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阳离子:在中国900万人口城市中心的河流游泳,老人要美国发动战争时不要攻击中国平民本文译自Youtube,原标题:Urban swimming hole in the middle of a Chinese city of 9 million ���♀️ 人口900多万的大城市的水体,你敢不敢游?
Oh, that was so touching when he said "Don't attack Chinese civilians". I felt such a surge of empathy for the Chinese people right there. I really hope USA and China can find a less hostile way to get along in the future.哦,当他说“不要攻击中国平民”时,真是太感人了。我对那里的中国人民产生了强烈的同情,我真心希望美国和中国未来能够找到一种不那么敌对的相处方式。
I hope so, but it doesn't seem possible for me. With the rise of China, it is bound to carve up the larger piece of cake that the United States wants, so a certain degree of conflicts are inevitable, but historically, no national/alliance will always be at the top. Thus I just hope there will be no world war like before in the future at least, and every parties involved will communicate to solve potential dangers from the all perspective of technology, strategy or thought, , rather than through weapons and violence.我希望如此,但在我看来这似乎是不可能的。随着中国的崛起,它势必会瓜分美国想要的更大的一块蛋糕,因此一定程度的冲突是不可避免的。从历史上看,没有一个国家/联盟能够永远处于顶端。因此,我只希望未来至少不会发生像以前那样的世界大战,各方能够从技术、战略或思想等各个角度进行沟通,而不是通过武器和暴力来解决潜在的危险。
the US government says that China is a dictatorship, the people have no say so they are innocent. On the other hand, the US says that itself is a democracy, the people choose the government which reflects the will of the people, in that sense are the American people really innocent?美国政府说中国是DC政权,其人民没有发言权,所以他们是无辜的。另一方面,美国说自己是民|主国家,人民选择了反映其意愿的政府。从这个意义上说,美国人民真的是无辜的吗?
@alexandercarpenter5791 US government provoke wars, US people elected the government. Thus, war provocation is under the US people approval. Did China ever sent military warships to US periphery ? The answer is "no". Did US always sent warships to China periphery ? The answer is "yes". So, don't ever said it is only the government business, wake up!美国人民选举产生政府,美国政府再挑起战争。因此,美国政府的战争挑衅是美国人民所认可的。中国是否曾经向美国周边派遣过军舰?答案是“没有”。美国是否一直派军舰到中国周边?答案是肯定的。
@TAL142 Actually, Americans deliberately target civilians, like they did in Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. 100.000 civilians, mainly women, children, and the elderly and infirm, were killed in the first 2 hours of air raids in downtown Tokyo on 10 March 1945. Those were the lucky ones, since in following days about 1 million succumbed to burns and injuries.事实上,美国人经常故意以平民为目标,就像他们在德累斯顿、东京、广岛和长崎所做的那样。1945年3月10日,10万名平民(主要是妇女、儿童、老人和体弱者)在东京市中心最初两个小时的空袭中丧生。他们还是是幸运的,因为在接下来的几天里,大约有100万人死于烧伤和受伤。
I don’t think the guy represents anyone but himself, as he clearly is a dove. I’m a hawk, and I know the atrocities American military committed around the world, so I can’t help but hope the Chinese military teaches the Americans a hard lesson, like the one they gave during the Korean War. Back then, Chinese military technologies were decades behind, no Air Force, no Navy, just Army, with huge shortages in supplies, still came out of the war victorious. Today, just the Rocket Force’s missiles alone can kiss most of the American military personnel’s asses goodbye, those stationed in North Pacific and South China Sea at least.我不认为这家伙代表任何人,他只代表他自己,因为他显然是一个鸽派。而我是一个鹰派,我了解美国军队在世界各地犯下的暴行,所以我不禁希望中国军队给美国人一个惨痛的教训,就像他们在朝鲜战争期间给美国人的教训一样。当时,中国的军事技术落后美国几十年,他们没有空军,没有海军,只有陆军,他们在物资严重短缺的情况下仍然取得了战争的胜利。如今,仅仅是火箭军的导弹就可以让大多数美国军事人员——至少是驻扎在北太平洋和南中国海的军事人员——说再见。
Awesome and useful information on what actions they took to ameliorate the conditions in that lake (and nobody dared to claimed that $200,000 and other amounts, which was also a pretty cool way to challenge those in positions to do something to make changes). Glad the water is much better than before for the good of all life forms in the surrounding areas. Thank you for sharing another meaningful episode of your journey Katherine.关于他们采取了哪些行动来改善该湖的状况的信息令人敬畏且有用(没有人敢领取那20万元和其他金额,这也是一种用来挑战那些有能力的人做些什么来做出改变的很酷的方式)。很高兴水质比以前好多了,这对周围地区的所有生命形式都有好处。谢谢你分享你旅程中另一个有意义的插曲。
