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多名女外教讲述逃到中国的原因:安全,美食,友好,薪水高 | 印度震惊姐:中国巴士vs印度巴士,印网友请求修改缩略图
油管网友评论多名女外教讲述逃到中国的原因:安全,美食,友好,薪水高,生活质量高于自己的国家本文译自Youtube,原标题:This Is Why We Ran Away to China!!!
the worse part is when I tell my friends and family about China and how good it is safety exquisite food friendly people they still think China is a draconian country grrr I have stop telling people I love China I hope I could live in China someday!更糟糕的是当我告诉我的朋友和家人契丹有多好,它有多安全,食物有多精致,人有多友好时,他们仍然认为契丹是一个德古拉式的国家。我已经停止告诉人们我爱契丹,我希望有一天我能在契丹生活!
It's great vibes. I, like others can also feel the joy and happiness you get from living in China. I hope that you have many more great years in China ahead of you, and if you want, find a nice Chinese man and live in China forever. :)真是太棒了。我和其他人一样也能感受到你们在中国生活的快乐和幸福,我希望你们能在中国度过更多美好的时光,如果你愿意,你们可以找一个好的中国男人并永远在中国生活。
Thanks to the leaders , politicians and mainstream media of US(particularly), the west and some Asian countries. The world is so polarized, even within one's own country, like far left far right. Good for all you girls who love China, good luck with you all. Remember, don't be discouraged even if you come across some negative experience there, there's no eutopia on earth, only a better society❤❤感谢美国(尤其感谢)、西方和一些亚洲国家的领导人、政治家和主流媒体。世界是如此两极分化,甚至在它们自己的国家内部也是如此(比如它们有极左翼和极右翼)。祝你们所有热爱中国的女孩们好运。记住,即使你们在那里遇到一些负面的经历也不要气馁,因为地球上没有乌托邦,只有一个更好的社会 [比心][比心]。
I love China. It is probably one of the safest country in the world. You can travel alone at night without any fear.Good food, and very easy to travel around with a lot of interesting places to visit.The negative side is probably accommodation, as not every hotel cater for foreigners, and probably that may reduce your choice for affordable accommodation, but than you can still find affordable and value for money places if you do your search well.我爱中国。它可能是世界上最安全的国家之一,你可以在晚上独自旅行而无需担心。
I don't have the slightest doubt on what you girls said. However, I have to comment that you enjoy the quality of life because you have a good job. Being a foreign teacher in good schools means you are getting possibly above average pay. There are still a lot of ordinary Chinese people working hard (I don't want to use the word struggling) to improve their lives. There is still a long way to go, and hence China is still a developing country. At least it's on the way up, unlike some other countries which are sliding down.我对你们这些女孩说的话没有丝毫怀疑。然而,我不得不说你们能够享受生活质量是因为你们拥有一份好工作。在好的学校当外教意味着你们的薪水可能高于平均水平。仍然有很多普通的中国人在努力工作(我不想用“奋斗”这个词)来改善他们的生活。中国还有很长的路要走,它仍然是一个发展中国家,不过至少它正在上升,不像其他一些正在下滑的国家。
I think getting good governance in all countries is the key, including all the West.Basic education, health care, less crime, less corruption, meritocracy and economy that works for small people as the rich ones are going to be OK anyway.The world needs to work on these of course no wars please.我认为在所有国家实现良好的治理是关键,包括所有西方国家。
There are many people around the world who don't have a lot of money and a big house or a car, but China has a great culture and great social life where families and friends look after each other. Happiness doesn't come from wealth.American is the richest country in the world, and yet it has the worst social problems in the world.世界上有很多没有很多钱,没有大房子或汽车的人,但中国有着伟大的文化和美好的社会生活,他们的家人和朋友互相照顾,幸福并非来源于财富。
Don't ran away your home or nation , you can go to China study or works or business investment , one day you can go back own country , to build strong and benefits your nation economy and technology engineering field for Young Generation .不要逃离你的家乡或祖国,你可以去中国学习、工作或进行商业投资,但有一天你要回到自己的国家,为年轻一代建设一个强大的国家并造福于经济和技术工程领域。
I feel like it's your responsibility to tell your audience that yall are privileged in that country and that the actual Chinese ppl there aren't that lucky. Yalls positive view is very immigrant of yall tbh我觉得你有责任告诉你的观众,你们在那个国家享有特权,而那里真正的中国人并没有那么幸运。
