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本文译自Youtube,原标题:Tesla in Panic! China's New Car Changes EVERYTHING!
In what way can they challenge China beside using dirty tricks?
1830 British and American ships appeared at Canton, China. The crews forced their way into China, bringing a cargo with them. Cargo on ship: opium.2024 Chinese ships appear off the shores of the United States and Europe, causing panic among the politicians and car makers. Cargo on ship: EVs.Similar scenes. The Americans and Europeans should reflect on what they did. They reap what they sowed. Don't blame China. China is not doing anything wrong now, but just to sell EVs with good quality and low cost.1830年,英美船只出现在中国广州,船员们带着货物强行进入中国。船上的货物:鸦片。2024年,中国船只出现在美国和欧洲的海岸并引起了政客和汽车制造商的恐慌。船上的货物:电动汽车。这是类似的场景。美国人和欧洲人应该反思自己的所作所为。种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。不要责怪中国,中国现在并没有做错什么,它只是在销售质优价廉的电动汽车而已。
It’s a different mindset. Maybe if the cars were also accompanied by warships that threatened to blow all coastal cuisines up if they don’t buy, they might understand.这是一种不同的心态。如果这些车还配上军舰并威胁说如果不买就炸掉所有沿海的美食,也许他们就能理解了。
I think everyone by now knows which country is currently propping up and building the world versus the shocked, irrelevant jealous jeering spectator.我想现在每个人都知道目前支撑和建设世界的是哪个国家,不是那些震惊、嫉妒、嘲笑的旁观者。
$9700 ... This should be COMMEMORATED by Environmentalists in the WEST.This is a BIG step into the end intern combustion and clean the streets.9700美元 ... 美国西部的环保人士应该对此表示祝贺。
Well done China keep on with the good EV car the whole world's will enjoy the good price and the good quality as well...中国做得好,继续造好电动汽车,全世界都会享受到物美价廉的电动汽车...
It is not just BYD, it is just the entire Chinese EV industry. Tesla is just not competitive in the rain of Chinese car making which is just as innovative but cheaper.不只是比亚迪,整个中国电动车行业都是如此。特斯拉在中国造车业的大潮中毫无竞争力,中国造车业同样具有创新能力,但价格更低。
The big 3 forgot how to make an affordable/ reliable car.Maybe maximizing profits for shateholders is not the best philosophy for running a company over a long period.也许为股东谋取最大利益并不是长期经营公司的最佳理念。
I just came back to Europe from Russia and I saw what will inevitably happen in Europe too. Roads full of Chinese cars, mostly ICE.It's funny how Europe wants to impose tariffs on Chinese EV's. Aren't we still trying to save the planet?European car industry is dying. EV or ICE. Doesn't matter.我刚从俄罗斯回到欧洲,我看到了欧洲也将不可避免地发生的情况。俄罗斯的路上满是中国汽车,大部分是内燃机车。有趣的是欧洲竟然想对中国电动汽车征收关税,我们不是还在努力拯救地球吗?欧洲的汽车工业正在消亡,至于未来是电动汽车还是内燃机汽车,无所谓。
Fact BYD quality is far better that Tesla.I don’t have 60,000 to 80,000 for a Tesla. It’s good to have competition, we all win if China can flood the market with their EVs. But sadly, the rich will never let that happen.我没有买特斯拉的6-8万美元。有竞争是好事,如果中国的电动汽车能够占领市场,我们都是赢家,但遗憾的是富人永远不会让这种情况发生。
The US free market loves competition until it comes up to real competition from a foreign country, then its all about "national security" and protecting "freedom"美国的自由市场喜欢竞争,直到遇到来自外国的真正的竞争,然后一切就都变成了“国家安全”和保护“自由”。
It's understandable that the US car makers would run away crying. I went to China last year and I was extremely impressed with the vehicles that I saw. I was driven around in a Tesla in Hong Kong , and shortly after that I was driven around in several BYD cars while in mainland China. The BYD vehicles had nicer interiors, superior ride quality, and were great looking outside. I would really like to have a small car like the BYD seagull, or something even smaller from one of its competitors, to use as a second vehicle for city driving.美国汽车制造商哭着逃跑是可以理解的。我去年去过中国,我看到的汽车给我留下了深刻的印象。在香港,有人开着特斯拉汽车带我兜风,不久之后,我又在中国大陆开着几辆比亚迪汽车兜风。比亚迪汽车的内饰更漂亮,行驶质量更好,外观也非常漂亮。我确实很希望能有一辆像比亚迪海鸥这样的小车或者它的竞争对手生产的更小的车来作为城市驾驶的第二辆车。
