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本文译自Youtube,原标题:ZHENG vs VEKIC • Paris Olympics 2024 Final • LIVE Tennis Play by Play Stream
Sorry for Iga but really happy for Qinwen’s accomplishment. Hope she gets to bring that Gold home and sing in the ceremony!
this what chinese football need ,some legendary pro player like li na to inspiring young player like zheng qinwen有一些像李娜这样的传奇职业选手来激励像郑钦文这样的年轻选手,这就是中国足球所需要的。
And who really counts out of Iga the most dominant? Beating Iga in the Olympics semi-final was the literally the hardest challenge for all Women's tennis and on Clay as well. So, yea she already defeated the best of the best. Nothing will change that, She's an Olympic medalist and no one can deny that either.谁是斯瓦泰克之外最有统治力的人?在奥运会半决赛中击败她简直是所有女子网球项目中最难的挑战,而且还是在红土赛场上。所以,是的,她已经击败了顶尖高手,她是奥运会奖牌获得者,这一点谁也无法否认。
I’ve got nothing against Iga, but I’m glad her fans have had to watch her lose. Most of them have repeatedly disrespected other players and gone on about how Zheng, Schmiedlova and Vekic pose no competition to win the gold medal.She is the best player in the world, but her fans act like she’s unbeatable. Honestly, the way she played today, any of the other three semi-finalists could have beaten her.Zheng was excellent - totally outplayed her and deserved to win.我并不反对斯瓦泰克,但我很高兴她的粉丝不得不看着她输掉比赛,因为他们中的大多数人一再不尊重其他选手并大谈郑钦文、施米德洛娃和维基奇如何无法与斯瓦泰克竞争金牌。虽然她是世界上最好的选手,但她的粉丝们却搞得好像她不可战胜一样。老实说,从她今天的表现来看,其他三位半决赛选手中的任何一位都有可能击败她。
Swiatek lost mentally that match. She lost the second set after leading 4:0 because she was rushing. In the final stages she played like A.Sabalenka when she loses her composure: lack of focus, lots of force and many unforced errors. This is what Iga played at the end. Her previous match was a warning she wasn't mentally as strong as during other tournaments. Someone in her team should have done better job before this SF. The way Zhang played proves that patience pays off. Congrats to the winner.斯瓦泰克在那场比赛中输掉了比赛。她在4:0领先的情况下输掉了第二盘,因为她太着急了。在最后阶段,她的表现就像失去冷静的萨巴伦卡(A.Sabalenka):注意力不集中,用力过猛,非受迫性失误很多,这就是她最后的表现。上一场比赛就是一个警告,她的精神状态不如其他比赛时那么强大,她的团队中应该有人在这场比赛前做得更好。郑钦文的表现证明了耐心是有回报的,祝贺郑钦文夺冠。
Winning against Swiatek in clay is amazing. The only one has beaten Iga in clay this season was Rybakina.Though, I hope she wins more outside of Olympics like a grand slam.在红土赛场战胜斯瓦泰克真是令人惊叹,因为本赛季唯一在红土赛场击败斯瓦泰克的是雷巴金娜。不过,我希望她能在奥运会之外赢得更多,比如大满贯。
China's second tennis gold medal since participating in the Olympics and the first gold medal in women's singles are of great value because tennis is a highly commercialized sport这是中国参加奥运会以来的第二枚网球金牌,也是首枚女单金牌,价值不菲,因为网球是高度商业化的运动。
People don't understand why QUEEN? There is some people don't know how to pronounce qin - chin, so they call her queen'wen or king'wen, gradually, queen'wen became her nick name in tennis circle. It's not because her playing to be chinese #1 on world tennis ranking.人们不明白为什么她的名字叫女王(QUEEN)?这是因为有些人不知道“qin”和“chin”怎么读,所以就叫她“queen'wen”或“king'wen”,渐渐地,queen'wen就成了她在网球圈的昵称,这并不是因为她在世界网球排行榜上排名中国第一。
Shoutout to 'cut-throat' Zheng , no easy feat beating Iga let alone beating her on clay. Special player and I'm sure given time, a future Grand Slam winner向“凶残的”郑钦文致敬,击败斯瓦泰克并非易事,更何况是在红土场地上击败她。郑是一位特别的球员,我相信假以时日,她一定会成为未来的大满贯得主。
The rise of new Chinese generation , from swimming to tennis, they are going to shape the country in the next 50 years从游泳到网球,中国新生代正在崛起,他们将塑造未来50年的中国。
She was in the final of the Australian open this yearShe was so composed & focused in the match. Even when her serve was broken in both sets she quickly regrouped & broke back. I hope she wins gold.她在比赛中表现得非常冷静和专注。即使在两盘比赛中她的发球局都被破发,她也能迅速重整旗鼓,实现回破。我希望她能赢得金牌。
Sure, another gold for the spirit of the Chinese people, tenacious and yet humble. China today also displays her class, high with humility and graciousness.没错,这是中国人坚韧不拔、谦逊不屈的精神的又一枚金牌。今天的中国也展现了她的高雅,谦逊而优雅。
She is the FIRST ASIAN player EVER to have won a single's gold at the Olympics tennis event ! This is historic on so many levels!!!她是有史以来第一位在奥运会网球项目上夺得单打金牌的亚洲选手!这在很多层面上都具有历史意义!!!
