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印度博主寄宿武汉农村:出身贫寒的农村女孩家有汽车,在武汉拥有现代化公寓,还经常出国旅行本文译自Youtube,原标题:You Won't Believe How Chinese Family Treated an Indian (WUHAN ������)

China consumes the most vegetables in the world (57.6% of the total worldwide vegetable consumption). Infact an average Chinese consumes about 4 times more vegetables than an average Indian.中国是世界上蔬菜消费最多的国家(占全球蔬菜消费总量的57.6%)。事实上,中国的人均蔬菜消费量是印度的4倍。
India should lean more towards China & BRICS, rather than joining hands with USA. India should also join BRI for rapid development & advancement.If India wants to develop as China, they should invite more Chinese money, investment and technology just like China did with USA, now look at China, they are about to surpass USA itself. Letting border dispute only to hinder transfer of Chinese expert, technology will keep India backwards.印度应该更多地向中国和金砖国家倾斜而不是与美国联手,印度也应该加入“一带一路”倡议以实现快速的发展和进步。
आजकल बहुत से भारतीय Youtubers चीन में घूम रहे हैं आप सभी के videos देखता रहता हूँ।किसी के साथ भी कोई दुर्व्यवहार नहीं हुआ है।चीन के बारे में मेरी सोच पूरी तरह बदल चुकी है. चीन के आम लोग बहुत अच्छे हैं..आपकी मदद करते हैं..भारत के प्रति नफ़रत नहीं रखते, विकास कर रहे हैं मगर जमीन से जुड़े हुए हैं।-- यह लड़की (Vuhan) बहुत प्यारी और समझदार है, इनकी मौसी जी, इनका परिवार सभी बहुत अच्छे है..इन सभी का विशेष धन्यवाद।谢谢博主。现在有很多来自印度的Youtuber都在中国旅行,我观看过所有的视频,没有人受到虐待。我对中国的看法完全改变了,中国的老百姓非常好...他们会帮助你...他们不恨印度,他们正在发展但依然依恋这片土地。这个女孩(Vuhan)非常可爱且聪明,她的阿姨,她的家人都很好......感谢他们所有人。
First day when Tourvechu arrived and specifically ask to see Rural villiage life in China.She brought him to see her grand parents and aunty, and the condition of her family‘s living standard shock most of Chinese viewers, because even they have not see something like that for decades.Then we see a triple story building (where Tourvesu stay first night), its not a luxury building but modern enough in rural villiage. People thought she was from a poor family.Then she brought him to her own apartment in city where her Mom and brother stays, then we see a different view.Her family got her own modern apartment on 16th floor with elevator, their own car and pet, plenty of food including imported Fruit, and she travels overseas quite alot. Her family own multiple properties.So an average citizens‘ life in rural area (remote town) in China is actually at a very high standard.第一天,博主来到这里并专门要求去看看中国的乡村生活。
This video clip reminds me about other travel vloggers I saw regarding farmers life in Japan, Korea and Taiwan.A middle age Taiwanese Farmer dress up quite cheap and rough, busy negotiating with local fruit store about selling his fruit.After chatting to travel vlogger, he decided to take them to his fruit farm under the hill of a moutain outskirt of the town.In his brand new Mercedes S 500 seden parked outside of the small fruit shop. That shocked the vloggers about the wealthiness on average fruit farmer in Taiwan.这段视频让我想起了我看过的其他关于日本、韩国和台湾地区的农民的生活的旅行视频。
他的全新奔驰S 500轿车就停在小水果店外面,这让视频博主们对台湾普通果农的富裕程度感到震惊。
Indian and Chinese civilizations are the oldest civilizations of the World. It's pity that relations between these countries are not well now. There may be diversity of views, including politico-territorial disputes between these two countries. I earnestly hope that such disputes shall be resolved some day, but the people of China are good to know.印度文明和中华文明是世界上最古老的文明,但遗憾的是这些国家之间的关系现在并不好。它们之间可能存在不同的观点,包括这两个国家之间的政治-领土争端,我真诚地希望这些争端有一天能够得到解决。
The girl in the video is very sweet...She still has that childish nature....Loved the whole family how they treated a foreigner this truly shows their beautiful culture....No one in the world can take place of a mother she is above GOD, loved the way how she treated a foreigner like her son.���❤️视频中的女孩很可爱...她仍然有那种孩子气的天性....我喜欢他们全家对待外国人的方式,这真正展示了他们美丽的文化......世界上没有人能替代这位母亲——她高于上帝,我喜欢她像对待儿子一样对待外国人的方式。
Chinese people love Indian people They love and respect Indian culture and heritage and have a deep interest for them It is some Anti-China and Anti-Communism elements in our country do anti-campaign against China and propogates false and baseless informations about China so that the people of India become against China and against Communism as a whole中国人民爱印度人民,他们热爱和尊重印度的文化和遗产,对它们有着深厚的兴趣。正是我国一些反|华反|G分子对中国进行反|华运动,散布关于中国的虚假和毫无根据的信息,使得印度人民在整体上变得反|华,反G。
