

字号: A-AA+ 2023-01-21 14:04:44
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本文译自Youtube,原标题:2023, will China's auto exports surpass Japan to become the world's number one?

日前,据中汽协会数据,2022 年,由于海外供给不足和中国车企出口竞争力的大幅增强,汽车出口突破 300 万辆,达到 311.1 万辆,同比增长 54.4%
据悉,中国自 2009 年以来一直是全球最大的汽车市场,不过,中国汽车消费市场,长期由大众、通用、宝马和奔驰等外国品牌主导。
此外,比亚迪、奇瑞、长城、吉利等车企也开始加速海外扩张,前段时间,比亚迪接连登陆欧洲、东南亚、日本等市场,并且获得了德国租车公司 10 万辆大单。
目前来看,自主品牌出口最多的是上汽集团,出口量达90.6万台,主要出口的品牌是MG,该车因为之前是英国品牌,所以在东南亚、澳大利亚、新西兰、沙特以及欧洲推广时更容易获得海外消费者的认可,主销车型是MG ZS系列。紧随其后的是奇瑞,2022年出口达45.2万台,同比增长67.7%,主销车型是瑞虎系列。
第三名是长安汽车,主销市场是南美、东南亚、中东等地区。东风和吉利集团紧随其后,值得一提的是吉利旗下的领克品牌在欧洲表现不错,主销车型是领克01 PHEV版本,汽车均价都相对较高。2023年,自主品牌将更加努力拓展海外市场,特别是在新能源汽车这一块,自主品牌的三电技术和智能驾驶方面优势明显,预计未来出口的主销车型将是新能源车。
As the world's number one producer and seller of new cars, it is the goal of Chinese automakers to become the world's biggest exporter of cars, and the key to achieving this goal is the upcoming 2023, so can China continue to maintain high growth in overseas export sales in the new year? OK, that and more is exactly what we are going to talk about today. Lets take a look.


edward kon
With China's size and scale, it is not impossible to overwhelm Japanese prowess in the automotive industry


TC691 Kiing
let's think if every Chinese has a MIC vechicle..there will be far more production lines needed to fill this figure up. China has a most comprehensive mechanical, battery, AI, navigation system and semiconductor supply chain for any EV. Even Vietnam or Indonesia made EV will be surpassing conventional Japan and Europe players some days later.


Wu Lung
Japan made a bad bet on hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The production of hydrogen from water require 4 times the energy that is obtained from using the hydrogen in fuel cells.


When it comes to heavy vehicles, hydrogen fuel cells is clearly a better choice. XCMG E300 performed very badly on hill even when empty!! Even worse the XCMG E300 cannot reverse uphill with load, even 200kg of load is too much for that truck! For that I rather have Isuzu FRR 500 or even better, a FSR 650 with Alison transmission. Either I go for Hydrogen fuel cell or back to diesels.

对于重型车辆,氢燃料电池显然是更好的选择。徐工E300在山坡上的表现非常糟糕,即使是空载!!更糟糕的是,徐工E300不能带负载倒车上坡,即使是200公斤的负载对那辆卡车来说也太多了!为此,我宁愿选择五十铃FRR 500或配备了Alison变速箱的更好的FSR 650。我要么选择氢燃料电池,要么选择柴油机。

TC691 Kiing
It wasn't bad. Sony Beta is better than National S-VHS.. but main stream and affordable win the market. Producing Hydrogen from costed energy source could be a bad idea. Australia and Malaysia produces Hydrogen from excessive coal and hydro-power. US produces deuterium or tritium from nuke plant...It is almost free.



Jackson Wong
China cars are very beautiful , superb quality and very much affordable .
In Singapore before you buy a car you have to pay S$ 100,000 buy a piece of paper called certificate of entitlement which is only valid for maximum 10 years and have to pay additional  for the car itself around S$100,000 , in total you pay around S$200,000 for an ordinary car ,all over the world which sells below USD $50,000 .



Isuru Thiwanka
I am also willing buy BYD, NIO evs and Geely and other brands for my car sale as soon as existing went off.������


The Chinese EVs are quite advanced, China & The USA are the two top players in this field. But the Japanese cars are more advanced in fuel cars. The Germany and Japan are the two top players in this filed.


Will Eisinga
It is All about Electric Cars. Battery Industry. Electric Car Production. Raw Materials, Batteries, EV Cars. Quality, Price, Service. China is frontrunner. Companies BYD CATL SAIC Batteries, BYD, Tesla Shanghai Gigafactory, NIO SwapNGo Stations, Xpeng Wuling MG Volvo Polestar GMC Geely and many more. China is frontrunner. Leaving ICE Cars in the Dust. I wait for NIO SwapNGo Stations in the EU Route du Soleil to go to Spain Costa Blanca. Swap Swap Swap Swap Swap

这一切都与电动汽车有关。中国是电池行业、电动汽车生产、原材料、电池、质量、价格、服务领域的领先者。中国拥有比亚迪、宁德时代、上汽的电池,比亚迪、特斯拉上海超级工厂、蔚来的换电站、小鹏、五菱、名爵、沃尔沃、极星、长城、吉利等公司。中国遥遥领先,那些生产燃油车的公司望尘莫及。我正在欧盟等待能够换电的蔚来来西班牙Costa Blanca。换电换电换电!