So many very fun things to do in this excellent adventure in wonderful Wenzhou. It's so sad that the citizens of both our countries (China & USA) are always so worried about war with one another. I'm still naive enough to believe that the average person is peaceful and only wants happiness and a good life for family, friends, and the constant fear of war is largely a product of our governments and the media. I also wonder if all your hard work in protecting the environment will survive the obvious impending climate disasters. Sorry for the negative thoughts... Thanks for providing some optimism that there's hope to overcome the numerous difficulties the planet faces in the future.在这次美妙的温州冒险之旅中,有许多非常有趣的事情可以做。令人难过的是我们两国(中国和美国)的公民总是如此担心彼此之间的战争。我仍然天真地认为普通人是和平的,他们只想给家人和朋友带来幸福和美好的生活,而对战争的持续恐惧在很大程度上是我们政府和媒体的产物。我还想知道你在保护环境方面所做的所有努力是否能在迫在眉睫的气候灾难中幸存下来。抱歉我的这个想法很消极......感谢你提供了一些乐观情绪,让我们觉得有希望克服地球未来面临的众多困难。
It’s amazing to fix a river in 10 years. This not only needs investment and policy execution from the government, mentally change and participation from local residents is more than. So excited for all of this.As always, exploration of local scenery and markets is highly appreciated. ���用10年时间修复一条河真是太神奇了。这不仅需要政府的投资和政策的执行,更需要当地居民转变思想并参与其中。我对这一切感到非常兴奋。
It is a pity that not all Americans are watching your videos and knowing what the Chinese are really like and what life is in China compared to our American life. American first world country with third world living conditions despite the taxes we are all paying and have paid all our lives!遗憾的是并不是所有的美国人都在看你的视频以了解中国人的真实情况以及与我们美国人的生活相比,中国的生活是什么样的。尽管我们都在缴纳税款,而且已经缴纳了一辈子!但美国是一个拥有第三世界的生活条件的第一世界国家。
LOL that man said that if he was rich he would move to America. Does this guy know that America hasn't been like what is in the movies or TV for several decades now? That is America's soft power for you, the power of movies, tv, and music.哈哈,那个老头说如果他有钱,他会搬到美国去生活。这家伙知道美国几十年来已经不像电影或电视中展示的那样了吗?这就是美国的软实力,电影、电视和音乐的力量。
In the middle of a war who cares if you are civilians or not? Civilians go to the battlefield, like what is happening in Ukraine. US is also unlikely to combat China directly, but rather mobilize her proxies(Taiwan, South Korea, Japan) This guy is too simple, sometimes naive.在战争中,谁在乎你是不是平民?平民会被卷入战场,就像乌克兰正在发生的事情一样。美国也不太可能直接攻击中国,但它会动员它的代理人(中国台湾、韩国、日本)参战。这个家伙真是图样图森破。
That old guy got guts. What he means is ask America to fight like a man , don't hurt innocent civilians. I think he's a veteran soldier.America only hope for proxy war in Taiwan. They don't dare to confront straight on with powerful Chinese forces which they don't have the confidence and ability.Chinese navy and hypersonic missiles forces already push America 4000km away from Chinese coast line. How to fight in this situation?. No way lol.Your videos content always very interesting. I like it very much. Keep it up.���✌️那个老头很有胆量。他的意思是要求美国像男人一样战斗,不要伤害无辜的平民。我认为他是一名退伍军人。
Even an average street person knows Americans wants to start a war. Very touching to see he wants the American government to spare the lives of people.即使是普通的街头行人也知道美国人想要发动战争,看到他希望美国政府饶恕平民的生命,我感到非常感动。
I can’t think of any US wars, invasions and illegal occupation not having civilians killed.我想不出美国有哪场战争、入侵和非法占领没有平民被杀害。
(1:35) Of course this man's request is naive. If and when a war breaks out between two nuclear powers, all bets are off. However, he might be onto something serious. The China-US relation is getting very tense, which just brought the 100-year old Henry Kissinger to China. The first Chinese official Kissinger met was the Defence Minister General Li Shangfu. That's telling the world something bad is looming. Don't expect things to improve any time soon. As Jake Sullivan said in his recent Brookings speech, one of the goals of the US policies is to hobble China. And China will not be hobbled.(1:35)无疑,这个人的要求太天真了。如果两个核大国之间爆发战争,所有的赌注都会落空。中美关系日趋紧张,刚刚把百岁高龄的基辛格都带到了中国。基辛格会见的第一位中国官员是国防部长李尚福将军,这告诉了世界一些不好的事情正在迫近。不要指望事情会很快好转,正如杰克·沙利文在最近的布鲁金斯学会演讲中所说,美国政策的目标之一就是阻挠中国,但中国也不会接受美国使的绊子。
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