Wish her the best of luck for the gold medal, she has already made history regardless.All we know is she made the #1 ranking tennis player to cry for a long time after the match and she made the American player, Emma Navarro, to be super salty and rage after her defeat.The Athletic July 30, 2024: "Emma Navarro blasts opponent Qinwen Zheng after loss at Olympics: ‘I didn’t respect her as a competitor’"Emma Navarro didn’t want to be on the losing end of a tight three-set match at her first Olympic Games. Losing 6-7 (7), 7-6 (4), 6-1 to China’s Qinwen Zheng in the third round Tuesday meant Navarro’s Paris 2024 singles tournament was over. Instead of just the customary handshake after each match between opponents, Navarro took it a step further. The 23-year-old American grasped Zheng’s hand and locked eyes with her. Navarro spoke to Zheng in a tense exchange at the net, with Navarro shaking her head in frustration as the players walked to thank the chair umpire. Navarro didn’t mince words when later asked about the conversation. “I just told her I didn’t respect her as a competitor,” Navarro said after the match.我们只知道她让排名世界第一的网球选手在赛后哭了很久,她让美国选手艾玛·纳瓦罗在落败后超级愤怒。据《The Athletic》2024年7月30日报道:“艾玛·纳瓦罗在奥运会失利后抨击对手郑钦文:我没有把她当作竞争对手来尊重”。艾玛-纳瓦罗不想在自己的首届奥运会上就在三盘激烈的比赛中落败。在周二的第三轮比赛中,她以6-7(7)、7-6(4)、6-1的比分输给了中国选手郑钦文,这意味着纳瓦罗的2024年巴黎奥运会单打比赛已经结束。纳瓦罗没有按照惯例在每场比赛后与对手握手,而是更进一步,这位23岁的美国选手握住了郑钦文的手并与她对视。纳瓦罗与郑钦文在网前进行了紧张的交流,当球员们走去感谢主裁判时,纳瓦罗沮丧地摇了摇头。纳瓦罗后来被问及这段对话时并没有讳言,纳瓦罗赛后说:“我只是告诉她,我不尊重她这个竞争对手”。
I accuse her of playing better than Iga during the match. Wishing her success in the Gold Medal Match and a Grand Slam title in the near future. Already a finalist at the AO!我祝贺她在比赛中比斯瓦泰克打得更好,祝愿她在金牌争夺战中取得成功并在不久的将来夺得大满贯冠军。她已经入围过澳网决赛了!
Now she is Olympics GOLD girl!wow at 21 years of age, upsetting the defending RG champion who had a flawless claycourt season. impressive, zheng qinwen jiayou!!哇,21岁的年纪就击败了在红土赛场上表现完美的法网卫冕冠军。令人印象深刻,郑钦文加油!
