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特斯拉陷入恐慌,中国汽车崛起改变了一切。比亚迪是如何取代特斯拉成为电动汽车之王的?(1)本文译自Youtube,原标题:Tesla in Panic! China's New Car Changes EVERYTHING!
US wanted to make a fool out of China. But instead, the US made a fool of itself. Let that be a lesson.美国本想愚弄中国,结果自己却出了洋相。长点记性吧。
Boy, did we get ripped off big time by the car manufacturers of Japan and the U.S., Germany...in the past天啊,我们过去是不是被日本、美国、德国的汽车制造商坑了?
Chinese got ripped off by US cars. In Japan and Europe few people buy ugly low tech US cars but for 2 decades China was full of first time buyers who didn’t know Japanese and European were that much better. But now they know.中国人被美国车坑了。在日本和欧洲,很少有人会买丑陋的、技术含量低的美国车,但二十年来,中国到处都是第一次买车的人,他们不知道日本和欧洲的车有多好,但现在他们知道了。
In US majority of Americans don't like US's big three brands.Due to extremely poor craftsmanship and cheap materials.Add extremely poor reliability on top of the poorly made product.在美国,大多数美国人都不喜欢美国的三大品牌。
Chinese government gave promoted BYD whereas "Biden didn't even invite Musk in his EV submit" that's makes a lot of difference中国政府对比亚迪进行了宣传,而“拜登在他的电动车报告中甚至没有提及马斯克”,这就是很大的不同。
Musk backed the wrong horse. Again. As a CEO he should’ve backed both horses in the game instead of courting trump fans until he realised how crazy Trump actually is.马斯克押错了赌注。我再说一次,作为一名首席执行官,他应该在游戏中两边下注,而不是去讨好特朗普的粉丝,直到他意识到特朗普实际上有多疯狂。
The problem with America is bad infrastructureBad infrastructure creates high cost, high labor cost.High housing price create high food/groceries price, thus make the labor need higher salary美国的问题在于糟糕的基础设施。
Actually, bad infrastructure resulted from bad economic structure where investment makes more money than working hard to manufacture or grow something. Since investment is more profitable, no one needs to manufacture or farm which requires the infrastructure to maintain the supply chain. Thus, no one need to build a new infrastructure nor maintain previous one anymore.Also, due to the investment heavy economy, the price jumps up for no reason: adds up bubbles and bloats price of everything. Thus, as you mentioned, higher living fee, higher salary to maintain the workforce.事实上,糟糕的基础设施源于糟糕的经济结构,即投资比努力生产或种植更赚钱。由于投资更有利可图,因此没有人需要生产或种植,而生产或种植需要基础设施来维持供应链。因此,不再需要建设新的基础设施,也不再需要维护以前的基础设施。
the overlords shipped the factory and your job to China and when you complained they said 'you are a racist'. And how it is 'better for the economy' to get cheap cars built by cheaper labour overseas. Now the Chinese overlords can produce better cars and the local overlords suddenly have a problem - Global warming be damned.领主们把工厂和你的工作都转移到了中国,当你抱怨时,他们会说'你是种族主义者',由海外廉价劳动力制造廉价汽车“对经济更有利”。现在,中国的领主们可以生产出更好的汽车,而美国的领主们却突然遇到了问题--该死的全球变暖。
I totally agree, passing through China I found costs (public transport, accommodation, restaurants) about a fifth of in Australia.. maybe even less我完全同意,当我路过中国时,我发现那里的各种开支(公共交通、住宿、餐饮)大约是澳大利亚的五分之一...甚至更少。
I don't care who produce it..I just want an affordable EV.hit the slightest little thing in the road and your cheap china ev will explode ,, the batteries the Chinese use are the soft packaged cells the catch on fire so easily在路上撞到哪怕是最轻微的东西,你的廉价中国电动车就会爆炸,因为中国人使用的电池是很容易着火的软包装电池。
