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又一印度博主来中国:逛上海陆家嘴和外滩,被中国的发展所震惊本文译自Youtube,原标题:The development of CHINA shocked me
The main difference between China and India:When China plans something, the world would know about it once it has been completed.When India plans something, the whole world would know about it even before it starts中国和印度的主要区别是:
Fact: China is the world's largest manufacturing economy and exporter of goods. It is also the world's fastest-growing consumer market and second-largest importer of goods. China is also the world's largest consumer of numerous commodities, and accounts for about half of global consumption of metals.事实:中国是世界上最大的制造业经济体和商品出口国,它也是世界上增长最快的消费市场和第二大商品进口国,中国也是世界上最大的大宗商品消费国,约占全球金属消费量的一半。
I have been to countryside, small towns, small cities and large cities of China. I know all over the country has made huge positive changes. Even remote countryside has made a great change over the past 10 year or so. I was so amazed about how good China’s countryside internet, road system, irrigation system, electricity grid, tap water, toilets, abundant food and dishes, happiness and satisfaction, etc. I was shocked when I saw countryside has become much cleaner than before. Local governments employ local villagers to clean village streets and pay them a little money. Villagers bring garbage from their houses to collecting stations, which did not exist before. Sewage system of new houses in China’s countryside is no different from that of US. Even though China is not very rich, but the country is on the right path to become one.我去过中国的农村、小城镇、小城市和大城市,我知道中国全国各地都发生了巨大的积极变化。在过去10年左右的时间里,即使是偏远的农村也发生了巨大的变化。我对中国农村的互联网、道路系统、灌溉系统、电网、自来水、厕所、丰富的食物和菜肴、幸福感和满足感等都感到惊讶。当我看到农村变得比以前干净多了时我感到很震惊,地方政府会雇佣当地村民打扫村庄街道并付给他们一点钱,村民们也会把家里的垃圾送到以前不存在的垃圾收集站。中国农村新房的污水处理系统与美国没有什么不同。尽管中国还不是很富裕,但中国正走在成为一个富裕国家的正确的道路上。
All the achievements China has made in infrastructure construction are the accumulation of China’s opening up to the outside world and its own reforms over the past 40 years. Even today, China’s efforts to improve its own infrastructure construction have not stopped. At the beginning, China’s main goal was to attract foreign investment. Today, it is mainly to achieve interconnection and accelerate the flow of talents, which is an important part of China's development strategy.中国在基础设施建设方面所取得的一切成就都源自40年来中国对外开放和自身改革的积累。即使在今天,中国改善自身基础设施建设的努力也没有停止。一开始,中国的主要目标是吸引外国投资。如今,中国的目标主要是实现互联互通,加快人才流动,这是中国发展战略的重要组成部分。
This is what happens when you focus on development and not on religion.Majority of china is atheist, India and china were similar in 1950s but they took the path of development and we took the path of doing Hindu-Muslim当你专注于发展而不是宗教时,就会发生这样的情况。
that's why modiji also try to boost our infrastructure day by day but if other parts will come then definitely no one can do like modiji so , it is very important for making again bjp in 2024���这就是为什么莫迪也试图日复一日地努力加强我们的基础设施的原因,但如果其他政党上台,那么肯定没有人能像莫迪那样做,因此,让人民党2024年再次上台非常重要。
Even after Modi governed Gujarat for thirteen long years as a chief minister, he couldn't able to develop Gujarat as a whole but only in some pockets. And here you're talking of developing India as a whole under his leadership.The problem of India is not because of Modi or any leaders. Leaders will come and go and they'll do their part. Every Indian including the media has to play a positive role in shaping and building a new India that you and others long for. However, it's a very difficult task for a country like India where there is so much diversity in food, language, people, languages etc.即使在莫迪作为首席部长统治古吉拉特邦长达十三年之后,他也无法将古吉拉特邦作为一个整体来发展,他只能发展个别地方。而在这里,你谈论的却是在他的领导下发展整个印度。
We indians are happy comparing ourselves with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka......China is cut from whole world that let's them to focus on ownself than comparing with others. Whatever mode of democracy they have it's working for them then why shouldn't they accept it. We should ( including our politicians) retrospect ownself我们印度人很乐意将自己与巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、斯里兰卡进行比较......中国绝世独立,他们只专注于自己的事情而不是与他人相比。无论他们拥有什么样的民|主|模式,都对他们有效,那么他们为什么不接受呢?我们(包括我们的政治家)应该反思。
If the Japanese can't even build their Shinkansen bullet train in India (a project which started back in 2017 and only 10km completed today), how is India going to build its infrastructure? You tell me如果甚至连日本人都无法在印度建造他们的新干线子弹头列车(这个项目始于2017年,到如今只完成了10公里),印度将如何建设其基础设施?麻烦你告诉我。
one thing is running in my mind continuously....how is it that suddenly all major indian youtubers are at china all at one time..... atleast 7-8 indian youtubers are in china maling vlogs....i don't know.... may be I am wrong but something seems fishy to me.... is it part of China's plan to showcase china infront of world through vloggers!!!!anyways this doesn't mean that china is not developed in infrastructure terms. its much ahead of India in terms of infrastructure.....有一件事不断地在我脑海中萦绕...