agus edyanto
hope that China will continue to improve the quality of its products to be on par with those made in Germany/Japan


From what I've heard, quality of Chinese EVs already exceed those of Germany's.
I don't know about Japan because they don't make many EVs.
Also, I don't know if you realize or not, there are a HUGE number of complaints against some German EVs (such as those from VW and Mercedes).
So far, I haven't heard ANY Chinese EVs having that level of complaints.
( Edit : Please check out the Electric Viking's YouTube channel if are interested to find out more about the problems of German EVs )

(编辑:如果您想了解更多关于德国电动汽车问题的信息,请查看Electric Viking的YouTube频道)

@ChinaSongsCollection  Mitsubishi already made one of the world's first ever EV - Mitsubishi iMiEV (based on ICE iCar or just "i") and shortly later Nissan Leaf (1st gen). Both of them had a very bumpy start due to huge scepticism back then. Now some people look back to them as a good 2nd hand EVs due to higher price tags on EVs (compared to ICEs).
So yes those two Japanese car brands - Nissan and Mitsubishi have made EVs even long before Tesla.

三菱制造了世界上第一款电动汽车之一-三菱iMiEV(基于ICE iCar或仅加了个“i”),不久后日产推出了Leaf(第1代)。由于当时对电动汽车存在巨大的怀疑,二者的开局都非常坎坷。现在,由于电动汽车的价格较高(与燃油车相比),一些人开始将其视为一款不错的二手电动汽车。


@T8PolestarCyan Hi.  Thanks for the info.
Yes I do know that Japan and others have had EVs since a long while back before Tesla.
But I was more referring to modern EVs of today since EVs of those early periods obviously can't be compared to the current EVs of today.
But I agree that Japan should be given some credit for helping start the electric revolution.


@ChinaSongsCollection True but I don't see significant difference between so to say 1st and 2nd gen Nissan Leaf other than blue-tooth, infotainment and such.
Both Nissan and Mitsubishi have experience as I've said so they can use what they already know and improve on it and/or keep costs down.
A lot of new EVs esp. new Nissan Leaf, Hyundai Kona electric etc. are cost prohibitive to some people. So did doesn't hurt to bring in more low cost EVs like Nissan Sakura and Mitsubishi EK X EV though there are Chinese ones like Wuling Hongguang Mini EV, Ora Funky Cat... just to name a few.
Basically I like to give certain people a benefit of a doubt if possible.

虽然中国也有五菱宏光迷你、Ora Funky Cat等车型....但许多新的电动汽车对一些人来说成本过高(尤其是新的日产Leaf、现代Kona等),所以我们可以引入更多的低成本的电动汽车(如日产樱花和三菱EK X EV),仅举几个例子。

@Suresh Shama - Made in India Tuk Tuk facing severe competition from Thailand and Philippine Tuk Tuk.

@Suresh Shama-印度制造的突突车正面临来自泰国和菲律宾制造的突突车的激烈竞争。

China Hamyku
In the field of traditional fuel vehicles, China started too late. However, as the world enters the era of new energy vehicles, China stands on the same starting line as global automakers and takes the lead one step ahead. China is now not only the world's largest manufacturer of new energy electric vehicles, but also the world's largest market for new energy vehicles, as well as the world's largest production base for new energy electric vehicle batteries. Japan made a wrong bet when the world entered the era of new energy vehicles. Japan is more focused on hydrogen energy vehicles. However, in reality, the cost of hydrogen energy is too high, and it is difficult to be accepted by the market at present.


sunshine sun
CHINA give incentives for EXISTING ICE vehicles in China ( ~ 340million ICE ) that need to be scrap over time. Many ICE are due for replacement ( More than 7 years old). If it replace 40 miiion per YEAR ...it would take over 10 years !!! Thus CHINA itself can absorb 40 Million EV per year. Increasing prices for Petrol , Diesel and Road Tax as China progress towards Carbon and Polllution reduction will expediate the transion to EV. text-green-game-over


Lyimo Ej
Just tell china to make their cars as reliable as japanese cars. Exporting too much unreliable cars will make no difference with germany's volkswagen.


I can tell you which brands you can rely on. SAIC MG, Haval and BYD. So far so good for your MG ZS EV. I am seeing more and more Chinese cars on our roads mostly driven by... non-Chinese. Tell you what, why don't you check out Haval in person and see for yourself? Haval Jolion and H6 are not popular for nothing. I'm seeing more of them on our roads.

我可以告诉你哪些品牌(上汽MG、哈弗和比亚迪)值得信赖。到目前为止,MG ZS电动汽车很不错。我在我们的道路上看到越来越多的中国汽车在行驶,大部分都是由……非中国人在驾驶。你为什么不亲自去看看哈弗呢?哈弗Jolion和H6的畅销并非没有原因,我在路上看到它们的次数越来越多。

S Leo
For sure German cars are only good if they are leased as you will not be saddled with unbearable repair costs when the warranty runs out which is why Japanese cars have been so popular


A cold day in hell before I'd ever buy a Chinese car over any Japanese car..


Frank Li
If you can buy up a few million cars a year then your opinion counts


Too bad, drivers of Japanese cars can't get away from my Chinese car especially on sharp, winding roads!


Just Me
denial is good, give you hope and happiness, when you go, they will deliver you in a Made in China EV.



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关键字:中国汽车出口超过日本 专题:中国制造责任编辑:管理员