

字号: A-AA+ 2024-06-02 01:37:30
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本文译自Youtube,原标题:Range 2100km 2024 BYD Qin L Interior and Exterior in details 4K

530日消息,近日,比亚迪发布了第五代DM混动技术,首批搭载该技术的车型秦L和海豹06 DM-i已上市,油耗表现是这两车的最大亮点。
但在发布会上,有多家媒体的实测续航显示,秦L DM-i的满油满电续航普遍超过2400公里。


These numbers need to be verified, but regardless of the efficiency achieved, it is always under optimal conditions and will only decrease throughout the life of the vehicle.
And as noted, the most efficient ICE is not very efficient at all.



The actual media test showed a maximum range of 2547 km...


lol, and another Chinese cars too, BYD definitely destroyed the market with this one


@RockaTrader  99% Uber driver in China drives BYD, most of their cars are under $ 20,000, meanwhile lots of million km car exists, most are over 500k KM in 2-3 years. Quality is not a issue now.

@RockaTrader 在中国,99%的网约车司机都开比亚迪,他们的大部分汽车都在2万美元以内。与此同时,他们有很多跑了上百万公里的汽车,大部分都在2-3年内跑了50多万公里。质量现在不是问题。

Unfortunately, the United States imposes heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and it is difficult for Chinese new energy to enter the United States.


One Youtuber in China drove it for 2416.4 Km with one tank of gas and a full battery.


wow 2100km range. with full charge and tank of petrol.
only need to fill up once a month.
only $14000-$19000 USD price. only if there is no tarrifs.  or USA ban




It's not a concept car, you can walk into a BYD dealer in china and buy one right away. A lot of people already got their car and tested the range.


To all combustion engine car manufactures, BYD = Be Your Daddy! Overtaken in any aspects, 1st thermal efficiency 46.06% with mass production car, Toyota Nissan can only claims over 45% with prodotype engine; 2nd over 2100+ Km range, some comments says bigger gas tank can make any car do it, actually can't do it without high thermal efficiency, fuel weight also make more fuel consumptions; 3rd gas mileage as low as 0.029L/Km; 4th 14K USD price for a B class sedan with full of sefaty and convenient features.


Cannot imagine how did they make it, range 1,400 miles with $14 K price.


Biden just broke the American dream to own a chinese car Americans will be jealous about the neighboring Mexican for their dream Chinese cars


Think the CIA had smell this out, that is why Biden quickly implement the ban before BYD release this shocking announcement.


what a shame that USA's free market is one of the very few where we cannot buy a BYD...


if US allows the BYD getting into US market, all used car dealers are out of jobs.


I wanna buy BYD in US . I do not care where it’s from as long as it fit my budget. Many people in the world can not afford $35k plus EV. BYD is what majority of people want.


In China, some tester shows the range is over 2400 Km with one full tank of patrol and fully charged in built Battery, can any other car has this amazing power efficiency?


Many people have tested the range on real city and open highways. The driving styles are the most common to day to day users. Many achieved 2,100 to 2,400 kms with a full tank of 65L and full charge of range of ~100k. The efficiency is amazing. Soon nobody is buying Japanese cars anymore.


I don't think your brief coverage provides enough context to describe the true impact of this BYD 5.0 hybrid tech. You can hypermile a tiny low weight hybrid to 100 mpg today, or you can make a small car that looks like an aerodynamic wedge using exotic low weight composites to achieve such economy. But what kind of cars did BYD provide for testing in their recent launch event? BASE TRIM conventional looking steel bodied 3 box sedans approximately the same size as a Toyota Camry ... which achieved 85 mpg at highway speeds, and up to 110 mpg at slower city driving speeds, meaning if you only drive around the city you live in, that ONE TANK of gas (65 liters or 17.2 gallons), can conceivably let you drive the car for nearly 3000 km or 1800 miles! So how much does this car cost in China, because BYD has already put it up for sale RIGHT NOW in China? It starts at 100,000 RMB, which is the equivalent to $14,000 USD.
Now you can understand why the United States raised its car import tariff against China from 2.5% 10 years ago, to 25% 5 years ago, to now 100%.

