

字号: A-AA+ 2023-03-18 04:35:41

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本文译自Youtube,原标题:Indian Bro Atharva Rescues South Korean Lady being Harassed - mhyochi from Twitch




综合印度斯坦时报、亚洲国际新闻通讯社(ANI)等印度媒体当地时间1日报道,近日韩国女主播Hyojeong Park深夜在孟买街头直播时遭到两名印度男子的骚扰,这两人目前已被当地警方拘留。

印度外交部发言人表示,地方当局将为这位韩国游客提供保护。Hyojeong Park接受印媒采访时,称赞孟买警方的行动非常迅速,表示她还将继续在当地多停留一段时间。
Hyojeong Park说,这段被骚扰的经历可能会让别人认为印度不是一个女性能够安全旅游的国家,但不会改变她对印度的看法。她仍然热爱印度这个国家,并希望向其他人展示印度的美好,“这事破坏了我(对印度)的印象,但我还会再来的。”
据印媒报道,当地时间11月30日,24岁的韩国女主播Hyojeong Park于深夜在印度孟买街头直播,当着直播间里1000多名观众的面,她遭遇两名印度男子毛手毛脚的骚扰行为。
视频显示,其中一名男子突然抓住Hyojeong Park的手,试图将其拉到自己的摩托车上,她一直在闪躲。未料男子竟凑上前要强吻,吓得Hyojeong Park迅速撇开头,拉开两人距离,慌张地连喊了好几声:“不不不!”(NO!NO!NO!)
Hyojeong Park随后跑开,但对方仍不罢休,载着朋友骑着摩托车追了上来,再次对其展开骚扰。最后在好心人的帮助下,Hyojeong Park才成功逃离。

Incident goes Viral in India. The accused have been identified as Mohammad Shaikh (19) and Mohammad Naqib Sadarialam Ansari (20) has been arrested by the Mumbai Police. Apparently "Atharva Tikkha" the gentleman who was watching her livestream immediately came outside to save her from the thugs who were now following her on the bike.
His name Atharva was revealed when Mhyochi livestreamed with him in her twitch channel. Mhyochi revealed his IG: @atharvatikkha
Some very disturbing and racist comments have come in. The age old trope of Every 15 minutes a girl gets raped in India. Okay! Let us calculate how many minutes a girl gets raped in the US or UK especially London. In the U.S in absolute numbers, the rapes are at astonishingly 100,000 every year, that means a girl gets raped every 5.45 minutes.
Now if you calculate the every 15 minutes a girl gets raped in India narrative, the number comes to around 35,040 RAPES EVERY YEAR, in a country of 1.4 Billion people. Even in absolute numbers Indian rapes are smaller than U.S a country 1/4 the population of India
Thats how you manipulate a stat and portray your narrative, thats who you also malign India's "DEMOCRACY" by playing with numbers and manipulating it, Salvatore Babones recently showed why the West is trying to portray Indian democracy as FAILING. India is still a developing country and its a miracle its a thriving democracy in the Indian subcontinent whose neighbours aren't democractic. India has free press and gets to report everything unlike CHINA. India needs Police reforms and Judicial reforms, Lets be honest, even if she called for the police ,the police would definitely wouldnt reach her ASAP, unlike say in the west where the response rate is Quick.
India needs a whole bunch of reforms to ensure accountability and transparency and most importantly invest in humans aka Police to deal and handle such situations and a accountable judiciary which makes sure to punish the criminals and not let them go scot free.
该事件正在印度广泛传播。被告已被确认为穆罕默德·谢赫(Mohammad Shaikh,19岁)和穆罕默德·纳齐布·萨达里亚姆·安萨里(Mohammad Naqib Sadarialam Ansari,20岁),他们现已被孟买警方逮捕。据我们所知,正在观看她直播的绅士Atharva Tikkha很快来到了外面并将她从骑着摩托车跟踪她的暴徒手中救了出来。
他的名字 Atharva是 Mhyochi 在她的 twitch 频道中与他直播时透露出来的。Mhyochi 透露了他的 IG:@atharvatikkha
Salvatore Babones最近向我们展示了西方试图将印度民主描绘为失败的原因,它们通过玩弄数字和操纵叙事来诋毁印度。印度仍然是一个发展中国家,印度次大陆的民主国家正繁荣发展而其邻国并不民主,这是一个奇迹。与中国不同,印度拥有新闻自由,它可以报道一切。印度需要警察改革和司法改革,老实说,即使她报警,警方肯定也不会像西方国家的反应速度那样尽快联系到她。


Muslim men keep their own women under burkha & hijab but they run after Non-muslim women as if they haven't seen a women without burkha. It's a shameful incident to say that least.
- Last week 2 Dutch girls was sexually harassed by muslim refugees in their own motherland Netherland. This type of incidents increase in European countries also.. that's why, majority of European people demand from their govts. Send back muslim refugees & immigrants.



The fact that she felt scared and compelled to give her number to save her self and not escalate and give in to demands of those goons .... says so much about safety of women.


That's really shameful activity... A lot of foreigner wants to come India to visit it as a good place... But these type of motherfucker always do these type of shit and they ruined our indian culture.. because of them "India is really dengerous place for girls or women" these type of massage are spreading in other countries.... But that's the truth india can never be the safest place for girls or women... South Korea is much better and safest place and that's why that girl was not aware of these things.... That so sad .....


