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油管热议杭州亚运会第1天奖牌榜:印度和中国怎么差这么多?China 20 Gold from 31 events..Amazing!中国队从31个项目中摘得20金......这实在令人惊叹!
@jhonalexandergardner4151@strongtowersystems they won 345 medals in 2014 korean asian games ... korea was a part of china as kimchi is Chinese他们在2014年韩国亚运会上赢得了345枚奖牌......难道韩国是中国的一部分?就像泡菜是中国的一样?
India need more improvement because huge peoplation and talent.. Future asian games we take second position I hope..印度还需更多改善,因为其人口众多,人才济济。我希望在未来的亚运会上我们能获得第二名。
China population is less than India, but China has achieved to get the medals 10 times than India. ������中国的人口比印度少,但中国获得的奖牌却是印度的10倍。笑哭了。
@kamalabrahman6925 There is only a slight difference of population in both countries so it's worthless to mention..Talking about medals difference..First thing is China is a communist country so they forcibly makes children to work hard than their usual capacity also they follows very hard training rules which can't happen in India being a democracy...Also there is a thing called budget which India doesn't have...Present government did increase some budget so u are seeing some improvement also..两国的人口数量相差无几,所以这一点不值一提。
India, don't be proud to learn a lot from China���How? The most populated country in the world with nothing to show.怎么说?虽然印度是世界上人口最多的国家,但它却没有什么拿得出手。
@calvinang1 we are in 4th place ,,, most populated does not mean we will become first in everything we try hard to do so well in Asian games ,,, and taking about nothing to show ,,, how many countries have landed on South pole of moon ,, does ur country has anti satellite weapons , does ur country has own navigation system ,, does ur posses nukes ,,, no right and never will be ,,, world 68 % digital transaction alone done in India .. ok!!! I'm quite sure my country has more to show than your country ���我们在奖牌榜上排第四位,人口最多并不意味着我们在所有事情上都会成为第一,我们在亚运会上已经做得不错了......你说我们没有什么拿得出手,那么有多少国家登陆过月球南极?你的国家有反卫星武器吗?你的国家有自己的导航系统吗?你的国家拥有核武器吗?没有,也永远不会有,全世界68%的数字交易都是在印度完成的......好吧!!!我敢肯定,我的国家比你的国家有更多拿得出手的东西。
@ayattalah2212 china's sports budget is $100 billion.India's sports budget is $20 billion.larger GDP ....bigger the spending中国在体育方面的预算为1000亿美元,而印度在体育方面的预算为200亿美元。GDP越大...支出就越多。
@abhay_prasad2859 Soo... should be 5x india's medals right? It's 10x right now ������ china with 20 billion will win more. What about Japan and Korea do they spend 20 billion to be 2x india's medals? ��������� always talking about the 'future' but india entered asian games 20 years before China and even if they start taking more medals, and china never gets any from now onwards it will still take india 50 years from now to equal what china had in total from all the asians games they competed in so far ������ and this is just sports not the most important aspect of society ���那么...中国的奖牌数应该是印度的5倍吧?但现在是10倍哦。即便中国的体育预算只有200 亿美元,它拿的奖牌也会比印度更多。日本和韩国呢?为什么它们花200亿美元拿到的奖牌数量是印度的两倍?印度人总是在谈论“未来”,但印度比中国早20年参加亚运会,即使它们一开始拿到了更多的奖牌,而中国从现在开始再也拿不到任何奖牌,印度仍然需要50年时间才能与中国迄今为止参加的所有亚运会的奖牌总数持平,而这还仅仅是在体育而不是社会最重要的方面。
油管热议杭州亚运会第2天奖牌榜:我大河北不服,应该按人口数量而不是国别限制派出运动员Sports me bhi india ko china se healthy compition karna chahiye
@beepbeep5153 How many Championships has China won in Cricket, Kabaddi, Hockey?Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan and UzbekistanI believe you you can your best中亚加油!加油哈萨克斯坦,吉尔吉斯斯坦,塔吉克斯坦,土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦!
go indonesia...no 7 is so good
No worries. Indonesia will beat IndiaOlympics Micheal Phelps>>>> India���������
Did michael Phelps won all those medals in one year or in his whole life ..Also This asian games is not even half completed so why are u barking...迈克尔·菲尔普斯是在一年内还是在他一生中赢得了所有这些奖牌...
