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印度博主在南宁终于找到无家可归者,睡桥底的人是乘凉的建筑工人还是真的无家可归者?本文译自Youtube,原标题:TRAVELLING TO POOR PARTS OF CHINA | SOUTH PART OF CHINA |@luziarodriguesmiranda8960Those people are not homeless, they are construction workers from outside Nanning, probably temporary workers. Otherwise, construction sites must provide accommodation, otherwise it is illegal in China.这些人并不是无家可归者,他们是来自南宁以外的建筑工人,可能是临时工。因为建筑工地必须提供住宿,否则在中国这是违法的。
not a construction worker. they are part time workers, or a new comer to this city for job opportunities, and have not found their job yet. Covid time hit Chinese economy, now things are moving better, but still have some people left behind.他们不是建筑工人,他们是做兼职的工人,或者是新来这个城市找工作但还没有找到工作的人。大流行重创了中国经济,虽然现在情况已有所好转,但仍有一些人落在后面了。
Sir, the people in the tunnel are workers in some construction sites. There are more than 35 degrees in this place in Nanning, Guangxi. They do not want to live in the room because they sleep in the tunnel at night. They are drinking and speaking like angry. In fact, they may be drunk. They invite you to join drinking and smoke you. This is the enthusiasm of emotional excitement. You don't understand language, so you will be afraid and misunderstanding.博主,隧道内的人是建筑工地上的工人。广西南宁这个地方的气温超过35度,他们不想住在房间里,他们晚上想睡在隧道里。他们正在喝酒,说话的声音很大,看起来像是在生气。但事实上他们可能喝醉了。他们邀请你一起喝酒,抽烟,这只是情绪有点激动的热情。你听不懂他们的语言,所以你才会感到害怕并误解他们。
I have watched various Japanese, southkorean and chinese vlogs. Honestly, I liked Japan and China more than korea. Why?Development, infra, roads, buildings, facilities etc etc can be built according to aspirations of people and the government in some years or decades. But the originality of civilization is so so important. I liked that of Japan and china. SK is highly westernized.Learning - One should get inspired by the other to create his own, one should not copy the other especially when it comes to civilizational values.我看过各种关于日本、韩国和中国的视频。老实说,比起韩国,我更喜欢日本和中国,为什么呢?
Amazing China. It is beautiful than America & Europe. All people appears rich as compared to India. It seems India is 50 years behind China in respect of urban & rural life. O my God. Simultaneously, China gives permission to visit those city/town/place which is fixed by Govt of China. One cannot visit any place out of his choices. Hence it is not real picture of China.中国了不起,它比美国和欧洲都漂亮。与印度相比,那里的所有人都显得很富有。在城乡生活方面,印度似乎落后中国50年。哦,天哪。同时,中国只允许访问政府指定的城市/城镇/地区,一个人不能随意去任何他选择的地方。因此,这个视频并不是中国的真实写照。
This is the first time to see home less people lying under bridges in night
they are not homeless. they are construction workers nearby . it is cool down under bridge. they have temporary house in the contruction site without air conditon. it is very hot in the summer.他们并非无家可归者,他们是附近的建筑工人。桥下凉快一些,他们在工地拥有临时住房,只是没有空调,而夏天又太热。
Correct, they're construction workers from other cities, not homeless. Hong Kong has them too camping in tents at times while away from home.没错,他们是来自其他城市的建筑工人而不是无家可归者,香港有时也存在他们在离家很远的时候在帐篷里露营的情况。
It took so many Indian vloggers for months to find someone looks close to be Homeless, and its only construction works living near by, Indian vloggers must be very disappointed.Modi‘ Media plan has failed.Well, just have to look harder in next city then.这么多印度视频博主花了几个月的时间才找到一个看起来很接近无家可归者的人,而它唯一的建筑工程就在附近,印度的视频博主一定非常失望。