Chinese bought 1 million EV in 2021, 4 in 2022, 8 in 2023. 30 million EV on the roads by end of 2024, 10 times the US. Besides BYD, China has a dozen more popular EV brands.中国人在2021年购买了100万辆电动汽车,2022年购买了400万辆,2023年购买了800万辆。到2024年底,中国将有3000万辆电动汽车上路,是美国的10倍。除了比亚迪,中国还有十几个受欢迎的电动汽车品牌。
In 2011, BYD was a joke. It was BYD's determination to improve. Its wrong to use 2011 hyperbole in 2024.2011年,比亚迪还是个笑话,但比亚迪有改进的决心。在2024年使用2011年的夸张说法是错误的。
A year or two ago, Musk said that Tesla and nine Chinese brands would be among the top 10 electric vehicles in the near future. Smart guy, but got the ranking wrong))一两年前,马斯克说特斯拉和九个中国品牌将在不久的将来跻身十大电动汽车之列。聪明的家伙,但他把排名搞错了:)
I really, REALLY wish I could buy a BYD in America.We have them by the thousands in Brazil, we never saw a Tesla lol, that is status cars for Europe and USA only I thank BYD for saving the middle and poor class.我们巴西有成千上万的比亚迪,但我们从没见过特斯拉,哈哈,那是欧洲和美国的专属车。感谢比亚迪拯救了中产阶级和贫困阶层。
Huawei already taking a page from BYD and will used vertical integration in their silicon based products.华为已经开始学习比亚迪并将在其半导体产品中使用垂直整合技术。
There are rumors that one of the camera sensors of the newest Huawei Pura 70 ultra was built by BYD. If you stop to think, a company like BYD that produces pratically everything by their own, they need to build their own camera sensors since EV's are becoming smarter each year.有传言称最新的华为Pura 70 ultra的其中一个摄像头传感器是由比亚迪制造的。如果你静下心来想一想,你会发现像比亚迪这样一家几乎所有产品都是自己生产的公司,它们确实需要自己制造摄像头传感器,因为电动汽车每年都在变得越来越智能。
The thing is, the Chinese are brilliant at waiting. If they can't get access to North America then they'll go to South America. And India. And Africa. As well as the whole of Asia. BYD has a much more versatile line up than Tesla, so it will have much better market penetration. And, of course, as it continues to build more cars economies of scale continue to accrue. Eventually, the US tariffs will be completely irrelevant.问题在于中国人善于等待。如果他们无法进入北美,那么他们就会去南美,印度,非洲以及整个亚洲。比亚迪的产品线比特斯拉丰富得多,因此市场渗透力也会更强。当然,随着比亚迪不断生产更多汽车,其规模经济效应也会不断累积。最终,美国的关税将完全失去意义。
Elon‘s arrogant laugh annoys me, who’s laughing now?There are so many such characters in the west that often underestimate others.They can't help it, it's brought on by centuries of colonialism and imperialism, so powerful, and so mighty, they really do think they are god chosen.没办法,这是几百年的殖民主义和帝国主义给他们带来的,他们太强大了,太厉害了,他们真的以为自己是上帝选中的人。
BYD's success is drawing the attention (and jealousy) of rival companies, and I'm afraid it's only a matter of time that what's happening to TikTok now is going to happen to BYD.比亚迪的成功引起了竞争对手的关注(和嫉妒),TikTok现在的遭遇恐怕迟早也会发生在比亚迪身上。
There are no byd cars in US . There is a byd bus factory in California . I wouldn't be surprised if it got shut down for "national security concern"美国没有比亚迪汽车,不过加州有一家比亚迪巴士的工厂。如果它因为“国家安全问题”而被关闭,我也不会感到惊讶。
China will always be cheaper, more innovative, & more competitive than any other products from other countries. Its in the Chinese genes. Have you seen the latest home products coming online. Jia you China.中国的产品永远比其他国家的产品更便宜、更具创新性和竞争力,这是中国人的基因。你看到网上最新的家居产品了吗?加油,中国。
Don't Americans support capitalism? Don't be upset when you're being out competed. The big 3 have been propped up for too long. Let them live and die by their own merits and not taxpayer bailouts美国人不是支持资本主义吗?当你被竞争者淘汰时,不要沮丧。三巨头被扶持得太久了,让它们靠自己的实力而不是纳税人的救助来生存和死亡吧。
Trying to outlaw the new and better competition is and old classic for dying companies. Just how trying to destroy a rising power via war is for a dying empire.试图打击新的、更好的竞争者是垂死企业的经典做法。对于一个濒临灭亡的帝国来说,试图通过战争摧毁一个正在崛起的强国也是如此。