This developed southeast asian is struggling to compet with poor india ��� forget about dreaming 1to 3 rank发达的东南亚国家正在努力与贫穷的印度竞争,笑哭了。别再做奖牌榜1到3名的美梦了。
India is improving a lot in sports. Who is here who watched Asian Games since 1986?.. Comparing those years when India used to be at the bottom., now has improving a lot. Year 1986, only P.T Usha ( if Im not mistaken ) brings gold for India印度在体育方面进步很大。在座的有谁从1986年开始观看亚运会?与曾经垫底的那些年相比,现在的印度已经进步了很多。1986年只有P.T Usha(如果我没记错的话)为印度带来了金牌。
Our Hebei Province from China has a population of 74.2 million. In the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games, only 16 athletes were sent and won 12 gold medals, 6 silver medals, and 2 bronze medals. In the future, it is recommended that the Asian Games send athletes based on population size rather than national restrictions, so that athletes in our province have more opportunities to participate in international competitions. Only 16 athletes were sent out to win 12 gold medals. I believe other athletes in our province are also capable of winning medals, but unfortunately they did not have the opportunity to participate.我们中国的河北省拥有7420万人口,在2018年雅加达亚运会上我们只派出了16名运动员就获得了12枚金牌、6枚银牌、2枚铜牌。建议今后亚运会根据人口数量而非国别限制派出运动员,让我省运动员有更多机会参加国际比赛。仅派出16名运动员就获得了12枚金牌,我相信我省其他运动员也有能力获得奖牌,但遗憾的是他们没有机会参加。
I hope this Asian games india will finish at 4th place, last Asian games in 2018 india had the highest number of medals in history, this Asian games will be indias best perfomacr, so far in Asian games history.我希望本届亚运会印度能获得第4名,2018年上届亚运会印度获得了历史上最高的奖牌数,本届亚运会将是印度迄今为止在亚运会历史上成绩最好的一届。
Only Iran performed well at the Asian Games in the entire West Asia, while Arab countries relied solely on purchasing African athletes to participate in the Asian Games.���整个西亚只有伊朗在亚运会上表现出色,而阿拉伯国家则完全依靠购买非洲运动员参加亚运会。呵呵。
油管热议杭州亚运会第4-5天奖牌榜:中日韩三国统治比赛,印度到底第几?The 3 NE Asian countries - China, South Korea and Japan have always been the top 3 countries with the most medal in Asian Games and top 10 in Olympic games. This shows how other asian countries are lagging behind them.中国、韩国和日本这三个东北亚国家一直是亚运会奖牌最多的前三个国家,也是奥运会奖牌排名前十的国家。这表明其他亚洲国家远远落后于它们。
No first of all China is just a big population with lots of money. Korea and Japan are both "privileged" countries because they get to have taekwondo and karate as olympic sports. China is some way has also been privileged too. So, I think this is a fair assumption to make. If all things were equal, it should be India and China at the top but it's not, so there's still a lot to work on.不。首先,中国只是人多,钱多罢了。韩国和日本都是“有特权”的国家,因为它们可以把跆拳道和空手道列为奥运会项目。中国在某种程度上也享有特权。因此,我认为下面是一个合理的假设,即如果所有的条件都一样,那么印度和中国应该位居榜首,但事实并非如此,所以我们还有很多工作要做。
@blehblehbleh69420 you must be bad at math. Is this enough for you to explain the difference between india and other countries? It's not they have a little bit less medals but a looooooooot less你的数学一定不怎么样。你说的这些足以让你解释印度和其他国家的区别吗?它们的奖牌数量不是少一星半点,而是少很多很多。
Excuses excuses excuses for India's failureseagarly waiting for India's men's tennis double final, men's & women's hockey, Men's & women's boxing, double table tennis热切期待印度的网球男子双打决赛、男子和女子曲棍球、男子和女子拳击以及乒乓球双打决赛。
@Kalki-nn4kb Indian men's tennis double entered finals after defeating south koea in semi finals.印度网球男子双打在半决赛中击败韩国后进入了决赛。
I think india will go to position 4 but can't go to 3
Possibly but Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan main strong sports of wrestling boxing athletics and kurash yet to start有可能,但乌兹别克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦的主要强项摔跤、拳击、田径和克柔术尚未开始比赛。
Highly possible. But i think India will probably rank #5 this time.
i think 6th or 7th. Iran, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan are going to go up with athletics and other events我认为是第6或第7,因为伊朗、乌兹别克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦的成绩会在田径和其他项目上有所提升。
Japan has a population of 120 million, won 20 gold medals and is ranked 3rd. India must work hard.1.2亿人的日本获得了20枚金牌并在奖牌榜上排名第三,印度必须加油。
@indianskb3654 As a Vietnamese, I am also conflicted - proud to be Southeast Asian but conflicted about the Northeast Asian countries that Vietnam has similar culture with.作为越南人,我也很矛盾。一方面,我为自己是东南亚人而自豪;另一方面,我又为越南与东北亚国家有着相似的文化而感到矛盾。
There is something interesting if one looks beyond the numbers; it's normal for countries to get more bronze medals than gold ones. However, there is an outlier. For instance, India has 13 gold and 19 bronze. Likewise, Japan has 29 gold and and 42 bronze. Same for South Korea which has 30 gold and 60 bronze. However, the outlier is China with 132 gold and 39 bronze. This means China is not aiming for just a medal, but it is aiming for excellence or nothing at all.如果跳出数字看问题,你会发现一些有趣的现象:各国获得的铜牌多于金牌是正常的。例如,印度拿到了13枚金牌和19枚铜牌。同样,日本拿到了29金42铜。韩国也是如此,30金60铜。不过,也有例外的情况。中国以132金和39铜的成绩名列前茅,这意味着中国的目标不仅仅是一枚奖牌,而是要么追求卓越,要么什么都不要。
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