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China is very developed even in such remote region unlike my country. I love watching your videos, even I didn't know about this border between China-Nepal and how close villages are from both countries. Love from Nepal and best wishes for your future travels.不像我的国家,即使在如此偏远的地区,中国也非常发达。即使我不知道中国和尼泊尔之间的边界以及两国的村庄有多近,我也喜欢看你们的视频。来自尼泊尔的爱和对你未来旅行的良好祝愿。
@sancortexstk5252 True. Our country is so much connected with India but not with China even though they are our neighbor. China is so developed, we super rarely see anything related to China in our country and it would also boost our economy and other aspects in development if China was as much connected as we are with India.尽管中国是我们的邻居,但我们的国家与印度有着如此密切的联系,而与中国却没有。中国是如此发达,但我们却很少在我们的国家看到任何与中国有关的东西,如果中国像我们与印度一样紧密相连,这也会促进我们的经济和其他方面的发展。
interesting. I'm from the Yakthung (Limbu) community, the indigenous group of eastern Nepal, bordering both India and China. here, the drink @ 15:30, we call it Tongba, an essential part of our culture now. Last time I read, we appropriated the drink from fellow Sherpas residing in the neighboring regions.真有趣。我来自与印度和中国接壤的Yakthung(林布)社区,我们是尼泊尔东部的土著群体。15:30这里的饮料我们称之为Tongba,现在是我们文化的重要组成部分。之前我在哪里读到过,我们是从居住在邻近地区的夏尔巴人那里学到喝这种饮料的。
@de-fluoridationtechnologyp7667It is a tragedy when artificial borders in our time still divide an area of one tribe as with the Sherpa. Happy to hear the borders will be opened so that the Sherpa culture can develop on both sides. Great to watch. Thank you for posting.当我们在这个时代仍然用人为的边界划分一个部落(比如夏尔巴人)的区域时,这是一场悲剧。我很高兴听到边界将会开放以便夏尔巴文化能够得以双向交流的消息。你的视频值得一看,感谢你的上传。
This is probably the least developed area of China after Daliangshan. The Sherpas are like the Tajiks in Tashkurgan, very warm and nice people, I think their living standard should be better like the Tibetans you showed us in your previous video or the Tajiks in the west. They welcomed you like brothers and sisters who come from afar despite their simple life. I really hope you put this video on Chinese social media for all other chinese to see, hoping that the government will provide them a better living. If i am not mistaken, the government moved the whole Yi minority who live on a crazy dangerous cliff village in Daliangshan to an apartment block nearby especiallly built for them.这可能是继大凉山之后中国最不发达的地区。夏尔巴人就像塔什库尔干的塔吉克人,他们非常热情善良,我认为他们的生活水平应该比你在之前的视频中向我们展示的XZ人或西部的塔吉克人更好。尽管他们的生活很简单,但他们像欢迎来自远方的兄弟姐妹一样欢迎你。我真的希望你把这段视频放在中国的社交媒体上,让所有其他中国人都能看到,希望政府能为他们提供更好的生活。如果我没有记错的话,政府把住在大凉山的一个极其危险的悬崖村里的所有彝族人都搬到了附近专门为他们建造的公寓楼里。
I think its TAR or Tibet Region....your vlogs are really nice. I'm also into Himalayan and Tibetan region and their culture and lifestyle. I am fond of it. But I hope Tibetan Ethnic Culture an lifestye should be kept protected and untouched from the materialistic society of ours. May be there is tensions between countries that does not mean the people are entirely bad from any region in the world. Let aside the world politics.我认为这个地区属于XZ.....你的视频真的很不错。我很喜欢喜马拉雅和XZ地区以及他们的文化和生活方式,我希望XZ的民族文化和生活方式能够受到保护,不受我们这个物欲横流的社会的影响。也许国家之间存在紧张关系,但这并不意味着世界上任何地区的人民都是完全糟糕的。让我们撇开世界政治。