There’s no way that I and millions of other people on Fixed Income or minimum wage can afford an EV.我和其他数百万靠固定收入或最低工资生活的人根本买不起电动车。
I would not underestimate the Dynamics of Tesla innovation. Remember it's much more than just an electric car company. That being said I'm very glad Byd is doing so well in the ev market我不会低估特斯拉的创新动力。记住,它不仅仅是一家电动汽车公司。尽管如此,我还是很高兴比亚迪在电动汽车市场上表现出色。
It’s not only car and batteries, Chinese government built the most massive and advanced power grid, brand new; Chinese highways, bridges and tunnels are brand new, Chinese companies has installed over 4 million chargers all over, and Huawei some 3 million 5G emission towers to enable Internet of Things capabilities and autonomous driving. Imagine soon you can tell your car to go pick up your mother or your kids as if it came with a chauffeur.不仅仅是汽车和电池,中国政府还建造了最庞大、最先进的全新的电网;中国的高速公路、桥梁和隧道也都是全新的;中国公司在各地安装了超过400万个充电桩;华为建造了约300万个5G发射塔以实现物联网功能和自动驾驶。想象一下,在不久的将来,你可以让汽车独自去接你的母亲或孩子,就像汽车自带了司机一样。
Cyrus ... many are not aware that the founder of BYD first became RICH making BATTERIES. Only later he started BYD EVs.Cyrus......很多人都不知道比亚迪的创始人最初就是靠生产电池发家的,后来他才开始生产比亚迪电动汽车。
The number of employees at BYD has increased from 100000 a few years ago to 600000 by April 2024, and the total number is still increasing. The number of engineers at BYD has exceeded 100000比亚迪的员工人数已从几年前的10万人增加到2024年4月的60万人,而且总人数还在不断增加。比亚迪工程师人数已超过10万。
first, one small phone force them to show their true evil face and heart, now, a small car is making them shit in their pant, ironic, since, the chip ban did not stop the car, imagine what else that is hidden and will only be shown in the future.先是一部小手机让他们露出了邪恶的真面目和内心。现在,一辆小汽车又让他们吓得屁滚尿流,讽刺的是既然芯片禁令没有阻止中国汽车的发展,试想一下他们还有什么隐藏着的,只会在未来才会使出的招。
Tesla just announced they were laying off thousands of workers a their Austin and San Francisco plants. Chinese cars in general aren't really available for sale in the US. The only available cars from Asia come from both South Korea and Japan. The average American consumer is really missing out on great cars from China including their new BYD vehicle.特斯拉刚刚宣布将在奥斯汀和旧金山工厂裁员数千人。一般来说,中国汽车并不能在美国销售,唯一能买到的亚洲汽车来自韩国和日本。普通美国消费者确实错过了中国的好车,包括比亚迪的新车。
I just went to China and was amazed at the amount of EVs there. Honestly i mostly only heard of BYD but didnt realize how many other companies there are. At the Beijing airport they had a EV on display, cant remember what company, and the tech was amazing. Spacious too. I guess BYD is thr most profitable one and verticall integrated so it gets more coverage.我刚去了趟中国,我对那里的电动汽车的数量感到非常惊讶。老实说我只听说过比亚迪,但没想到还有这么多其他的公司。在北京机场,他们展示了一辆电动车,我记不清是哪家公司的了,但技术非常棒,空间也很大。我猜比亚迪是最赚钱的一家汽车公司,而且它是垂直整合的,所以得到的报道更多。
That's shameful that the American consumer is being denied access to the best products on the global market due to petty jealousy against China. S.Korea is allowed to sell crappy Kia and Hyundai that have premature defects but because it is a USA pawn in the Asia region they get favorable trading partner status.由于对中国的嫉妒,美国消费者无法获得全球市场上最好的产品,这太可耻了。韩国被允许销售有缺陷的蹩脚的起亚和现代汽车,因为它是美国在亚洲地区的棋子,所以它获得了有利的贸易伙伴地位。
I have no choice but, to take my hat off and commend the Chinese People, it takes a very strong work ethic, educational values and a sense of duty to ones own country for China to succeed in this extraordinary manner, they did all of this within the past 65 years with much more room for growth MIND BLOWING, GO CHINA!我别无选择,只能脱帽称赞中国人民,因为中国能以这种非凡的方式取得成功需要很强的职业道德、教育价值观和对自己国家的责任感。他们在过去的65年里做到了这一切,而且他们还有更大的发展空间!
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关键字:比亚迪,特斯拉 专题:中国制造责任编辑:管理员