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More pictures will be revealed, Why has the Indian army, which keeps claiming "victory", not released any information? Because they were completely routed by the PLA, bragging can't cover up the truth更多照片将被披露,为什么一直声称“胜利”的印度军队没有发布任何信息?因为他们彻底被解放军打败了,吹牛掩盖不了真相。
You have to pay for your risk taking and if Indian media keeps bragging more pictures will be release你必须为你的冒险付出代价,如果印度媒体继续吹牛,将会有更多照片被发布出来。
Sorry our Indian friends was infuriated by me,I don't know why they send movie screenshots to comfort themselves It was more awkward than silence Maybe I was wrong and forgot that our Indian friends fragile ego should be protected对不起,我们的印度朋友被我激怒了,我不知道他们为什么要发送电影截图来自慰,因为这比沉默更让人尴尬。也许我错了,忘记了我们的印度朋友脆弱的自我应该得到保护。
Images circulating on #China social media now allegedly show PLA soldiers with injured #Indian army men & equipment, these images appear to be of & around the #Galwanvalley incident现在中国社交媒体上流传的照片据称显示了解放军士兵和受伤的印度军人及其装备,这些图片似乎是加尔万谷事件前后拍摄的。
Well we declared our KIA and injured count on the day of incident itself. We also declared there were detainments on both sides (img probably from the same episode). We didn't take 8 months to declare selective causality count. There is nothing new in this img other than psyops.我们在事故发生的当天就宣布了我们的阵亡和受伤人数,我们还宣布双方都有扣留对方的士兵(照片可能来自同一事件)。我们没有花8个月的时间来公布选择性的数字。除了心理战之外,这些照片上没有什么新东西。
a quick look at the comments you ll see Indians living in an alternate universe. Indians been really into the conflict (not sure why) and making all kind of claims, but it appears that whenever they make a new claim like "200 PLA captured" China will release something in response快速浏览一下评论,你会发现印度人生活在另一个宇宙中。印度人确实卷入了这场冲突(不知道为什么)并提出了各种各样的主张,但似乎每当他们提出像“200名解放军士兵被俘”这样的新主张时,中国都会发布一些东西来回应。
unlike India, China has been low profile and dont want too much attention to the conflict. but somehow Indian propaganda office and Indian internet army think it was a complete defeat of the Chinese and cannot help but nonstop hyping up the conflict and making all sorts of claims与印度不同,中国一直低调行事,他们不想对冲突给予太多关注。但不知何故,印度的宣传部门和印度的网军认为这是中国人的一次彻底的失败,他们忍不住要不停地炒作这场冲突并提出各种各样的要求。