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油管网友热议生活在中国vs生活在美国:美国的枪杀案越来越多,未来属于印度本文译自Youtube,原标题:Living in China vs Living in America - This is truly shocking... ������ 中国vs美国。。。我震惊了Gun ownership equates to freedom in America. American gun owners feel safe because he owns a gun. But most of the gun violence are not against intruders but towards acquaintances.在美国,有枪就等于有自由。美国的枪支拥有者感到安全是因为他手里有枪,但大多数枪支暴力事件针对的并非是入侵者,而是熟人。
Watching the "". The whole hospital got to stop just to treat GUN SHOT trauma.你可以去看看《GOOD DOCTOR》。为了治疗枪伤,整个医院都停了下来。
Depending on where you are in the country, living in the US for now has still been mostly OK for my personal situation; not great, not bad. it's getting increasingly dangerous and expensive. The govt is getting more corrupt and inept. I don't plan to be here in 10-15 years if I can help it.这取决于你在美国哪个地方,目前在美国生活对我个人而言基本上还行;不算太好,也不算太坏。但它正变得越来越危险和昂贵,美国的政府也越来越腐败和无能。如果可以的话,我不打算在 10-15 年内留在这里。
2A people always argue it's the people not the guns..... well lots of gun murders were good gun owners before they pulled the trigger...人们总是争辩说问题在于人而不是枪……但很多枪杀案的肇事者在扣动扳机之前都是好人……
Living in high-rise apartments are the best solution for populated countries otherwise they will create slumps. Furthermore, high-rise apartment living are eco friendly, energy efficient & public transport friendly对于人口稠密的国家来说,住高层公寓是最好的解决方案,否则会造成很多贫民窟。此外,在高层公寓生活环保、节能且对公共交通有利。
There is a housing crisis in Canada. Lack of affordability both ownership and rental. Does China have this issue? It would be interesting to make the comparison of the housing situations in China compared to developed Western countries.... ��� p.s. Thanks for the video.加拿大存在住房危机,无论是买房还是租房都缺乏可负担性。中国有这个问题吗?将中国的住房状况与西方发达国家进行比较会很有趣... 谢谢你的视频。
China govt have allowed housing speculation for a long time before they finally came out with the philosophy "housing is for living, not for speculation". Its pretty late and most people CAN'T afford it, even with a lot of empty lots available很长一段时间以来,中国一直允许炒房,直到它们最终提出了“房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的”的理念。但现在已经太晚了,即使存在很多空房子,大多数人也买不起。
I think the future belongs to India: large young population base, technical know-how, emphasis on education, leadership traits of Indian ppl (Kamala, UK PM, Vivek, Nikki Hayley , big tech CEOs et al), and biggest factor, democracy and English proficiency. The 21st century belongs to India and ethnic Indians.我认为未来属于印度:印度拥有庞大的年轻人口基数、技术知识、对教育的重视、印度人民的领导特质(美国副总统卡玛拉、英国首相苏纳克,2024年美国总统候选人Vivek、2024年美国总统候选人黑莉、大型科技公司CEO等)以及最大的因素:民|主和英语水平。21世纪属于印度和印度人。
China seems to spent a lot on welfare for good living. The plants and tidiness of the parks and roads are a pleasure to the eyes. Transportation of rails are super, not only the nice designs but technologically impressive. The list can go on. Just the 3rd tier city can filled one with awes and wonder. Mega cities -incredible.为了让人们过上好的生活,中国似乎在福利方面花了很多钱。它们的公园和道路上的植物和整洁程度让人赏心悦目。轨道交通非常棒,不仅设计精美,而且技术令人印象深刻。这份名单可以继续下去。仅仅三线城市就足以让人充满敬畏和惊奇,而大城市——简直难以想象。
China's no-drug no-gun policies make China one of the safest countries in the world, where people have lots of freedoms. The US claims to be one of freest countries, where people can use drugs, own guns, employ child labors, married kids, but they have to abide by the no-alcohol-in-public rule.���������中国的禁毒无枪政策使中国成了世界上最安全的国家之一,那里的人民拥有很多自由。而虽然美国自称是最自由的国家之一,在那里人们可以吸毒、拥有枪支、雇佣童工、童婚,但他们却必须遵守公共场合禁止饮酒的规定。[笑哭][笑哭][笑哭]