Zheng was impressive today, indeed! Iga had won 3 Grand Slams by 21, she’s got more chances in the future & should be proud of herself. Let’s see if Zheng could take the Gold for China & Asian tennis!郑钦文今天的表现确实令人印象深刻!因为斯瓦泰克在21岁之前已经赢得了三个大满贯。郑未来还有更多机会,她应该为自己感到骄傲。郑能否为中国和亚洲网球摘金,让我们拭目以待!
This is the first time that Asian player beat world No. 1 since ATP started ranking system in 1975.这是自1975年职业网球联合会(ATP)开始实行排名制度以来,亚洲选手首次击败世界第一。
Pretty sure Li Na of China had beaten No 1 ranking players (Serena Williams ) a couple of times during their many matches.我敢肯定中国的李娜在与世界排名第一的选手(塞雷娜-威廉姆斯)的多次比赛中都战胜过她。
Zheng just won an Olympics GOLD, today, Aug 3, 2024! 鄭欽文太棒了 這面金牌的意義超級重大 代表一個新時代的來臨 Zheng Qinwen is GREAT!!! Heartfelt Congratulations!!!今天,2024年8月3日,郑钦文赢得了一枚奥运会金牌!郑钦文太棒了,这面金牌的意义超级重大,因为它代表一个新时代的来临。衷心祝贺。
Many players lost game often,so did Iga, because of her, i knew Chinese tennis player zheng xin wen now.很多选手经常输球,斯瓦泰克也是。因为她,我现在认识了中国网球运动员郑钦文。
Those subtle psychological control games, holding up the racket whilst people settle down, the extra long ‘bathroom’ breaks to change the momentum didn’t quite work out today. That’s not to take away anything from Iga’s skill. She is a fabulous player but Zheng today, Wow.那些微妙的心理控制游戏,比如在人们安静下来的时候举起球拍以及为改变气势而进行的超长的“上厕所”时间,今天都不太奏效。我这么说这并不是要贬低斯瓦泰克的技术,虽然她是一位出色的选手,但郑钦文今天的表现令人惊叹。
The competition right now is fierce, no one dominates in all courts. And, everyone could win.The competition is better than in Serena era现在的竞争非常激烈,没有人可以在所有球场上都占据优势。而且,每个人都有可能获胜。
Imagine winning gold at 21, it's out of this world, she still might play more 2 Olympics and won't be at 30. Olympics is a very special event, for me, the most important because you're defending your country and you won't have this opportunity more than 3 or 4x in career maybe Mirra Andreeva will but that's a rare exception.想象一下,21岁就夺得奥运会金牌,这太不可思议了,她可能还会参加2场以上的奥运会,但届时还不到30岁。奥运会是一项非常特殊的赛事,对我来说是最重要的赛事,因为你是在为国争光,而你在职业生涯中不会有超过3次或4次这样的机会,也许米拉-安德列娃会有,但那是罕见的例外。
Zheng played excellent match today, she was very composed, very classy, she deserves every bit of the gold medal.郑钦文今天打得很好,她很沉着,很有风度,她配得上这枚金牌。
Big serve, big groundstrokes, amazing movement, creative drop shots - Zheng has everything needed to become the next big thing in women's tennis.For now it's perhaps not a fair comparison, but she reminds me a bit of Carlos Alcaraz on the men's size.大发球、大击球、惊人的移动、创造性的落点击球--郑钦文具备了成为女子网坛下一个大人物所需的一切条件。也许现在这样比较并不公平,但她让我想起了男子网坛的卡洛斯-阿尔卡拉斯(Carlos Alcaraz)。
Zheng will become nation's idol and we all love and proud of her,especially her strong mind and spirit inspire us loads.郑钦文将成为全国人民的偶像,我们都爱她,为她骄傲,尤其是她坚强的意志和精神激励着我们。
@anonymoustennisfollower6038Winning Olympic gold is very, very highly revered in China, that's why Zheng was so motivated this entire tournament. Not because of money, which I see some people in the chat are saying, but because of honour for the country.在中国,赢得奥运会金牌是非常、非常受人尊敬的事情,这也是郑钦文在整个比赛中如此积极的原因。我看到有些人在聊天中说这不是因为钱,而是为了国家的荣誉。
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关键字:郑钦文,网球单打 专题:文体明星责任编辑:管理员