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中国vs印度-街头食品卫生,无论你带多少止泻药,在印度你都会拉肚子 | 中国的自由长什么样?外国博主因分享中国经历而被贴上宣传员标签
本文译自Youtube,原标题:CHINA vs INDIA Street Food Hygiene - This is truly shocking... ������ 中国vs印度街头食品卫生 。。我震惊了

I’m from Singapore and I love to experience street food culture when I travel. I’ve been to 35+ countries, including China and India. Both China and India have amazing street food culture and variety. Unfortunately, when I was in Jodphur, Rajasthan, my friends and I ended up with severe stomach issues after eating some delicious street food. I hope the hygiene standards in all countries keep improving in time; so we can all enjoy the incredible street food each country has to offer. ������
From Singapore too… I think the standards of street food of China is a tad higher than India, in terms of the cleanliness of the environment and the way they are prepared. India would be comparable to perhaps Philippines, where the vendors and hawkers mostly didn’t put on gloves and the places tend to be dirty. However, I’ve no stomach issues in Philippines, but I’ve experienced the same stomach issues like you’ve mentioned in India. I’ve gotten it once badly in Thailand too, surprisingly I’ve not gotten that in Cambodia, which is a good thing.我也来自新加坡……我认为无论是环境的清洁度还是制作方式,中国街头食品的标准都比印度略高。印度可能与菲律宾差不多,那里的小贩和沿街叫卖者大多也都不戴手套,而且环境往往很脏。但是我在菲律宾没有出现过肠胃问题,而在印度也经历过和你提到的一样的胃部问题。虽然我在泰国也经历过一次糟糕的经历,但令人惊讶的是我在柬埔寨没有经历过,这确实是一件好事。
Thank you for this video clip. Many street vendors in India do not follow basic hygiene practices like using gloves while handling food. Health departments are unable to or unwilling in some cases to enforce health regulations due to political interference from all political parties. In Kerala, health officials even face violence from hoteliers and street food venders while doing inspections and they call out police for protection! It comes down to the basic reality in the country, namely absence of the rule of law. The current rulers don't care as long as they win elections and get to power.感谢您的视频。印度的许多街头小贩不遵守基本的卫生习惯,比如在处理食物时戴手套。由于所有政党的政治干预,卫生部门在某些情况下无法或不愿执行卫生条例。在喀拉拉邦,卫生官员在进行检查时甚至面临来自酒店经营者和街头食品供应商的暴力,他们竟呼叫警察提供保护!这归结为这个国家的基本现实,即缺乏法治。只要他们能够赢得选举并掌权,现任统治者根本不在乎。
Thank you for the very helpful information. I went to both counties many times. Every time I go to India, no matter how much anti-diarrhea meds I brought with me and even if I always eat in the restaurant of the 5* hotel, I always have diarrhea in India. This never happens in China. I decided not to go to India any longer.谢谢你提供的非常有用的信息。我去过这两个国家很多次。每次去印度,无论我带了多少止泻药,即使我一直都在5星级酒店的餐厅吃饭,我也总是腹泻。这种情况在中国从来没有发生过。我决定再也不去印度了。
