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突发:印度奥迪莎邦列车脱轨相撞事故致近300死900伤本文译自Youtube,原标题:More than 200 dead, 850 hurt in India's Odisha rail crash北京时间6月3日凌晨,全世界被印度震惊了,因为印度2日夜里的火车连环脱轨相撞,已经造成至少200人死亡。上一次最惨烈,发生在1995年,两列火车在新德里附近相撞,造成358人死亡。但这一次,死者肯定不会仅止于200人。印度官员承认,死亡数据肯定还会上升,因为还有大量乘客被困在受损的车厢中,生死未卜。印度总理莫迪也在推特上祈祷,愿伤者尽快恢复,他的心和死者家属同在,他已和铁道部长谈过,政府正提供“所有可能的援助”。The death toll from a multiple train collision in eastern India's Odisha state has risen to more than 200, with several hundred others injured and more feared trapped, according to officials. Amitabh Sharma, executive director with the Indian Railways, said that two passenger trains “had an active involvement in the accident” while “the third train, a goods train, which was parked at the site, also got [involved] in the accident”.据官方称,印度东部奥里萨邦多辆火车相撞造成的死亡人数已升至200多人,另有数百人受伤,他们担心还有更多人被困。印度铁路公司执行董事Amitabh Sharma表示,两列客运列车“积极参与了事故”,而“停在现场的第三列货运列车也(卷入)了事故”。
The current count is around 350 dead.I feel so sad for the loss of lives. I hope nobody in this world ever suffer from any accidental death. Amen.目前的死亡人数约为350人。
Appalling and condolences to the families of the victims. India needs to modernise its rail infrastructure urgently. Should sign a BRI with the PRC as a priority. This accident is a national disgrace向遇难者家属表示震惊和慰问。印度急需实现铁路基础设施现代化,它应优先与中国签署“一带一路”倡议。这次事故是国家的耻辱。
seeing this and the fact that I have to go on train tommorow is rlly chilling!!condolences for the victims看到这一幕以及我明天必须坐火车的事实真是令人不寒而栗!!
WhiteGirlsChinaWieners. comI really feel sorry for India. In a heartbreaking report released on Tuesday, The Hindu India's state news, revealed that India's standing on the Global Hunger Index is a devastating 107 out of 121 countries. Tragically, India fares even worse than every single country in South Asia, including its neighboring nation Pakistan and even the war-torn Afghanistan. This distressing news underscores the grave extent of hunger and food insecurity gripping India, leaving a somber cloud over the nation.我真的为印度感到难过。在周二发布的一份令人心碎的报告中,《印度教徒报》的官方新闻透露印度在全球饥饿指数上的排名是121个国家中毁灭性的第107名。可悲的是印度的情况甚至比南亚的每一个国家都糟糕,包括其邻国巴基斯坦甚至是饱受战争蹂躏的阿富汗。这一令人痛心的消息突显了印度在饥饿和粮食不安全方面的严重程度,给这个国家蒙上了一层阴云。
wow bro and Pakistan is begging for wheat and IMF loan and Cant pay chinese loan they are better in that index we are surplus in agriculture we donated huge grains to other countries such as lebanon and Jordan during covid we donated vaccine. ���������your Funny Index and Lack of knowledge .哇,兄弟,巴基斯坦正在乞求小麦和国际货币基金组织的贷款,它无法支付中国的贷款。在我们捐赠疫苗的新冠肺炎期间,我们向黎巴嫩和约旦等其他国家捐赠了大量粮食,在农业方面我们有盈余。你的有趣指数和缺乏知识真让人笑哭。
In most countries, the transport minister would voluntarily resign as a show of respect to the victims- Not in India ������ though- The minister would blame Pakistani ������ extremist, Made in China ������ faulty spare parts, Congress mismanagement, Khalistani rebels etc.- He would be so famous Indians would vote for him as PM ���在大多数国家,交通部长会自愿辞职以示对受害者的尊重。
They havent updated or increase the size or regulate their trains in a long time. I saw that it has been the same for decades. This is heartbreaking ���他们已经很长时间没有更新、增加规模或调整列车了。我看到几十年来一直如此。这太令人心碎了。
condolences to everyone. someone needs to take responsibility for the whole thing. im sure this is due to negligence.向所有人表示慰问。需要有人对整件事负责,因为我确信这是由于疏忽造成的。
Well Indians, if China's Belt and Road Initiative is "debt-trap" according to ya'll, Indian railways ��� must be a "death-trap" then wont you agree ���好吧,印度人,如果你们觉得中国的“一带一路”倡议是“债务陷阱”,那么印度铁路一定是“死亡陷阱”,你同意吗?
