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China exported 1.9 millions cars in first 5 months of this year, includes 287K vehicles to Russia, and Japan exported 1.6 millions in same period.China is still ahead than Japan without Russia market.今年前5个月,中国出口了190万辆汽车,其中向俄罗斯出口了28.7万辆,而同期日本出口了160万辆汽车。
@patton3338 In July 2021, the world's largest technology source country for new energy vehicles is China, and China's new energy vehicle patent applications account for 66.79% of the total global new energy vehicle patent applications. Followed by Japan, Japan's new energy vehicle patent applications accounted for 11.82% of the total global new energy vehicle patent applications. South Korea, the United States and Germany were 7.38%,6.42% and 2.98% respectively, ranking third, fourth and fifth in the number of global new energy vehicle patent applications.���2021年7月,全球最大的新能源汽车技术来源国是中国,中国新能源汽车的专利申请量占全球新能源汽车总专利申请量的66.79%。紧随其后的是日本,日本新能源汽车专利申请量占全球新能源汽车总专利申请量的11.82%。韩国、美国和德国分别占7.38%、6.42%和2.98%,在全球新能源汽车专利申请量中排名第三、第四和第五。[笑哭]
It takes time, China is the most fiercely competitive automotive market, and Chinese car brands have only recently begun to shift overseas.In 2020, China exported 1.08 million vehicles, 2.01 million vehicles in 2021, 3.4 million vehicles in 2022, and 2.34 million vehicles in the first half of 2023, with the possibility of exceeding 5 million vehicles throughout the year.The development speed of electric vehicles in China is very fast, and China basically controls the entire electric vehicle industry chain from battery technology to autonomous driving. The concept of the new electric vehicle brand is to produce Consumer electronics, which is completely different from the traditional Internal combustion locomotive. The production of electric vehicles in China is expected to reach 10 million units in 2023.I believe you will soon see a large number of Chinese cars in your country, and this speed will be very fast. The decline of Japanese cars may be in an instant because they are really poor in electric vehicles.In addition, in the first half of this year, the unit price of Chinese exported cars was about 20000 US dollars, much higher than that of Japanese cars. Is it a bit unexpected?这需要时间,中国是竞争最激烈的汽车市场,中国的汽车品牌最近才开始转向国外。
@needtau4138 so japanese toyota bz4x is so good in quality that their wheel falls off while driving and have to be recalled all of them. And then japanese toyota worked with “low quality” chinese byd to buy their car to sell it as a name bz3 so as to not cause more trouble?Japan cars are indeed best. thank you.日本丰田bz4x的质量太棒了,以至于它们的车轮会在行驶中脱落,然后不得不全部召回。之后,日本丰田与“低质量”的中国比亚迪合作,购买它们的汽车并将其以bz3的名称出售以免惹出更多麻烦。