What make you think the same educated and trained Chinese teachers are not as lucky as they are? They enjoy the same freedom, safe and convenient environment; they receive the same respect from students and society and have the same financial ability to go on holidays If they want. Those ladies are single with no family in China and no mortage, of course they will use their disposal money to travel and enjoy life. Most Chinese teachers have family to take care of and saving goals for different projects - retirement,kid's education etc, they may not have the opportunities to do what they like. But single Chinese teacher with no family attached definitely enjoy as much as Sebrina���是什么让你觉得同样受过教育和培训的中国教师没有她们那么幸运?他们享有同样的自由、安全和便利的环境;他们受到学生和社会同样的尊重;他们也有同样的经济能力去度假(如果他们愿意的话)。这些女士都是单身,她们在中国没有家人,也没有抵押贷款,她们当然可以用自己的闲钱去旅行和享受生活。而大多数中国教师都有家庭需要照顾,并需要为不同的项目储蓄——退休、子女教育等,他们可能没有机会做自己喜欢的事情。但是,没有家庭拖累的单身中国教师肯定能够和博主一样享受生活。
印度震惊姐:中国巴士vs印度巴士,印度网友请求修改缩略图,印度没有那种巴士和乘客本文译自Youtube,原标题:China Bus vs India Bus - This is truly shocking... ������ 中国客车 vs 印度客车..我震惊了I like your video fair reporting and first hand observation of China advanced transport system. India is trying to play catch up in improving its transport system.As a comparison with the US, Uk, and EU countries, China public bus, cars, and road system are more advanced than these Western countries. Roads and railway systems are world first class. Electric vehicles, modern fast speed trains, China beat the world advanced countries.我喜欢您在视频中对中国先进的交通系统的公正报道和第一手观察,印度正试图在改善其运输系统方面迎头赶上。
If India start to have driverless buses, sure there will be lots of accidents everyday. BTW, India road system is not suitable too to have driverless buses.如果印度开始运营无人驾驶公交车,肯定每天都会发生很多事故。顺便说一句,印度的道路系统也不适合拥有无人驾驶公交车。
@yzl5450 yes, I have seen cows wander around in the city like king. And those cows just let go their cow dung in the middle of the road. Cars, buses, trucks and all vehicles just run over the cow dungs and stick onto the wheels.是的,我见过牛像国王一样在城里游荡,而那些牛直接把牛粪拉在了马路中间。汽车、巴士、卡车和所有的车辆都会碾过牛粪,然后粘在车轮上。
India bus transportation services and the environment will improve significantly if they could convert to electrical buses. The problem is that the reputation of the Indian government and those elite Indian companies that control the economy of India are very bad when it comes to payment for goods received. Thus India could not buy those buses from China if they have no intention of payment in full. My ex-company completed some major projects in India more than ten years ago and until now, full payments have not been received. Excuses and lawsuits in Indian courts drag on and on.如果公交车能够改用电动公交车,印度的交通服务和环境将得到显著的改善,问题在于印度政府和那些控制印度经济的印度精英公司在支付货款方面的声誉非常糟糕。因此,如果印度不打算全额付款,它们就无法从中国购买这些公交车。我的前公司十多年前在印度完成了一些重大项目,但直到现在还没有收到全额付款,对方凭借狡辩和法庭上的诉讼一直在拖延。
Definitely, in China, public transportation are very good, and India is catching up, yet the mass public, need to possess better attitude & self-discipline as a user!!!������������毫无疑问,中国的公共交通非常棒,印度也在迎头赶上,但作为用户的广大公众需要有更好的态度和自律!!!
Thailand also has buses that do not have AC, and it is in the center of Bangkok. I was a bit shocked. So many high end malls and skyscrapers, and you see a bus with no AC during peak summer time!!!泰国也有没有空调的公交车,而且就在曼谷的市中心,这让我有点震惊。虽然这里有这么多高端的商场和摩天大楼,但在夏季高峰期,你会看到一辆没有空调的公交车!!!
Good to hear you speaking so highly of your countries bus services . Maybe you could use your energy in advising the government and come up with some solutions for the betterment of services and don’t forget to pay your taxes.很高兴听到你如此高度评价你们国家的公共汽车服务,也许你可以用你的能力为政府提供建议并提出一些改善服务的解决方案,别忘了纳税。
India’s public bus system is privately owned and operated similar to the ones in USA. Consequently, a great variation is found in service, comfort, and price.与美国类似,印度的公共巴士系统是由私人拥有和运营的。因此,它们在服务、舒适度和价格方面存在很大的差异。
Nah, most buses in U. S. Cities are publicly owned and operated, not privately.Intercity long distance buses (i.e. Greyhound) are privately owned and operated.不,美国城市的大多数公共汽车都是公有的,不是私人的。
No one shall compare India with China.They have different political systems and cultures, each will develop their own way.India's trains and buses are different from China, it is like apple and orange.Indians are happy with what they have so do the Chinese.没有人会把印度和中国相提并论。
I request you to type of thumnail you made is not good. Yes we accept we have not such advance buses at that level but we have not bus and crowd type you make in front page. Learning is one thing but judge himself such a way is hurting any proud Indian我请求你改一下你的缩略图。是的,我们承认我们没有那种级别的高级巴士,但我们也没有你在缩略图上放的那种巴士和乘客。学习是一回事,但以这种方式评判自己会伤害到所有骄傲的印度人。
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关键字:外教来中国,外国人看中国,外国人在中国,外国人游中国,印度人看中国,印度人在中国,印度人比较中国 专题:其他责任编辑:管理员