Guangxi is a relatively poor province in China, but Nanning is also well established. Those who sleep in the tunnel are not homeless, but construction workers. They all have houses and fields in their hometown. Just working in Nanning, through their enthusiasm and playing cards, it proves that they have their own happiness.I saw two elderly beggars who actually used the QR code of their mobile phones, which proved that China is very developed.Later, I saw that Won the lottery and won 100 yuan. IT was really lucky.广西是中国的一个相对贫穷的省份,但南宁也很发达。睡在隧道里的不是无家可归者而是建筑工人。他们在家乡都有房子和田地,只是目前在南宁工作,通过他们的热情和打牌,这证明了他们拥有自己的快乐。我看到两个乞讨的老人居然在用他们手机上的二维码收款,这证明中国很发达。后来,我看到你中了彩票(中了100元),这真的很幸运。
but they were so aggressive , we got scared when we were passing from there但他们太咄咄逼人了,当我们从那里经过时,我们都吓坏了。
@theindotrekker They are construction workers nearby, and they usually speak loudly.It's just that it's hard for them to meet foreigners. When they see Indians for the first time, they are very excited, say HELLO several times, and want to smoke for you. I saw him take out a cigarette and hand it to you. which means to welcome you and treat you as a friend. you won't be afraid anymore他们是附近的建筑工人,他们通常会大声说话。他们很难见到外国人,当他们第一次见到印度人时,他们非常兴奋,说了好几次HELLO并想请你抽烟。我看到他拿出一支烟想递给你,这个举动的意思是欢迎你,把你当作朋友。这样你就不会再害怕了。
The two elderly couple are buskers, not beggars.There's a difference between buskers and beggars.One important distinction lies in the artistic nature of street performance. While beggars typically offer nothing to the donor as an exchange for the donation being received, buskers consciously provide the donor with the service of performance and entertainment (and they do so before the donor donates).这对老夫妇是街头艺人而不是乞丐。
@theindotrekker I re-watched it several times. The truth is, they say hello to you. Then there is a person who wants to pass you a cigarette. Passing cigarettes is a very friendly behavior in China (although smoking is not healthy). You may be frightened by his voice and expression, but in fact they did not malicious. I can vouch for this, having re-watched the video several times.goodvibesyougotthisyougotthis我又看了好几遍。事实是他们在向你打招呼,然后有个人想递给你一支烟。在中国,递烟是一种非常友好的行为(尽管吸烟不健康)。你可能会被他的声音和表情吓到,但事实上他们并没有恶意。我可以保证,因为我已经看过好几次视频了。
中国学生如何对待印度人?印度博主游北京发现中国人非常友好,不像西方人那样有优越感本文译自Youtube,原标题:Chinese Students Behavior with Indian? | Beijing City TourUnlike here talking craps and negativity about them, they seems to be very civilised, honest and sincere. We missed that part of honest and simple lifestyle.与这里谈论他们的废话和消极情绪不同,他们似乎非常文明、诚实和真诚。我们怀念那种诚实和纯粹的生活方式。
PISA students' test rankings 2020*(maths & science):*India stopped participating since 2009 after their students scored rock bottom at No.72 out of 73 countries2020年PISA学生考试排名*(数学和科学):
1.中国 2.新加坡 3.中国澳门 4.中国香港 5.爱沙尼亚 6.日本 7.韩国 8.加拿大 9.中国台北 10.芬兰
Fun fact: 7 Chinese universities are ranked among the world’s top 100, with Tsinghua and Peking among the top 20. Tsinghua is considered the world’s leading university for computer science, while Peking is ranked 9th. Likewise, 9 Chinese universities are among the top 50 globally in mathematics. By contrast, no Indian university, including the celebrated IIT, is ranked among the world’s top 100.有趣的事实:中国有7所大学跻身世界前100名,清华大学和北京大学跻身前20名。清华大学计算机科学专业被认为世界领先,而北京大学排名第9。同样,有9所中国大学跻身全球数学专业前50名。相比之下,包括著名的印度理工学院在内,没有一所印度大学跻身世界前100名。