I am sure they have planned of going to China before but because of pandemic China was closed to traveler until recently. Few of these vloggers was in other countries before coming to China. Go and check it out.我相信他们以前也计划过去中国,但由于疫情,中国直到最近才对游客开放。这些博主在来到中国之前基本都在其他国家,你可以去核实一下。
@panyaboonc5621 yeah all were in different different countries.... not in the same country right.....but now all are in same country promoting china....I might be wrong and it may be coincidence but china is good at doing such things, so can't ouright reject this possibility.....是的,他们都在不同的国家......而不是在同一个国家......
first china just opened after three years. second if a youtuber sponsored, you will see nice hotel rooms, big table of foods and attractions are not well known to the world第一,中国在封闭三年后刚刚开放。第二,如果这些Youtuber有人赞助,你会看到漂亮的酒店房间、丰盛的食物和不为人所知的景点。
@efei33 thats the fun part..... it needs to be kept raw and not look like sponsored to make it feel natural otherwise no sense doing it.....however I may be wrong and it might be coincidence.....but still even if it is sponsored we cant deny that china is much ahead of India in terms of infrastructure and population management....这就是有趣的部分......它需要保持原始状态而不是看起来像是被赞助的以使它感觉自然,否则做起来毫无意义......
It's just that they discovered that China is a wealth code.They understand the psychology of Indians and know that they like to compare with China. You can go and watch their previous videos and videos released in China, and you will find that the viewing volume of videos related to China is much higher than that of videos from other regions. After they came to China, almost all of Almost all's subscriptions increased significantly.As China has only recently fully opened up, many YouTubers have come together.只不过是他们发现了中国是财富密码罢了。
and bitter truth is that china started its development 30 years back and at that time our previous government was doing dirty politics to be in power but the current government is building our infrastructure rapidly hope this govt last for more 20 years.痛苦的事实是中国的发展始于30年前,当时我们的上届政府为了掌权而推行了肮脏的政治,但现任政府正在迅速建设我们的基础设施,希望本届政府能够再执政20多年。
We india will never be developed ... Until a new PM and good educated government dont cm . N here the politics are searching hw to loot the poor and become rich not letting the poor grow and become grow rich together with them ... Until we change our mindset n politics... We india will never be growing .... Instead we r going down ... No job opportunity.. no big company in our own country etc ... Only good in showing off the small good part to others ...我们印度永远得不到发展...除非一位新总理和受过良好教育的政府执政。在这里,政客们正在寻找掠夺穷人和致富的方法,而不是让穷人和他们一起成长和致富...在我们改变政治心态之前....我们永远不会得到发展....相反,我们会继续沉沦...我们的国家缺乏工作机会...没有自己的大公司....我们只擅长向别人炫耀小的优点...
Densly populated city is much more cleaner than our lesser populated one and people are overall 10 times more civilised than our top tier cities here in India. And sadly what media shows is only negatives about china so that we don't question our politicians.他们人口稠密的城市也比我们人口较少的城市干净得多,总体而言,他们的文明程度是印度顶级城市的10倍。可悲的是,印度媒体所展示的只有对中国的负面报道,这样我们就不会质疑我们的政客。
That's the skill to control people for Indian and Western elites. Compared to Chinese people who are so pityful, all Indians and Westerners must feel happy with their nations这就是印度和西方精英的驭人之术。与如此可怜的中国人相比,所有印度人和西方人一定对自己的国家感到高兴。
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关键字:印度人看中国,印度人游中国,印度人在中国,印度人看中国城市,印度人看中国高科技,印度人看中国高铁,油管评论,油管翻译,评论翻译 专题:其他责任编辑:管理员