coup, training terrorist to overthrow government and then sell firearms and all those american stuff. This is the main and first thing that you guys should put and talk in the video.看起来你们错过了一个明显存在却被人们避而不谈的问题,即亚洲国家的政府并非由军工复合体和大型制药公司组成。我们非常谦虚和满足于我们不去世界各地制造混乱,煽动战争,搞政权更迭,发动政变,训练恐怖分子推翻政府,然后出售军火以及所有这些美国干的事情。这是你们应该在视频中谈论的主要内容和第一件事。
In the early 1900s, China was filled with drugs and guns, and gangsters. When there is a will there is way. Now, no more guns in China and hardly any illegal drugs.20世纪初,中国充斥着毒品、枪支和黑帮。有志者事竟成,现在中国不再有枪支,也几乎没有非法毒品。
Note : the rest of the world is supporting the so call american dreams. The usd as currency charges fees everytime it is being use in transactions. The americans should thanks the rest of the world for their lifestyles not warring. But usd currency is not sustainable in the long run. It is not back in gold anymore. It is fiat money getting ut of control. The us gov is also sabotaging its own currency. Dedollarization is a fact.As I said, americans especially young americans should travel the world more.If the both of you have the opportunity try and check out the nomad capitalist conference in kl in september this year. It might benefit you.注意:全世界都在支撑所谓的美国梦。美元作为世界通用货币,它在每次交易中都会收取费用,美国人应该感谢世界其他国家的非战争生活方式。但从长远来看,美元是不可持续的,它不再是与黄金挂钩了,它是失去了控制的法定货币。美国政府也在破坏自己的货币,去美元化现在是一个事实。
如果你们两个有机会的话,不妨看看今年9月在吉隆坡举行的游牧资本主义会议(the nomad capitalist conference),这可能会让你们受益。
I think democratically elected president is good, but at least the candidate should screened for qualification.We want qualified drivers to drive our school bus, we want well trained and qualified pilots to fly the plane, we want certified doctors, certified engineers. But we allow dementia, STEM illiterate old man to run the world most powerful country, and in charge of the Nuclear Launch code.虽然我认为民|主选举产生总统的制度很好,但至少候选人应该经过资格筛选。
A really 'heavy' piece from a travel channel. But also very important and good one. Put this in context, ALL the Asian countries that you have visited were colonies of one or another European country till WW2. And you know the 1st priority of the colonial power is to extract wealth from the colony to enrich the home country of the power. So ALL these countries were dirt poor when they became independent after WW2. And look at them now. You are seeing it first hand. So there is something fundamentally right about the Asian system.这是来自一个旅游频道的一段非常“沉重”的片段,但也是非常重要的和很好的一个。结合上下文来看,你们访问过的所有亚洲国家在二战之前都是一个或另一个欧洲国家的殖民地。你知道的,殖民政权的首要任务是从殖民地榨取财富以充实其母国,所以所有这些国家在二战后独立时都非常贫穷。现在看看它们怎么样?你已经亲眼看到了。因此,亚洲的体制从根本上说是正确的。
I used to fly to the US often for work. I think it is a beautiful country, but it is a pity that capitalism seems to have run amok there. It is unfair that ordinary people's lives have suffered so much as a result, from homelessness to crime and more. And the more I study US politics the more I realise its more a popularity contest than who can do the best job.Malaysia has its flaws though. We are not perfect. Our racism is not overt but we do have it. But I can say this - most of us are great people and love to live in harmony. Just that there are unscrupulous parties trying to create divisions among us.I am thankful, however that we have universal healthcare and good public transportation. That much I am thankful for.我以前经常飞往美国工作。我认为它是一个美丽的国家,但遗憾的是资本主义似乎在那里失控了。从无家可归到犯罪等等,普通人的生活因此遭受了如此多的痛苦,这是不公平的。我对美国政治研究得越多,就越意识到这更像是一场人气竞赛而不是谁能做得最好。
Just a personal opinion... I think the American dream transitioned into a nightmare from some time in the late 80s. The USA was a place that everybody wanted to go to, me included! Now, it just looks so unsafe and chaotic that I won't go there even if given a free ticket. What happened to America?下面只是我的个人看法...我认为美国梦从上世纪80年代末的某个时候就转变成了噩梦。以前的美国是每个人都想去的地方,包括我在内!但是现在它看起来太不安全和混乱了,即使给我一张免费的机票,我也不会去那里。美国到底出了什么问题?
Asian are generally not violent people compared to Americans. We don't go around killing or bashing up people for the slightest reason. We don't live in fear unlike Americans and we certainly don't need guns to keep us safe or to feel safe. We dont feel as threaten as Americans in daily life. That's the big difference and the number one reason why i will never ever visit US again...与美国人相比,亚洲人通常不暴力。我们不会因为一点点矛盾就到处杀人或打人,我们不像美国人那样生活在恐惧中,所以我们不需要枪支来保证我们的安全或让我们感到安全。在日常生活中,我们不像美国人那样感到受威胁,这是我们之间最大的区别,也是我永远不会再访问美国的首要原因......
To see why the current situation is like this, you need to trace the time back to the Industrial Revolution and Western powers fought for colonies. Before the establishment of the United States. European wars, the decline of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, two World Wars, the cold war, and the immigrants to the United States. It all started at that time. The West used its technological advantages to launch wars and plunder the world, especially Africa and Asia. The wealth looted made a high welfare social system and technology monopolization possible. At the same time, it puts Asian, African, and Latin American countries in poverty.But now, there is a tendency for Asia, Africa, and Latin America to reunite. Further integration of the Asian continent. Africa and Latin America are embracing China. China has more STEM talents, better infrastructure capabilities, a more comprehensive industrial system, and higher efficiency. Chinese value education. China has more academic papers, leading the United States in 37 out of 43 crucial fields. Most of all, China determines to face difficulties, not blame others. China believes in peaceful development through trade and hard work.The breaking of technological monopolies will cause the shifting of power. When the first domino falls, the dream begins to collapse. But this is not even the sad part for Americans. What the US is doing now is the opposite of things the United States used to be proud of.要想知道为什么现在的情况是这样,你需要追溯到工业革命和西方列强争夺殖民地的时代,事情发生在美国成立之前。欧洲的战争,亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的衰落,两次世界大战,冷战以及移民到美国,一切都是从那时开始的。西方利用其技术优势发动战争,掠夺世界(尤其是非洲和亚洲)。掠夺的财富使高福利的社会制度和技术垄断成为可能。与此同时,它使亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲国家陷入了贫困。
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