An Indian friend, a Professor in US, told me even tho' he had developed immunity, he still get diarrhea when return home to visit. His son, born in US always get diarrhea when in India, even when drinking bottled water and prepared home cooked food to avoid vendor street food. ������ Local residents don't get diarrhea bcos they have acquired immunity. ������ His advice, don't visit India. "You'll get diarrhea after eating (5 star restaurants or not). ������Another friend, an auditor for one of the top public accounting firms was infected with Herpatitis A or E from contaminated food and water while on business travel in India. She now has to constantly undergo treatments after she returned to US. It is a long term illness. It seems India is a risky health hazard country. ������我的一位在美国做教授的印度朋友告诉我,尽管他已经产生了免疫力,但回国探亲时仍然会腹泻。他在美国出生的儿子在印度时总是腹泻,甚至是在喝瓶装水并准备自制食物以避免街头摊贩的食物时也是如此。当地的居民不会腹泻,因为他们已经获得了免疫力。他的建议是不要访问印度,因为“你会在吃东西后腹泻(不管是不是五星级餐厅)”。另一位朋友是一家顶级公共会计师事务所的审计师,她在印度出差时因食物和水受污染而感染了甲型或戊型肝炎。回到美国后,她不得不不断地接受治疗,因为这是一种长期疾病。印度似乎是一个危害健康的危险国家。[流汗][流汗]
To all Indian viewers watching this brave lady comparing China and India with regards to street foods hygiene standard. There is a big gap in hygiene standard not just street food, the park, the road, back lane and anywhere between these 2 countries and seriously Indians have a lot to learn from the Chinese. Do not think that she is paid by Chinese CPC gov. to praise China.This lady is a very proud Indian lady living in China and has seen lots about China. I am sure how she wish India is like China now with great infrastructures, respect and safety for females, hygiene standard, etc....I believe she's doing all these video clips about China is to show her fellow Indians how far China is way ahead of India in nation developments. Her wish must be hoping that her motherland India in the near future could develop like what China is today. She must be doing all these videos to tell her country men and ladies to learn from the Chinese what is best for the people and nation. Hygiene in importance and it is every citizen responsibility and duty to keep the country clean. Appreciates her hard works for showing how China had come so far ahead of India in many expects. Instead of criticize her for comparing China and India.致所有观看这位勇敢的女士在街头食品卫生标准方面比较中国和印度的印度观众:不仅仅是街头食品,在公园、道路、后巷以及这两个国家之间的任何地方,两国之间的卫生标准都存在很大的差距。印度人有很多东西可以向中国人学习,不要觉得她是中国GC党花钱雇来赞扬中国的。这位女士是一位生活在中国的非常自豪的印度女士,她对中国有很多了解。我确信她多么希望印度现在像中国一样拥有良好的基础设施、对女性的尊重和安全、卫生标准等...我相信她制作这些关于中国的视频是为了向她的印度同胞展示中国在国家发展方面遥遥领先于印度。她的愿望一定是希望她的祖国印度在不久的将来能够像今天的中国一样发展。她制作这些视频一定是为了告诉她的同胞们向中国人学习什么对人民和国家最有利。卫生非常重要,保持国家的清洁是每个公民的责任和义务。我们要感谢她的辛勤工作而不是批评她拿中国和印度做比较,因为她展示了中国是如何在许多人的期望中遥遥领先于印度的。
中国的自由长什么样?外国博主因分享中国经历而被贴上宣传员标签译自Youtube,原标题:Do I Really Have FREEDOM In CHINA?Freedom is relative but China is free country, people in this country have the freedom and rights to live freely just like other countries.As a foreigner living in this country I’m a witness to the true life in China .We’ve all being labeled as a propagandist for sharing our experiences in China .自由是相对的,但中国是一个自由的国家,这个国家的人民和其他国家一样有自由生活的自由和权利。作为一个生活在中国的外国人,我是中国真实生活的见证者。
Is there such thing as perfect country? Of course not, both China and States have their issues. No body is perfect. Lived in China for few months back in 2016 and 2017, I could say it's the most safest and convenient country on earth. Can't wait going back next year!世界上有完美的国家吗?当然没有,中国和美国都有自己的问题,没有哪个国家是完美的。2016年和2017年,我在中国生活过几个月,我可以说中国是世界上最安全、最便利的国家。等不及明年再回去了!