As a member of the ASEAN family of nations from Thailand ������, we are so lucky to be geographically flanked by China ������ and India ������ on both sides. China could serve as a role model for our development while India is always there to scare ��� the life out of us if we don't develop作为来自泰国的东盟大家庭成员,我们很幸运能在地理上被中国和印度所包围。中国可以成为我们发展的榜样,而印度总是在那里吓唬我们(如果我们不发展,我们就会失去生命)。
India should build better infrastructure and revamp the existing one instead of wasting resources and energy to pursue delusional geopolitical goals. Once your own house is in order, it would easier for you to care about things happening outside.印度应该建设更好的基础设施并改造现有的基础设施,而不是浪费资源和能源来追求妄想的地缘政治目标。等你的家里井然有序了,你才会更容易关心外面发生的事情。
There are a lot of disrespectful and insensitive people in the comments, some are trolls but a lot of them are definitely real people. These people really choose an incident like this to bring there racist views full force, taking advantage of vulnerable, grieving people is beyond me. Those people definitely don't deserve to be on this platform anymore, so if you see one, simply report it. That's all.评论中有很多无礼和麻木不仁的人,有些是喷子,但他们中的很多人绝对是真人。我无法忍受这些人真的选择了这样的事件来充分表达种族主义观点,利用人们的脆弱和悲伤。这些人绝对不应该再出现在这个平台上了,所以如果你看到了就直接举报吧。就这样。
Modi announced not so long ago that India ������ wants to build a rail-sea connectivity project linking India and the Middle East? We should reject this BS for our own safety ���莫迪是不是不久前宣布印度想建设一个连接印度和中东的铁路-海洋连接项目?为了我们自己的安全,我们应该拒绝这个狗屎。
Indonesians ������ now have high speed rail network between Jakarta and Bandung thanks to Chinese ������ President Xi Jinping's Belt and Road Initiative. Indians ������ have to make do with antiquated rail ��� services left over from the British colonial era印尼人在此。多亏了中国人,现在雅加达和万隆之间有了高速铁路网,而印度人不得不将就着使用英国殖民时代遗留下来的陈旧的铁路。
In India had work with China to modernize their train system, this could have been avoided.如果印度与中国合作使其火车系统现代化,这场悲剧是可以避免的。
India is best known as the most poor country in the whole world since their corruption is so open and boldly and no body care to change that. Every asian people were scared if their country will be the same like india if they don't develop their country well.印度是世界上最贫穷的国家,因为它们的腐败是如此公开和大胆,没有人愿意改变这一点。每个亚洲人都很害怕,如果他们的国家发展得不好,他们的国家就会像印度一样。
200 dead and 850 injured, more than a thousand using the train, i don't know why they never learn not to overload a train, seeing that this is not the first time this kind of thing happened, it's very often that my condolence has vanished.200人死亡,850人受伤,1000多人在使用火车,我不知道为什么他们从来没有学会不让火车超载,已经不是第一次看到这种事情发生了,我已经麻木了。
We indians dreaming of bullet trains ���. India is not apt country to have bullet trains我们印度人还梦想着子弹头列车,笑哭。印度不适合拥有子弹头列车。
India has the world biggest railways system, so the crashed is 0.01%, it is still the safest in the world. But because of overcrowded and maybe the cause of so many injuries and death. sad but this is reality... life is only temporary, the are going to be reborn again in their hindus beliefs印度拥有世界上规模最大的铁路系统,因此即便其事故率为0.01%,它仍然是世界上最安全的。但由于过于拥挤,也许这是造成如此多人受伤和死亡的原因。悲伤,但这是现实...生命只是暂时的,他们将在印度教信仰中重生。
Lots of comments on here about how India ought to modernize its Railway. Indian Railway is a vast, massive network of trains across the country transporting millions of people each day and several thousand tonnes of goods across the nation. Several sectors within the Railways is running in severe losses, coupled with political corruption and archaic, red tapism and lethargic bureaucrats who aren't motivated to change - it takes forever for change to occur from inception to implementation. India is now working on bullet trains that will travel at 200kmph, something France & Japan had in the 1970's. A lot of catching up to do, hopefully the Gov't pays heed and kick starts some much needed development.这里有很多关于印度应该如何实现铁路现代化的评论。印度铁路是一个庞大的网络,每天在全国运送数百万人和数千吨货物。铁路公司的几个部门正遭受严重损失,再加上政治腐败、秉承文牍主义和没有变革动力的无精打采的官僚——变革从开始到实施需要很长时间。印度目前正在研制时速200英里的子弹头列车,这是法国和日本在20世纪70年代所拥有的东西。印度还有很多事情要做,希望政府不要理会(这次事故)并开始一些急需的开发。
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关键字:印度火车相撞,印度火车事故,印度铁路事故,印度铁路事故评论 专题:印度责任编辑:管理员