@bengordon7635 I am not a big fan of China and never owned a Chinese car, but when the EU NCAP gave 5 stars to 3 Chinese electric family cars (BYD SEAL, XPENG P7 and BYD DOLPHIN) last year, that´s a big achievement for them and it´s look like they keep improving their quality.@bengordon7635 我不是中国的忠实粉丝,也从未拥有过中国汽车,但去年欧盟NCAP给三款中国电动家用车(比亚迪海豹、小鹏P7和比亚迪海豚)打了5星,这对它们来说是个很大的成就,而且看起来他们也在不断地提高质量。
Good luck with driving and surviving a shitty Chinese EV. When the battery burns down your house, you will understand how they managed to produce it as cheaply as they did.祝你驾驶中国产的劣质电动汽车并幸存下来。当电池烧毁你的房子时,你就会明白他们是如何以如此低廉的价格生产电动汽车的。
@skuripandaburns3489 The only EV's I have been seeing catch fire are Teslas. In fact, sales of Teslas were suspended in China for a while because so many caught fire or the self driving function crashed the vehicles.@skuripandaburns3489 我见过的唯一起火的电动汽车是特斯拉。事实上,特斯拉在中国曾一度暂停销售,因为很多特斯拉汽车起火或自动驾驶功能导致车辆崩溃。
Tesla/Musk sat on their hands for too long! I knew that China was poised to kick Tesla's booty because an affordable option has been badly needed since EVs came onto the scene and Tesla was too busy celebrating victory before crossing the finish line!特斯拉/马斯克坐以待毙太久了!我知道中国已经准备好踢特斯拉的屁股了,因为自从电动汽车出现以来,人们一直急需一种经济实惠的选择,而特斯拉在冲过终点线之前却忙着庆祝胜利!
If you live in a crowded city but have your own secure driveway and don't ever drive far, they can make sense, as long as you don't ever sell it (no resell value). For anything else, they make no sense at all. Btw, here in Malaysia a BYD broke. Literally just fell apart while driving down the road. In China a BYD electrocuted the driver. Are you really sure you want an 'affordable' EV?如果你住在拥挤的城市,但有自己安全的车道,而且不用开车出远门,那么只要你不卖掉它(没有转售价值),它们就有意义。如果是其他情况,就完全没有意义了。顺便说一下,在马来西亚有一辆比亚迪汽车坏了,在路上开着开着就散架了。在中国,一辆比亚迪汽车电击了司机。你真的确定要买“经济实惠”的电动车吗?
I think US and EU are more worried about Chinese EVs will sooner replace some of the established combustion automobile industries in their own countries. The use of national security to ban/restrict the import is just another absurd excuse.我认为美国和欧盟更担心的是中国的电动汽车会很快取代他们国家的一些老牌的内燃机汽车产业,以国家安全来禁止/限制进口只是另一个荒谬的借口。
The problem is the mainstream public do not want EV's, Musk has discovered this the hard way as he has run out of fanboys to sell cars to.问题是主流公众并不想要电动汽车,马斯克已经发现了这一点,因为他已经没有粉丝可以向其推销汽车了。
The demand for EVs all over the world has decreased significantly, a lot of people do not want to deal with the hassle of recharging the battery ….. there is a growing demand for Hybrid vehicles …. if Tesla does not change its long term strategy they will lose more money.全世界对电动汽车的需求都在大幅下降,很多人都不想面对给电池充电的麻烦.....混合动力汽车的需求在日益增长....如果特斯拉不改变其长期战略,他们将损失更多。
@Battleneter Most people don't want EV's because we don't have the infrastructure to support them. I drive between states for work and there is NO place with a charging station. As of April 2024, there were 168,300 charging stations for EV's in the US, with 44,600 of those being in CA.China currently has 1.8 MILLION charging stations, so more than 10x the US.@Battleneter 大多数人不想要电动汽车,因为我们没有支持电动汽车的基础设施。我开车在各州之间工作,没有一个地方有充电站。截至2024年4月,美国共有16.83万个电动汽车充电站,其中4.46万个位于加利福尼亚州。
