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印度博主游览武汉:女孩午夜漫步显示的安全感让印度人大吃一惊本文译自Youtube,原标题:Traveling to Wuhan, the Controversial City of China | Indian in China ������
How clean and hygenic their cities are , amazing. Lots to learn. Wide footpaths, big city centres where people can walk freely without worrying about vehicles, motorists etc. Well planned and clean. Streets not filled up with boards , advertisement by political parties, ads by various organisations etc他们的城市是多么的干净卫生啊,真是令人惊叹。那里有很多东西可供我们学习,包括宽阔的人行道,人们可以在这里自由行走而不用担心车辆、司机等的大城市中心,良好的规划并保持清洁,没有各种政党广告、各种组织的广告的街道等。
I never knew that china is this much developed, I dunno why people go to eurpoe and other places for vacation. After watching this man vlog my perception about China and Chinese people has been totally changed. I definitely would like ti visit china for sure with my wife❤️���❤️我从来都不知道中国这么发达,我不知道为什么人们会去欧洲和其他地方度假。看完这个家伙的视频后,我对中国和中国人的看法完全改变了,我非常想和我的妻子一起去中国 [比心][比心]。
A great country of day and night. See how they shop, eat and enjoy trolls late into the night in their liveable cities. Wow!!!. Their night strolls tells their feeling of safety and love for their country. It can't be better than this.这是一个伟大的国家的白天和夜晚。看看她们是如何在宜居的城市里购物、吃饭和享受狂欢到深夜的。哇!她们的夜间漫步显示了她们的安全感和对国家的热爱,没有比这更棒的了。
Chinese are living in the future ! So much developed and well planned city and infrastructure.中国人生活在未来!这个城市及其基础设施是如此发达且规划良好。
Must say you are providing a rich and varied insights of Chinese cities. Good coverage Pratik. Moreover, I must compliment you that besides doing good coverage, you are promoting nationalism by spreading the message- Keep India Ahead. After all, being an Indian Youtuber, you are an ambassador of our country abroad .不得不说,你提供了对中国城市丰富多样的见解。此外,我还必须赞扬你,因为除了拍好视频外,你还通过传播“让印度保持领先”的信息宣扬了印度的民族主义。毕竟,作为一名印度的Youtuber,你是我们国家在海外的大使。
You are the Indian blogger who understands China the most. You have perfectly demonstrated the talent of Chinese people for eating, drinking, and playing. You are a genius. And the other Indian bloggers in China are like wanderers. And you are the best.你是最了解中国的印度博主,你完美地展示了中国人吃喝玩乐的天赋。你是个天才,而其他在中国的印度博主都和wanderers差不多,你是最棒的。
You don't need to ask Chinese strangers' name to show your respect to them. It's unlike western culture, Chinese don't ask stranger's name. Chinese will only ask how the stranger wants to be called if you want to make the communication easier and respectful way...你没必要问中国陌生人的名字来表达你对他们的尊重。与西方文化不同,中国人不会问陌生人的名字。如果想让交流更容易、更受别人尊重,中国人会问陌生人怎么称呼...
Qualities recent 10ish vloggers from india conclude Chinese has that Indians lack, including but not limited to___If all these put together, saying ������ is 300 years behind ������ is a logical judgment最近来自印度的10多位博主得出结论,印度人缺乏许多中国人拥有的素质,包括但不限于:爱干净,爱整洁,有纪律,努力,思想开放,有组织性,不受宗教打扰,善良,友好,社会和谐,安全,平等,尊重妇女...如果把所有这些加在一起,说印度落后中国300年是一个合乎逻辑的判断。
Most Indian vloggers visit Wuhan to show the closed wet market and the institute. None of them show the proper city actually. Wuhan is the most European looking city in China with beautiful architecture. Except you, none of the other Indian vloggers showed it!大多数印度博主访问武汉是为了展示被关闭的菜市场和病毒研究所,他们都没有展示真正的城市。武汉是中国最具欧洲风情的城市,那里拥有很多美丽的建筑。除了你,其他印度博主都忽略了这一点!
