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油管网友热议中国与世隔绝的独龙族开通隧道公路,链接5G,修整新房学校,全面脱贫本文译自Youtube,原标题:Remote ethnic group rises above poverty in Yunnan, China
Only Chinese people have seen remarkable changes within one generation. From extreme proverty to luxurious life. Love from india只有中国人在一代人的时间里发生了翻天覆地的变化,他们从极度贫困过渡到了奢华的生活。来自印度的爱。
@equipoalfabuenamaravillaon172I'd remember an ex girlfriend, Nan, second generation of Chinese people here in Mexico, her grandfather was from China and lived in the mountains of Puebla. This man never learned the Spanish living as the elder man in this video, his life was hard, but his grandchildren now are doctors, and teachers and engineers. I admire profoundly the strong spirit of superation and innovation of Chinese people. Regards from Mexico ������������������我记得我的一个前女友Nan,她是墨西哥的第二代华人,她的祖父来自中国,生活在Puebla的山区。他从未学过西班牙语,和视频中的老人一样,他的生活很艰难,但他的孙子孙女现在是医生、教师和工程师。我十分钦佩中国人民的那种强烈的超越精神和创新精神。来自墨西哥的问候。
My Leader Imran Khan said: NO country or civilisation has ever taken 700 million people out of poverty except China.We want to learn a lot from you China.Congratulations from Pakistan.我们的领导人伊姆兰·汗说:除了中国,没有任何一个国家或文明曾使7亿人摆脱贫困。我们想从你们中国学习很多东西,来自巴基斯坦的祝贺。
This is so inspiring, love from India hope to see this in our country as well , the speed of development is phenomenal这太鼓舞人心了,来自印度的爱。希望在我们国家也能看到这一点,你们的发展速度太惊人了。
Step by step China shows the world that success can be made within all fields by being constructive and focused on the task in hand!中国一步一步地向世界表明只要有建设性并专注于手头的任务,你就可以在各个领域取得成功!
A country with a thoughtful and warm heart leader will lead the nation and its people to nowhere but superpower and peaceful and harmony era. Zhongguo will shake the world soon, but do not think that she will conquer the West in retaliation by force but by economy bilateral prosperity.一个拥有深思熟虑、温暖人心的领导人的国家将带领这个国家和人民走向超级大国和和平和谐的时代。中国很快就会震撼世界,但不要以为她会通过武力报复来征服西方,她会以经济繁荣来报复它们。
Wonderfull. I have had the privilege of visiting China seven times and I loved every minute. The Chinese government genuinely care for the people and their aim is to improve the lives of the citizens. The same cannot be said of the “democracies” in the west where poverty is growing exponentially.太棒了。我有幸访问过中国七次,我热爱在那里的每一分钟。中国|政|府真心实意为人民着想,改善人民的生活是中国|政|府的宗旨,而对于贫困呈指数级增长的西方“民|主国家”来说,情况却并非如此。
Simply incredible how the CPC has allowed prosperity to spread among all ethnic groups. In some Western countries, ethnic groups that aren't apart of the larger majority are left behind. This, however, isn't the case in China, and ethnic groups that are outside of the Han majority are benefiting greatly from Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. The rise of the Dulong ethnic group should serve as an example to all as to what can happen when a government doesn't discriminate.令人难以置信的是中国GC党让繁荣在各个民族中传播了开来,而在一些西方国家,不属于大多数的族裔群体被抛在后面。中国的情况并非如此,汉族以外的少数民族正从中国特色社会主义中受益匪浅。独龙族的崛起应该成为所有人的榜样,让他们知道当政府不歧视任何人时会发生什么。
This is what I like about China, they have a true vision. A lot of people feel the effects of having a good economy and not just the selected few. Hongkong used to be the richest district in China (Yeah, it's not part of mainland but it's still China) but now, mainland cities Shanghai and Beijing have overtaken it meaning there is a real healthy competition going on which in totality is really good for the country.这就是我喜欢中国的地方,他们拥有真正的愿景,很多人而不仅仅是少数人都感受到了拥有一个发展良好的经济的影响。香港曾经是中国最富有的地区(是的,虽然它不是中国大陆的一部分,但它仍然是中国的一部分),但现在大陆城市上海和北京已经超过了它,这意味着那里正在进行一场真正的良性竞争。总的来说,这对国家是件好事。
If governments in Africa weren't so CORRUPT they could do the same thing government officials over there are so GREEDY AND HEARTLESS they only care about themselves and their family Living lavish lifestyles while the people around them suffer and live in extreme poverty. I'm happy for these people.如果非洲的政府不那么腐败,它们也可以做同样的事情。那里的政府官员是如此的贪婪和无情,他们只关心自己和家人。他们过着奢侈的生活,而周围的人却生活在极端贫困中。我为这些人感到高兴。
People can bash China and its Government all they want but you cannot denies the fact that China has advanced tremendously the last couple of decades. Soon they will truly become a superpower. Gratz to you guys and even know I’m Vietnamese, I still love your culture and history人们可以随心所欲地抨击中国及其政府,但你不能否认中国在过去几十年里取得了巨大的进步。不久它们将真正成为超级大国。感谢你们,即使我知道我自己是越南人,但我仍然热爱你们的文化和历史。
We are thankful of China's assistance to our country Philippines. We may have a dispute on territories but cooperation among our countries s far better dan dat. China s our long time friend millenium years ago. Lets build Asia together!我们感谢中国对我们菲律宾的援助。虽然我们可能在领土问题上存在争端,但我们各国之间的合作要好得多。中国在几千年前就是我们的老朋友,让我们共同建设亚洲吧!
