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A bridge in India fell into the River Ganges for the second time in a year while it was still under-construction.The first collapse was caused by heavy rains and storms - it is unclear why it happened a second time.Authorities have promised a full inquest into the accident.印度的一座桥梁在一年内第二次坠入恒河,当时它仍在施工中。
Once can be considered unfortunate, twice is carelessness!
This bridge is so short and yet it still collapse twice? Hope no one was hurt. This is just bad engineering.这座桥很短,但还是垮塌了两次?希望没有人受伤。这是个糟糕的工程。
By watching how the pylons crumble, it could well be that the materials utilised for building the bridge were not behaving as the engineers expected them to...通过观察桥塔是如何垮塌的,(我们发现)很可能是用于建造桥梁的材料没有像工程师们预期的那样表现...
I don't think India will be winning any international contracts to construct a bridge anytime soon.
This is the REAL showcase of the super hightech engineering construction from the 2020 Super Power India.这是2020年超级大国印度的超高科技工程建设的真实面目。
Let’s give credit where credit is due, those Indian engineers are great at demolition.让我们在该表扬的地方表扬一下,那些印度工程师非常擅长拆除。
In China, I saw that the newly built bridge was covered with tanks to check the bearing capacity of the bridge. I couldn’t imagine it in India. It collapsed twice while it was still under construction.在中国,我看到新建的大桥上铺满了水箱以检查大桥的承载能力。我无法想象在印度是怎么做的,它竟然在施工期间垮塌了两次。
2000 years earlier. Chinese 1st emperor enforced a law demanding every production facilities inscribe or put their name on products they've made as a guarantee or punishment to be charged had it failure using. China archaeologists often see their logos in most artifacts they've discovered.2000年前,中国的第一个皇帝实施了一项要求每个生产者在他们生产的产品上刻上或写上他们的名字的法律以作为对不出现故障的保证或惩罚,中国考古学家经常在他们发现的大多数文物中看到它们的标记。
I'm surprised to see some Indians criticize China even under this video, while in fact China has built the world's longest sea-crossings and highest suspension bridges that have withstood multiple typhoon events.While there have been instances of older buildings cracking and collapsing, similar incidents have happened in Miami and Sydney without receiving much attention due to selective narrative. Failures in structures built in recent decades have been very rare, if any.India acturally has many highly skilled engineers, but they face limitations due to sub-standard industrial capabilities and widespread corruption. China's infrastructure capabilities are only matched by a few countries like Japan. I hope Indians can let go of stereotypes and work towards improving their country like many other Asian nations have done. A good start would be to embrace improvement through collaboration by stop excluding Chinese, Japanese, and German train technologies, and moving away from protectionist practices.我很惊讶地看到一些印度人甚至在这段视频下批评中国,而事实上,中国建造了世界上最长的跨海通道和经受住了多次台风袭击的最高的悬索桥。
Cannot compare a water melon with a cherry���. They are two totally different levels. China builds mega bridges, tunnels, highrise building, railways in overseas whereas india cannot even built a proper bridge at home.你不能把西瓜和樱桃相提并论,它们是两个完全不同的层次。中国在海外建造特大桥、隧道、高层建筑和铁路,而印度甚至无法在国内建造一座合适的桥梁。
DemocracyOverDictatorshipTo anyone who’s ever felt that they’ve failed so much in life.It’s finally time to relax because there’s the new champion! ���对于那些曾经觉得自己在生活中失败太多的人来说,
I hope everyone can recognize what a blessing this event is, to have happened BEFORE it is completed and put into use!Their trains and boats were never this fortunate我希望每个人都能认识到这是一件多么幸运的事情,因为垮塌在它完成并投入使用之前就发生了!
omg, it's a miracle! very difficult to see something collapsed so completely!天哪,真是个奇迹!因为很难看到有什么东西垮塌得这么彻底!
Sorry to say this..but this is the time indian goverment must take a break from international affairs and focusing into local issues..after train derailed n collided then this bridge snapped..so pls rebuilding ur internal strength before talking to much in world stage..modi ur billion of people and environment first...reduced ur international commitment by 50% and put some work internally..this an advice without bad intent from asian to asian..虽然很很抱歉这么说...但这是印度政府必须从国际事务中解脱出来并专注于地方问题的时候了....先是火车出轨后发生撞击,然后这座桥断裂了....所以,在与世界舞台上的许多人交谈之前,请重建你们的内在力量....团结十亿人民,环境第一.....将我们的国际承诺减少了50%并在内部开展了一些工作......这是一个亚洲人发给亚洲人的没有恶意的建议.....
The problems of having a Korean architect & engineering consultant with a Korean/Indian jv contractor.....The language & cultural barriers must have been impossible at times.....这是韩国建筑师和工程顾问与韩国/印度承包商合作的问题.....语言和文化障碍有时肯定是不可避免的......
it had collapsed before now it collapsed again. If this were to happen in China, all western media would have made it a headline. but since it happened in india, a nation that is poor and it poses zero threat to the superpower, so the western politicians and media generally ignored it.它之前垮塌过一次,现在又塌了。如果这件事发生在中国,所有西方媒体都会把它作为头条新闻。但由于这件事发生在印度,一个对美国这个超级大国没有任何威胁的穷国,因此西方政客和媒体普遍忽视了这件事。
As an Indian ������ I humble ask the British Raj to please come back and rule India.作为一个印度人,我谦卑地请求英国国王回来统治印度。
A couple of weeks ago, Jake Sullivan flew to Saudi to convince MBS of US sponsored infrastructure projects to be built by India. I hope the Saudis are keeping a good look at this.几周前,沙利文飞往沙特以说服小萨勒曼接受美国资助的将由印度兴建的基础设施项目,我希望沙特人对此保持警惕。
It is possible that the River (Ganga) herself does not want the bridge to the there. They should move it to another location or a third collapse could occur as well.可能是恒河本身不想修建通往那里的大桥。他们应该把它移到另一个地方,否则可能发生第三次垮塌。
THE LAST WORKING ���TOILET��� OF INDIAThe video title says "collapses for the second time in a YEAR" ? I think people are more interested to know the total number of collapses since it's construction to fully understand the "made in India quality" of bridges ���视频标题是“一年内第二次垮塌”?我觉得人们更感兴趣的是了解自施工以来的垮塌总数以充分了解桥梁的“印度制造质量”。
My Mexican friend said Google and Microsoft are about to collapse like this bridge. First, i didnt get it. Then i found out both companies were managed by the Indian. Lol我的墨西哥朋友说谷歌和微软就要像这座桥一样垮塌了。一开始我没有回味过来,后来我发现这两家公司都是由印度人管理的。哈哈哈哈。
I guess its a good thing that it collapsed during construction. Imaging the bridge fill with thousands of people and hundreds of cars.我想它在施工过程中垮塌是件好事,否则想象一下桥上挤满了成千上万的人和数百辆汽车会如何。
I say what I like and I like what I say!Great Britain (the Raj) built that country and then left in 1947...since then what do ya expect when they use a sticky curry paste mixture as an adhesive! lol英国(译注:the Raj,(1947 年前)英国对印度的统治)建立了那个国家,然后于1947年离开……从那时起,当他们用粘性咖喱酱混合物作为粘合剂时,你还能有什么指望!哈哈哈哈。
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关键字:恒河大桥,恒河大桥二次垮塌,恒河大桥倒塌,恒河大桥坍塌 专题:印度责任编辑:管理员