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[阳离子] 这座城市1/3的人口移民海外了!留下来的人的生活到底怎么样?| 骑行浙江-原来中国的有机农业这么好玩油管热议:[阳离子] 骑行浙江-原来中国的有机农业这么好玩,外国人看中国的环境保护与农业发展本文译自Youtube,原标题:I am obsessed with this ancient Chinese farming method ��� 原来中国的有机农业这么好玩 ���i just watched one of the nanjing japanese director hezhimeng's video last night. he revisited a place that he went 10 years ago and he remarked that the river was so much cleaner than 10 years ago and he wasn't even doing an environmental video. so i guess this environmental clean-up is happening throughout china. i have to give china a thumb's up������. love from canada.我昨天晚上刚刚看过在南京的日本导演竹内亮的一段视频,他重访了10年前他去过的地方,他说河水比10年前干净多了,所以我想这种环境清理工作一定正在中国各地进行。我得给中国点个赞,来自加拿大的爱。I love seeing all the elderlies in these small countryside walking or hanging out together, n love their friendliness n humility n love their smiling faces.Love your videos Katherine n the calm n steady hands of your videos capturing the sceneries. Did not get headaches watching n thank you again for the history of those places you biked around.���❤️我喜欢看到这些小乡村里所有的老人一起散步或闲逛,喜欢他们的友善和谦虚,喜欢他们的笑脸。我也喜欢你视频中捕捉风景时冷静而稳定的双手,这让我在观看时不会头晕。再次感谢你骑自行车游览那些地方的经历。This i epic! Thanks, Katherine, for showing us so much of beautiful rural China.! Frankly, better than National Geographic documentaries! Am glad how they have tackled river pollution over the years.这是杰作啊!博主,谢谢你带我们参观了这么多美丽的中国乡村!坦率地说,你拍的视频比《国家地理》的纪录片还要好!我很高兴他们这些年来处理了河流污染问题。Brilliant Katherine.your showing us all a part of China we dont see on main stream.we only get negative news about China here.keep up the good cycle!实在是精彩啊,博主。你向我们展示了我们在主流媒体上看不到的中国的另一面,我们在这里只看得到关于中国的负面新闻。请继续骑行下去!As impressive and interesting as ever, you never fail your fans by your navigating skills, in a foreign land! And you make everything seem so easy and effortless. Everyone is blown away by your flawless Mandarin.��� Always like water bamboo–very tasty.你的视频与以往一样令人印象深刻且有趣。在异国他乡,你的导航技能永远不会让你的粉丝失望!你让一切看起来都那么轻松。每个人都被你完美的普通话所震撼。我一直都很喜欢茭白——它非常美味。Katherine, I am glad to see there are more and more ordinary people to talk about ecosystem which is about good cycle , bad cycle and co-exist. This is a very good sign for China. I first time heard this terminology was in 2015 in the Catholic University of America, now in rural area of China people can talk about this concepts its really amazing! I also want to thanks the GREEN ZHEJIANG volunteer organization through you, let them know there are people globally watch them, support them.博主,我很高兴看到越来越多的普通人开始谈论生态系统,即良循环、坏循环和共存,这对中国来说是个好兆头。我第一次听到这个术语是在2015年的美国天主教大学,现在在中国的农村地区人们也可以谈论这个概念真是太神奇了!我也想通过你感谢绿色浙江志愿者组织,让他们知道在世界上还有人在关注他们,支持他们。can go anywhere without afraid of being rob, yelling, loud music, dancing, scootering in the crowd, without someone judging you, looks very relaxing atmosphere, thats the freedom we really need可以去任何地方而不怕被抢劫,可以大声喊叫,放大声的音乐,跳舞,在人群中骑摩托车......没有人评判你,氛围看起来非常放松,这是我们真正需要的自由。Thank you very much for this nice video. Your 2000 km solo bike tour is really amazing. It allows us to know so many places. Indeed it is also very informative and the Chinese countryside is so charming and people seem to be very attentive to the environment.非常感谢你的视频。你2000公里单车之旅真是太棒了,它让我们了解了这么多地方。事实上,它的信息量也很大,中国的乡村是如此迷人,人们似乎对环境非常关注。I try to watch as many of your shows as time permits - thank you for your dedication, time & commitment in putting these together. I truly love the way you relate to the locals & your lightness in touch in your conversations & expressions which more often than not make me smile.I wasn't aware that you had a job with an environmental organisation until now [I'd often wondered how you get by living in China after your spell at university]. Wishing you the best for your future.在时间允许的情况下,我会尽量多地看你的节目——感谢你们将这些节目整合在一起的奉献精神、付出的时间和投入的精力。我真的很喜欢你与当地人相处的方式以及你在谈话和表达中透露出的轻松,这常常让我会心一笑。