

字号: A-AA+ 2023-03-24 23:49:24

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本文译自Youtube,原标题:TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before House committee as lawmakers push to ban app | full video
TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew is testifying before the House Energy and Commerce Committee as efforts to ban the Chinese-owned social media app gain momentum in Washington. The hearing is focused on TikTok's consumer privacy and data security practices as well as its relationship with the Chinese Community Party.
TikTok首席执行官周受资(Shou Zi Chew)在众议院能源和商业委员会(House Energy and Commerce Committee)作证,与此同时,禁止中国拥有的社交媒体应用的努力在华盛顿愈演愈烈。听证会的重点是TikTok的消费者隐私和数据安全做法以及它与中国GC党的关系。

美国政客对互联网社会“毫无知情”,更是对年轻一代“漠不关心”,这场本是针对TikTok平台的听证会,同样引发包括推特等用户的不满。一位美国网民在其点赞超6万的视频中表示,这群议员根本不懂社交媒体,也不在乎TikTok CEO的解释,而是更在乎美国企业的游说。另一位美国网民则干脆在他点赞数超15万的视频中呼吁,“美国年轻人们,我们能不能投票把这群国会老爷们选下去,他们一点都不关心我们,一点都不。”


i wish congress would actually represent Americans and work to make our lives better instead of this BS


Jameson Henigan
Why must our congress make us look absolutely incompetent and useless??? None of these folks know what they’re talking about apparently and over half look like they have one foot in the grave… We need to vote these people out.


Nicolae Girnet
This is like explaining rocket science to children.


This is why we desperately need younger people in our governments. It’s abundantly clear that these people have no clue what they are talking about regarding the internet.


Emma Vincent
Notice how everyone is literally reading from a script but this man is speaking straight forward. And then the Congress men and women have the audacity to be arrogant towards him like he has to follow their script. Like how is this real? For this to be the GOVERNMENT and have this level of unprofessionalism and ignorance is so embarrassing


Loc Nguyen
This committee is a disgrace to its citizens. I can understand the CEO arguments better than the members of the committee that won't even let him answer theirs questions. They are undermining the CEO's intellect.


Kiya Pryor
I am absolutely flabbergasted!!!! This whole speech at the beginning…..??? I’ve been using TikTok for for years and I’ve actually learned more about my mental health and tips that I can use and it has helped so much. I’ve learned about things happening around the world that I don’t hear on the news. This whole thing is just an embarrassment.


The congressman asked why Ticktok cannot has drug related content not 100% cleaned but Douyin(a chinese version of tiktok only available in China) can do it. He basically asked why US law is more tolerent to drug issues than China.  Anyone who releases drug related content on China media platforms will be in jail.  US should challenge its law system instead of challenge tiktok.


I thought a hearing was to let the person actually respond to their questions, not interrupt him incessantly.


Курманбек Базаров
Asking for the revenue of Tiktok is like asking for a person's bank balance. Imagine if someone asked you the same question "What is your bank balance? Can you give a rough number?" not everyone will feel like disclosing such information publicly.


Christine Matteson
God, Congress...please. They are so embarrassing. Do some research.  Must we constantly show our ignorance?! Make America Smart Again. Get dark money out of politics, and put up some younger, brighter, candidates that better represent Americans, not people who will do the bidding of the corrupt corporations and billionaires that own them.


The lawmakers acted like little kids wouldn't let the man speak half the time


Ragnar Lothbrok
Bans on TikTok could have a significant and harmful impact on the free expression of ideas by users of the app. A ban could also prevent Americans from accessing a popular platform that is beneficial for creative expression, economic growth, and communication. Furthermore, a ban could impede on American businesses' ability to reach key global markets, as well as a vast user base that is estimated to be around 800 million. Additionally, it could limit the ability of social media influencers to share their content with a global audience as TikTok is a significant platform for this purpose.


weizhen zhou
As a Chinese and media professional, I didn’t even download TikTok on my phone. But these congress man and woman sound like they are unaware of what they are talking about ��� it doesn’t make any sense. Could have gone a better direction if they have any sort of legitimacy built into their brain.


Tiktok is partnering w/Oracle to manage, secure, protect, maintain and store user data. Oracle is a solid US Corp w/global Gov & Biz contracts. The committee tribunal was a poor performance by congressional members; making grandiose statements w/no actual fact-finding Q&A or substance.


joyce chia
It’s obvious bullying and rude of some of the congressmen. Always running out of time and just give a one sided questioning. What’s the point having this 5 hour session.
Using TikTok, it’s the people’s choice. To be honest, I have never seen any distressing videos in Tiktok until I know of after I’ve watch this. I’m a user of other social media platforms for more than 10 years and in fact I’ve seen distressing videos out there instead. Mental health responsibility comes in many forms and thru other channels I.e. government and family. Keep a lookout on your love ones. Stop pointing fingers.



ney vioney
Interesting, seems like the congress deeply concerns children's moral values and desperately trying keep them way from  all contents relate to so-called Uyghur genocide , violence ect. But wait, whose media and drama series relentlessly promoting marijuana and substance abuse every second, I believe those content will deeply contaminate kid's mental health as well  ? When it comes to severe human right issues such as gun violence ,police brutality, promiscuity, child marriage, abortion, those congress folks and lawmakers turn blind eyes. But when anything remotely associates with China or Russia, congress will bolt from their chairs and function like  the world class moral exemplars, sparing no effort to criticize these two countries. The sudden shift in tone has left me pondering the authenticity and their real purpose of their newfound outrage.




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关键字:TIKTOK听证会,美国禁止TIKTOK,TIKTOK禁令 专题:中美关系责任编辑:管理员