Not forgetting puzhehei in Yunnan the villages there live a better life now thanks to visitors but in the contrary have their privacy invaded, it's sad but it's good that they've increase their household income & lifted from poverty别忘了云南的普者黑,那里的村庄现在因为有了游客而过上了更好的生活,但他们的隐私却被侵犯了,虽然这很可悲,但好在他们增加了家庭收入并摆脱了贫困。
In a remote village get connected thru tunnel and with 5G we live in city of New York and mangers city still stuck with slow 4g..their train is doing 300 mph and ours is barely doing 35 and out subway is nasty stinky nothing but homeless and drunk peeing and doing drugs on trains.在一个偏远的村庄里,他们通过隧道连接有了5G,而我们虽然生活在纽约市,但这里却仍然被缓慢的4G所困扰....他们的火车时速300英里/小时,而我们的火车时速仅35英里/小时,地铁外面臭气熏天,除了无家可归者、醉酒撒尿的人和在列车里吸毒的人外什么都没有。
It's funny and yet sad that some would classify "poverty" as having little physical possessions.It's also sad to think that the $ spent on this could have done much more to ensure people have the necessities to survive. This was only a few thousand people, while many countless thousand more are still in True poverty.It may not be all bad, but it is hardly that good either, when considering the whole issue and not being exclusionary. Context is key to perceiving the True value here.有些人把“贫穷”归类为几乎没有物质财富,这既有趣又可悲。
What they show in this channel is just a fraction. I’ve seen a lot more of this kind of beautiful villages built by the Chinese government, mostly for ethnic minorities. They are often full of cultural styles and elements too.他们在这个频道上展示的只是一小部分。我见过很多中国|政|府为少数民族建造的这种美丽的村庄,它们往往也充满了这些少数民族的文化风格和元素。
China is not a boastful country they just preserved their beautiful provinces & cities no one knows until new technology comes. They don't need to promote their beautiful nature and loving citizen simply because they don't need tourist to earn money they have their own money. They don't care what other country said towards them they have their own world. A beautiful world. We're their citizen can enjoy. This is only my views. I'm living here one of the city in China all I can say in 13years working here their government is fair. Just a law abiding alien you don't have problem with them.中国不是一个自吹自擂的国家,他们只是保留了这些美丽的省市,直到新技术的出现为人所知。他们不需要仅仅想赚游客的钱就去宣传他们美丽的自然环境和可爱的公民——因为他们自己有钱。他们也不在乎其他国家说他们什么,因为他们自己就是一个世界,一个美丽的世界。我在中国的一个城市工作过13年,我只能说他们的政府是公平的。作为一个遵纪守法的外国人,你不会对他们有意见。
Hope all poor people of the world will have better life with passionate Leaders, instead of warmongers who seek to invade, loot and destroy what they can't conquer.希望世界上所有的穷人都能在充满激情的领|导人而不是那些试图入侵、掠夺和摧毁他们无法征服的东西的战争贩子的带领下过上更好的生活。
5G will open up the possibility of remote surgery in villages like this. It is a lot cheaper to keep a set of surgery robots in these villages and allow doctors in big cities take control remotely when there is a need.I cut my finger once while cooking, and if I didn't live right next door to the clinic, I probably would have lost the finger. Remote medicine enabled by 5G is going to be a game changer in villages like these.5G将为在这样的村庄进行远程手术开辟可能性。他们可以在这些村庄保留一套手术机器人并允许大城市的医生在需要时远程控制,这要便宜得多。
我有一次在做饭时割破了手指,如果我不住在诊所的隔壁,我可能会失去手指。5G 支持的远程医疗将成为这些村庄的规则改变者。
In China it seems lotus is blossoming as it should be. Where as in northeast India, ethnic people suffer on all grounds and development is just on paper and formalities. When will a leader like Putin or Xi ever be seen on our soil.在中国,莲花似乎正在绽放。而在印度东北部,少数|民|族正遭受着各种苦难,发展只是纸上谈兵。什么时候才能在我们的土地上看到像普京或 这样的领导人?
Y'all should respect the Chinese Communist Party's achievements... the CCP and the Chinese people are one thing, together in a journey for the creation of a harmonious society. The whole of Humankind benefits from this. Contrast this message with what we see in the West: depravity, violence, despair. You don't see hope in the faces of people walking the streets in the West, because they are not connected to their fellow countrymen. What is happening in China is not something NEW, it didn't started in the last 20 years, no, you are absolutely wrong if you think that. China started this path when comrade Mao was fighting the Japanese. It's a joy to see. In a world of Trumps and Bolsonaros, there's a country that applies a rational, scientific method to improving society. Even though China banned Sociology as an "academic discipline" for more than 2 decades, it was, even back then, the country that most applied Sociology to the development of society as a whole. Much respect to China.你们都应该尊重中国GC党的成就...它们和中国人民是一个整体,共同为建设和谐社会而奋斗,整个人类都将从中受益。我们可以将这一信息与我们在西方看到的东西(堕落、暴力、绝望)进行对比:在西方,街头行走的人们的脸上看不到希望,因为他们与其同胞没有联系。中国正在发生的事情并不是什么新鲜事,这也不是在过去20年里才开始的。不,如果你这么认为的话,那你就大错特错了,中国是在毛领导抗日的时候就开始这条道路的。很高兴看到在一个拥有特朗普和博索纳罗的世界里,有一个国家正运用理性、科学的方法来改善社会。尽管中国禁止社会学作为一门“学术学科”已经20多年了,但即使在当时,它也是将社会学应用于整个社会发展最多的国家。我对中国充满敬意。
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关键字:独龙族,独龙江,独龙江发展,外国人看中国,外国人看中国少数民族,外国人看中国城市,外国人看中国农村,油管翻译,油管评论 专题:社会责任编辑:管理员