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india always come from bottom to top������ we are nothing 50 years back but we are everything now印度总是从底部登顶������ 50年前我们什么都不是,但现在我们拥有一切。
"We the people of India will rule the world."No hate for any country.....“我们印度人民将统治世界。”
Not everything we have just developed 2% of what our potential is.. we have to work hard..我们并没有拥有一切,我们只开发了2%的潜力...我们必须努力工作....
It's a race between China and India for the top.
Fan of Youtubers almost 50% of China is barren or having rough terrains to cultivate crops. And cotton needs plenty of heat which is found more in sub tropical lands in India中国几乎50%的土地贫瘠或地形崎岖,难以种植农作物。棉花需要充足的热量,这在印度的亚热带地区更为常见。
It's the love for cotton clothes in India due to subtropical climate. That's why it could give tough competition to mighty China.由于印度的亚热带气候导致了对棉质服装的热爱,这就是为什么它会给强大的中国带来激烈的竞争。
Without seeing the video I can say that my country India will be first不看视频我就能说我的国家印度将是南波湾。
Temporally, no. Contemporaneously, yes. It varies by the year.
Look how beautifully the Subcontinent (Pakistan,India) is developing.Imagine if they were never separated (73 years of hard work)The rest of the world would me nothing.LOVE FROM PAKISTAN看看这个次大陆(巴基斯坦、印度)发展得多么美好。
You are right bro . But our political leaders didn't understand it.
Thanks bro for so much love hope so that both countries unite in the future and the money that is going useless on kashmir topic can be used for the good of the humanityLove to Pakistan������ From India������感谢兄弟你给予我们如此多的爱和希望,让两国在未来团结起来,在克什米尔问题上花费的钱可以用来造福人类。
It’s because of Britishers brother. They divided us and made us fight and separated us and divided one part in Hinduism and other in Islam. But the true fact is that neither citizens of each country hate each other. If you want to see the true friendship between people of India and Pakistan then you should come to Canada. I’m here since 2 years and I have no family or any background here but a Pakistani family helps me here whenever I need help. Asifa makes food and gives me everyday and helps me whatever and however she can. I’m a Hindu and she’s a Muslim but we never feel that here because we both believe that Hinduism and Islam both teach us to be one. Pakistani are good people and Indians love you guys. Please don’t feel that Indians hate you guys. There are good and bad people everywhere round the world so we can’t control them. Respect from India ������������兄弟,这是英国人造成的。他们分裂我们,让我们相互打仗,把印度教的部分和伊斯兰教的另一部分分开。但真正的事实是,两个国家的公民都互不仇恨,如果你想看到印度和巴基斯坦人民之间真正的友谊,那么你应该来加拿大。我在这里已经两年了,我在这里没有家庭或任何背景,但只要我需要帮助,一个巴基斯坦家庭就会在这里帮助我。Asifa每天给我做食物,尽她所能帮助我。我是印度教教徒,她是穆斯林,但我们在这里从来没有这种感觉,因为我们都相信印度教和伊斯兰教都教导我们要成为一个整体。巴基斯坦人是好人,印度人爱你们。请不要觉得印度人恨你们,世界上到处都有好人坏人,所以我们无法控制他们。来自印度的敬意。
@Surya That is impossible. I am Pakistani and never will I ever agree being with India. And 99.99% of us Pakistanis will never agree.@Surya 那是不可能的。我是巴基斯坦人,我永远不会同意和印度在一起,而且99.99%的巴基斯坦人永远不会同意。
India grows most of the cotton still many of my countrymen don't have clothes to wear印度种植了大量的棉花,但我的许多同胞却没有衣服穿。
If Partition of India never happened than this would completely be a different story. Undivided India would be way ahead in 1960 and today in everything. I wish things weren’t that weird between India and Pakistan :(如果印巴的分治从未发生过,这将是一个完全不同的故事。没有分裂的印度在1960年和今天在所有方面都将遥遥领先:(
All countries were blow out on counting Indian Subcontinent as a whole. i.e.(IND+PAK+BAN). That's the difference a partition does.把印度次大陆算成一个整体,所有国家都会大吃一惊,比如(印度+巴基斯坦+孟加拉国),这就是分治之后的区别。
India still can do lot better if it adapts Chinese method and technology, we have lot of fertile land every year tons of grains rots because of no storage facility.如果印度采用中国的方法和技术,它可以做得更好。我们有很多肥沃的土地,但每年都有数不清的粮食因为没有储存设施而腐烂。
Pakistan is on 4th...Not bad..Let me tell you Pakistan is 6 times smaller than China, Usa, and India..by land wise and population both.巴基斯坦排在第四位……不错……,就土地和人口而言,巴基斯坦比中国、美国和印度小6倍……
Pakistans biggest industry is clothing and Pakistan is 70 percent small than india and bieng a small country Pakistan is doing well it is nice to stay in top 7Pakistan zindaabad ������巴基斯坦最大的工业是服装业,巴基斯坦的棉花产量比印度小70%,而作为一个小国,巴基斯坦的表现很好,能保持在前7名是很棒的。
Can someone explain to me what stopped Russia from continuing cotton production after the Soviet Union breakup? Was cotton really an integral part of their communism?有人能给我解释一下苏联解体后是什么阻止了俄罗斯继续生产棉花吗?棉花真的是他们GC主义的组成部分吗?
Cotton production under the USSR was concentrated in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. after the collapse of the ussr, these countries became independent. cotton has never been grown in Russia, it's too cold苏联的棉花生产主要集中在乌兹别克斯坦和塔吉克斯坦。苏联解体后,这些国家独立了。俄罗斯从来没有种过棉花,因为它太冷了。
Where is Bangladesh? The country exports more than india in textile industry.孟加拉国在哪里?这个国家的纺织工业出口量超过印度。
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关键字:棉花产量,印度棉花产量,中国棉花产量,世界棉花产量最大 专题:统计数据责任编辑:管理员