直到现在我才知道你在一家环保组织工作[我之前常常想知道你在大学毕业后是如何在中国生活的]。祝你未来一切顺利。油管热议:[阳离子] 这座城市1/3的人口移民海外了!留下来的人的生活到底怎么样?本文译自Youtube,原标题:1/3 of this city moved to Europe ��� What's life actually like here? 这座城市1/3的人口移民海外了!留下来的人的生活到底怎么样?What an interesting place! Your videos have inspired me to explore more of rural China and I am falling in love with it more and more while I visit family here. And you never fail to capture underrated humor everywhere :)多么有趣的地方啊!你的视频激励我去探索更多的中国农村,当我在这里探亲时,我越来越爱上了它。你总能在任何地方捕捉到被低估的幽默:)I'm a wenzhounese who was born and raised in Italy, and here literally 95%~of the people come from places such as Qingtian or neighboring counties or cities. Like Chinese people here often speak with each other in wenzhounese without asking from which part are they from because it's almost always wenzhou.Also I want to thank you for your wenzhou videos since I haven't been able to come back to visit wenzhou since I was like 5 so it's great seeing high quality videos showing my ancestral home since there are barely any on YouTube, thank you!我就是在意大利出生和长大的温州人,这里95%的人来自青田或邻近的县市。就像这里的中国人一样,他们经常用温州话交谈而不会询问他们来自哪个地区,因为这里几乎都是温州人。此外,我想感谢你的温州视频,因为我从5岁起就再也没有回过温州,所以看到展示我的祖居地的高质量视频真是太高兴了,因为YouTube上几乎没有,谢谢!Katherine is doing more for US-China relations than the useless US diplomatic corp.Showing the great side of America to China as an unofficial and frankly the best ambassador.At the same time making great content to show the rest of the English world Chinese people are living normal fulfilling lives and a rare free peek into the rural unfiltered back roads in rural China.Kudos! Keep on keeping on girl!☺博主为美中关系所做的贡献比无用的美国外交使团还要多。作为一名非官方的,坦率地说是最好的大使,你向中国展示了美国伟大的一面。同时,你制作了精彩的内容,向英语世界的其他人展示中国人过着正常而充实的生活以及难得一睹中国农村未加滤镜的乡村小路。加油,姑娘,请继续!☺Love your presentations. I love the sights, sounds, and smells of the Chinese countryside. I wonder though, why you like it. Most westerners would favor Japanese countryside more because they’re neat, clean, manicured. The chinese countryside is not like that. I’m just wondering why your perceptions are so differentt from most western travellers.喜欢你的内容。我喜欢中国乡村的景色、声音和气味,我想知道你为什么喜欢它,因为大多数西方人更喜欢日本的乡村,因为它们更整洁、干净、井井有条,而中国的农村不是那样的。我只是想知道为什么你的看法与大多数西方旅行者如此不同。My mother once said that the southeastern area of China has a lot of people moving out of China and into Europe or America or some rich place.Hopefully, with the rise of China, those people's descendants would move back to China. Or not.I can definitely see more Africans and other Asians moving into China than Europeans or people of Chinese ancestry, as people generally want to move to richer countries and earn money and settle down.我的母亲曾经说过,中国东南部地区有很多人离开中国,搬到欧洲、美国或其他一些富裕的地方。希望随着中国的崛起,这些人的后代能够搬回中国。也许他们不会。我可以肯定地看到与欧洲人或中国血统的人相比,更多的非洲人和其他亚洲人正在进入中国,因为人们通常想搬到更富裕的国家,赚钱并定居下来。I find it really sad that so many historic streets and neighborhoods in China’s larger cities are being demolished in the name of modernization. The dense and narrow streets are the foundation of complex social networks that ensure people check in on each other, are aware of how people are doing, and can get help if they need it. When you change the built environment so drastically like that you’re destroying those social networks too. Tokyo is a great example of a modern city with modern infrastructure and buildings laid on their historic street network. I hope historic preservation can take off in China before all these places are gone ���我感到非常悲哀的是中国的大城市中有如此多的有历史的街道和街区正在以现代化的名义被拆除。密集而狭窄的街道是复杂社交网络的基础,这些网络确保了人们之间的相互了解,了解他们的近况并在需要时获得帮助。当你如此彻底地改变建筑环境时,你也在破坏这些社交网络。东京是一个现代化城市的典范,它拥有现代化的基础设施和历史悠久的街道网络上的建筑。我希望在这些地方消失之前,中国的历史保护事业能够腾飞。
1. 网址:www.skyfall.ink
2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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关键字:阳离子,阳离子东游记,外国人看中国,外国人看中国农村,外国人看中国城市,外国人看中国乡村,外国人看中国高科技 专题:其他责任编辑:管理员