

字号: A-AA+ 2024-08-25 03:11:25

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本文译自Youtube,原标题:Black Myth Wukong is An Easy Game



What a beautifully tragic love story this is. Originally, it was just a brief chapter in the myth of Journey to the West*, but the author has given it an entirely new backstory, making the entire mythology more cohesive. The characters are vividly portrayed, and the makeup and sets are on par with those of a blockbuster film, leaving me deeply moved. From these details, it's clear that *Black Myth: Wukong is truly a rare and exceptional AAA game.


@limkailuen3022  in the original yes, but here in the game they were lovers, I'm not talking about the original route of the story because the game itself is not following the original story 100%

@lmkailuen3022 在原著中是这样,但在游戏中他们是恋人,我不是在说原著的故事线,因为游戏本身并没有100%遵循原著的故事线。

@limkailuen3022 The studio itself already made a statement that they will not follow the original route of the story 100%, as we can see in the first trailer of the game where Wukong is fighting against Erlang Shang, same as Badjie and Chang'e being lovers, in the original story Badjie has been punished because he harassed Chang'e but in this game, the harassment didn't happen instead they were lovers and because of that they were banished in the court, Badjie become a Pig demon while Chang'e become a Demon Spider both longing for each other but are destined to become enemies in this game (pardon my english if I made a mistake since english is not my first language)

@limkailuen3022 游戏工作室本身已经声明他们不会百分之百地按照原著的故事线来做,我们可以从游戏的第一个预告片中看到悟空在和二郎神的对战(就像八戒和嫦娥是恋人一样)。在原著中,八戒因为骚扰嫦娥而受到了惩罚,但在这个游戏中,骚扰并没有发生,反而是嫦娥被惩罚了,八戒成了猪妖,嫦娥成了蜘蛛精,他们都渴望着对方,但在这个游戏里却注定成为敌人(由于我的母语不是英语,所以如果我说错了请原谅)。

I know this might come across as insane to a large amount of modern day game developers and journalists, but gamers love this game so much because it’s………….. fun. Games are meant to be fun. That’s what they gave us. A fun game.


That old lady is a spider spirit. When she was young, she met and fell in love with Zhu Bajie. However, Zhu Bajie was unable to be together due to the task of escorting Tang Sanzang to retrieve scriptures. Zhu Bajie promised to find her after the task was completed!
When her daughters took Zhu Bajie to see Spider Spirit, she was already old and affectionate. She had been waiting for Zhu Bajie to come back in this place because she really loved him!
But she still cannot defy fate, everything is arranged, and after mating, spiders will eat the male, which is fate!
This is also the final spider spirit shouting loudly: run away,quickly!
Because she doesn't want to eat the person she loves the most, but fate makes it impossible for her to control herself!


I remember seeing the trailer and them surprising anyone. The hype years later was so worth it and I’m happy it’s getting the love it is. Especially for the gaming developer taking a chance like this coming from mobile gaming. Taking a big chance


@Michael-bn1oi   Perhaps these words are too radical and rude.
But I think this is due to objective circumstances. When Japan took the lead in entering the modern society and embraced the world with rapid development, some Chinese cultures that had been introduced to Japan in history, and even some Chinese cultures that had not been introduced to Japan before, were at that time labeled as Japanese, and propagated by Japan as Japanese culture to the outside world. The most typical example is Japanese ramen. Ramen was introduced to Japan from China in the early 20th century, but today it is clearly seen as a symbol of Japan. Other cultures, such as traditional architecture, philosophy, handicrafts, clothing and aesthetics, as well as the culture of monsters and monsters, at least 80% of the ancient Japanese culture originated directly or indirectly from China. Today, most people who don't know the specifics instinctively assume that these cultures are Japanese, and even some people who see some similar Chinese cultures subjectively assume that China has copied Japan. This is especially true because of the recent bad reputation of China, such as “inferior goods”, “copying product designs”, etc.”. This deepens the bad impression that people instinctively think China is a plagiarizer.
Once, I even met a Romanian Coser who naturally asked me, “Are Chinese characters copied from Japan? I could only laugh bitterly. For most Chinese people, there is nothing they can do about the decline of modern China and the destruction of Chinese culture by the Communists, but most Chinese people are very proud of ancient China and Chinese culture. Today, however, almost all the honors belonging to ancient China have been grafted onto Japan, much to the dismay of today's Chinese.




Yea, kinda skeptical when studio who make the free to play game but not success suddenly shift to make AAA game. Man, glad I was wrong. They really do a great job and I happy for them of the success


Initially I was drawn in because of the graphics and JTTW after storyline. After playing it for 8 hours it is truly above my expectations. The art style, unique character, boss and environment 3d model is phenomenal. Not to mention that the game mechanics is fun to play and rewarding. To top that, as someone who understands Chinese, the music and philosophy behind the game reached a level that no other game has reached before. Give a bit time when everybody finishes the game, there will be another massive discussion about what the game has achieved in story telling and faithfulness to the original JTTW.


But with great visuals this time! So refreshing to get a good game focused on action and story, with good visuals on the side. Instead of another “let’s put all our budget in dei”


After I learned about "Journey to the West," I really came to appreciate the story. It's full of philosophy and satire. The monk Tang Sanzang is on a quest to get sacred scriptures from the West, and Wukong is there to help him. They face 81 trials along the way, each one involving different Yaoguai. What's ironic is that most of these Yaoguai are actually pets of heavenly beings, let loose because of poor management in Heaven. These Yaoguai have powerful backers, so whenever Wukong tries to defeat them, their divine masters show up to save them. On the other hand, Yaoguai without any connections or background just die with no one coming to their rescue.


It's a tad sad we have to resort to China to give us good games now while western studios go through horrible layoffs and mismanagement and so much poor quality writing for shoehorning


THIS is what video games are for. To make the most awesome myths of our species come to life in a way that is so immersive that it temporarily blurs the line between reality and fiction, achieving something no book or film ever could.
With God of War Ragnarok and now this, I am VERY happy with the direction games are going in and I hope it continues.
I hate the stigma around video games so much. Yes, there are very mindless, very pointless games that serve as nothing but conduits to addiction and salty competitiveness. But with the finer games, the ones that have the most effort and love put into them, the lover of literature should find no quarrel.




The final dialogue(25:53) expresses a concept rooted in Eastern philosophy. The black bear asks Guanyin Bodhisattva why a monk needs to wear the kasaya. Guanyin Bodhisattva replies that only by wearing the kasaya can a monk proclaim to the world that he is a practitioner. This response invites contemplation: as a practitioner, is one’s practice truly internal, or is it merely external? Extending this to other cultures, when you follow your faith, are you pursuing the essence of the faith itself, or are you simply trying to show others that you are a follower? If you are truly following your heart, why care about how others perceive you? You need to ask yourself what you are truly seeking. This is why Elder Jinchi, despite living for a hundred years, was never able to attain enlightenment.
Yes, this is a story about greed, but is it just about greed?



This game's development had been quite the story. Initially, the studio really did not have money. So, they were just making clips of mockups, trying to get investors. This period lasted for like a good year or two. Then when the game was labelled as the first serious attempt of making a AAA game by a Chinese studio, they start to get attention. Investment started to pour in, talents started to join.
At least point, this game had years of development and significant money poured into it. We really should expect a good experience from it.





1. 网址:www.skyfall.ink

2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)



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关键字:黑神话,悟空,黑神话悟空 专题:文化责任编辑:管理员