Watching from Nepal, one striking difference was to see the photo of party leaders in people's home. Apart from that it was great. The Chinese government have done a great job in connecting such far remote places with a proper paved road, on our side we have been hearing about connecting Keemathnka border via road but it never gets done. Very sad, I hope we will be able to drive there in our life time.我从尼泊尔看你的视频,一个显著的区别是在人们的家中看到了领|导|人的照片。除此之外,视频很棒。中国在用适当的道路连接如此遥远的偏远地区方面做得非常出色,而在我们这边,我们曾经听说过会有公路连接Keemathnka边境,但它从未实现。我感到非常难过,我希望在有生之年我们能开车去那里。
Bhutan is fearful of being annexed by India like Sikkim and wasn't able to have diplomatic relation with China. But that didn't stop them resolving the border issue with China to the dismay of India. Hopefully one day foreigners can enter Bhutan from China. The relations between Bhutanese and Chinese are excellent and border crossing among them isn't a problem.不丹害怕像锡金一样被印度吞并,因此无法与契丹建立外交关系。但这并没有阻止它们与契丹解决边界问题,这让印度感到沮丧。希望有一天外国人能从契丹进入不丹。不丹人和契丹人之间的关系非常好,他们之间的过境不存在问题。
I am from bhutan ������ and I confirm that the landscape of yadong county, their housing styles, that ladder and even the lawn around the house resemble bhutan strongly.Pagri (we call it phari ཕར'རི) has lots of shared history with paro, Bhutan. Trade from there allowed tibetan goods to enter bhutan and we used to listen to stories of our grandparents travelling to phari on horseback.In the past, Bhutan took medicine, rice, paper, vegetables, zaw(puffed rice) and brought back silk, porcelain, corals, turquoise and other stuff. It's so nice to see the town which we have only heard of till now.It would be Great if you can show the caravan of bhutanese traders that arrive in summer我来自不丹。我认为亚东县的景观、他们的住房风格、梯子甚至房子周围的草坪都非常像不丹。
I hope China could speed up development of the furthest part of Tibet province. I see many infrastructure upgrades in rural area that truly benefited the Tibetans. It also enable you guys to venture into such beautiful unspoiled locations which otherwise would have left undiscovered. Thanks for the interesting unplanned interactions with the friendly locals.我希望契丹能加快XZ最偏远地区的发展。我看到许多农村地区的基础设施的升级改造确实让藏人受益匪浅。它还让你们能够冒险进入这样美丽的未受破坏的地方,否则这些地方将不会被发现。感谢您与友好的当地人进行的有趣的意外互动。
The old house definitely resembles to a bhutanese farm house and the one piece wooden ladder is still being used in most parts of Bhutan. Pagri / Phari (Phari tern is popular to Bhutanese not Pagri) was one of the popular trading hub between Bhutan and Tibet during my grand parents time. The caterpillar Fungus known as Cordyceps is also found in the northern part of Bhutan. If you travel to Tingri closer to Nepal then you will find similar such farm houses.这座老房子很像不丹的农舍,连体木梯在不丹的大部分地区仍在使用。帕格里-Phari(Phari语对不丹人来说很受欢迎)是我祖父母时期不丹和XZ之间很受欢迎的贸易中心之一。被称为Cordyceps的冬虫夏草也在不丹北部发现。如果你去离尼泊尔更近的廷格里旅行,你会发现类似的农舍。
Caterpillar fungus is also popular here in Indonesia, especially among Chinese food lovers. I once bought a packet of 3 small ones (they were tied with red strings). I believe it did cost me a one week salary. ���冬虫夏草在印尼也很受欢迎,尤其是在中国美食爱好者中。我曾经买过装有三棵小虫草的一包(用红绳子绑着),我相信它确实花了我一周的工资。[笑哭]
Do you know that all the indigenous tribe from Northeast India are related to Tibet/ChinaIt is Said that our ancient ancestors once a long time ago they were in China and due to continuous war/conflict and in search of fertile cultivable land they slowly find the way to settle down here你知道所有印度东北部的土著部落都与XZ/契丹有关吗?
1. 网址:www.skyfall.ink
2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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