

字号: A-AA+ 2023-07-25 16:48:37
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本文译自Youtube,原标题:Urban swimming hole in the middle of a Chinese city of 9 million ���‍♀️ 人口900多万的大城市的水体,你敢不敢游?


Oh, that was so touching when he said "Don't attack Chinese civilians". I felt such a surge of empathy for the Chinese people right there. I really hope USA and China can find a less hostile way to get along in the future.


I hope so, but it doesn't seem possible for me. With the rise of China, it is bound to carve up the larger piece of cake that the United States wants, so a certain degree of conflicts are inevitable, but historically, no national/alliance will always be at the top. Thus I just hope there will be no world war like before in the future at least, and every parties involved will communicate to solve potential dangers from the all perspective of technology, strategy or thought, , rather than through weapons and violence.


the US government says that China is a dictatorship, the people have no say so they are innocent. On the other hand,  the US says that itself is a democracy, the people choose the government which reflects the will of the people, in that sense are the American people really innocent?


@alexandercarpenter5791 US government provoke wars, US people elected the government. Thus, war provocation is under the US people approval. Did China ever sent military warships to US periphery ? The answer is "no". Did US always sent warships to China periphery ? The answer is "yes".  
So, don't ever said it is only the government business, wake up!



@TAL142 Actually, Americans deliberately target civilians, like they did in Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. 100.000 civilians, mainly women, children, and the elderly and infirm, were killed in the first 2 hours of air raids in downtown Tokyo on 10 March 1945. Those were the lucky ones, since in following days about 1 million succumbed to burns and injuries.


I dont think the guy represents anyone but himself, as he clearly is a dove. Im a hawk, and I know the atrocities American military committed around the world, so I cant help but hope the Chinese military teaches the Americans a hard lesson, like the one they gave during the Korean War. Back then, Chinese military technologies were decades behind, no Air Force, no Navy, just Army, with huge shortages in supplies, still came out of the war victorious. Today, just the Rocket Forces missiles alone can kiss most of the American military personnels asses goodbye, those stationed in North Pacific and South China Sea at least.


Awesome and useful information on what actions they took to ameliorate the conditions in that lake (and nobody dared to claimed that $200,000 and other amounts, which was also a pretty cool way to challenge those in positions to do something to make changes). Glad the water is much better than before for the good of all life forms in the surrounding areas.  Thank you for sharing another meaningful episode of your journey Katherine.


So many very fun things to do in this excellent adventure in wonderful Wenzhou. It's so sad that the citizens of both our countries (China & USA) are always so worried about war with one another. I'm still naive enough to believe that the average person is peaceful and only wants happiness and a good life for family, friends, and the constant fear of war is largely a product of our governments and the media. I also wonder if all your hard work in protecting the environment will survive the obvious impending climate disasters. Sorry for the negative thoughts... Thanks for providing some optimism that there's hope to overcome the numerous difficulties the planet faces in the future.


Its amazing to fix a river in 10 years. This not only needs investment and policy execution from the government, mentally change and participation from local residents is more than. So excited for all of this.
As always, exploration of local scenery and markets is highly appreciated. ���



It is a pity that not all Americans are watching your videos and knowing what the Chinese are really like and what life is in China compared to our American life. American first world country with third world living conditions despite the taxes we are all paying and have paid all our lives!


LOL that man said that if he was rich he would move to America. Does this guy know that America hasn't been like what is in the movies or TV for several decades now? That is America's soft power for you, the power of movies, tv, and music.


In the middle of a war who cares if you are civilians or not? Civilians go to the battlefield, like what is happening in Ukraine. US is also unlikely to combat China directly, but rather mobilize her proxies(Taiwan, South Korea, Japan) This guy is too simple, sometimes naive.


That old guy got guts. What he means is ask America to fight like a man , don't hurt innocent civilians. I think he's a veteran soldier.
America only hope for proxy war in Taiwan. They don't dare to confront straight on with powerful Chinese forces which they don't have the confidence and ability.
Chinese navy and hypersonic missiles forces already push America 4000km away from Chinese coast line. How to fight in this situation?. No way lol.
Your videos content always very interesting. I like it very much. Keep it up.���✌




Even an average street person knows Americans wants to start a war. Very touching to see he wants the American government to spare the lives of people.


I cant think of any US wars, invasions and illegal occupation not having civilians killed.


(1:35) Of course this man's request is naive. If and when a war breaks out between two nuclear powers, all bets are off. However, he might be onto something serious. The China-US relation is getting very tense, which just brought the 100-year old Henry Kissinger to China. The first Chinese official Kissinger met was the Defence Minister General Li Shangfu. That's telling the world something bad is looming. Don't expect things to improve any time soon. As Jake Sullivan said in his recent Brookings speech, one of the goals of the US policies is to hobble China. And China will not be hobbled.




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