You cannot judge any country or say anything about any country unless you've been there and have kind of experience differ in every country and every country has good and bad things no country if perfect. You have perfectly said the fact.BUT India Firstpost news presenter Palki Sharma and many other from WION they all have never been to China but they are all experts in China affairs. They can report about China everyday with all the negatives side of China. And they don't have to be in China to know what is happening in China.你不能评判或谈论任何国家,除非你去过那里并且在每个国家都有不同的经历。每个国家都有好有坏,没有一个国家是完美的。你已经完美地讲述了事实。
而印度《第一邮报》新闻主持人Palki Sharma和其他许多来自WION的人都从未去过中国,但他们都是中国事务专家。他们每天都在报道中国的负面新闻,他们不必待在中国就能知道中国发生了什么。
油管网友热议:“村BA”正在抢走CBA的风头,不为钱而比赛,纯粹的爱太让人感动了本文译自Youtube,原标题:Why ‘village basketball’ is upstaging professional leagues in ChinaSuch festive spirit! Not for awards but for the game itself! I wonder how these villagers will feel if a couple of NBA players actually turn up for their games…❤多么有节日气氛啊!他们不是为了得奖,而是为了比赛本身!我想知道如果有几个NBA球员真的来参加他们的比赛,这些村民会作何感想…❤
they do have some professional foreigners that play in these village games, not sure if they are ex nba or not确实有一些专业的外国选手参加这些乡村比赛,但我不确定他们是否是前NBA球员。
Yeah. Watching people play the game for fun instead of being paid lots of money. That's why I'm starting to not like watching professional sports anymore, all these people are paid lots of money to play the game, lots of these athletes are just doing it for the money, they aren't passionate about the game anymore.是啊,参加比赛的人只是为了开心而不是得到很多钱,这就是为什么我开始不再喜欢观看职业体育比赛的原因,因为所有参加比赛的选手都得到了很多钱,很多球员参赛只是为了钱,他们不再对比赛充满热情。
For the game and for the roasted delicacies plus the pure enthusiasm of the crowd that cheered for both teams. And as for NBA players? They'd be welcomed as any others, cheer their plays and reward them the same as others before them: FOOD.(村超之所以火爆)是因为比赛,因为美味的烧烤,再加上为两队欢呼的观众的纯粹的热情。至于NBA球员?他们会像其他人一样受到欢迎,人们会为他们的表演欢呼,并像给予之前的其他人一样奖励他们:食物。
"I don't understand the rules but who ever scores, we cheer"“我不懂比赛规则,但不管谁进球,我们都会欢呼”。
Village basketball seems more efficient than high level basketball. I have a feeling that players have got what it takes to exceed the expectations of the people around them.乡村篮球比赛似乎比高水平篮球比赛更有效率。我有一种感觉,球员们已经具备了超越周围人期望的能力。
Do the teams also have muses? ���Because in the Philippines, we have this village tournament as well in different age brackets. Very popular during summer and school breaks. During opening game, Different Teams will parade with their muses towards the venue. And there will be a short program which will choose the best muse��� this is kind of the grassroots level of basketball in Ph.球队也有啦啦队吗?[流汗] 因为在菲律宾,我们也有不同年龄段的乡村锦标赛,它们在暑假和学校放假期间非常受欢迎。揭幕战时,不同的队伍将带着他们的啦啦队进入会场,还会有一个简短的节目选出最棒的啦啦队。这是菲律宾的一种草根篮球比赛。
Maybe, because it feels more real, more genuine. Seeing more ordinary people playing basketball instead of these tall athletically built people playing the game, you can relate more to them.也许是因为它给人的感觉更真实,更真诚。我们可以看到更多的普通人而不是那些身材高大、运动能力强的人打球,你可以与他们产生更多的共鸣。
Bro it's literally the same as the barangay basketball leagues in the Philippines, but at least we have covered courts so that we could play basketball in rainy weather兄弟,这和菲律宾的barangay篮球联赛完全一样,但至少我们有室内球场,这样我们就可以在雨天打篮球了。
Hey, people who say Americans don’t have culture, take a look. American culture has spread even to China’s rural areas.嘿,那些说美国没文化的人,看看吧。美国文化甚至已经传播到了中国的农村地区。
I'm a proud American but I must add that basketball was invented by Canadian because they needed something to keep people busy indoors during the long Winters. The inventor has the same birthday as me.虽然我是一个自豪的美国人,但我必须补充一点,即篮球是加拿大人发明的,因为他们需要一些能够让人们在漫长的冬天在室内忙碌的东西。发明篮球的家伙和我同一天生日。
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