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China's car quality is sub-standard, to say it as polite as possible, when compared to European or American car manufacturers.There are literally thousands of videos online of Chinese Electric cars exploding, as well as literal fields of unsold electric cars, that just sit there and rot, because nobody wants them. Chinese people strongly prefer foreign cars, because the build quality is so much better. Even their top-brand BYD created very expensive trash on wheels. There was a trend already months ago, where rich Chinese destroy their brand new insanely expensive BYD cars using baseball bats and stuff like that, because they don't work. Research it.与欧洲或美国的汽车制造商相比,中国的汽车质量实在是太次了。
Very few people are buying EVs in America or Europe. Too expensive, too much range anxiety. China going all-in, strategically cornering the market with huge subsidies, might turn out to be a big financial disaster for China. EVs only make economic sense when ICE are taxed or legislated out of existence. Turns out there is also very little “green” benefits with EVs when you’re destroying the planet mining lithium or generating electricity using coal. I’m very happy with my ICE BMW SUV.在美国或欧洲,很少有人购买电动汽车,因为价格太贵,续航里程焦虑太大。中国全力以赴,以巨额补贴战略性地占领市场可能会给中国带来巨大的财政灾难。只有当内燃机汽车被征税或被立法淘汰时,电动汽车才具有经济意义。事实证明电动汽车的“绿色”效益也很低,因为你需要破坏地球上的锂矿或使用煤炭发电。我对我的内燃机宝马SUV非常满意。
Here in Germany, the rise of Chinese cars is definitely a public discussion. I think an honest realization from a German perspective includes two points: First, we need to recognize that our domestic competitiveness has deteriorated through our own fault and that our auto industry has missed several important trend bets. Secondly, even if the Chinese really are doing a great job, the criticism of the European Union is justified. China is subsidizing its domestic industry in a way that is not common in other economies. This creates unfair competitive conditions.在德国,中国汽车的崛起无疑是一个公众话题。我认为从德国人的角度来看,诚实的认识包括两点:首先,我们需要认识到我们的国内竞争力的下降是我们自己的过错,我们的汽车工业已经错过了几次重要的趋势赌注。其次,即使中国真的做得很好,欧盟的批评也是有道理的,因为中国正在以其他经济体不常见的方式补贴国内产业,这造成了不公平的竞争条件。
Are you going to tell me your country doesn't subsidize your industries? What about the US massive subsidy program called the IRA? No problem with them? The fact of the matter is.. EVERY country subsidize their industry. You can argue extent but that's a slippery slope. The question you should ask is, given that fact, why is it that this is a problem? Is it that your country can not match the level of subsidy that China is providing? If not, why not? Or that fundamentally China EV makers enjoys comparative advantage due to other things like economy of scale, labor rates, or technology and other know-how?你想告诉我你们的国家没有补贴你们的产业吗?那美国名为IRA的大规模补贴计划呢?没有问题吗?事实是每个国家都在补贴自己的产业。你可以争论补贴的程度,但这是一个多少的问题。你应该问的问题是既然事实如此,为什么会出现这样的问题?是贵国的补贴水平比不上中国吗?如果不是,为什么不是?还是从根本上说,中国的电动车制造商因规模经济、劳动力价格或技术和其他诀窍等其他原因而享有比较优势?
Its not your "own fault". Its just that China is competitive on all factors. Did you honestly think Germany would have a monopoly on the auto industry?这不是你们“自己的错”,只是因为中国在所有因素上都具有竞争力,你真的认为德国能垄断汽车行业吗?
before you have any conclusion, please check data about money from any gov given to car companies in the form of grant, subsidy, or bailout. then you know that every country do the same things. chinese EV is cheaper because the competition is very harsh, every company must come with better products continuesly or they go bankrupt.在你得出任何结论之前,请查看所有政府以赠款、补贴或救助的形式向汽车公司提供的资金数据,然后你就会知道每个国家都在做同样的事情。中国的电动车之所以便宜,是因为竞争非常激烈,每个公司都必须不断推出更好的产品,否则就会破产。
Chinese ������ electric cars are heavily subsidized by many levels of Chinese government. Some people bought them, threw them away without driving, and still made profits.- That's why there are millions of new cars abandoned by owners across the country.And this is not an exaggeration.中国的电动汽车受到了中国各级政府的大量补贴了,甚至有些人买了车,没开就扔了,还能获利。
This guy seriously acutely compared the Audi RS E-Tron to Zeekr X and bragged about how good it was! BS That is like comparing a Koenigsegg Jesko to a Chevy Corvette. Of coarse more people will be interested in the Corvette BECAUSE IT IS AFFORDABLE! The corvette also has cool tech also so Koenigsegg might say the same. But in now way they are competing for the same market or have the same goals selling and creating cars!这家伙把奥迪RS E-Tron与极氪X相提并论,还吹嘘它有多好!这简直是胡说八道!这就好比把科尼赛克Jesko与雪佛兰Corvette相提并论。当然,更多的人会对Corvette特感兴趣,因为它负担得起!Corvette有很酷的技术,科尼赛克也是如此。但现在看来,它们是在争夺同一个市场,或者说,它们在销售和制造汽车方面有着相同的目标!
