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各国网民热议:以色列在安理会对俄中否决美国决议草案表示强烈不满,中国代表敲桌警告本文译自Youtube,原标题:China rebuts Israel's accusations当地时间25日下午,联合国安理会先后就美国、俄罗斯分别提交的关于巴以局势的决议草案进行投票:俄罗斯草案没有达到足够票数;美国草案被俄罗斯、中国否决,阿联酋也投下反对票。两项投票结束后,以色列常驻联合国代表埃尔丹发言,对俄中否决美国决议草案表示强烈不满,并批评俄罗斯的决议草案。对此,中国常驻联合国代表张军当场予以回应。张军表示:尊敬的以色列常驻代表,同以色列在这里辩论不是我的本意。以色列把中国当成对手,也选错了对象。你应该明白,从这一轮巴以冲突开始,中方就以非常明确无误的语言,谴责一切伤害平民、违反国际法的行为。我们所说的平民,既包括巴勒斯坦平民,也包括以色列平民。第二,你就今天的决议发表了评论,但我也要提醒你注意到,就在上周,(就)安理会一份同样包含了谴责哈马斯攻击行为的决议,中国投了赞成票,而这项决议遭到了否决。第三,我在刚才的发言中明确地提到,中国绝不是否认以色列的安全关切。相反,我们一直主张,同等重视以色列和巴勒斯坦双方的安全关切和合法权利。当前的形势下,我们在处理好这一轮巴以冲突的同时,不能否认巴勒斯坦人民的权利长期以来没有得到根本的保障。我们也认为,冲突的根源在于“两国方案”没有得到很好的解决。我希望,我们都能够本着诚实的态度,尊重事实、坚守正义,通过我们的共同努力,既解决好当前的问题,也能够让以色列人民和巴勒斯坦人民能够共同生活在和谐、平安、幸福之中。(观察者网、@CCTV国际时讯)
If you don't go to their side, you become their enemy automatically ,it feels like talking to a wall.如果你不站在他们一边,你就会自动成为他们的敌人,感觉就像在和一堵墙说话。
Bush once said it clearly before he barbarically invaded Iraq: you are either with us or against us小布什在野蛮入侵伊拉克之前曾明确表示:你要么站在我们一边,要么和我们作对。
If you say them to not attack civilians, you become their enemy automatically.如果你说他们不能攻击平民,你就自动成了他们的敌人。
Both Israel and Palestine are despicable. However I lay the blame of this entire situation at Israeli feet. Imagine a people who were subject to genocide and then turn around and commit it themselves. Sickening.以色列和巴勒斯坦都很可鄙。然而,我认为整个局势的罪魁祸首是以色列。试想一下,一个曾经遭受过种族灭绝的民族转过身来自己也犯下种族灭绝罪。真是令人作呕。
I'm shocked as to how Israel considers itself so entitled and throws tantrums when their demands are not met by some voices of reason.我感到震惊的是以色列怎么会认为自己如此有权利,并且在一些理性的声音没有满足他们的要求时就大发脾气。
Year by year the WEST looks smaller and smaller on a global level. What an excellent diplomatic response from China. Israel , USA and EU appear like narcissistic teenagers.在全球范围内,西半球看起来一年比一年小。中国做出了多么出色的外交回应啊,它让以色列、美国和欧盟看起来就像自恋的青少年。
Impressively diplomatic response from China.It's as if an adult entered the room...中国的外交回应令人印象深刻。
One man is shouting with anger and arrogance. The other is speaking calmly with humility and respect.一个人愤怒而傲慢地大喊大叫,另一个人则以谦逊和尊重的态度平静地说话。
Saying that your parents spent the last 20 days running in and out of bomb shelters while knowing Palestinians have been running around for 75 years with no shelters is absurd in itself. They think they can decide on a specific time stamp for the start of the conflict, but time is continuous, not mentioning history doesn’t make it inexistant你说你的父母在过去的20天里一直在防空洞里跑进跑出,但你却不知道巴勒斯坦人已经在没有防空洞的地方逃亡了75年,这本身就很荒谬。他们认为自己可以确定冲突开始的具体时间,但时间是连续的,不提历史并不意味着历史不存在。
Israel is acting like they're the victim and needing everyone on their side, truly sad to see. Yes, what happened to the Israeli civilians must be condemned. But they've turned a blind eye on how they've bullied and killed so many Palestinians throughout the decades, while they live happily as if they're better than the others. If you've bullied someone long enough, they will fight back.以色列表现得好像他们是受害者,需要所有人都站在他们一边,看到这一幕真的很可悲。是的,发生在以色列平民身上的事情必须受到谴责,但他们对几十年来如何欺负和杀害那么多巴勒斯坦人却视而不见。他们却过着幸福的生活,好像自己比别人更强似的。如果你欺负一个人的时间够长,他们会反击的。
As a Chinese from Hong Kong, I am proud of China’s stance and response regarding this conflict. Much respect for Zhang Jun. His delivery was honest, poised and precise.作为一名来自香港的中国人,我为中国在这场冲突中的立场和反应感到骄傲。对张军代表致以敬意,他的演讲诚实、沉着、准确。
@chairfacechippendale8540This is what needs to be on mainstream media. I’m impressed by the Chinese response, pretty much put Israel on check on a world stage.这就是主流媒体需要报道的内容。中国的反应给我留下了深刻印象,他们让以色列在世界舞台上备受瞩目。
Excellent diplomacy from China on the globe’s most sensitive issue right now. No resort to emotion. Statement delivered with respect for all humans and history. Well done, Mr. Ambassador.在当前全球最敏感的问题上,中国外交表现出色。没有诉诸情绪,他们在尊重全人类和历史的前提下发表了声明。干得好,代表先生。
Very well said mr Zhang Jun. He said the true and without bias. The right of Palestinians have been ignored for too long.张军先生说得好,他说的是不带偏见的事实。巴勒斯坦人的权利被忽视太久了。
Well said by the Chinese envoy - always impressed by the dignified manner of Chinese representatives on the global stage!中国代表说得好--中国代表在全球舞台上的庄重举止一直给人留下深刻的印象!