China is an inspiration for the world ��� in economics, environmental science and technology and engineering and infrastructure. The whole world is being lied to by the western media and they should be ashamed. 1.4 billion people living in a wonderful country and you said you haven't seen One homeless person and that is incredible and everyone deserves what China has achieved. It's breathtaking. Congratulations on presenting this exceptional and honest perspective, keep up with the great work.中国在经济、环境科技、工程和基础设施领域为世界提供了启示。全世界都被西方媒体欺骗了,它们应该为此感到羞耻。14亿人生活在一个美好的国家,你说你没有见过一个无家可归的人,这真是太不可思议了,每个人都应该享受类似中国所取得的成就。真是激动人心。祝贺你提出了这一卓越而诚实的观点,请继续加油。
Thank you Willene for painting a true picture of China. I came across your channel several weeks ago and have been following. It is important to get the story from someone that’s on the ground. When you mentioned theft in China, I have a story. My friend lives in Dongguan and he bikes a lot. There was one time he left his bike outside a noodle shop and when he finished his noodle, his bike disappeared. He asked the owner, whom he knew if he had seen anyone taking it. The owner said no but he would put a notice outside his shop saying that if the bike is not returned in 3 days, it will be reported to the police. Sure enough, the bike reappeared. I dare say this will not happen in most parts of the world. The existence of cameras everywhere may make some uncomfortable as if they are being watched all the time. But if you are a law abiding citizen, they are there to keep you safe. My 2 cents…谢谢你描绘了一幅真实的中国图景,几周前我偶然发现了你的频道并一直在关注。从在当地的人士那里了解故事非常重要。当你提到中国的盗窃案时,我有一个故事。我的朋友生活在东莞,他经常骑自行车。有一次,他把自行车忘在了一家面馆外面,当他吃完面条时,自行车不见了。他问店主是否看到有人骑走了他的自行车,店主说没有,但他会在店外贴一张告示,说如果自行车在3天内没有得到归还,他就会报警。果不其然,自行车又出现了。我敢说这种情况在世界大部分地区都不会发生。中国无处不在的摄像头可能会让一些人感到不舒服,好像他们一直在被监视,但如果你是一个守法的公民,它们会保护你的安全。以上就是我的看法…
If you want to receive, you must give first, that is ultimate wisdom - Lao Tzu.. that is philosophy Chinese people from ancient time..So if you want freedom, you must give freedom for other people too.. freedom from fear, freedom from being shoot, robbed, bullying, harassment etc..And if you can't do that then the goverment must act because that is one function of the goverment将欲取之,必先予之,这是终极智慧——老子...这是中国人自古以来的哲学。所以,如果你想要自由,你就必须给予别人免于恐惧,免于枪击、抢劫、欺凌、骚扰等的自由...如果你不能做到这一点,那么政府必须采取行动,因为这是政府的一项职能。
I’ve lived in many different countries including China and the most „free“ i ever felt was in Switzerland and in the Netherlands. But even then it was never “perfect”, there are limitations and downsides everywhere. It really comes down to your own personal values and priorities at the end of the day.我曾在包括中国在内的许多不同的国家生活过,我感觉最“自由”的国家是瑞士和荷兰。但即便如此,它们也从来不是“完美”的,因为它们到处都有限制和缺点。归根结底,这取决于你自己的个人价值观和最终的优先事项。
About the last question, it is not that easy to give a simple answer. If it is a obvious live or die thing, I think most people will come out to lend a hand. However, it is not always easy for ordinary people to tell how serious the situation is, so the government encourages and educates that the most correct thing is to call police when you see bad things happen and the police should arrive in a very short time (say 5 min). That would be a major reason. Another reason seems not so well is that a lot of Chinese are truely becoming more indifferent nowadays because the social values deviate from old good traditions to more money-oriented ones, which does bring harm to our society but thank god it is not a major issue.关于最后一个问题,要给出一个简单的答案并不容易。如果这是一件明显的生死攸关的事情,我想大多数人都会伸出援手。然而,普通人并不总是能够很容易地判断情况有多严重,因此政府鼓励和教育人们当你看到不好的事情发生时,最正确的做法是报警,警察必须在很短的时间内(比如5分钟)到达。这将是一个主要原因。另一个不太好的原因似乎是现在很多中国人确实变得越来越冷漠,因为社会价值观偏离了古老的良好传统,转向了更多以金钱为导向的价值观,这确实给我们的社会带来了伤害,但谢天谢地,这不是一个大问题。
1. 网址:www.skyfall.ink
2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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