You think too much. . . China is a hospitable nation and country. There is a Chinese proverb that goes, "Everyone who comes is a guest!". In China there is no racial discrimination, no caste system, equality between men and women, and equal education.Secondly, unlike the Indian government and its media, which have been stigmatizing China for a long time and making Indian people hate China, the Chinese government and media have never let their people oppose India and hate India, and have never made anti-India propaganda. Of course, Chinese media and social networks rarely report on India. China has never regarded India as its competitor, nor will it regard India as a threat. Indian movies can be shown in China, Indian movie stars can do commercial promotion in China, But can India? As long as the Indian government allows a few modern Chinese movies or TV dramas to be released in Indian theaters, the stigma and lies of the Indian government and media against China will be completely exposed, it’s that simple.你想多了...中国是一个热情好客的民族和国家。中国有句俗话:“凡来者皆是客!”。中国没有种族歧视,没有种姓制度,在中国男女平等,教育平等。
They are willing to treat you with durian. It is already a good representation of people's enthusiasm, because durian is considered a relatively expensive fruit in China. China is called the king of fruits, but China's durian is imported, so it is relatively expensive.他们愿意用榴莲招待你,这已经很好地代表了人们的热情,因为榴莲在中国被认为是一种相对昂贵的水果,它在中国被称为水果之王。由于中国的榴莲都是进口的,所以价格相对昂贵。
Best part I notice there, the people not interest in politics n how the china relationship with other countries. They feel that they are safe n living happy. Very good hospitality n affection showered on guest ✨���我注意到的最好的一点是人们对政治以及中国与其他国家的关系不感兴趣,他们觉得自己很安全,生活很幸福。他们非常热情好客,你受到了非常好的款待。
People, I believe, in most of the world are friendly..It is the politicians, media (aided by politicians in power) and the government that create the inhospitable feelings among people of different countries, races and religion.All the best to the family and your travel in China你好,博主,
I am from Odisha, here too fermented rice water is common, though not packaged.I think some eastern Indian & NE cuisines have such similarities to East Asian diet.Also very good effort brother for the sneak peek into mix of Chinese urban & rural life.Really shows how much we have in common.You are really a blessing for today's age.我来自奥迪萨邦,发酵米酒在我们这里也很常见,虽然没有包装。
What a lovely episode!! Chinese hospitality is legendary but very few Indians know about it. Thanks to you, we all could see it! The kindness and humility of your host's family is mind blowing! They literally poured all of their love to you. A wonderful heartwarming experience. Her aunt was absolutely right - you must visit them again! That's their love for you bro!The steamed buns that you had for dinner at the village, is called baozi. This is now my favorite series! Nothing will beat this series. Not Iran either!多么可爱的一集啊!!中国人的热情好客是有口皆碑的,但很少有印度人知道。多亏了你,我们大家都能看到这一点!寄宿家庭的善良和谦逊令人惊叹!他们确实向你倾注了他们所有的爱。这是一次美妙的暖心经历,她的姑妈说得很对——你下回一定要再来!这就是他们对你的爱,兄弟!
a true impression of the Chinese people and humanity as a whole. This only highlights the false public opinion generated by few people in power for their own selfish reasons. I have personally experienced similar hospitality of the Chinese people during my several business travels across China from 2006 - 2018, having worked in china for two years from 2006-2008. The Chinese are basically very simple and hard working people following similar family traditions like ours. They respect human values similar to us and will open up their hearts when they feel this reciprocated . I had the personal experience of spending the Chinese new year holiday season with a friends family in rural China and it was the most beautiful and humbling experience i will cherish throughout my life. People should travel, and see and experience other countries and their people first hand and then form an impression and not just by reading the newspaper. The greatest learning is in traveling and the youth should be encouraged to take sabbaticals in order to travel the world as this would only make our world a better place to live.你的视频是对中国人民和所有人类的真实印象,这只会凸显少数当权者出于一己之私而制造的虚假舆论。2006年至2018年,我在中国工作过两年,在中国各地的几次商务旅行中,我亲身体验到了中国人的热情好客。中国人基本上都是非常简朴和勤奋的人,遵循着与我们相似的家庭传统。他们尊重与我们相似的人类价值观,当他们感到回应时,他们会敞开心扉。我有一次在中国农村与朋友一家共度春节的亲身经历,这是我一生中最美好、最谦卑的经历。人们应该去旅行,去亲眼目睹和感受一下(而不仅仅是通过阅读报纸)其他国家和他们的人民,然后再形成印象。最棒的学习就是旅行,我们应该鼓励年轻人利用休假去环游世界,因为这只会让我们的世界变得更美好。
This show how civilized and friendly the Chinese people are even most Indians see China as enemy. But the common Chinese people still so friendly to Indian lone traveler and treated him with respect and as importance guest.I can't say the same for Chinese travel to India will get the same treatment and respect like this. They don't even treat their own nationality from Northeast region that look like Chinese well. They called them Chinky which it is very insulting.这个视频表明了中国人民是多么文明友好,即便大多数印度人都把中国视为敌人,但中国的老百姓对这位印度独行侠仍然十分友好并把他当作贵宾来对待。
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关键字:印度博主,印度网红,印度网红来中国,印度人看中国,印度人看中国城市,印度人看中国农村,印度人看中国高铁,印度人看中国高科技,印度人在武汉 专题:其他责任编辑:管理员