Well dressed Chinese boys and girls, making videos so nicely. They talk to Pratik a foreigner without any hesitation. Advertisement is nicely displayed, You can see cleanliness of roads, footpaths and food shops. Wuhan, a Covid starting point is famous all over world but it seems it has recovered now.中国的男孩和女孩们穿着非常得体,拍出来的视频也非常好看,他们没有任何迟疑就和一个外国人展开了交流。中国的广告展示得也很好,你可以看到道路、人行道和食品店的干净程度。虽然由于某种原因,武汉在全世界都很有名,但现在它似乎已经恢复正常了。
Being indian but i always a fan of Country China.. They are way advanced developed and educated than india. There law and order cleanliness technology everything i admire alot. I have Chinese friends they are so kind. China have rich history and culture they got independence after india still india don't exist near to china still people got offend when someone say learn from china ������no matter what political issues are. Still we indian have to learn alot more from China especially those politicians and administration. In india there isn't a single place where women are safe and freely able to walk in midnights. And no doubt india is heaven but because of that we only see dirt everywhere around. Because none follow law here we need strict implementation of laws我是一个印度人,但我一直是中国的粉丝。它们比印度发达得多,中国人受教育的程度也更高,它们的法律、秩序以及清洁技术等一切我都很欣赏。我有一些中国朋友,他们很友善。中国有着丰富的历史和文化,虽然它们在印度之后获得了独立,但印度现在差了中国很远。当有人说要向中国学习时,不管是不是政治方面的问题,人们仍然会感到冒犯。尽管如此,我们印度人(尤其是那些政客和政府)还是要多向中国学习。在印度,没有一个地方的妇女能够在午夜安全、自由地出门。毫无疑问,印度是天堂,但正因为如此,我们只能看到到处都是泥土。由于这里没有人遵守法律,所以我们需要严格执行法律。
Bhai china ki ladkiya toh aap pe fida ho gyi ���������❤
Don't get me wrong, in China it's just politeness, Indians think girls call him handsome because they admire him, but in China it's just a title. This is equivalent to miss or mr不要误会,在中国这只是礼貌而已,印度人觉得女孩们称他帅是因为她们欣赏他,但这个形容词在中国仅仅只是一个口头禅,充其量也就是“你好”的意思。
China is a country of etiquette. Chinese women have good upbringing and these are just reactions out of politeness. You're so naive.中国是礼仪之邦。中国女性有着良好的教养,这些只是出于礼貌的反应。你太天真了。
Fantastic vlog on China. An eye opener for every Indian. Beautiful, clean, people with high civic sense who abide by the law. India can learn a lot from China.这是一段关于中国的精彩的视频,让每个印度人都大开眼界。中国人是美丽、干净、有高度公民意识和遵纪守法的人,印度有很多东西可以向中国学习。
About twenty years ago, China was something unimaginable today. Litter everywhere, people still spit, public restrooms were horrific, street could not be crossed even at crossing, cars wouldn't stop for pedestrians, beggars haress people And in twenty years, education, civil mindset and law enforcement took effect, Chinese cities evolved into a more civil manner. Peoples' mentality changed,. They now care more about their own cities, their own environment, expect others to follow the same rules and laws. Changes do not come in one day, more infrastructure is not helpful until mentality catch up. When I was very young in Hongkong 50 years ago, no one lined up for bus, then a metal queue rails were put up for people to line up, then another 10 years passed, the rails were removed, people still lined up. The virtual rails are in their mind. To win the respect of the world, education and laws must be promoted regardless where you are.大约二十年前,当时的中国也是今天难以想象的。到处都是垃圾,人们仍然随地吐痰,公共厕所很可怕,即使在十字路口也无法过街,汽车不会为行人停车,乞丐会骚扰行人。二十年来,教育、文明的观念和执法发挥了作用,中国的城市变得更加文明,人们的心态也发生了变化,他们现在更关心自己的城市以及自己所处的环境,他们希望其他人也遵守同样的规则和法律。改变不是一日之功,在心态跟上之前建设更多的基础设施是没有帮助的。50年前,当我很小的时候,在香港没有人会排队等公交车,后来它们竖起了一根金属栏杆供人们排队,然后又过了10年,栏杆被拆除了,人们仍然在排队,因为虚拟的栏杆就在他们的脑海中。为了赢得世界的尊重,无论你身在何处,都必须促进教育和法律的进步。
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关键字:印度博主,印度网红,印度人在中国,印度人来中国,印度人看中国,印度人看中国城市,印度人武汉,印度人深圳,印度人看中国高铁,印度人看中国农村,印度人看中国高科技 专题:其他责任编辑:管理员