我认为你的简短报道没有提供足够的背景来描述比亚迪第5代混合动力技术(DM 5.0)的真正影响。今天,你可以让一辆小巧轻便的混合动力汽车超速以达到100英里/加仑的油耗,或者你也可以用奇特的轻型复合材料制造一辆看起来像符合空气动力学的楔子之类的小车以达到这样的经济性。但是比亚迪在最近的发布会上提供了什么样的汽车进行测试呢?它是与丰田凯美瑞差不多大小的传统外观、钢制车身的三厢轿车......它在高速行驶时可达到85mpg(每加仑汽油可行驶的英里数),在较慢的城市道路行驶时可达到110 mpg,也就是说如果你只在自己生活的城市周围行驶,一箱汽油(65升或17.2加仑)就可以让你行驶近3000公里或1800英里!比亚迪已经将这款车在中国上市销售,那么这款车在中国的售价是多少呢?起价10万元人民币,相当于1.4万美元。


Range test had been done on the BYD Qin L with 2 people inside & guess what? A whooping 2400km on a full charge & a full tank!!! This car only cost not more than $14000??? We seriously need cars like BYD!


Maybe we all think this is huge progress, but trust me, maybe just 3 months later even more surprising stuff will appear in China to surpass the current BYD DMi 5 technology


The middle class will no longer be able to buy a car cause of Europe's import price hikes the the importer will pass along to consumers. What happened to fair and free trade!! What happened can't compete?


Batteries and electric motors do the main power propulsion work, so the engine can work in the most efficient and comfortable range (for power generation only or direct drive to the wheels at speeds where efficiency is best matched), which will only make the engine's working life longer.


You can run a engine with 46% efficiency, only if it runs at constant speed like 3000 rpm (there will be loses converting to electric power). This is nothing new, and generation electric power for loading battery on demand has a case. Running from battery (plus generator) is still less efficient but lowers the need for big batteries. I personally think its weird having a engine running 3000rpm making noises while cruising at 20 miles along the beach (not so "cool").

你可以让发动机以46%的热效率运转,但前提是它必须以3000 rpm(每分钟的转速)这样的恒速运转(转换为电力时会有损耗)。这已经不是什么新鲜事了,按需为蓄电池加载电力也是有道理的。虽然用蓄电池(加上发电机)发电的效率仍然较低,但这可以降低对大型蓄电池的需求。我个人认为在沿着海滩以20英里的速度巡航时,发动机以每分钟3000转的速度运转并发出声音,这会让人感觉很奇怪(不是那么“酷”)。

Hey man, nothing surprising. BYD's shareholder is Mr. Buffett, the stock god. Charlie Munger highly recommends his stock and CEO.


Someone please import this BYD PHEV into the US. Don't take me wrong I love my country and I am willing to pay 100% tariff for it.


I can’t understand the logic behind the union to pressure authorities to rises import tax for the sake of preserve jobs. I thought it may have negative effects in doing that isn’t it less export from initiating trade war with china causing manufacturers to reduce their capacity then workers will eventually lost their jobs may be more than they think.


This is not a concept car, it's already delivered to the customers, a lot of people already did the real world test, with all highway speed at 85-100kms and lots of uphill AC keep at 24 degree all time, they get 2409km at the end. It's actually over achieve.


I think BYD number is legit since it is ICE hybrid with a huge battery so they can optimize the engine for a very limited operating range as a generator. Toyota hybrid can’t do this because battery is too small so engine operating parameters have to much wider thus reducing efficiency


Biden is neurotic, and byd's selling in the American market involves great risks, such as being arrested by his boss's daughter or forcibly selling the company. This is not the first time that the United States has done such a thing.




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关键字:比亚迪,比亚迪第5代DM技术,比亚迪续航2400公里,比亚迪续航2500公里 专题:中国制造责任编辑:管理员