All foreigners should understand that night out is not safe in india..For Indian also..Please don't go anywhere at night specially if you are a girl..Always come home before 10pm for big city and for small 8pm ..

所有的外国人都应该明白,在印度晚上外出是不安全的。对于印度人来说,如果你是女孩,请不要在晚上去任何地方。大城市请一定要在晚上 10 点之前回家,小城市在晚上 8 点之前回家。

A tourist was literally running or escaping..she was scared amd i hope she never comes back to this country if she has any love for her life...this is the situation...nobody is safe here


Have you ever seen a Bengal monitor lizard? Even that thing is not safe in India! Are you wandering the streets dressed like this? This is not East Asia!


Look I don't hate muslims and I'm not certainly hindu nationalist because I am not even hindu, but why are muslim guys so frequently, considering they're a minority, high up there in number of crimes against women in the country. That's not to say hindus or any others are inherently good or don't harass women, I am sure in totality there are more majority creeps than minority, but why are muslim guys leading the fucking crusade these days. Even with my own anecdotal experience that seems to be the case.


Why when women smile and chatting with local they get treated like something cheap we need more people teaching them to be respectful to every woman not matter what she is and have a strong law enforcement and laws to protect women from being stalking or harassing women that very dangerous.


Both the guys were from the Religion of Peace and were spreading peace through illicit kisses. Police on Thursday arrested the duo-Mubin Shaikh (19), roadside garment seller, and Mohammed Ansari (21)

这两人都来自和平教,他们通过非法亲吻传播和平。周四,警方逮捕了路边服装销售商穆本·谢赫(Mubin Shaikh,19岁)和穆罕默德·安萨里(Mohammed Ansari,21岁)。

Rahul Gandhi once said that Inn Deer is known as the “rape capital of the world.”

拉胡尔·甘地(Rahul Gandhi)曾说过,印度(Inn Deer)被称为“世界强奸之都”。

Indian mindset towards girls is well known all over whole universe.


It's not all the Indian guys bruh. Even in this same video another Indian guy came for her rescue. Don't create a stigma


First of all nothing is going to change even if they are Muslim... everyone is saying"Indian" so instead of fighting on religion it is better to make India safe...as koreans and other foreigner are definitely active in trolling Indians....


Why everyone is saying that peaceful community or muslim i don't think this right
to drag religion in this matter at the end of the day he is indian and hindus also do crime



Peacefully community spread peace . but you don't worry sister we stand with you Mumbai police punish them actually they study Quran or hadees & this type people coming, we & our govt hardly hit this type people and through in their right place.


Dear sister , i am extremely sorry for what you have gone through and you were scared but you handled patiently and walked away from there and a big applause to the gentleman who came comforted her and walked her till her hotel . Learnings- please help each other to make people feel safe to travel and enjoy their stay be it native or foreigners ���


She is really a strong girl. Even after being misbehaved she held her feelings and acted so sensibly and we could see her laughing at the end. Though her laughing doesn't justify how she felt but an average woman or anyone wouldn't feel comfortable after being misbehaved. Also she will be still continuing her vlogging in India. This is a sign of a strong independent woman.
Edit: Also respect for the guy and the police, the way the police took actions so quickly is praiseworthy. I hope they didn't act so quickly just because she is a foreigner.



She could have just slapped that guy in the first place and also gathered people to help her when there were so many people around. Instead of being sweet to them she could have defended herself.


Currently, there is a lot of controversy in Korea. There are many good Indians, but there are also bad Indians Many Koreans think India is a dangerous country for women to travel alone


Thankgod the girl is safe... What would have happened if she wud have sat with them on the bike..another horror story ��������� god bless the guy who came to protect after watching the live..


Muslims have this habit.
I sincerely apologise on behalf of our whole country. Please forgive us. Please visit us again. Please give us one more chance. Of course the culprits will be dealt with. Not all of us are like this. I truly want our country to be felt safe for both Indians and foreigners.



Not all muslims are bad but majority of muslims are like this change your attitude and well behave otherwise wherever you go people will disrespect, hate you. Indian peoples heart is big they can forgive you and love you.


Firstly I'm shocked in public places this happening.. thats the reason every day nirbhay kand happens... public don't act unless there own sister or mother face same issue...indian public so self centred I can't imagine specially city people...rural area in inda are so cultured and they react when any such incident happens..


Action taken aginst them . Don't worry India is country with different different culture and in our Indian culture thats not the case . But at same time our muslim brothers are less educated aswell as especially muslim men's are not given proper values at their home .


This doesn't "only" happen in India for all those getting surprised ���. But for some reason it only becomes headlines if it happens in India.


Obviously the mohmeds are at fault here but I also find this lady to be very callous towards these hooligans. It seems that she has no self respect. She should've strongly retorted instead of that she was doing hi bye sort of stuffs


You are not supposed to behave like that in that country. It's your fault walking around in such an exposed outfit trying to flirt with those local men like that. A lot worse could've happened


The fact that all Indians don't know is the fact that Korea recently traveled to India to show the poverty of India on purpose, and many Korean female anchors deliberately danced in the streets of India, they came to India with a satirical mind, if you don't believe me, Then please search India in Korean, you can see what Koreans really think about India




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关键字:印度猥亵,韩国网红印度,日本网红印度,网红印度,网红印度猥亵,网红印度强奸 专题:印度责任编辑:管理员