I have watched most of this handsome Indian men videos about China recently. What I am impressed about China is seeing everywhere he had goes, everywhere is so clean, so green with many trees, people are friendly and I don't see any beggar begging on the street like India. Why can't India be the same as both China and India are the earliest civilization country on earth. Look like Indian has lots to learn from the Chinese and to catch up with China.最近,我看了这个印度帅锅的大部分关于中国的视频。中国给我留下深刻印象的是无论他走到哪里都很干净,到处都是绿树成荫,人们都很友好,我没有看到任何像印度那样在街上乞讨的乞丐。为什么印度不能和中国一样呢?毕竟印度是世界上最早的文明国家。看起来印度人要想赶上中国还有很多东西要向中国学习。
Don't forget China has a communist government and people don't have much say so government can work as per their will bit India is largest democracy with so many religions and alot of diversity so to satisfy eveyone's need is a big task. In India people can strike for so many reasons which can ofcourse delays things.别忘了,中国有一个GC主义政府,人民没有太多发言权,所以政府可以按照它们的意愿行事。而印度是最大的民|主国家,拥有如此多的宗教和多样性,所以满足每个人的需求是一项艰巨的任务。在印度,人们可以出于多种原因进行罢工,这无疑会拖慢事情的进度。
So much population, but still so cool people, Very transparent govt officers. That's what Education teaches you to be humble. Chinese people are so innocent中国的人口如此之多,但人们仍然如此平静,政府官员非常透明,这就是教育教会你要谦虚的地方。中国人真是太单纯了。
I don't know why but these Chinese people are a lot friendly and they also don't have superiority complex as we see in other Western countries我不知道为什么,但这些中国人非常友好,他们也不像我们在其他西方国家看到的那样有优越感。
Why is Indian worried about how people would treat them? Don't tell me foreigners or tourists are treated badly in India? Aren't people ought to treat one another with respect and politely? This is the fundamental of any civilised society.为什么印度人要担心人们会如何对待他们?难道外国人或游客在印度受到了不好的待遇吗?人与人之间难道不应该互相尊重、有礼貌吗?这是所有文明社会的基础。
Do you usually use women as the cover every time? What do you want to express? Feeling popular? Girls just feel curious when you come from India. Don't be too sentimental你通常每次都用女性做封面吗?你想表达什么?让人感觉你很受欢迎?当你说你来自印度时,中国的女孩们只是感到好奇而已,不要太自我感觉良好。
People comparing India and China yes I agree cHina is alot clean and disciplined but don't forget China has a communist government they can turn whole city into a jail if they want. they can work as per their will and there they don't have chuslam to destroy publiuc property in the name of festival. India is the largest democracy with so many religions and diversity and to satisfy eveyone it's not that easy and here public is also take pride in breaking rules so think before comparing two nations. India is also growing fast and it will take some time.人们会比较印度和中国,没错,我同意中国非常干净和有纪律,但不要忘记中国有一个GC主义政府,如果它们愿意,它们可以把整个城市变成监狱。它们可以按照自己的意愿行事,在那里没有以节日的名义破坏公共财产的chuslam。而印度是最大的民|主国家,它有着如此多的宗教和多样性,要满足所有人的需求并不是那么容易,这里的公众也以违反规则为荣,所以在比较两个国家之前请三思。印度也在快速发展,但这还需要一段时间。
Now I understand why china developed so much and no doubt they will surpass America one day. People there looks so wholesome and nice behaviour...they are hardworking....I have respect for this country but the govt. is not nice. One difference I saw most of their people don't know about india but here in India everybody knows what china is doing现在我明白为什么中国发展得这么快了,毫无疑问,它们总有一天会超过美国。那里的人看起来很健康,行为也很棒...他们很努力...我尊重这个国家,但政府除外。我看到的一个区别是他们大多数人都不了解印度,但在印度,每个人都知道中国在做什么。
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