"Treating China as an adversary is aiming at the wrong target" In layman's terms. "Watch who you are talking to I'm not your enemy and trust me you don't want that".“把中国当作对手是选错了目标”,“注意你在和谁说话,我不是你的敌人,相信我,你不会想要这样”。
What a great response from the Permanent Representative of China to the UN, showing great maturity in the line of thinking and emotions. Well done!中国常驻联合国代表的反应真是太棒了,在思想和情感上都表现得非常成熟。干得好!
The language and statements of the Israeli ambassador perfectly describes himself and his government and everything it has done to the Palestinian people in Gaza and all over Palestine ... not just in these past 3 weeks but for the past 100 years !以色列代表的语言和声明完美地描述了他自己和他的政府以及它们对加沙和整个巴勒斯坦的巴勒斯坦人民所做的一切......不仅仅是在过去的三周里,而是在过去的100年里!
The Israeli envoy is obviously offended when Chinese Envoy pointed out the root cause of the conflict. Moreover, Mr. Zhang added that with honesty, respects for facts and adherence to justice, that’s just implying Israel is not honest or justice. Well said!当中国特使指出冲突的根源时,以色列代表显然被冒犯了。此外,张先生还说了诚实、尊重事实、坚持正义,这是在暗示以色列不诚实、不正义。说得好!
Very clearly demonstrated the difference in a childish diplomat versus a highly educated, well informed and mature one.视频非常清楚地表明了一个幼稚的外交官与一个受过高等教育、见多识广、成熟的外交官的区别。
I feel like I just witnessed all moral authority being transferred from the US to China. China has issues and I wonder how noble their intentions truly are (as opposed to practical and a simple power grab), but there's no denying that what this man so eloquently stated is more truthful than what's coming out of the US and Israel.我觉得我刚刚目睹了所有的道德权威从美国转移到中国。虽然中国存在很多问题,我不知道它们的意图到底有多高尚(而不是简单实际的夺权),但不可否认的是这个人如此雄辩的陈述比美国和以色列的言论更真实。
The clear distinction between someone talking from vengeful emotion and one with controlled emotions. The latter allows one to see all the facts not just the ones that has your blood boiling!这是复仇情绪与控制情绪之间的明显区别,后者能让人看清所有事实,而不仅仅是那些让你热血沸腾的事实!
i wish all decision makers in the world were so calm and collected as this Chinese gentleman.Man, lets settle these differences once and for all, i know seems impossible but i will pray anyways.I am quite sure there is a very big task waiting for all of us, but humanity first needs to get over this ridiculous stage.我希望世界上所有的决策者都能像这位中国先生一样沉着冷静。
It was so easy to notice when the Israeli delegate was telling lies. His mouth was opening and closing and his lips were moving. Great reply by the Chinese representative. Good luck from the UK to the Palestinian people.很容易就能发现以色列代表在撒谎,因为他的嘴在一张一合,嘴唇在动。中国代表的回答很棒。祝巴勒斯坦人民好运。
It comes to something when China is the voice of reason, Israel believes it’s the only victim here, because it doesn’t recognise Palestinians as people worthy of dignity or Humanity, this irony seems lost on Israel, wasn’t that long ago they were robbed of their status as Human and treated like animals. Victims of abuse do sometimes become the abuser and in this case it seems they have.当中国是理性的代言人时,以色列认为自己是唯一的受害者,因为它不承认巴勒斯坦人是有尊严或有人性的人。以色列似乎没有意识到这一讽刺,即不久前他们还被剥夺了人的地位,像动物一样被对待。虐待的受害者有时会变成施虐者,在现在这种情况下,他们似乎已经变成了施虐者。
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关键字:以色列,巴勒斯坦,加沙地带,以色列进攻加沙,以色列中国,以色列反对中国,以色列对中国不满 专题:中东责任编辑:管理员