Cheaper Chinese EVs are not because of the subsidies from the Chinese government. if you compare salaries and supply chain costs, you will find the reason.中国的电动汽车更便宜并不是因为中国政府的补贴。如果你比较工资和供应链成本,你就会发现原因。
Exporting the production and technology to China/Asia over decades. Keeps the design and research.Now wondering why China is starting to dominate the market.几十年来向中国/亚洲出口生产和技术并保留设计和研究。
Most of the world will. Most of the world wont lose a second of sleep over it. America and Europe are NOT indispensable. Even though they believe themselves to be. Thats the free market. If China oit competes them then rhat is Europe's problem.世界上大多数国家都会出现中国汽车取代欧洲汽车的情况,但世界上大多数国家都不会为此而失眠。美国和欧洲并非不可或缺,尽管它们自认为如此。这就是自由市场,如果中国能够与它们竞争,那就是欧洲的问题了。
Yes, it is the China government doing the EV business. How can you fight with a country government? It is unfair trade practices. Increase the tax for importing the car is the method otherwise it is unfair for private investors.是的,是中国政府在做电动车生意,你怎么能跟一个国家的政府作对呢?这是不公平的贸易行为。增加汽车进口税才是办法,否则对私人投资者不公平。
Chinese cars are still many years behind the Europeans. We have MB and MG in the garage. MG can't match the driving experience of MB. The Chinese cars are cheap (in Thailand) and equipped with more SW and electronics but that is all the advantage they have.中国汽车仍然比欧洲汽车落后很多年。我们的车库里有梅赛德斯和名爵,名爵的驾驶体验比不上梅赛德斯。虽然中国汽车价格便宜(在泰国),配备了更多的软件和电子设备,但这就是它们的全部优势。
I know Chinese EVs will be never allowed inside India, u can see our govt & public was shocked by China's Control on phone market because of Cheap & affordable option.I hope I never see any Made In China thing in India someday in near future.我知道中国的电动汽车永远不会被允许进入印度,你可以看到我们的政府和公众对中国控制手机市场感到震惊,因为中国的产品既便宜又实惠。
Even mainland Chinese friends of mine wouldn’t buy Chinese made cars so good luck on your value for your money. I didn’t believe them and suffered for it.即使是我的中国大陆朋友也不会买中国制造的汽车,所以祝你物有所值。我不相信他们,因为我为此吃过不少苦头。
Never believe in cheap and good thing including car. Always, value for money, don't go for cheap and tomorrow its finished. Quality is more important than price. You pay less now you need to pay more for maintenance due to poor quality.永远不要相信便宜没好货,包括汽车。永远要物有所值,不要贪图便宜,明天就完蛋了。质量比价格更重要。你花的钱少了,但由于质量差,你需要支付更多的维修费。
A typical Chinese worker making EVs ride a 2-wheeled vehicle and live in dense apartment housing. European or American workers will never accept such living standards, so I don't see how they can compete with Chinese EVs.典型的中国电动车生产工人骑着两轮车,住在密集的公寓房里。欧洲或美国的工人永远不会接受这样的生活标准,所以我看不出他们如何能与中国的电动汽车竞争。
Everyone could take a look at AITO cars. M5, M7 and M9, this is the fastest growing car in China. The technologies in these cars are better than Nio, X, Li and Tesla.大家可以看看问界的M5、M7和M9,这是中国发展最快的汽车,这些车的技术比蔚来、极氪X、理想和特斯拉都好。
EU industry cannot compete anymore because they restricted themselves to cheaper natural resources as Russian gas or metals for instance after Russian-Ulranian war. Now they have faced a degradation of their industries and cannot do much about that but trying to push better Chinese products out of their market.欧盟的工业无法再与其他国家竞争,因为在俄乌战争之后,他们不能再使用更便宜的自然资源(如俄罗斯的天然气或金属)。现在,他们面临着产业退化的问题却无能为力,只能试图将更好的中国产品挤出市场。
Well western politician can only complaint of fairness, actually if they are not corrupting and spend on war, they can assist the company to help overall economy of the country and job for the people.好吧,西方政客只能抱怨公平,其实如果他们不腐败,不把钱花在战争上,他们也可以帮助他们的公司,帮助国家的整体经济和人民的就业。
from my chinese perspective this video is absolutely misleading, coz our cars seems have much more competition and conflict as well with Japanese cars as well as korean cars not european cars, our cars is targeting to the customers who looking for inexpensive and reliable . our cars dont have that heritage like european cars , it's like a LV Gucci Hermas so on compared a cheap chinese stuff , our cars not represents a status of rich or something, that's why this video is pretty bias and misleading从中国人的角度来看,这段视频绝对具有误导性,因为我们的汽车似乎与日本汽车和韩国汽车而不是欧洲汽车有更多的竞争和冲突,我们汽车的目标客户是那些寻求廉价和可靠汽车的客户。我们的汽车不像欧洲汽车那样具有传承性(比如LV,Gucci,Hermas等),与廉价的中国产品相比,我们的汽车并不代表富有或其他身份,这就是这段视频具有偏见和误导性的原因。
I only buy cheap products from China because I have no choice here in the Philippines but I will never buy anything high end products from China. I’m not stupid enough to buy anything high tech or high end products from China.我只买中国的廉价产品,因为我在菲律宾别无选择,但我绝不会买中国的高端产品,我不会傻到从中国购买任何高科技或高端产品。
Unlike here, unnecessary things are not on the discussion table. Chinese government is actually working on moving things ahead, forcast, and planning for the future. You can call their stretegy unfair and cry over it, but to me, those are the strategies of business. So stop complaining and start working.与这里不同,不必要的事情不在讨论之列。中国政府实际上正在努力推进工作、预测和规划未来。你可以说他们的策略不公平并为此哭泣,但在我看来,这些都是商业策略。所以,停止抱怨,开始工作吧。
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关键字:中国电动汽车,电动汽车 专题:中国制造责任编辑:管理员