@abqmalenurse Long charge times, range anxiety and cost are the main problems with Lithium battery vehicles, not enough charging stations seems to be well down the list for most people.@abqmalenurse 充电时间长、续航里程焦虑和成本是锂电池汽车的主要问题,对大多数人来说,没有足够的充电站似乎是次要的问题。
@Battleneter That’s why Nio is the future. Swapable battery’s in 3 minutes. So there is no range anxiety, plus only people who have never had an electric car talk about range anxiety. True the infrastructure in the US totally sucks, but for most people and their day to day, there is no range anxiety.这就是为什么蔚来是未来的趋势,它可在3分钟内更换电池,所以不存在续航焦虑,而且只有没开过电动车的人才会谈论续航焦虑。诚然,美国的基础设施非常糟糕,但对于大多数人及其日常生活而言并不存在续航焦虑。
Greetings, China has made EVs and many other items now affordable for most classes in undeveloped countries.您好,中国已经让不发达国家的大多数阶层都能买得起电动汽车和许多其他的物品。
6:35 Elon laughed first. 12 years later, he wasnt laughing anymore. And Wang is laughing all the way to the bank.6:35 埃隆先笑了。12年后,他笑不出来了,而王(传福)则笑到了最后。
I don't blame Elon for not respecting BYD at the time. He knew better than anyone where the technology was at. What he didn't understand, like most people , is just how OP Chinese people are. Like...we all sleep on how insane as a civilization they are, once they're awake it's hard to compete >:)我不怪埃隆当时不尊重比亚迪,因为他比任何人都更清楚当时比亚迪的技术水平。和大多数人一样,他不明白的是中国人有多厉害。就像......作为一个文明他们一直在沉睡,一旦他们清醒过来,我们就很难与之抗衡 >:)
2011 was around the time GM betrayed America who bailed them out, and have all their technology to China thru SAIC. Up until then, China was playing catch up. China definitely move fast though.2011年,通用汽车背叛了救助它们的美国,它们通过上汽集团将所有技术转移到了中国。在此之前,中国一直在追赶。不过,中国的发展确实很快。
Elon promise an affordable EV for more than a decade ago, never got around to deliver one. He was busy playing the system for carbon credit and make an expensive EV. Without BYD or China for that matters the world will never see sub 20K EV.埃隆在十多年前就承诺要推出经济型电动汽车,但一直没有兑现。他忙于玩弄碳信用体系,制造昂贵的电动车。如果没有比亚迪或中国,世界上将永远不会出现2万美元以下的电动汽车。
A few years ago I want to buy a new car and my daughter suggested to consider an EV. But price of an EV was more than double that of a petrol vehicle. I figured even using electricity was cheaper than using gas, but it won't make up the difference of $30000 in the life of a vehicle.几年前,我想买一辆新车,女儿建议我考虑电动车。但电动车的价格是汽油车的两倍多,我想即使用电比用汽油便宜,这也无法弥补车辆寿命中3万美元的差价。
Your math no longer applies. A Tesla is at about a 25% premium to an ICE car and the cost of ownership easily compensates the owner as a result of fuel savings and almost zero maintenance. With battery prices falling, EVs are becoming cheaper to own than non-EVs.你的计算已不再适用。与燃油车相比,特斯拉的溢价约为25%,而由于节省燃料和几乎零维护,拥车成本可以轻松补偿车主。随着电池价格的下降,电动汽车的拥有成本正变得比非电动汽车更低。
BYD has more than 90,000 research and development engineers, applied for more than 48,000 patents globally and has been granted more than 30,000 patents. It's impossible to stop them.比亚迪拥有9万多名研发工程师,在全球申请了4.8万多项专利并已获得3万多项专利。想阻止它们是不可能的。
BYD is amazing. In Germany there already (but very few) people who use BYD. But the US will try to push Germany away from China and possibly try to destroy BYD (like TikTok or Huawei)比亚迪真了不起。在德国,已经有人(但很少)使用比亚迪汽车了,但美国会试图让德国远离中国,并可能试图摧毁比亚迪(就像对TikTok或华为一样)。
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关键字:比亚迪,比亚迪特斯拉 专题:中国制造责任编辑:管理员